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Systems identification techniques were used to calculate photo-assimilatetransport characteristics in Beta vulgaris and Pisum sativum,before and after the application of localized perturbationsto the transport path. Changes in photo-assimilate partitioningto various monitored sinks were found to be promoted by slowcool (25 ?C to 1 ?C in 40 min), quick cool (25 ?C to 1 ?C in2 min)/quick warm, and apoplastic osmotic treatments of a localizedregion of the source leaf petiole in Beta. Photo-assimilatepartitioning into both intact and surgically modified (embryo-less)ovules of Pisum was also observed to change following quickcool/quick warm treatments applied to a 2.0 cm region of thepeduncle leading to the monitored pod. No changes in transportproperties were observed through the treated petiole regionof Beta during or following the slow cool treatment (i.e. transittime or system gain). High apoplastic osmolality (addition of1 000 mol m–3 sorbitol) reduced the transit time of tracermovement through the treated petiole of Beta, while enhancingtracer washout from the bathed tissue region. Our modellingtechniques have shown that the physical or physiological basisfor the sink partitioning changes must be due to alterationsdownstream of the treated pathway zone, suggesting the involvementof physical signals transmitted from the treated region. Theseresults support the previously presented cooling-induced repartitioninghypothesis (Grusak and Lucas, 1986) and demonstrate that pathway-originatedstimuli can alter source-sink photo-assimilate partitioning. Key words: Photo-assimilate partitioning, phloem translocation, Beta vulgaris, Pisum sativum  相似文献   

Periclinal cell divisions in vegetative shoot apices of Pisumand Silene were recorded from serial thin sections by mappingall the periclinal cell walls formed less than one cell cyclepreviously. The distribution of periclinal divisions in theapical domes corresponded to the distributions subsequentlyoccurring in the apices when the young leaf primordia were forming.In Pisum, periclinal divisions were almost entirely absent fromthe I1 region of the apical dome for half a plastochron justafter the formation of a leaf primordium and appeared, simultaneouslyover the whole of the next potential leaf site, about half aplastochron before the primordium formed. In Silene periclinaldivisions seemed to always present in the apical dome at thepotential leaf sites and also round the sides of the dome wherethe ensheathing leaf bases were to form. Periclinal divisionstherefore anticipated the formation of leaf primordia by occuring,in Pisum about one cell cycle and in Silene two or more cellcycles, before the change in the direction of growth or deformationof the surface associated with primordial initiation. Pisum, Silene, planes of cell division, orientation of cell walls, leaf primordia, shoot apical meristem, plastochron  相似文献   

The possibility has been investigated that abscisic acid (ABA)might act as a correlative inhibitor of lateral bud growth inPisum sativum and Phaseolus vulgaris. Application of ABA insmall quantities (2µg) to axillary buds on decapitatedplants of P. sativum caused appreciable inhibition of theirgrowth, and induced a compensatory growth of the bud on an adjacentnode. Application of this same quantity of ABA to axillary budson decapitated plants of Phaseolus vulgaris was without effect,but a high concentration in lanolin (1 mg g–1) did substantiallyreduce bud outgrowth. Endogenous ABA-like substances in Phaseolusvulgaris, detected by bioassay and electron capture g.l.c.,were present in similar concentrations in shoot tips, lateralbuds on intact plants and lateral buds on plants decapitated24 h earlier. The effects of applied ABA suggested that it might be involvedin the mechanism of correlative inhibition in Pisum sativum,but it was not possible to test this hypothesis by determiningendogenous ABA levels in axillary buds because of their smallsize. The evidence presented here suggests that ABA is not acorrelative inhibitor in Phaseolus vulgaris even though at highconcentration it can inhibit the growth of axillary buds.  相似文献   

The 130,000 ?g supernatant of Sephadex G-50 filtrate and a 78,000?g microsomal fraction were prepared separately from homogenatesof etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) shoots. The pelletabilityof phytochrome increased ca. 10-fold by exposure of the filtrateto red light and mixing the filtrate with the microsomal fractionin the dark at ca. 0?C. The increase of pelletable phytochromewas inhibited by 84% when the microsomal fraction digested withtrypsin was used. Phospholipase C (Clostridium welchii) digestionof the microsome inhibited no more than 13% of the pelletability.Although phospholipase A2 (Crotalus terrificus terrificus) digestioninhibited 43% of the pelletability, addition of defatted albuminduring the enzymatic digestion completely restored the levelof the pelletability. The decrease of RNA content of the microsomalfractions by ribonuclease A digestion did not result in a proportionalinhibition of the pelletability. These results indicate thatproteinaceous component in the microsomal fraction is essentialfor phytochrome pelletability in vitro, that RNA and polar headsof phospholipids are unlikely to be the partner for the binding,and that products of phospholipase A2 digestion inhibit thepelletability partially. (Received September 12, 1979; )  相似文献   

Primary roots of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Taichung No. 11)were treated with 0, 10 and 50 mg dm–3 paclobutrazol [(2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4, 4-dimethyl-2-(l,2,4-triazol-l-yl)pentan-3-ol]for 1 h at 48 h after germination. Paclobutrazol treatment inhibitedroot extension, promoted swelling (cell expansion was radialrather than longitudinal), and increased cell volume and theactivity of catalase and peroxidase enzymes. Paclobutrazol alsodecreased root respiration and ethylene production. However,under non-stressed conditions, paclobutrazol treatment did notaffect soluble carbohydrate content, water potential, osmoticpotential or water loss. Under osmotic stress with polyethyleneglycol (PEG), paclobutrazol diminished the increase of waterpotential and decreased the rate of water loss caused by theimposed stress, but had no effect on osmotic potential. Catalaseand peroxidase activity were increased in osmotically-stressedroots of treated plants. Key words: Root growth, paclobutrazol, pea, Pisum sativum, water shortage  相似文献   

In order to study a possible application of cerium-based techniquesin plant cells, ATPase and acid phosphatase activities havebeen compared in two cell lines of Pisum sativum calli, onesensitive to NaCI and the other selected to be grown under salinity(85 mM NaCI). ATPase activity was unchanged and localized inthe plasma membrane of both cell lines. Acid phosphatase activitywas significantly increased in the salt-selected line and localizedin the cell walls, Golgi complex, multivesicular bodies andvacuoles. These results indicated a possible involvement ofboth activities in the maintenance of cell growth in the selectedline under saline conditions. Key words: Acid phosphatase, Pisum sativum, plasma membrane ATPase, salt stress, ultrastructure  相似文献   

We explored whether epidermal pressure regulates cell and organgrowth in leaflets ofPisum sativumvar.argenteum,a mutant cultivarof the garden pea characterized by reduced adhesion betweenthe epidermis and subjacent mesophyll. Developing leaflets ofleaves arising at three positions on the seedling axis werepeeledin situand grown to maturity in humidity chambers. Themature anatomy and morphology could be accurately assessed becausewound responses normally associated with peeling were preventedby theArgmutation that permitted peeling without damage to themesophyll and by the humidity chambers that protected peeledareas from desiccation. The mesophyll cell size, state of differentiation,and layering pattern as well as the overall morphology of mature,peeled leaflets were indistinguishable from those of mature,intact leaflets grown under the same conditions. The epidermisexerted no detectable regulatory effect on the expansion ofthe leaflets as a whole or on the tissue layers and cells withinthe leaflets.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company. Biomechanics, compression, epidermis, leaf development, mesophyll, pressure, wound response,Pisum sativumvar.argenteum.  相似文献   

The length of cells of the pericycle, endodermis and middlecortex not actively involved in lateral root primordia (LRP)development was measured in primary roots of Allium cepa, Pisumsativum and Daucus carota. The presence of two cell populationsin the pericycle was demonstrated in all three species. In Alliumcepa and Pisum sativum, pericyclic cells located opposite xylempoles were significantly shorter than cells lying opposite phloempoles. In both species, LRP originated opposite xylem poles.Our results, furthermore, strongly suggest that in regions ofthe root far from the apical meristem, numerous pericyclic cellsundergo transverse division both previous to and during LRPinitiation, decreasing in mean length throughout this period.In Daucus carota, LRP begin to form in pericyclic cells locatednext to the phloem poles, such cells were significantly shorterthan those opposite xylem poles, even in areas of the primaryroot located close to the root tip. Cells also appear to dividetransversely in regions far from the root tip in this species,leading to a conspicuous drop in the mean length of those cellslocated in portions of the pericycle destined to give rise toLRP. Two different cell populations can also be distinguishedin the endodermis of Allium cepa and Pisum sativum, althoughobservations were less conclusive in Daucus carota. In all threespecies, length of cortical cells was unaffected by their positionopposite xylem or phloem poles Allium cepa, carrot, cell division, cell length, Daucus carota, endodermis, lateral root development, onion, pea, pericycle, Pisum sativum  相似文献   

Lateral root primordium development has been examined in primaryroots of Vicia faba L., Pisum sativum L., Zea mays L. and Phaseolusvulgaris L. Following their initiation from an estimated minimumnumber of 77–162, 20–57, 17 and 12 cells respectivelyin Vicia, Phaseolus, Pisum and Zea, the primordia rapidly increasedin cell number to emerge as secondary roots about 2.8–3.6days later depending on the species being examined. Cell doublingtimes were estimated directly from cell numbers at differenttimes following primordium inception and were found to increasewith increase in primordium size in each of the species investigated. The number of primordia formed per cm of root growth per daywas greatest in Zea and least in Pisum. A comparison of thedata obtained for Vicia with that in the literature led to theconclusion that although the number of primordia produced percm of root growth was independent of the rate of primary elongation,the number produced per day increased in a linear fashion withincrease in the rate at which the primary lengthened. Vicia faba L, Pisum sativum L, Zea mays L, Phaseolus vulgaris L, broad bean, garden pea, maize, dwarf bean, root primordia, cell division, cell doubling time  相似文献   

A cytochemical study of naphthol AS-D esterases in vegetativeshoot apices of Pisum sativum and Vicia faba L. has shown thepresence of carboxyl esterases (E.C. [EC] .) in those meristemcells already committed to form vascular elements. These cellsform a sequence linking the morphologically identifiable procambiumto the cells of the tunica layers at a site either already identifiableas the next primordium or which will form the next primordium.The implications of this result are briefly discussed in relationto the control of primordia formation and procambial cell development. Pisum sativum, Vicia faba, determination, vascular tissue, shoot apex, cytochemistry  相似文献   

The initiation and subsequent emergence of lateral roots fromthe tissues of the primary has been examined in attached andexcised roots of Pisum. Lateral anlage inception took placein cultured roots which were 1 and 4 cm in length at the timeof excision. However, whereas a few primordia completed theirdevelopment and grew out as emerged laterals from those excisedroots which were 4 cm long, at the onset of culturc none appearedon those which had an initial length of 1 cm. The changes which took place in the rate of cell proliferationin the apical millimetre of each batch of cultured roots withtime following excision, were followed and related to the appearanceor otherwise of secondary roots on the cultured primaries. Pisum sativum L., garden pea, anlage, primodium, emerged lateral, apical meristem, cell proliferation  相似文献   

The effect of continuous exposure to indol-3-yl acetic acid(IAA) on primordium initiation and their subsequent emergenceas lateral roots was determined in excised and attached rootsof Pisum sativum. IAA was found to stimulate the number of primordiainitiated per centimetre of attached or excised primary. Similarly,lateral emergence in terms of the number produced per centimetreof primary was promoted in the presence of IAA. This stimulationof lateral emergence even took place in excised roots whichwere 1 cm in length at the onset of culture and which neverproduced secondary roots over a 6-d culture period when grownin the absence of auxin. These effects of IAA on lateral rootdevelopment have been considered in relation to the concurrentchanges which take place in proliferative activity in the apicalmeristem of the primary root during exposure to auxin. Pisum sativum, garden pea, anlage, primordium, emerged lateral, cell proliferation, indol-3-yl acetic acid  相似文献   

In previous work, we demonstrated that there was an optimummoisture level for seed storage at a given temperature (Vertucciand Roos, 1990), and suggested, using thermodynamic considerations,that the optimum moisture content increased as the storage temperaturedecreased (Vertucci and Roos, 1993b). In this paper, we presentdata from a two year study of aging rates in pea (Pisum sativum)seeds supporting the hypothesis that the optimum moisture contentfor storage varies with temperature. Seed viability and vigourwere monitored during storage under dark or lighted conditionsat relative humidities between 1 and 90%, and temperatures between-5 and 65°C. The optimum moisture content varied from 0·015g H2O g-1 d.wt at 65°C to 0·101 g H2O g-1 d.wt at15°C under dark conditions and from 0·057 at 35°Cto 0·092 g H2O g-1 d.wt at -5°C under lighted conditions.Our results suggest that optimum moisture contents cannot beconsidered independently of temperature. This conclusion hasimportant implications for 'ultra-dry' and cryopreservationtechnologies.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Seed storage, seed aging, seed longevity, water content, temperature, glass, desiccation damage, ultradry, Pisum sativum L., pea, cryopreservation  相似文献   

The first record of stomata on a non-specialized root was obtainedby scanning electron microscopy of 4-d-old Pisum sativum L.In some cases subsidiary cells were trichoblasts. Stomata andthe root triarch vascular structure were simultaneously presentin transverse sections through the root. Pisum sativum, pea, root stomata, guard cells, trichoblasts  相似文献   

The development of lateral root primordia has been investigatedin excised roots of Vicia faba, Pisum sativum, Zea mays andPhaseolus vulgaris cultured in White's medium supplemented with2 per cent sucrose and compared with previously published dataon such development in primaries of the corresponding intactplants (control roots). Primordia were produced in each batchof excised roots over the 6 day culture period but at a lowerrate (number day–1) than in the controls. Such primordia in cultured roots of Zea and Phaseolus completedtheir development and grew out as lateral roots over a periodsimilar in length to that found in the controls, but with acell number of only about 33 per cent of that attained at thetime of secondary emergence in the primaries of the latter roots.These lower cell numbers were at least partly a reflection ofincreases in mean cell doubling time over the period of anlagedevelopment investigated in the excised roots relative to thecorresponding values found in the controls. Primordia initiated in excised roots of Pisum and Vicia didnot complete their development in culture, i.e. no lateral rootsemerged and arrest took place with cell numbers of only 37 (Pisum)and 17 (Vicia) per cent of the numbers determined at the timeof secondary root emergence in the controls. Such arrested primordiahad few nuclei in S and none in mitosis. Moreover, at leastin Pisum, the frequency distribution of the relative DNA contentof the nuclei in the latter primordia approximated that foundin the apical meristem of primary roots following the establishmentof the stationary phase under conditions of carbohydrate starvation. It has also been demonstrated in the course of these investigationsthat lateral root primordium development in all four speciesis at least biphasic and possibly triphasic. Vicia faba L., broad bean, Pisum sativum L., garden pea, Zea mays L., maize, Phaseolus vulgaris L., dwarf bean, root primordia, anlage, cell doubling time, lateral root emergence  相似文献   

Cell walls were prepared from the epicotyls of dark-grown pea(Pisum sativum L.) seedlings. The walls were found to bind externally-added45Ca2+, with a binding constant of 4 ? 10–4 mol dm–3and a maximum capacity of 1.5 ? 10–8 g-ions of Ca2+ perg fresh weight of epicotyl. The binding capacity decreased asthe pH of the medium was decreased below 6.0, suggesting thatthe calcium was bound by an anionic group with an apparent pKof 4.7. More than half the calcium binding was due to polygalacturonicacid in the wall, since up to 60% of the calcium binding capacitywas removed by pre-incubation of the cell walls with polygalacturonase(E.C. Only small decreases in calcium binding wereseen following pre-incubation with protease, nucleases, phospholipaseand hemicellulase. These results indicate that calcium willbe displaced from the cell wall at hydrogen ion concentrationswhich are known to occur in the wall during wall extension.They are consistent with a mechanism by which calcium inhibitswall extension by forming ionic bridges between polygalacturonicacid molecules, and also with the hypothesis that calcium andhydrogen ions exert opposing influences on cell wall extensionby competing for the same binding sites on the polygalacturonicacid. Key words: Pea epicotyl, Cell wall, Calcium, pH  相似文献   

After removal of the embryo from developing ovules of Viciafaba L. and Pisum sativum L., seed-coat exudates were collectedand the amino acid fraction of the exudate was analyzed. InV. faba, alanine was the most important compound of the aminoacid fraction. In P. sativum, alanine and glutamine were thetwo most important components, whereas only small amounts ofasparagine were present. Comparison with published data suggeststhat seed-coat exudates may differ from phloem sap in the relativeimportance of these amino acids. Pisum sativum, pea, Vicia faba, broad bean, amino acid transport, amino acid unloading, seed-coat exudate, seed development  相似文献   

MURRAY  D. R. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(3):273-281
The distribution of P1, ester P and acid-insoluble nucleic acidP has been studied in relation to acid phosphatase activity(EC 3. 1. 3. 2) in the component parts of developing pea seeds(Pisum sativum L.). Despite the favourable pH of the liquidcontents of the embryo sac (pH 5.5), only very low acid phosphataseactivity was detected in this fluid (c. 0.01 units per seed).Potential substrates for phosphatase action were in fact absentfrom the secretion, the only form of P present being Pi, inconcentrations up to 8 mM. The data support the hypothesis thatthe high acid phosphatase activities which develop in the seed-coatsare involved in regulating the supply of P as P1 to the developingembryo. Pisum sativum L., pea, embryo development, acid phosphatase, phosphorus, seed-coats, seed development  相似文献   

GAD  A. E.; ALONI  R. 《Annals of botany》1984,54(3):423-428
Primary phloem fibres of Pisum sativum deposit lignified cellwalls, 2 and 5 days after germination in root and stem, respectively.Fibre bundles reach their final size within 4–6 days.The differentiation of the bundles as a whole is faster in thestem compared with the root. In the special diverging bundlesof the lower internodes of the stem the peripheral portionsmature earlier than the inner portions. A wound in the rootas well as in the stem, interrrupts the differentiation of fibresdirectly below it. At least one bundle below a wound is disturbedand often a whole bundle is missing. The meaning of these findingsconcerning the control of cell size is discussed. Pisum sativum, differentiation, induction, phloem fibres, polarity, time course  相似文献   

Comparative embryo development has been studied histologicallyin Lupinus albus, Lupinus mutabilis, Vicia faba, Pisum sativumand Latkyrus latifolius. The detailed histology of the stagesof embryo formation up to the early differentiation of tissuesof the seed is reported. The rate of embryogenesis has beentimed through 15 stages of development from anthesis and comparativerates of tissue formation established between the species. Themain observation was the slow rate of morphogenesis of embryosand seeds in Lupinus albus in comparison with the very rapidrate observed in Pisum sativum. A long period at the globularembryo stage, when embryo morphogenesis was inactive contributedto the extended development time of embryos and seeds in Lupinusalbus. Slow differentiation of reproductive tissues in L. albusdetermines late maturity in seeds and pods. Lupinus albus, white lupin, L. mutabilis, tarwi, Vicia faba, faba bean, Pisum sativum, pea, Lathyrus latifolius, everlasting pea, embryo development  相似文献   

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