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In four large aviaries, we studied social assortment and reproductive behaviour of female brown-headed cowbirds housed with males differing in age class and in corresponding levels of intrasexual interaction. Juvenile and adult females resided with either (1) adult males, (2) juvenile males, (3) adult and juvenile males, or (4) no males. We observed social behaviour of males and females from September 1999 through to the 2000 breeding season. Throughout the year, males in the different conditions showed different levels of social interaction, with adult males being most engaged in male-male interactions and juvenile males being least engaged in male-male interactions. Females in the four conditions differed in their associations with males and with other females. In conditions with adult males, females spent more time near males, approached males more often, and associated with females less. During the breeding season, females in conditions with more adult males copulated more and produced more fertile and viable eggs. In the condition where females were housed with juvenile males, they copulated less, laid fewer eggs and destroyed more of their eggs. Results indicate that throughout the year, females are sensitive to male age and behaviour in their social group, and that this sensitivity can have reproductive consequences. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Much work on social learning has involved behaviour transmission between pairs of individuals, but recently the need to examine the social context in which learning occurs has been recognized. Previous studies using small numbers of animals have shown social influence on the behavioural development of juvenile male brown-headed cowbirds, Molothrus ater. Here we looked at the larger social context that forms the framework for such influence in more natural settings. We allowed a captive group of over 70 cowbirds, comprising adult and juvenile males and females, to associate freely in a large complex of connected aviaries. Highly organized social assortment emerged in the group, with individuals associating with others based on similarity in age and sex. Juvenile males that associated more with adult males had higher courtship success. Juvenile males that associated more with females sang less over the year. These results indicate that the social context of social learning for juvenile males is not just random association with all other birds in the social group, but is a selective and structured pattern of interaction. Differences in navigating this social structure correlated with courtship success and vocalization, behaviour known to be affected by social learning. Studies such as this, using large groups with free assortment of individuals, are the first step towards understanding the effects of the larger social context surrounding social learning.  相似文献   

We investigated effects of naturally occurring variation inexperience with adult males on development of song and courtshipcompetence in captive juvenile cowbirds. We studied birds ingroups housed in large outdoor aviaries that allowed birdsto regulate access to social stimulation. In two aviaries, we housed juvenile males and females either with or withoutadult males. Birds remained in these conditions from September1999 through their breeding season. We documented social andvocal development of juvenile males in the two aviaries bymeasuring social assortment and patterns and frequencies of their song interactions. We then brought the juveniles fromthe two aviaries together to compete against each other foraccess to females. In addition, we recorded juveniles' songsfour times over the study and played back their breeding seasonsongs to females in sound-attenuating chambers to measure the effectiveness of songs in eliciting copulatory responses fromthe females. Compared to juvenile males housed with adult males,juvenile males housed without adult males developed atypicalbehavior patterns. They (1) displayed little intrasexual aggressionor near-neighbor associations and (2) exhibited different patternsof courtship and copulation, but (3) were as successful at competing for copulations. Furthermore, they developed stereotypedsongs sooner and developed more potent breeding season songs.These different outcomes could not be traced to one variablebut to a cascade of effects involving diverging patterns ofsong acquisition and social interaction. The patterns of socialskills that emerged indicate considerable plasticity in the mechanisms underlying acquisition of courtship competence.  相似文献   

The ability to engage others in close proximity may be an essential component of social life and shapes the development of social skills. Variation in the willingness to initiate and sustain close interaction with conspecifics is known as sociability. The Brown‐headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) uses an affiliative display called the head‐down to bring individuals into close proximity. During fall 2009, we manipulated a large flock of cowbirds in a fission–fusion perturbation and recorded the frequency of head‐downs and social approaches. During the fission–fusion perturbation, the rate of head‐downs remained both correlated and repeatable across perturbations. In spring 2010, we separated individuals into three aviaries, a high, intermediate, and low aviary, based on the frequency of head‐down displays they initiated during the previous fall 2009. When breeding, males in the high flock produced a higher number of songs within counter‐singing matches, and females laid more eggs in comparison with the other aviaries. These findings suggest that head‐down displays performed outside the breeding season may contribute to the development and maintenance of reproductive competence by providing intimate social interactions with others.  相似文献   

Male singing behaviour correlates with extra-pair success in several passerine birds. Singing interactions during territorial contests provide relative information on the males involved. Such information may be important in female extra-pair behaviour and eavesdropping on singing interactions among males may allow females to make such relative assessments. We used interactive playback to instigate singing contests with male great tits during the peak fertile period of their mate in an attempt to alter females'' assessment of mates'' quality relative to neighbours (potential extra-pair partners). We escalated a contest to one male (by overlapping his songs) and then subsequently de-escalated a contest (by alternating) to a neighbour. Intrusions onto neighbouring territories by females mated to either treatment male were then monitored. Females mated to escalation treatment males were more likely to intrude following playbacks than females mated to de-escalation treatment males. Although the absolute song output of males did not differ between treatments, males produced more song relative to playback in de-escalation treatments and relative song output was positively correlated with female intrusions. Therefore, female great tits eavesdrop on singing interactions and change their visitation rates to neighbouring territories according to their mate''s singing performance relative to neighbours.  相似文献   

Studies on singing behavior in Oscine focus essentially on males and are carried out during the breeding season. Singing in females appears rare and is not well documented. However, females of several species can produce a complex song. Does this lack of data correspond to a real difference in males and females or to a non appropriate context of observation? We studied the vocal and social behavior of captive male and female European starlings during two periods: breeding and non-breeding periods. Our results indicated that females sang mostly in a non-breeding context: their singing behavior was strongly diminished when nestboxes were present in the aviary. Moreover, females sang more frequently when their closest neighbor was a female whereas males sang mostly when they had no immediate neighbor. These results indicate a difference between males and females for the context of song production.  相似文献   

We investigated in an aviary experiment the behavioral and hormonal responses of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) that were moved from a same sex group to an aviary containing either a nest box alone, a nest box and another male, or a nest box and a female. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) levels increased significantly and independently of the situation, suggesting that nest boxes were the most important stimulus affecting the levels of these hormones. Some birds occupied more than two boxes (winners), and others a single or no box (losers). Levels of T increased less in males that did not acquire a nest box. However, the increase in LH was similar in all males after the test. Singing was positively correlated with T levels. Winners started singing earlier and sang more during a contest than losers. In the presence of females LH increased more in winners than in losers, while the increase in T was similar in both groups. In females, there was no increase in T but LH increased in the presence of males. Levels were higher in females paired with winners than in females paired with losers. Finally, winners advertised their nest boxes more frequently than losers. These results indicate that within a relatively short time frame levels of LH and T increase following the transfer from a flock to a territorial situation and can react independently from each other depending on reproductive circumstances. For males, the possession of a nest box and, for females, the qualities of the male seemed to be the most important factors stimulating reproduction.  相似文献   

Parrots are unusual among birds and animals in general in the extent of their ability to learn new vocalizations throughout life and irrespective of season. The budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), a small parrot that is well suited for laboratory studies, has been the subject of numerous studies investigating the neurobiology of vocal learning. To date, few studies have focused on the function of vocal imitation by parrots. Previous work from our research group has shown that vocal imitation in budgerigars is sex‐biased, as males paired with females learn vocalizations from their new mates, but not vice versa. This bias led us to hypothesize that vocal learning has a reproductive function. To test this hypothesis, we conducted two experiments. In the first experiment, we tutored males so that they could produce a call similar to one shared by a group of experimental females. The experimental females were then presented with one of the tutored males and another, equally unfamiliar, male that had not been tutored. We found that the females spent a greater proportion of time in proximity of, and made more affiliative displays toward, the tutored males. In the second experiment, seven males received small bilateral brain lesions that disrupt vocal learning. These males and an equal number of control males were then released into an aviary containing females and reproductive resources. We found that lesioned and control males were equally successful in obtaining social mates, but females mated to lesioned males were more likely to engage in extra‐pair activities. These experiments indicate that a male's ability to imitate a female's call can influence the sexual behavior of the female even though lack of imitation ability does not appear to influence social pairing. We hypothesize that mate choice in budgerigars has multiple stages. Upon meeting a strange male, a female quickly assesses its ability for social acquisition of calls by the presence or absence of a call type similar to its own in its repertoire. As courtship proceeds into pair formation, the female assesses the ability of male to learn more directly by the extent of the male's perfection of imitation.  相似文献   

The goal of the research reported here was to look for evidence of modifiability of preference for male song in female cowbirds, Molothrus ater. To this end, we investigated whether social experience affected the breadth and consistency of females’ playback preferences for geographic variants of male song. In three experiments, we varied female cowbirds’ exposure to males. Wild‐caught juvenile females showed a preference for local song in their first year when housed without males in sound‐attenuating chambers, as we had found previously with adult females. But we found that neither adult nor juvenile females showed a preference for local over distant song after they had been housed in large, outdoor aviaries with other females but without male residents. Aviary housing with local males did lead to preferences for local songs. These data represent the first unqualified evidence that adult and juvenile female cowbird preferences for song are modifiable. These data add to the growing body of literature suggesting that receivers, as well as signalers, rely on learning during development of their communication system.  相似文献   

Receptive and virginL. cuprina females were placed with a virgin male and an experienced male that had mated between one and five times previously. The experienced males secured significantly more matings than virgin males. Males with previous matings also gained experience in competing with males. Males directed mating attempts at each other, seemingly in the context of intrasexual competition. Experienced males directed more mating attempts at virgin males than vice versa. As their number of previous matings increased, experienced males made the first mating attempt at females more often and directed more mating attempts at females compared with virgin males. Females did not actively discriminate against experienced males, even though the proportion of matings secured on the first attempt by experienced males declined with increasing mating experience. Alternative behavioral explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Convict cichlid fish (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus) are one of the few monogamous species where the female appears more colorful than the male. We examined whether this sexual dimorphism was reflected in a female-biased actual sex ratio (ASR) and whether convict cichlid females would exhibit behavioral traits typified in monogamous males when they possessed the extravagant colors and/or morphology. Our field observations revealed that females are marginally, but not significantly, more abundant than males but they did initiate more intersexual social interactions (i.e. approach behavior) than males. They also showed more intrasexual aggression. Furthermore, males more commonly chased females rather than vice versa. Our laboratory experiment also indicated that differences in intrasexual aggression were not related to differences in the ASR but did appear with the addition of a breeding site. Thus, while intrasexual competition was more frequently observed between females in the field it was probably related to the availability of breeding sites rather than our estimates of the ASR.  相似文献   

Sandell M  Agrell J  Erlinge S  Nelson J 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):145-149
Summary In a sample of 240 juvenile field voles 8% of the males and 22% of the females reached sexual maturity within their natal home range. Among individuals retrapped as adults, 58% of males and 23% of females had dispersed, i.e. had moved more than one home range diameter. The mean distance moved for males (58.5 m) exceeded that for females (28.6 m). Male movement distances were negatively associated with total density, and with density of adult females, but not with male density. Female movements were not related to population density. There were no relation between sex ratio and distance moved. The distribution of distances moved for both males and females fit a geometrical distribution, suggesting the importance of competitive processes.  相似文献   

The division of labour in parental care between the two sexes varies between and within species. In birds, parents have been shown to invest more into egg production and nestling care when paired with an attractive rather than an unattractive mate, as predicted by the differential allocation hypothesis. Here we investigate variation in the female's and male's share of incubation behaviour, a vital, and costly, period of parental care during which the embryo is vulnerable to perturbations in developmental conditions. We manipulated the attractiveness of male zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata , using red or green leg-rings. To simulate their natural social environment we allowed them to breed in outdoor aviaries. All males within an aviary were given the same coloured ring to avoid ring-colour related assortative mating. Males within a colony, however, were still expected to show some variation in attractiveness with the earliest laying females possibly pairing with the most attractive males. Indeed we found that both factors played a role in explaining female incubation effort. Among females mated to red ringed males, earlier laying females contributed significantly more to incubation than late laying females, but no such pattern was found in females mated to green ringed males. Overall, there were no differences in the level of incubation provided by both parents between treatment groups, suggesting some compensation within the pair. Hatching success was correlated with a pair's total incubation effort. These results suggest that variation in the division of parental care between the sexes is in agreement with both increased effort of females mated with attractive males, and females compensating for the reduced effort of attractive males seeking further mating opportunities. These two factors can act at the same time in natural populations and both should be considered when explaining variation in division of labour between the sexes.  相似文献   

In facultative polygynous birds with biparental care, a trade-off may occur between male parental care and attraction of additional mates. If there is a cost associated with reduced male parental care, the relative benefit of mate attraction may be predicted to decrease as the size of a male's clutch or brood increases. We tested this prediction in monogamous pairs of facultatively polygynous European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). The larger the clutch, the more time the male spent incubating and the less time he spent attracting an additional female (i.e. singing near and carrying green nesting material into adjacent empty nest-boxes). Reduced paternal incubation resulted in lower overall incubation (the female did not compensate) and lower hatching success. Immediately after experimental reduction of clutches, males spent significantly less time incubating and more time singing and carrying greenery, and vice versa for experimentally enlarged clutches. Males with experimentally reduced clutches attracted a second female more often than males with experimentally enlarged clutches. This is the first study, to our knowledge, to provide experimental evidence for an adjustment of paternal care and male mate-attraction effort to clutch size. However, a trade-off between paternal nestling provisioning and mate attraction was not revealed, probably due to the absence of unpaired females by that time in the breeding season. Experiments showed that the relative contribution of the male and female to nestling provisioning was unrelated to brood size.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined how female premating choice correlates with the outcome of copulatory and post-copulatory processes. It has been shown that polyandrous Tribolium castaneum females discriminate among males before mating based on olfactory cues, and also exert cryptic choice during mating through several mechanisms. This study tested whether a male's relative attractiveness predicted his insemination success during copulation. Bioassays with male olfactory cues were used to rank two males as more and less attractive to females; each female was then mated to either her more attractive male followed by less attractive male, or vice versa. Dissections immediately after second copulations revealed a significantly higher percent of successful inseminations for females that remated with more attractive males compared with those that remated with less attractive males. These results indicate that cryptic female choice during copulation reinforces precopulatory female choice in T. castaneum, and suggest that females could use cryptic choice to trade up to more attractive males, possibly gaining better phenotypic or genetic quality of sires.  相似文献   

The outcome of sibling competition for food is often determined by variation in body size within the brood and involves trade‐offs; traits that enhance competitive ability within the nest may be developed at the expense of traits that enable effective flight at fledging, or vice versa. We quantified growth of skeletal, body mass and feather traits in male and female Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus nestlings. Males were significantly heavier, had longer tarsi and tended to have greater head–bill lengths than females, whereas females were similar to males in wing flight feather growth. These differences in growth may result from sexual differences in selection of the traits. Females are likely to prioritize feather growth to facilitate synchronized fledging with the rest of the brood, and to enhance escape from predators. We suggest that males are heavier and develop longer tarsi because body size is an important determinant of male reproductive success.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that female preference and male competition operate simultaneously during sexual selection. Dominance is likely an honest indicator of male quality, and females can identify and choose the dominant male to reproduce with individuals with greater competitive abilities, thus improving the quality and competitiveness of their offspring. In this context, few studies have investigated female preference in relation to male fighting ability. The Mexican mojarra, Cichlasoma istlanum, is a cichlid species native to the Balsas River basin. It is territorial during reproduction and provides parental care. Males commonly engage in territorial defence, whereas females care directly for offspring. This study examined whether females prefer dominant males that exhibit more aggressive behaviour. The authors conducted experiments using groups of two males and one female to test competitive ability in males and female preference. They also quantified the time during which the female associated with the dominant male and the subordinate male after observing the outcome of a fight between the two males. They found that Mexican mojarra females preferred dominant males and that the time females spent associating with males was positively related with their aggressive behaviours during competition. These results indicate that dominant males were more attractive than subordinate males to female Mexican mojarra. The relationship between female preference and male dominance in the Mexican mojarra demonstrates the importance of male competitive ability for future parental care in reproduction.  相似文献   

Summary In Xenopus laevis, adult males but not females produce courtship songs comprised of rapid trills. Two experiments were conducted to determine whether male-typical singing could be induced in females. At 6 different juvenile stages, male and female frogs were gonadectomized and implanted with testes, grown to sexual maturity, and tested for vocal behavior. All frogs with functional testicular implants sang; females sang as much as males. The frequency spectra of the clicks within trills were fully masculinized in females implanted at PM0, PM1, and PM2. There were deficiencies in song quality in females implanted late in juvenile life. Females receiving testis implants at PM3, PM4, and PM5 did not produce clicks with masculine spectral qualities. In a concurrent experiment, adult males and females were gonadectomized and implanted with testes or silicone tubes containing testosterone proprionate. When tested for vocal behavior 10 to 15 months after implantation, 8/10 androgen-treated males, 3/12 androgen-treated females, 5/5 testes-implanted males, and 2/4 testes-implanted females sang. The females that did sing spent much less time singing than males. The click rates of females were uniformly slower than males and no female produced clicks with a masculine frequency spectrum. Thus, testicular secretions can induce male-typical singing in females until late in juvenile development. However, females exhibit a progressive decline in vocal potential with increasing age, culminating in an almost complete loss of singing ability by adulthood.Abbreviations FFT fast Fourier transform - ICI inter-click interval - PM post-metamorphic - TP testosterone proprionate  相似文献   

In species where females mate with multiple males, the sperm from these males must compete to fertilise available ova. Sexual selection from sperm competition is expected to favor opposing adaptations in males that function either in the avoidance of sperm competition (by guarding females from rival males) or in the engagement in sperm competition (by increased expenditure on the ejaculate). The extent to which males may adjust the relative use of these opposing tactics has been relatively neglected. Where males can successfully avoid sperm competition from rivals, one might expect a decrease in their expenditure on tactics for the engagement in sperm competition and vice versa. In this study, we examine the relationship between mate guarding and ejaculate quality using humans as an empirical model. We found that men who performed fewer mate guarding behaviors produced higher quality ejaculates, having a greater concentration of sperm, a higher percentage of motile sperm and sperm that swam faster and less erratically. These effects were found independent of lifestyle factors or factors related to male quality. Our findings suggest that male expenditure on mate guarding and on the ejaculate may represent alternative routes to paternity assurance in humans.  相似文献   

Costs of sperm production may lead to prudence in male sperm allocation and also to male mate choice. Here, we develop a life history-based mutual mate choice model that takes into account the lost-opportunity costs for males from time out in sperm recovery and lets mate competition be determined by the prevailing mate choice strategies. We assume that high mating rate may potentially lead to sperm depletion in males, and that as a result, female reproduction may be limited by the availability of sperm. Increasing variation in male quality leads, in general, to increased selective mate choice by females, and vice versa. Lower-quality males may, however, gain access to more fecund higher-quality females by lowering their courting rate, thus increasing their sperm reserves. When faced with strong male competition for mates, low-quality males become less choosy, which leads to assortative mating for quality and an increased mating rate across all males. With assortative mating, the frequency of antagonistic interactions (sexual conflict) is reduced, allowing males to lower the time spent replenishing sperm reserves in order to increase mating rate. This in turn leads to lower sperm levels at mating and therefore could lead to negative effects on female fitness via sperm limitation.  相似文献   

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