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The recently developed technique for cloning genomic DNA fragments of several hundred kilobases or more into yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) makes it possible to isolate gene families while preserving their structural integrity. We have analyzed five independent yeast clones identified by PCR screening using oligonucleotides derived from the adult human beta-globin gene. Analysis of the five clones containing YACs by conventional and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed that all of the clones include a YAC with sequences from the adult beta-globin gene as expected. One of the clones contains multiple, unstable YACs. Two other clones carry single YACs in which there are at least two unrelated human genomic inserts. The remaining two clones contain single YACs, 150 and 220 kb in size, that contain the entire beta-globin gene family and flanking regions in a single, structurally intact genomic fragment. These should prove useful in future studies of the regulation of expression of genes in the beta-globin gene cluster.  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) were used to construct a physical map of the germline human T-cell chain gene complex (TCRB). Variable region genes (BV) for the 25 known subfamilies were used as probes to screen the ICRF AM4x YAC library. Of the five positive YACs identified, one YAC designated B3, 820 kilobase pairs (kbp) in size, scored positive for all 25 TCRBV subfamilies plus the constant region genes (BC) when analyzed by pulse field gel electrophoresis. Restriction enzyme mapping of B3 located TCRBV and TCRBC gene regions to 4 Sfi I fragments of 280 110, 90, and 125 kbp and was in accordance with published data. In addition comparison of hybridization results of Sfi I-restricted B3 and genomic DNA from the parental cell line GM1416B revealed identical banding patterns. The data thus showed YAC B3 encoded a complete and unrearranged TCRB gene locus of some 600–620 kbp. The map was further resolved by locating restriction sites for Sal I and Bss HII on B3, giving more precise localization of the individual TCRBV gene families. Flourescent in situ hybridization of B3 to spreads of human metaphase chromosomes localized B3 to 7q35. However, two additional signals were obtained; one attributable to the TCRBV orphon cluster on 9p21, the second to the long arm of chromosome 2. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of a chromosome 2 somatic cell hybrid, using primers for all 25 TCRBV gene families, revealed that the signal was not attributable to a second orphon cluster. It is suggested that B3 is a chimeric YAC with an intact TCRB locus flanked by chromosome 2 sequences.  相似文献   

We have mapped the DNase I-hypersensitive sites (HSs) in Yeast Artificial Chromosomes (YACs) containing segments of human chromosomal DNA. One of the five HSs found in a YAC carrying the β-globin gene cluster has been localised in the region, termed HS2, that is DNase I hypersensitive in most human cells. We have also identified a class of HSs in YACs containing DNA from the q11.2 band of human chromosome 21, which are located close to, or within, segments of the chromosome that are sensitive to restriction enzymes recognizing CGCG tetranucleotides. Received: 18 June 1997 / Accepted: 10 August 1997  相似文献   

G Ira  E Svetlova    J Filipski 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(10):2415-2419
Meiotic recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is initiated by double-strand breaks (DSB) in chromosomal DNA. These DSB, which can be mapped in the rad 50S mutant yeast strain, are caused by a topoisomerase II-like enzyme, the protein Spo11. Evidence suggests that this protein is located in the axial element of the meiotic chromosome which implies that the DSB are located in these chromosomes in the vicinity of the bases of the DNA loops. We have found that in the yeast artificial chromosomes carrying human DNA, at the level of resolution obtained by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), the meiotic DSB in the diploid yeast are co-localized with the DNase I hypersensitive sites (HS) in a haploid strain of yeast. These HS are located close to sequences which, under stress, have the potential to form secondary structures containing unpaired nucleotides. Clusters of such sequences could be a hallmark of the bases of the chromatin loops.  相似文献   

KpnI families of long, interspersed repetitive DNAs are ubiquitous repetitive elements that occur in tens of thousands of copies in primate genomes. KpnI 1.2, 1.5 and two different KpnI 1.8-kb families were found within and flanking a 6.4-kb repeat beginning at 3 kb, 3' from the human β-globin gene. Thus, six different types of KpnI families have now been identified, and four of these are found next to each other in a specific 6.4-kb repeat. Clones of the distinct KpnI families were hybridized to clones of the 6.4-kb repeat and adjacent sequences encompassed within some 17.6 kb of DNA lying 3' to the β-globin gene cluster. The four KpnI families appear to make up the entire length of the 6.4-kb repeat. The linear order of the various cloned KpnI sequences in the repeat is 5'-pBK(1.8)26-pBK.(1.5)54-pBK(1.2)11-pBK(1.8)11-3'. KpnI 1.2-kb sequences were also detected downstream from the 6.4-kb repeat. As in the case of the KpnI 1.2 and 1.5-kb families, the two KpnI 1.8-kb sequence families described here each hybridized with about 15% of all plaques in two independently generated human genome libraries.  相似文献   

Several methods have been described for using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to isolate fragments of DNA for genome mapping. We have developed an approach for isolating discrete fragments by amplifying DNA with single oligonucleotides (10-mers) with arbitrarity selected sequences. The method is rapid and technically simple. We isolated fragments from a contig of three yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) from the human Xq28 chromosomal region. We purified YACs yWXD 37, yWXD348, and yWXD705 from a preparative pulsed field gel. Amplifications of each YAC were performed with single 10-mers as the PCR primers and the products were visualized on agarose gels. These fragments have been successfully used as hybridization probes against Southern blots containing the YACs and against blots containing human genomic DNA and somatic cell hybrids containing Xq28 as their only human constituent. The results have been concordant with the known order of the YACs. We have also successfully combined 10-mers with primers derived from vector arm sequences to isolate YAC ends. We discuss several uses of this method in comparative mapping and in filling in gaps in physical and genetic maps.  相似文献   

To understand better the organization and linkage of the interleukin genes, IL4 and IL5, we prepared long-range restriction maps of five yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing IL5. We determined that IL4 and IL5 are within 100-170 kb, and that the regions surrounding these genes contain several GC-rich areas. Fluorescence in situ chromosomal analysis demonstrated that three of the five YAC clones contain non-contiguous genomic sequences originating from multiple human chromosomes.  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) banks covering in total about three haploid genome equivalents were constructed using a human Epstein-Barr-virus-transformed B lymphocytic cell line. Two clone banks were made: 20 000 clones with average inserts of 350 kb in the pYAC4 vector and 9850 clones with average inserts of 180 kb using vectors pJS89 and pJS91. Direct comparison of pYAC4 with pJS89 and pJS91 showed pYAC4 to be the most suitable cloning vector. Two partial banks with average insert sizes of 220 kb for human endothelial cell DNA and epithelial HEp2 cell DNA were also constructed, each covering 10% of the haploid genome. A rapid, three-step PCR screening procedure for isolation of individual YAC clones was developed and used to identify two clones encoding TNF-Rβ. These clones cover about 200 kb and have 170 kb in common. TNF-Rβ is 9.3 kb long and contains two introns within the protein-coding sequence.  相似文献   

Basic to the development of long-range physical maps of DNA are the detection and localization of landmarks within recombinant clones. Sequence-tagged sites (STSs), which are short stretches of DNA that can be specifically detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), can be used as such landmarks. Our interest is to construct physical maps of whole human chromosomes by localizing STSs within yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones. Here we describe a generalized strategy for the systematic generation of large numbers of STSs specific for human chromosome 7. These STSs can be detected by PCR assays developed following the sequencing of anonymous pieces of chromosome 7 DNA, which was derived from flow-sorted chromosomes or from lambda clones made from DNA of a human-hamster hybrid cell line. Our approach for STS generation is tailored for the development of PCR assays capable of screening a large YAC library. In this study, we report the generation of 100 new STSs specific to human chromosome 7.  相似文献   

In the present paper we describe the synthesis, purification, single-crystal x-ray analysis, solution conformational characterization, and conformational energy calculations of the cyclic tetrapeptide cyclo- (β-Ala-L -Pro-β-Ala-L -Val). The peptide was synthesized by classical solution methods and the cyclization of the free tetrapeptide was accomplished in good yields in diluted methylene chloride solution using N,N-dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21 from ethanol with two independent molecules in the unit cell. All peptide bonds are trans. The nmr molecular conformation in the acetonitrile solution as well as that derived from the molecular dynamic simulation in vacuo is quite different from those observed in the solid state and is very similar to that previously observed for the parent compound cyclo-(β-Ala-L -Pro-β-Ala-L -Pro). © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Physical mapping of unique nucleotide sequences on identified rice chromosomes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A physical mapping method for unique nucleotide sequences on specific chromosomal regions was developed combining objective chromosome identification and highly sensitive fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Four unique nucleotide sequences cloned from rice genomic DNAs, varying in size from 1.3 to 400 kb, were mapped on a rice chromosome map. A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clone with a 399 kb insert of rice genomic DNA was localised at the distal end of the long arm of rice chromosome (1q2.1) and a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone (180 kb) containing the rice leaf blast-resistant gene (Pi-b) was shown to occur at the distal end of the long arm of chromosome 2 (2q2.1). A cosmid (35 kb) with the resistance gene (Xa-21) against bacterial leaf blight was mapped on the interstitial region of the long arm on chromosome 11 (11q1.3). Furthermore a single RFLP marker, 1.29 kb in size, was mapped successfully to the distal region of the long arm of rice chromosome 4 (4q2.1). For precise localisation of the nucleotide sequences within the chromosome region, image analyses were effective. The BAC clone was localised to the specific region, 2q2.1:96.16, by image analysis. The result was compared with the known location of the BAC clone on the genetic map and the consistency was confirmed. The effectiveness and reliability in physically mapping nucleotide sequences on small plant chromosomes achieved by the FISH method using a variety of probes was unequivocally demonstrated.  相似文献   

S.K. Das  G. Talukder   《HOMO》2001,52(2):93-109
Deleterious mutations of the human beta-globin gene are responsible for beta-thalassaemia and other haemoglobinopathies, which are the most common genetic diseases in Indian populations. A highly heterogeneous distribution of those mutations is observed in India and certain mutations are restricted to some extent to particular groups only. The reasons behind the geographical clustering and origin of the mutations in India is a highly debated issue and the evidence is conflicting. Our present article aims at tracing the origin of the deleterious beta-globin mutation and evaluates the role of different evolutionary forces responsible for the spread and present distribution of those mutations in Indian populations, using data from molecular biology and statistical methods. Mutations are generated essentially randomly, but "hot-spot" sites for mutation are reported for the beta-globin gene cluster, indicating sequence dependency of mutation. A single origin of a deleterious beta-globin mutation, followed by recombination (in a hot spot region) and/or interallelic gene conversion (within beta-globin gene) through time is the most plausible hypothesis to explain the association of those mutations with multiple haplotype backgrounds and frameworks. It is suggested that India is the place of origin of HbE and HbD mutations and that they dispersed to other parts of the would by migration. HbS mutants present in Indian populations are not of Middle East origin but rather a fresh mutation is the probable explanation for the prevalence among tribal groups. beta-thalassaemia represents a heterogeneous group of mutant alleles in India. Five common and twelve rare mutations have been reported in variable frequencies among different Indian populations. Gene flow of those mutant alleles from different populations of the world by political, military and commercial interactions possibly accounts for the heterogenous nature of beta-thalassaemia among Indians. A multiple allelic polymorphic system of the beta-globin gene exists in different populations. Dynamic interaction of the mutant alleles in the presence of different selective forces including falciparum malaria and biosocial patterns of Indian populations is discussed in order to explain the variable distribution and maintenance of those mutant alleles.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used to study a cluster of molecular markers in the soybean genome. There were 550 kb per centimorgan (cM) in the cluster, which is close to the calculated average for the whole genome. The analysis was complicated by the presence of duplicated sequences, and some ambiguities arising from this were resolved by using second-dimension conventional electrophoresis to relate physical maps to the RFLP map of soybean. The results show that there is a high degree of conservation of rare cutter sites between homoeologous regions. Finally, PFGE can confirm physical linkage of monomorphic copies of markers, which can aid in the study and comparison of homoeologous regions that are invisible to RFLP analysis.  相似文献   

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