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The social organization of a population is the consequence of the decisions made by individuals to maximize their fitness, so differences in social systems may arise from differences in ecological conditions. Here, we show how a long-lived species that used to breed monogamously, and at low densities, can change its mating system in response to habitat saturation. We found that a significant proportion of unpaired birds become potential breeders by entering high-quality territories, or by forming polyandrous trios as a strategy to increase their individual performance. However, productivity of territories was reduced when those occupied by breeding pairs changed to trios, suggesting that the third individual was costly. The decision of some individuals to enter into breeding trios as subordinates also had clear negative consequences to population demography. This unusual mating behaviour is thus compromising the conservation effort directed to this endangered species; management to encourage floaters to settle in other suitable but unoccupied areas may be beneficial.  相似文献   

The robber fly Mallophora ruficauda is one of the principal apicultural pests in the Pampas region of Argentina. As adults, the flies prey on honey bees and other insects; while, as larvae, they parasitize scarab beetle larvae. Females of M. ruficauda lay eggs away from the host in tall grasses. After being dispersed by the wind, larvae drop to the ground, where they dig in search of their hosts. It is known that second instar larvae of M. ruficauda exhibit active host searching behaviour towards its preferred host, third instar larva of Cyclocephala signaticollis, using host-related chemical cues. Furthermore, previous works show that these chemical cues are produced in the posterior body half of hosts. However, the precise anatomical origin of these cues and whether they mediate any behaviour of C. signaticollis larvae remains yet unknown. In order to determine the precise origin of the chemical cue, we carried out olfactometer assays with different stimuli of extracts of the posterior C. signaticollis body half. Additionally, we tested whether C. signaticollis is attracted to any of the same extracts as in the previous experiments. We found that both second instar of M. ruficauda and third instar of C. signaticollis are attracted to extracts of the fermentation chamber (proctodeum). This is the first report of attraction of conspecific larvae in scarab beetles. We discuss a possible case of system communication exploitation in an immature parasitoid-host system.  相似文献   

A large sample of skulls and associated dentitions of Cormohipparion sphenodus (Cope, 1889). new combination, is described from Miocene deposits of Nebraska, Colorado, New Mexico, and California. This species is morphologically more advanced than the most primitive species of the genus, C. goorisiMacFadden & Skinner, 1981, and more primitive than a third and more advanced species of this genus. C. occidentale (Leidy, 1856). In several characters such as configuration of the preobrital fossa, size, hypsodonty, shape of protocone, and complexity of enamel plication, C. sphenodus is morphologically similar, and potentially related to, some Old World Vallesian «Hipparion. In addition, based on radiometric calibration of stratigraphic sequences in Nebraska and California, C. sphenodus spans an interval of time from about 13.6 to 11 Ma. Inasmuch as the Old World «Hipparion Datum is calibrated at about 12 Ma, we conclude that C. sphenodus exhibits the morphological and chronological prerequisites to have been directly ancestral to some of these Old World forms.The hipparion horses apparently were a polyphyletic assemblage of several genera, and their biogeographic and biochronologic history is more complex than classically thought. Several dispersal events involving these horses may have occurred between the New and Old Worlds during the late Miocene.  相似文献   

A number of authors have pointed to “convergent evolution” as evidence for the central role of natural selection in shaping predictable trajectories of macroevolution. However, there are numerous conceptual and empirical difficulties that arise in broadly appealing to the frequency of homoplasy as evidence for a non-contingently constrained adaptational design space. Most important is the need to distinguish between convergent (externally constrained) and parallel (internally constrained) evolution, and to consider how the respective frequencies of these significantly different sources of homoplasy affect a strong adaptationist view of life. In this paper, I critically evaluate Simon Conway Morris’s use of the homoplasy literature to support his argument for a non-contingent, counterfactually stable account of macroevolutionary pattern. In so doing, I offer a conception of parallelism which avoids the charge that it differs from convergence merely in degree and not in kind. I argue that although organisms sharing a homoplastic trait will also share varying degrees of homology, it is the underlying developmental homology with respect to the generators directly causally responsible for the homoplastic event that defines parallel evolution and non-arbitrarily distinguishes it from convergence. The notion of “screening-off” is used to distinguish the proximal generators of a homoplastic trait from its more distal genetic causes (such as a master control gene).
Russell PowellEmail:

Background and AimsTheory predicts that outcrossing should be more prevalent among perennials than annuals, a pattern confirmed by comparative evidence from diverse angiosperm families. However, intraspecific comparisons between annual and perennial populations are few because such variation is uncommon among flowering plants. Here, we test the hypothesis that perennial populations outcross more than annual populations by investigating Incarvillea sinensis, a wide-ranging insect-pollinated herb native to China. The occurrence of both allopatric and sympatric populations allows us to examine the stability of mating system differences between life histories under varying ecological conditions.MethodsWe estimated outcrossing rates and biparental inbreeding in 16 allopatric and five sympatric populations in which both life histories coexisted using 20 microsatellite loci. In each population we measured height, branch number, corolla size, tube length and herkogamy for ~30 individuals. In a sympatric population, we recorded daily flower number, pollinator visitation and the fruit and seed set of annual and perennial plants.Key ResultsAs predicted, outcrossing rates (t) were considerably higher in perennial (mean = 0.76) than annual (mean = 0.09) populations. This difference in mating system was also maintained at sympatric sites where plants grew intermixed. In both allopatric and sympatric populations the degree of herkogamy was consistently larger in outcrossing than selfing plants. Perennials were more branched, with more and larger flowers than in annuals. In a sympatric population, annuals had a significantly higher fruit and seed set than perennials.ConclusionsGenetically based differences in herkogamy between annuals and perennials appear to play a key role in governing outcrossing rates in populations, regardless of variation in local ecological conditions. The maintenance of mating system and life history trait differentiation between perennial and annual populations of I. sinensis probably results from correlated evolution in response to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Toxaphene is a persistent environmental contaminant that has been shown to alter male production in Daphnia magna and to induce P-450 activity in mammals. Cytochrome P-450-mediated metabolism may lead to xenobiotic detoxification resulting in acclimation. To determine if D. magna acclimate to toxaphene via P-450 pathways, chronic and acute toxicity tests were conducted with D. magna exposed to toxaphene in the presence and absence of piperonyl butoxide (PBO), an inhibitor of cytochrome P-450 enzymes. Toxaphene exposure increased male production in acute but not chronic assays, indicating that D. magna may acclimate to chronic toxaphene exposure. Upon co-administration of toxaphene and PBO in chronic tests, D. magna exhibited a decline in growth rate, fecundity and survival. The observed toxaphene acclimation in chronic tests, along with its increased toxicity in the presence of a P-450 suppressor, suggests that P-450 enzymes may contribute to detoxification and subsequent acclimation of D. magna to chronic toxaphene exposure. Additional chronic toxicity tests indicated that toxaphene acclimation occurs between 7 and 12 days following initial exposure, at which time sex determination is no longer affected. Thus, sublethal toxaphene toxicity effects such as reproductive impairments may be detectable with acute but not chronic tests, potentially due to the upregulation of P-450 isozymes.  相似文献   

Populations of Prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana in the Chihuahuan desert have a fixed dimorphic system of nectar production in which half the individuals produce nectar (are nectarful) and the other half are nectarless. We analyzed the impact of nectar production on different estimates of fitness, comparing nectarful against nectarless individuals in size, mating system, seed traits, and fruit set in a 1-ha scrubland. Of the reproductive individuals (358), 46% were nectarful and 54% were nectarless. Neither tree size nor flowering phenology differed between nectar morphs. Fixation indices (F) for both progeny (F = −0.2) and adults (F = −0.45) were negative, and high heterozygosities were found in adults and progeny (H = 0.45). No differences were found between nectar morphs for F, H, and single (ts = 1.1) and multilocus (tm = 1.03) outcrossing rates. Controlled pollinations showed differences between selfing and control treatments with no differences between nectar morphs. Nectarless individuals produced significantly more pollen grains than did nectar producers, but all other measured floral traits showed no differences. Nectarful trees were visited by pollinators 21 times more often and had a significantly higher overall fruit set than did nectarless trees. No differences between nectar morphs in seed mass or in percentage seed germination were found, but heavier seeds tended to have higher heterozygosities. Both morphs had similar success as females, but nectarless trees had ∼7% higher male function. We discuss three possible scenarios for the evolution of the fixed dimorphism in nectar production, two involving unstable phases (substitution of one morph by the other, and evolution towards dioecy) and one stable scenario (maintenance of the dimorphic system).  相似文献   

The vicu?a (Vicugna vicugna; Miller, 1924) is a conservation success story, having recovered from near extinction in the 1960s to current population levels estimated at 275,000. However, lack of information about its demographic history and genetic diversity has limited both our understanding of its recovery and the development of science-based conservation measures. To examine the evolution and recent demographic history of the vicu?a across its current range and to assess its genetic variation and population structure, we sequenced mitochondrial DNA from the control region (CR) for 261 individuals from 29 populations across Peru, Chile and Argentina. Our results suggest that populations currently designated as Vicugna vicugna vicugna and Vicugna vicugna mensalis comprise separate mitochondrial lineages. The current population distribution appears to be the result of a recent demographic expansion associated with the last major glacial event of the Pleistocene in the northern (18 to 22 degrees S) dry Andes 14-12,000 years ago and the establishment of an extremely arid belt known as the 'Dry Diagonal' to 29 degrees S. Within the Dry Diagonal, small populations of V. v. vicugna appear to have survived showing the genetic signature of demographic isolation, whereas to the north V. v. mensalis populations underwent a rapid demographic expansion before recent anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

The liver stands in a unique position between the gastrointestinal tract and systemic venous system. Its constant exposure to food antigens, bacterial products and potential pathogens through the mesenteric circulation, requires the liver to maintain tolerogenic capabilities while preserving the means to mount effective immune responses. The liver has the unique ability amongst solid organs, to activate na?ve CD8+ T lymphocytes in an antigen-specific manner. However, this activation can be inefficient and lead to apoptosis. This phenomenon is believed to be involved in both, the development of oral tolerance and the induction of tolerance in liver allografts. The liver is the target of both autoimmune diseases and of chronic viral infections and its unique tolerogenic environment has frequently been suggested as a factor in the development of these diseases. A better grasp of the liver's unique immunological processes would lead to a better understanding of immune tolerance mechanisms and their role in the development of autoimmune diseases and chronic viral infections.  相似文献   

The genus Plectranthus (Lamiaceae) is a significant, prolific and extensively used genus in southern Africa. It plays a dominant role in both horticulture and traditional medicine. Some 12 species are documented for their use in treating ailments by various indigenous peoples of southern Africa. It is a firm favourite in gardens and Plectranthus has been bred to further utilise the remarkable diversity of indigenous South African wildflowers with amenity horticultural potential. Although previously subjected to both horticultural (Van Jaarsveld, 2006) and ethnobotanical (Lukhoba et al., 2006) review, Plectranthus is a genus with economic potential in various sectors, and this article aims to review this potential of southern African species.  相似文献   

Given the considerable promise whole-genome sequencing offers for phylogeny and classification, it is surprising that microbial systematics and genomics have not yet been reconciled. This might be due to the intrinsic difficulties in inferring reasonable phylogenies from genomic sequences, particularly in the light of the significant amount of lateral gene transfer in prokaryotic genomes. However, recent studies indicate that the species tree and the hierarchical classification based on it are still meaningful concepts, and that state-of-the-art phylogenetic inference methods are able to provide reliable estimates of the species tree to the benefit of taxonomy. Conversely, we suspect that the current lack of completely sequenced genomes for many of the major lineages of prokaryotes and for most type strains is a major obstacle in progress towards a genome-based classification of microorganisms. We conclude that phylogeny-driven microbial genome sequencing projects such as the Genomic Encyclopaedia of Archaea and Bacteria (GEBA) project are likely to rectify this situation.  相似文献   

The neurosecretory system of Labedura riparia has been described from sections and whole mounts using a variety of techniques. The pars intercerebralis contains two clusters of medial neurosecretory cells (MNC), each cluster consisting of 8 to 10 A-cells and occasional B-cells. The lateral sides of the brain have a few B-cells. The axons of the median neurosecretory cells terminate in the cephalic aorta (AO), whereas the axons of the lateral neurosecretory cells (LNC) terminate in the corpora cardiaca (CC). It appears that the neurosecretory material (NSM) elaborated in the MNC is stored in the cephalic aorta and that elaborated in the LNC is stored in the corpora cardiaca, which are two oval or elongate bodies composed of large chromophobe and small chromophil cells. Posteriorly there is the oval or elongate corpus allatum (CA) attached to the CC by thick nerves. The CA consists of one cell type only. Both CC and CA contain no A-cell neurosecretory material. It has been suggested that the neurosecretory system of L. riparia is composed of two complexes. One is formed by the medial neurosecretory cells for which the aorta functions as a neurohaemal organ, and the other is formed by lateral neurosecretory cells-lateral neurosecretory pathways-nervi corporis cardiaci-II in which the corpora cardiaca function as a neurohaemal organ.  相似文献   

The orang-utan is unique among apes in having an unusually long male developmental period and two distinct adult male morphs (flanged and unflanged), which generally, but not exclusively, employ different reproductive strategies (call-and-wait vs. sneak-and-rape). Both morphs have recently been shown to have roughly similar levels of reproductive success in the one site where such a study has been conducted. This is in stark contrast to the unimale polygynous gorilla, in which dominant males sire almost all infants. Despite this, evidence on sexual dimorphism, life history, diet, and socioecology of extant and extinct apes, as well as the ontogeny, reproductive morphology, and physiology of extant apes, all indicate that the orang-utan's present-day mating system most likely evolved from a gorilla-like base, with one dominant male guarding a harem of females. The available evidence indicates that, due chiefly to the likely onset of the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (generally regarded as the trigger for mast fruiting in dipterocarps) approximately 3-5Ma, southeast Asian forests would have begun to experience longer and more severe periods of low food availability. This change in food availability would have meant that full-time gregariousness was no longer energetically tolerable and, as a result, females dispersed more widely in search of food and adult/flanged males were no longer able to effectively guard a harem of females. A niche for a quiet, quick, opportunistic "sexual predator" (i.e., the unflanged male) then became available. This finding implies that, despite being anatomically quite chimpanzee-like, the ancestral hominoid probably had a social and mating system more similar to the gorilla than any other living ape.  相似文献   

To predict when food reward was available, 12 New Zealand White rabbits were trained to discriminate between two humans. All subjects had significantly higher response rates and greater behavioral arousal in the presence of the positive stimulus person. The ability to discriminate between individual humans sets the stage for unanticipated Pavlovian conditioning, which may have considerable implications for animal research in behavioral and biomedical settings.  相似文献   

Somers MJ  Graf JA  Szykman M  Slotow R  Gusset M 《Oecologia》2008,158(2):239-247
We analysed 25 years (1980–2004) of demographic data on a small re-introduced population of endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park (HiP), South Africa, to describe population and pack dynamics. As small populations of cooperative breeders may be particularly prone to Allee effects, this extensive data set was used to test the prediction that, if Allee effects occur, aspects of reproductive success, individual survival and population growth should increase with pack and population size. The results suggest that behavioural aspects of wild dogs rather than ecological factors (i.e. competitors, prey and rainfall) primarily have been limiting the HiP wild dog population, particularly a low probability of finding suitable mates upon dispersal at low pack number (i.e. a mate-finding Allee effect). Wild dogs in HiP were not subject to component Allee effects at the pack level, most likely due to low interspecific competition and high prey availability. This suggests that aspects of the environment can mediate the strength of Allee effects. There was also no demographic Allee effect in the HiP wild dog population, as the population growth rate was significantly negatively related to population size, despite no apparent ecological resource limitation. Such negative density dependence at low numbers indicates that behavioural studies of the causal mechanisms potentially generating Allee effects in small populations can provide a key to understanding their dynamics. This study demonstrates how aspects of a species’ social behaviour can influence the vulnerability of small populations to extinction and illustrates the profound implications of sociality for endangered species’ recovery. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to critically evaluate the significance of parasite-altered host behaviour in the Toxocara mouse model particularly in the light of the Manipulation Hypothesis. Murine behaviours were examined in both outbred and inbred strains of mice infected with different doses of Toxocara canis ova. Behaviours investigated included activity, exploration, response to novelty, anxiety, learning, memory and social behaviour. Subsequent modifications to the behaviour of infected mice were investigated with respect to dose administered and larval accumulation in the brain. There was substantial variation in the number of larvae recovered from brains of individual mice, which received similar doses of Toxocara ova. Furthermore, the numbers of larvae recovered at different doses differed significantly between an outbred and inbred strain of mouse. Alterations in infected host behaviour occurred and were related to the number of larvae recovered from the brain. For social behaviour in outbred mice, a high infection in the brain reduced levels of aggressive behaviour and increased levels of flight and defensive behaviours. In contrast, outbred mice with a low infection in the brain displayed a greater level of risk behaviour in respect of predator odour and the light/dark box compared to control or high infection mice. Post-infection, outbred mice were more immobile whereas inbred mice showed reduced immobility and increased digging and climbing. Impaired learning ability was observed in outbred mice with moderate and high levels of infection in the brain compared to control and low infection mice. Toxocara infection has an impact upon a diverse range of murine behaviours with little evidence for a specific and hence an adaptive alteration. Many of the effects on murine host behaviour by Toxocara are likely to be pathological side effects of infection rather than as a consequence of adaptive host-manipulation. Observed changes in murine behaviour may be relevant to human toxocariasis.  相似文献   

Tunas (family Scombridae) are exceptional among most teleost fishes in that they possess vascular heat exchangers which allow heat retention in specific regions of the body (termed ‘regional heterothermy’). Seemingly exclusive to heterothermic fishes is a markedly reduced temperature dependence of blood–oxygen (blood–O2) binding, or even a reversed temperature dependence where increasing temperature increases blood–O2 affinity. These unusual binding properties have been documented in whole blood and in haemoglobin (Hb) solutions, and they are hypothesised to prevent oxygen loss from arteries to veins within the vascular heat exchangers and/or to prevent excessive oxygen unloading to the warm tissues and ensure an adequate supply of oxygen to tissues positioned efferent to the heat exchangers. The temperature sensitivity of blood–O2 binding has not been characterised in an ectothermic scombrid (mackerels and bonitos), but the existence of the unusual binding properties in these fishes would have clear implications for their proposed association with regional heterothermy. Accordingly, the present study examined oxygenation of whole blood of the chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) at 10, 20 and 30°C and at 0.5, 1 and 2% CO2. Oxygen affinity was generally highest at 20°C for all levels of CO2. Temperature-independent binding was observed at low (0.5%) CO2, where the PO2 at 50% blood–O2 saturation (P 50) was not statistically different at 10 and 30°C (2.58 vs. 2.78 kPa, respectively) with an apparent heat of oxygenation (∆H°) close to zero (−6 kJ mol−1). The most significant temperature-mediated difference occurred at high (2%) CO2, where the P 50 at 10°C was twofold higher than that at 20°C with a corresponding ∆H° of +43 kJ mol−1. These results provide clear evidence of independent and reversed open-system temperature effects on blood oxygenation in S. japonicus, and it is therefore speculated that these unusual blood–O2 binding characteristics may have preceded the evolution of vascular heat exchangers and regional heterothermy in fishes.  相似文献   

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