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In prey-predator systems where the interacting individuals are both fliers, the flight performance of both participants heavily influences the probability of success of the predator (the prey is captured) and of the prey (the predator is avoided). While the flight morphology (an estimate of flight performance) of predatory wasps has rarely been addressed as a factor that may contribute to explain prey use, how the flight morphology of potential prey influences the output of predator-prey encounters has not been studied. Here, we hypothesized that flight morphology associated with flight ability (flight muscle mass to body mass ratio (FMR) and body mass to wing area ratio (wing loading, WL)) of Diptera affect their probability of being captured by specialized Diptera-hunting wasps (Bembix merceti and B. zonata), predicting a better manoeuvrability and acceleration capacity achieved by higher FMR and lower WL, and flight speed achieved by higher WL. In addition, wasp species with better flight morphology should be less limited by an advantageous Diptera flight morphology. Overall, the abundance of dipterans in the environment explained an important part of the observed variance in prey capture rate. However, it was not the only factor shaping prey capture. First, higher prey abundance was associated with greater capture rate for one species (B. merceti), although not for the other one. Second, the interaction observed between the environmental dipteran availability and dipteran WL for B. zonata suggests that greater dipteran WL (this probably meaning high cruising speed) decreased the probability of being captured, as long as fly abundance was high in the environment. Third, greater dipteran FMR (which likely means high manoeuvrability and acceleration capacity) helped to reduce predation by B. merceti if, again, dipterans were abundant in the environment. Wasp WL only varied with body mass but not between species, thereby hardly accounting for inter-specific differences in the wasps’ predatory patterns. However, the greater FMR of B. zonata, which implies better flight performance and greater load-lifting capacity, may explain why the capture rate in the two wasp species is affected by different factor interactions. In conclusion, although prey availability remains the primary factor shaping prey use, prey flight morphology seems to gain an additional role under conditions of abundant prey, when wasps can avoid flies with better flight ability.  相似文献   

Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection has at its focal point the mating success of organisms. Among male animals, large body size is widely seen as the principal determinant of mating success. However, where mating takes place in a three-dimensional arena such as water, the arboreal habitat or air, small size with its concomitant aerobatic advantages might be advantageous. Despite considerable interest, the relationship between aerobatic ability and mating success has not yet been demonstrated in a single animal species. Here, we test the hypothesis that the known mating success of small male midges is due to their greater aerobatic ability. To do this, male midges collected from leks in the wild were flown and their flight paths in free flight were recorded on high-speed cameras in the laboratory. Four flight parameters that would seem relevant to male mate acquisition in flight, i.e. acceleration, maximum speed, tortuosity and turn-rate, were analysed with respect to body size. We show that, while in terms of maximum speed there was no detectable difference between small and large males, small males outperformed larger ones with respect to acceleration, tortuosity and turn-rate. We conclude that the hypothesis that small males gain their mating advantage through aerobatic superiority is consistent with the observations reported here.  相似文献   

Freshwater predatory insects can exert strong effects on prey, although how multiple similar predators may coexist is not well understood. Larval predaceous diving beetles are often numerically and taxonomically abundant predators in lentic systems, but the proximate mechanisms that explain their high abundance remain unknown. Field surveys were conducted twice in June in ponds in Alberta, Canada to assess the associations between larvae of two genera (Graphoderus, Rhantus), their spatial locations, and correlations with potential prey. Both larvae were common and positively correlated within wetlands although neither varied with pond depth nor distance from edge. Laboratory trials indicated that Graphoderus consumed more prey (corixids) at the surface, whereas Rhantus killed benthic prey (chironomids) and corixids at an equal rate; damselflies were the least consumed prey. Predation also varied with depth, with both larvae feeding at higher rates in the shallowest environments compared to Graphoderus at an intermediate depth. Predator–prey correlations from ponds were mostly congruent with predation trials; Graphoderus was positively correlated with corixids, Rhantus was positively correlated with corixids and chironomids; beetles were uncorrelated with damselflies. Reliance on different prey in different microhabitats may be an important mechanism for the maintenance of high abundance of dytiscid larvae.  相似文献   

1. We evaluated the effects of brown trout on boreal stream food webs using field surveys and enclosure/exclosure experiments. Experimental results were related to prey preference of uncaged trout in the same stream, as well as to a survey of macroinvertebrate densities in streams with vs. without trout. Finally, we assessed the generality of our findings by examining salmonid predation on three groups of macroinvertebrate prey (chironomid midges, epibenthic grazers, invertebrate predators) in a meta-analysis. 2. In a preliminary experiment, invertebrate predators showed a strong negative response to trout, whereas chironomids benefited from trout presence. In the main experiment, trout impact increased with prey size. Trout had the strongest effect on invertebrate predators and cased caddis larvae, whereas Baetis mayfly and chironomid larvae were unaffected. Trout impact on the largest prey seemed mainly consumptive, because prey emigration rates were low and independent of fish presence. Despite strong effects on macroinvertebrates, trout did not induce a trophic cascade on periphyton. Uncaged trout showed a strong preference for the largest prey items (predatory invertebrates and aerial prey), whereas Baetis mayflies and chironomids were avoided by trout. 3. Densities of invertebrate predators were significantly higher in troutless streams. Baetis mayflies also were less abundant in trout streams, whereas densities of chironomids were positively, although non-significantly, related to trout presence. Meta-analysis showed a strong negative impact of trout on invertebrate predators, a negative but variable impact on mobile grazers (mainly mayfly larvae) and a slightly positive impact on chironomid larvae. 4. Being size-selective predators, salmonid fishes have a strong impact on the largest prey types available, and this effect spans several domains of scale. Discrepancies between our experimental findings and those from the field survey and meta-analysis show, however, that for most lotic prey, small-scale experiments do not reflect fish impact reliably at stream-wide scales. 5. Our findings suggest that small-scale experiments will be useful only if the experimental results are evaluated carefully against natural history information about the experimental system and interacting species across a wide array of spatial scales.  相似文献   

In common with many other raptors, female peregrine falcons Falco peregrinus are about 50% heavier than males. Their sexual dimorphism is thought to allow breeding pairs to exploit a wider range of prey through a division of labor: the male being able to catch more maneuverable prey species; the female capable of carrying larger ones. Given the difficulty of assessing the catch success and load carrying capacity of both sexes of falcon in the field, we here adopt a novel approach to test the division‐of‐labor theory by using a detailed physics‐based flight simulator of birds. We study attacks by male and female peregrines on prey species ranging from small passerines to large ducks, testing how catch success relates to the flight performance of predator and prey. Males prove to be better than females at catching highly maneuverable prey in level flight, but the catch success of both sexes improves and becomes more similar when diving, because of the higher aerodynamic forces that are available to both sexes for maneuvering in high‐speed flight. The higher maximum roll acceleration of the male peregrine explains its edge over the female in catching maneuverable prey in level flight. Overall, catch success is more strongly influenced by the differences in maneuverability that exist between different species of prey than between the different sexes of falcon. On the other hand, the female can carry up to 50% greater loads than the male. More generally, our detailed simulation approach highlights the importance of several previously overlooked features of attack and escape. In particular, we find that it is not the prey's instantaneous maximum centripetal acceleration but the prey's ability to sustain a high centripetal acceleration for an extended period of time that is the primary driver of the variation in catch success across species.  相似文献   

The diets of larval Rhyacophilidae (Rhyacophila inculta), Polycentropodidae (Polycentropus variegatus) and Arctopsychidae (Parapsyche almota and P. elsis) from five streams in the University of British Columbia Research Forest, British Columbia (Canada), are recorded and related to feeding mode/constructional activities and prey representation in the habitat. Particular attention was paid to the extent of dietary overlap and the degree of intraspecific dietary variations between streams. An overall similarity of the diets of the study species was notable and all commonly consumed chironomid (Diptera) larvae, Simulium (Diptera) and Zapada (Plecoptera), although there was interspecific variation in the relative importance of these items. Polycentropus variegatus and Parapsyche spp. ate Baetis and Paraleptophlebia, the latter predators also consuming Hydrachnellae (Acarina). Other prey were generally of minor importance and consequently interspecific dietary overlaps were high. Differences in the range of prey consumed by predaceous Trichoptera were apparent. Free-foraging R. inculta which selectively consumed sedentary simuliid larvae had the narrowest niche breadth. Parapsyche spp. and Polycentropus variegatus foreguts generally contained an over-representation of chironomid larvae compared to their proportionate occurrence in the benthos, and these caddisflies exhibited high niche overlap. The relative importance of chironomids as food for Parapsyche spp. and Polycentropus variegatus is attributed to prey behaviour, i.e. drift, and poorly developed escape responses when they are caught on the predator's net.  相似文献   

1. Changes in one prey species' density can indirectly affect the abundance of another prey species if a shared predator eats both species. Sometimes, indirect effects occur when prey straddle habitats, including when riparian predator populations grow in response to emergent aquatic insects and increase predation on terrestrial prey. However, predators may largely switch to aquatic insects or become satiated, reducing predation on terrestrial prey. 2. To determine the net indirect effect of aquatic insects on terrestrial arthropods via generalist spider predators, a field experiment was conducted mimicking midge influx and a wolf spider numerical response inside enclosures near an Icelandic lake. Lab mesocosms were also used to assess per capita rates of spider predation u nder differing levels of midge abundance. 3. Midges always decreased sentinel prey predation, but this effect increased with predator density. When midges were absent, predation increased 30% at a high spider density, but predation was equal between spider treatments when midges were present. In situ arthropods showed no effect of midge or spider treatments, although non‐significant abundance patterns were observed congruent with sentinel prey results. 4. In lab mesocosms, prey survivorship increased ≥50% where midges were present and rapidly saturated; the addition of 5, 20, 50, and 100 midges equivalently reduced spider predation, supporting predator distraction rather than satiation as the root cause. 5. The present results demonstrate a strong positive indirect effect of midges and broadly support the concept that predator responses to alternative prey are a major influence on the magnitude and direction of predator‐mediated indirect effects.  相似文献   

Predators can affect prey in two ways—by reducing their density (consumptive effects) or by changing their behavior, physiology or other phenotypic traits (non-consumptive effects). Understanding the cues and sensory modalities prey use to detect predators is critical for predicting the strength of non-consumptive effects and the outcome of predator–prey encounters. While predator-associated cues have been well studied in aquatic systems, less is known about how terrestrial prey, particularly insect larvae, detect their predators. We evaluated how Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, larvae perceive predation risk by isolating cues from its stink bug predator, the spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris. When exposed to male “risk” predators that were surgically manipulated so they could hunt but not kill, beetles reduced feeding 29 % compared to controls. Exposure to risk females caused an intermediate response. Beetles ate 24 % less on leaves pre-exposed to predators compared to leaves never exposed to predators, indicating that tactile and visual cues are not required for the prey’s response. Volatile odor cues from predators reduced beetle feeding by 10 % overall, although male predators caused a stronger reduction than females. Finally, visual cues from the predator had a weak effect on beetle feeding. Because multiple cues appear to be involved in prey perception of risk, and because male and female predators have differential effects, beetle larvae likely experience tremendous variation in the information about risk from their local environment.  相似文献   

Arachnids are the most abundant land predators. Despite the importance of their functional roles as predators and the necessity to understand their diet for conservation, the trophic ecology of many arachnid species has not been sufficiently studied. In the case of the wandering spider, Phoneutria boliviensis F. O. Pickard‐Cambridge, 1897, only field and laboratory observational studies on their diet exist. By using a DNA metabarcoding approach, we compared the prey found in the gut content of males and females from three distant Colombian populations of P. boliviensis. By DNA metabarcoding of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), we detected and identified 234 prey items (individual captured by the spider) belonging to 96 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), as prey for this wandering predator. Our results broaden the known diet of P. boliviensis with at least 75 prey taxa not previously registered in fieldwork or laboratory experimental trials. These results suggest that P. boliviensis feeds predominantly on invertebrates (Diptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Orthoptera) and opportunistically on small squamates. Intersex and interpopulation differences were also observed. Assuming that prey preference does not vary between populations, these differences are likely associated with a higher local prey availability. Finally, we suggest that DNA metabarcoding can be used for evaluating subtle differences in the diet of distinct populations of P. boliviensis, particularly when predation records in the field cannot be established or quantified using direct observation.  相似文献   

Generalist predators have the capacity to restrict pest population growth, especially early in the season before densities increase. However, their polyphagous feeding habits sometimes translate into reduced pest consumption when they target alternative prey. An order-specific monoclonal antibody was developed to examine the strength of trophic connections between Diptera, a major category of non-pest prey, and linyphiid spiders in alfalfa. We report the development and characterization of a monoclonal antibody with order-level specificity to Diptera. This antibody elicited strong absorbance to 22 Diptera from 13 families, no false-positive reactivity to non-dipteran invertebrates, and antigen detection periods following prey consumption that were comparable between spiders. Over 900 field-collected females of the linyphiid spiders Erigone autumnalis and Bathyphantes pallidus were screened for Diptera antigen. Significantly more B. pallidus screened positive for Diptera (40%) compared to E. autumnalis (16%), indicating differential reliance on these prey. In parallel with the collection of spiders for gut-content analysis, prey availability was estimated at web sites. The two spiders exhibited different feeding responses to prey availability. Consumption of Diptera by B. pallidus was strongly correlated with Diptera abundance whilst the availability of other potential prey did not influence predation rates. Conversely, E. autumnalis did not prey upon Diptera in proportion to availability, but increased Collembola activity-density reduced dipteran consumption. Integration of molecular gut-content analysis with precise sampling of prey demonstrated how two closely related linyphiid spiders exhibit different feeding responses to the availability of prey under natural field conditions. Elucidating the feeding preferences of natural enemies is critical to effective incorporation of biological control by generalist predators in the management of agricultural pests.  相似文献   

Aphid suppression by natural enemies in mulched cereals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Large populations of natural enemies are the basis for natural pest control. Effects of mulch on predator–prey interactions in arable fields are poorly known, despite its potential to enhance ground‐dwelling predators and thereby reduce pest infestations. We studied the densities of predators and parasitoids, and their impact on cereal aphids in the presence and absence of mulch. Released populations of the bird cherry aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), and two naturally occurring aphid species, were monitored under experimentally reduced densities of: (i) ground‐dwelling predators, (ii) flying predators and parasitoids, and (iii) with straw mulch. The three treatments were applied in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design in a field of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The exclusion of ground‐dwelling predators increased aphid populations by 55% in June and 40% in July, respectively. Mulched plots had 25% lower aphid densities in June. This was presumably due to enhanced densities of spiders (Araneida) in mulched plots. The exclusion of flying predators and parasitoids led to 94% higher aphid populations in late July (109 vs. 56 individuals per 100 shoots), irrespective of mulch or ground predator manipulation. This was attributed to the larvae of gall midges Aphidoletes cf. aphidimyza (Rondani) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae). The results indicate that a scarcity of predators and a bare soil surface renders crops more susceptible to arthropod pests. Farming schemes should aim at enhancing both ground‐dwelling and flying predators for elevated levels of natural pest control.  相似文献   

Abstract Changes in the abundance and biomass of aquatic and terrestrial aerial insects with distance (mid‐stream, 0, 10–15 and 160 m) from lowland streams were examined across the dry season landscape in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia. Malaise traps and sticky intercept traps were used to sample the insects at four streams, spaced over an area of 1650 km2. Malaise and intercept catches were dominated by Diptera (flies and midges), both numerically and by biomass. Chironomid midges were the most abundant taxon, making up 43.4 and 51.0% of the malaise and intercept trap catches, respectively. However, most chironomids were small (less than 3 mm body length), contributing 34.9% to intercept trap biomass, but only 5.2% in malaise traps. Ceratopogonid midges and caddisflies (Trichoptera) accounted for most of the remaining adult aquatic insects. Major terrestrial components were Diptera and Hymenoptera in malaise traps and Coleoptera and Diptera in intercept traps. The total abundance and biomass of insects were much greater over streams and along the water's edge than in riparian (10–15 m) and savanna (160 m) habitats primarily because of the presence of large numbers of adult aquatic insects. The abundance and biomass of terrestrial insects in malaise traps showed no relationship with distance, but intercept trap catches suggested slightly greater abundances over the water and at the water's edge. The great abundance of aquatic insects relative to terrestrial insects close to streams suggests that they have the potential to be an important component of the diets of riparian insectivores, and predation may be an important pathway by which aquatic nutrients and energy are moved into terrestrial food webs.  相似文献   

Predators may utilize signals to exploit the sensory biases of their prey or their predators. The inclusion of conspicuous silk structures called decorations or stabilimenta in the webs of some orb‐web spiders (Araneae: Araneidae, Tetragnathidae, Uloboridae) appears to be an example of a sensory exploitation system. The function of these structures is controversial but they may signal to attract prey and/or deter predators. Here, we test these predictions, using a combination of field manipulations and laboratory experiments. In the field, decorations influenced the foraging success of adult female St. Andrew’s Cross spiders, Argiope keyserlingi: inclusion of decorations increased prey capture rates as the available prey also increased. In contrast, when decorations were removed, prey capture rates were low and unrelated to the amount of available prey. Laboratory choice experiments showed that significantly more flies (Chrysomya varipes; Diptera: Calliphoridae) were attracted to decorated webs. However, decorations also attracted predators (adult and juvenile praying mantids, Archimantis latistylus; Mantodea: Mantidae) to the web. St. Andrew’s Cross spiders apparently resolve the conflicting nature of a prey‐ and predator‐attracting signal by varying their decorating behaviour according to the risk of predation: spiders spun fewer decorations if their webs were located in dense vegetation where predators had greater access, than if the webs were located in sparse vegetation.  相似文献   

Among both ecologists and the wider community there is a tacit assumption that predators regulate populations of their prey. But there is evidence from a wide taxonomic and geographic range of studies that predators that are adapted to co-evolved prey generally do not regulate their prey. This is because predators either cannot reproduce as fast as their prey and/or are inefficient hunters unable to catch enough prey to sustain maximum reproduction. The greater capacity of herbivores to breed successfully is, however, normally restricted by a lack of enough food of sufficient quality to support reproduction. But whenever this shortage is alleviated by a large pulse of food, herbivores increase their numbers to outbreak levels. Their predators are unable to contain this increase, but their numbers, too, surge in response to this increase in food. Eventually both their populations will crash once the food supply runs out, first for the herbivores and then for the predators. Then an “over-run” of predators will further depress the already declining prey population, appearing to be controlling its abundance. This latter phenomenon has led many ecologists to conclude that predators are regulating the numbers of their prey. However, it is the same process that is revealed during outbreaks that limits populations of both predator and prey in “normal” times, although this is usually not readily apparent. Nevertheless, as all the diverse cases discussed here attest, the abundance of predators and their co-evolved prey are both limited by their food: the predators are passengers, not drivers.  相似文献   

Members of the families Chironomidae (chironomids or non-biting midges), Ceratopogonidae (ceratopogonids or biting midges) and Simuliidae (simulids or blackflies) are ubiquitous dipterans of the infraorder Culicomorpha. They are extremely diversified in ecological strategies. Their larvae play major roles in aquatic food webs as detritivores or predators, whereas their adults can be general predators (Chironomidae), hemolymphagous or hematophagous predators (Ceratopogonidae and Simuliidae) or pollinators. Both larval and adult stages are commonly infected by bacteria, viruses, protists, nematodes, true fungi and oomycetes. These phylogenetically diverse assemblages of microorganisms can simultaneously infect multiple species of chironomids, ceratopogonids and simulids, and each host may become trophically interrelated with other hosts by sharing their parasites. Here, we review the information on fungal and oomycete parasites of these dipteran groups with special reference to the natural regulation of host populations, the impact of parasitism in food webs, and the potential of these parasites as biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Terrestrial predators on marine shores benefit from the inflow of organisms and matter from the marine ecosystem, often causing very high predator densities and indirectly affecting the abundance of other prey species on shores. This indirect effect may be particularly strong if predators shift diets between seasons. We therefore quantified the seasonal variation in diet of two wolf spider species that dominate the shoreline predator community, using molecular gut content analyses with general primers to detect the full prey range. Across the season, spider diets changed, with predominantly terrestrial prey from May until July and predominantly marine prey (mainly chironomids) from August until October. This pattern coincided with a change in the spider age and size structure, and prey abundance data and resource selection analyses suggest that the higher consumption of chironomids during autumn is due to an ontogenetic diet shift rather than to variation in prey abundance. The analyses suggested that small dipterans with a weak flight capacity, such as Chironomidae, Sphaeroceridae, Scatopsidae and Ephydridae, were overrepresented in the gut of small juvenile spiders during autumn, whereas larger, more robust prey, such as Lepidoptera, Anthomyidae and Dolichopodidae, were overrepresented in the diet of adult spiders during spring. The effect of the inflow may be that the survival and growth of juvenile spiders is higher in areas with high chironomid abundances, leading to higher densities of adult spiders and higher predation rates on the terrestrial prey next spring.  相似文献   

  1. Predation is a pervasive force that structures food webs and directly influences ecosystem functioning. The relative body sizes of predators and prey may be an important determinant of interaction strengths. However, studies quantifying the combined influence of intra‐ and interspecific variation in predator–prey body size ratios are lacking.
  2. We use a comparative functional response approach to examine interaction strengths between three size classes of invasive bluegill and largemouth bass toward three scaled size classes of their tilapia prey. We then quantify the influence of intra‐ and interspecific predator–prey body mass ratios on the scaling of attack rates and handling times.
  3. Type II functional responses were displayed by both predators across all predator and prey size classes. Largemouth bass consumed more than bluegill at small and intermediate predator size classes, while large predators of both species were more similar. Small prey were most vulnerable overall; however, differential attack rates among prey were emergent across predator sizes. For both bluegill and largemouth bass, small predators exhibited higher attack rates toward small and intermediate prey sizes, while larger predators exhibited greater attack rates toward large prey. Conversely, handling times increased with prey size, with small bluegill exhibiting particularly low feeding rates toward medium–large prey types. Attack rates for both predators peaked unimodally at intermediate predator–prey body mass ratios, while handling times generally shortened across increasing body mass ratios.
  4. We thus demonstrate effects of body size ratios on predator–prey interaction strengths between key fish species, with attack rates and handling times dependent on the relative sizes of predator–prey participants.
  5. Considerations for intra‐ and interspecific body size ratio effects are critical for predicting the strengths of interactions within ecosystems and may drive differential ecological impacts among invasive species as size ratios shift.

Understanding the factors and mechanisms that affect the impacts of invasive species in invaded environments has been widely debated among researchers. However, few studies about invasive species have explored the effects of predation risks by native predators on exotic prey. Herein, the traditional invasive predator-native prey framework was reversed. We tested if tadpoles, of the worldwide invasive American Bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus, were affected by the predation risk imposed by native predators. We used two different species of belostomatid predators and tested whether and how predation-induced phenotypic plasticity on L. catesbeianus reverberated in morphological, physiological, and ecosystem-level processes. Individuals of L. catesbeianus modified their morphological (tail muscle width), behavioral (activity and foraging), and physiological (growth and growth efficiency) traits in the presence of predation risk. Based on the observed morphological changes, our results suggest that prey may recognize predator-specific cues. In addition, we observed that L. catesbeianus' responses to predation risk can affect ecosystem-level properties, by inducing trophic cascades and reducing animal-mediated nutrient recycling rates. In summary, our study supports that exotic prey species who are subjected to native predators may display anti-predator responses, with implications for their development, as well as possible ecosystem-level effects.  相似文献   

Predation has been invoked as a factor synchronizing the population oscillations of sympatric prey species, either because predators kill prey unselectively (the Shared Predation Hypothesis; hereafter SPH), or because predators switch to alternative prey after a density decline in their main prey (the Alternative Prey Hypothesis; APH). A basic assumption of the APH is that the impact of predators on alternative prey depends more on the density of main prey than on the predator/alternative prey ratio. Both SPH and APH assume that the impact of predators on alternative prey is at least periodically strong enough to depress prey populations. To examine these assumptions, we utilized data from replicated field experiments in large areas where we reduced the breeding densities of avian predators during three years and the numbers of least weasels (Mustela nivalis) in two years when vole populations declined. In addition, we reduced the breeding densities of avian predators in two years when vole populations were high. The reduction of least weasels increased the abundance of their alternative prey, small birds breeding on the ground, but did not affect the abundance of common shrews (Sorex araneus). In years when vole populations declined, the reduction of avian predators increased the abundance of their alternative prey, common shrews and small birds. Therefore, vole‐eating predators do at least periodically depress the abundance of their alternative prey. At high vole densities, the reduction of avian predators did not increase the abundance of common shrews, although the ratio of avian predators to alternative prey was similar to years when vole populations declined, which supported APH. In contrast, the abundance of small birds increased after the reduction of avian predators also at high vole densities, which supported SPH. The manipulations had no obvious effect on the number of game birds, which are only occasionally killed by these small‐sized predators. We conclude that in communities where most predators are small or specialize on a single prey type, the synchronizing impact of predation is restricted to a few similar‐sized species.  相似文献   

Predator–prey relationships are vital to ecosystem function and there is a need for greater predictive understanding of these interactions. We develop a geometric foraging model predicting minimum prey size scaling in marine and terrestrial vertebrate predators taking into account habitat dimensionality and biological traits. Our model predicts positive predator–prey size relationships on land but negative relationships in the sea. To test the model, we compiled data on diets of 794 predators (mammals, snakes, sharks and rays). Consistent with predictions, both terrestrial endotherm and ectotherm predators have significantly positive predator–prey size relationships. Marine predators, however, exhibit greater variation. Some of the largest predators specialise on small invertebrates while others are large vertebrate specialists. Prey–predator mass ratios were generally higher for ectothermic than endothermic predators, although dietary patterns were similar. Model‐based simulations of predator–prey relationships were consistent with observed relationships, suggesting that our approach provides insights into both trends and diversity in predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

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