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Summary The production of sorbitol and gluconic acid by toluene-treated, permeabilized cells of Zymomonas mobilis has been evaluated. From a 60% total sugar solution (300 g/l glucose and 300 g/l fructose), a sorbitol concentration of 290 g/l and a gluconic acid concentration of 283 g/l were achieved after 15 h in a batch process using free toluene-treated cells. A continuous process with immobilized cells was developed and only a small loss of enzyme activity (less than 5%) was evident after 120 h. With a strongly basic anion exchange resin and an eluent of 0.11 M Na2B4O7/0.11 M H3BO3, good separation of sorbitol and gluconic acid was achieved.  相似文献   

Summary Zymomonas mobilis is able to convert glucose and fructose to gluconic acid and sorbitol. The enzyme, glucose-fructose oxidoreductase, catalysing the intermolecular oxidation-reduction of glucose and fructose to gluconolactone and sorbitol, was formed in high amounts [1.4 units (U)·mg-1] when Z. mobilis was grown in chemostats with glucose as the only carbon source under non-carbon-limiting conditions. The activity of a gluconolactone-hydrolysing lactonase was constant at 0.2 U·mg-1. Using glucose-grown cells for the conversion of equimolar fructose and glucose mixtures up to 60% (w/v), a maximum product concentration of only 240 g·1-1 of sorbitol was found. The gluconic acid accumulated was further metabolized to ethanol. After permeabilizing the cells using cationic detergents, maximum sorbitol and gluconic acid concentrations of 295 g·1-1 each were reached; no ethanol production occurred. In a continuous process with -carrageenan-immobilized and polyethylenimin-hardened, permeabilized cells no significant decrease in the conversion yield was observed after 75 days. The specific production rates for a high yield conversion ( > 98%) in a continuous two-stage process were 0.19 g·g-1·h-1 for sorbitol and 0.21 g·g-1·h-1 for gluconic acid, respectively. For the sugar conversion of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide-treated -carrageenan-immobilized cells a V max of 1.7 g·g-1·h-1 for sorbitol production and a K m of 77.2 g·1-1 were determinedOffprint requests to: B. Rehr  相似文献   

Summary Ethanol production from the inulin of Jerusalem artichoke byZ. mobilis was studied in batch and continuous fermentations. Both acid or enzymatic hydrolysis were used. In continuous cultures enzymatic hydrolysis showed better results. Ethanol productivities of 17.7 and 29.0 g/l.h were obtained at output concentrationsca 35 g/l (% of conversion 99 and 83; ethanol yield 0.45 g/g). The hydrolysed juice could be used without any nutrient addition.  相似文献   

Summary Inulinase fromAspergillus ficuum was immobilized by cross-linking with glutaraldehyde on chitin. Batch and continuous production of fructose from Jerusalem artichoke tuber was studied using this immobililized inulinase. In a batch reactor, the extent of hydrolysis attained 90% (D-fructose/D-glucose :86/14) in 10h and 77.5g/L of D-fructose was produced from the Jerusalem artichoke tuber juice. In a continuous packed bed column reactor, the maximum volumetric productivity of 61 g/L, h was obtained at residence time of 0.9h and conversion yield of 55%. At a fixed residence time of 2.6 h and 40° C, this could be operated for over two weeks with only a slight loss of activity (4.8%).  相似文献   

For the continuous, enzymatic synthesis of sorbitol and gluconic acid by cell-free glucose-fructose oxidoreductase (GFOR) from Zymomonas mobilis, the principal determinants of productivity have been identified. Most important, the rapid inactivation of the soluble enzyme during substrate conversion can be avoided almost completely when weak bases such as tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethan or imidazol are used for the titration of the produced gluconic acid and when 5-10 mM dithiothreitol are added to prevent thiol oxidations. With regard to a long-term operational stability of the enzyme for continuous syntheses, thermal deactivation becomes significant at reaction temperatures above 30 degrees C. Without any additional purification being required, the crude cell extract of Z. mobilis can be employed in a continuous ultrafiltration membrane reactor over a time period of more than 250 h without significant decrease in substrate conversion or enzyme activity. The use of soluble GFOR thus appears to be an interesting alternative to employing permeabilized cells of Zymomonas for the production of sorbitol and gluconic acid and may be superior with regard to reactor productivities, at comparable operational stabilities.  相似文献   

酶水解菊芋糖浆发酵生产琥珀酸的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
用产菊粉酶的一株黑曲霉菌株进行产酶发酵条件和水解条件研究,在30℃,pH 6.0,摇床转速200 r/min,发酵时间为3 d的最适产酶条件下,酶活可以达到45.9 U/mL.以总糖含量为85.2 g/L的菊芋粉为初始底物,最适酶水解条件为温度50℃,加黑曲霉培养液的量为10%(v/v),水解12 h后,水解率达到99.6%.用此酶解液在5 L搅拌发酵罐中进行琥珀酸发酵,初始还原糖浓度53.5 g/L,36 h发酵产琥珀酸43.8 g/L,琥珀酸产率0.83 g/g,糖利用率99.0%,琥珀酸生产强度1.22 g/(L·h).  相似文献   

The enzymes responsible for sorbitol formation in Zymomonas mobilis were investigated. A previously undescribed enzyme catalyzes the intermolecular oxidation-reduction of glucose and fructose to form gluconolactone and sorbitol. This enzyme has been purified; it had a subunit size of 40,000 daltons and is probably tetrameric at low pH. It contained tightly bound NADP as the hydrogen carrier and did not require any added cofactor for activity. In addition, a gluconolactonase has been isolated, although not completely purified. Together these two enzymes were capable of completely converting a 54% (wt/vol) equimolar mixture of glucose and fructose to sorbitol and sodium gluconate at the optimum pH of close to 6.2. The oxidoreductase had low affinities for its substrates, but natural environmental conditions would expose it to high concentrations of sugars. The amount of the enzyme in Z. mobilis cells was sufficient to account for the rate of sorbitol formation in vivo. However, the enzyme was present in the highest amounts when the cells were grown on glucose alone, and it was repressed by the presence of fructose; this was not the case with the gluconolactonase.  相似文献   

Jerusalem artichoke mashed tubers were fermented using single yeasts and a bacterium as well as mixed culture of microorganisms. Kluyveromyces fragilis, a yeast with an active inulinase, was used together with either a commercial distillery yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, or the bacterium Zymomonas mobilis. After batch fermentation the best ethanol concentration of 0.48 g g(-1) for the mixed population and 0.46 g g(-1) for the single population can be obtained. The theoretical yield of the mixed cultures was 2-12% higher than for the single microorganism.  相似文献   

To produce ethanol more economically than in a conventional process, it is necessary to attain high productivity and low production cost. To this end, a continuous ethanol production from sago starch using immobilized amylogucosidase (AMG) and Zymomonas mobilis cells was studied. Chitin was used for immobilization of AMG and Z. mobilis cells were immobilized in the form of sodium alginate beads. Ethanol was produced continuously in an simultaneous saccharification and ethanol fermentation (SSF) mode in a pacekd bed reactor. The maximum ethanol productivity based on the void volume, Vv, was 37 g/l/h with ethanol yield, Yp/s, 0.43 g/g (84% of the theoretical ethanol yield) in this system. The steady-state concentration of ethanol (46 g/l could be maintained in a stable manner over two weeks at the dilution rate of 0.46 h.  相似文献   

A laboratory process was established for ethanol production by fermentation of sugar beet molasses with the bacterium Zymomonas mobilis. Sucrose in the molasses was hydrolyzed enzymatically to prevent levan formation. A continuous system was adopted to reduce sorbitol formation and a two-stage fermentor was used to enhance sugar conversion and the final ethanol concentration. This two-stage fermentor operated stably for as long as 18 d. An ethanol concentration of 59.9 g/l was obtained at 97% sugar conversion and at high ethanol yield (0.48 g/g, 94% of theoretical). The volumetric ethanol productivity (3.0 g/l·h) was superior to that of batch fermentation but inferior to that of a single-stage continuous system with the same medium. However, the thanol concentration was increased to a level acceptable for economical recovery. The process proposed in this paper is the first report of successful fermentation of sugar beet molasses in the continuous mode using the bacterium Z. mobilis.  相似文献   

Cells of Zymomonas mobilis were permeabilized with toluene in order to utilize the enzymes, glucose-fructose oxidoreductase and gluconolactonase, inside the intact cells. Permeabilized cells were immobilized in a gelatin membrane, and a whole cell enzyme electrode was constructed by fixing the membrane on pH electrode. The biosensor developed was used for specific determination of glucose or fructose by detecting the production rate of hydrogen ion. Optimum conditions for biosensor response were pH 6.2 and temperature of 39 degrees C. The biosensor was highly specific and reproducible, and calibration curves for glucose and fructose were excellent, being linear up to 5 and 50 g/L, respectively.  相似文献   

The kinetics of glucose-fructose oxidoreductase from Zymomonas mobilis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase operates by a classic ping-pong mechanism with a single site for all substrates: glucose, fructose, gluconolactone and sorbitol. The Km values for these substrates were determined. The values of kcat are 200 s-1 and 0.8 s-1 for the forward and reverse directions respectively. The overall catalytic process consists of two half-reactions with alternate reduction of NADP+ and oxidation of NADPH tightly bound to the enzyme. Reduction of enzyme-NADP+ by glucose and oxidation of enzyme-NADPH by gluconolactone involve single first-order processes. The values of the rate constants at saturating substrate are 2100 s-1 and 8 s-1 respectively; deuterium isotope effects indicate that these are for the hydrogen transfer step. Oxidation of enzyme-NADPH by fructose is first order with a limiting rate constant of at least 430 s-1. The reaction of enzyme-NADP+ with sorbitol is biphasic, with rate constants for both phases less than 1 s-1. This behaviour is explained by a mechanism in which the slow cyclisation of the acyclic form of fructose follows its dissociation from the enzyme. The rate-determining steps for the overall reaction are probably dissociation of gluconolactone in the forward direction and hydrogen transfer from sorbitol to enzyme-bound NADP+ in the reverse direction.  相似文献   

Summary Ethanol yields produced by Zymomonas strains from sucrose are significantly lower than from glucose or fructose. The low yield is a consequence of the formation of both levan and sorbitol as by-products. Most of the levan is in a non-precipitable form, indicating low molecular weight. Formation of sorbitol was observed with both the Zymomonas strains studied. The measured amounts of levan and sorbitol were 8% and 11% of the original sucrose content, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary A new single-batch fermentation process for the commercial production of ethanol from refined sucrose, raw sugar, sugar cane juice and sugar cane syrup has been developed using a highly adapted and efficient strain of Zymomonas mobilis. The process gives a 94–98% sucrose hydrolysis efficiency and a 95–98% ethanol conversion efficiency. Within 24–30 h, 200 g/l sucrose is converted to produce 95.5 g/l ethanol. Reinoculation is carried out from the fermented broth without the need for centrifugation or membrane filtration.  相似文献   

Summary Studies have been carried out with a highly productive strain of Zymomonas mobilis in an immobilized cell reactor using both Ca alginate and -carrageenan as supporting matrices. Productivities above 50 g/l/h have been found at ethanol concentrations in excess of 60 g/l. With immobilized cells of Z. mobilis, there was a decline of approximately 30s% in activity after 800 h operation.  相似文献   

Summary Cassava and sago starch were evaluated for their feasibilities as substrates for ethanol production using Zymomonas mobilis ZM4 strain. Before fermentation, the starch materials were pretreated employing two commercial enzymes, Termamyl (thermostable -amylase) and AMG (amyloglucosidase). Using 2 l/g of Termamyl and 4 l/g of AMG, effective conversion of both cassava and sago starch into glucose was found with substrate concentration up to 30%(w/v) dry substances. Fermentation study performed using these starch hydrolysates as substrates resulted in ethanol yield at an average of 0.48g/g by Z. Mobilis ZM4.  相似文献   

The obtaining of a fermentable extract from Jerusalem artichoke is simple. Yeasts with inulinase activity can be used to produce ethanol with good profitability. This method makes it possible to obtain 25 to 65 hl ethanol/ha with by-products usable as feed.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of high glucose concentrations on continuous ethanol production by passively immobilized Zymomonas mobilis cells has been studied. High effluent ethanol concentrations always led to low productivities. The maximum ethanol concentration attained was 92.8 g/l (98% glucose conversion) at a dilution rate of 0.14 h-1 with 200 g/l glucose medium. The observed enhancement of cell immobilization in the fibrous support at high glucose concentrations in the feed input seems to be related to the formation of bacterial filaments.Preliminary results from this work were previously presented at the Second Spanish Conference on Biotechnology (Barcelona, 1988)  相似文献   

Purified inulinase (inulase, 2,1-β-d-fructan fructanohydrolase, EC of Kluyveromyces fragilis has been immobilized on 2-aminoethyl-cellulose by treatment with 2% glutaraldehyde in 0.05 m phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, for 2 h at room temperature. The immobilized enzyme preparation had 39.3 units inulinase activity per gram dried matrix, with 53.4% recovery yield of activity, and showed good operational stability in the presence of substrate, inulin or the tuber extract of Jerusalem artichoke. Optimum pH and temperature were 5.5 and 45°C, respectively. In a batch reactor, the conversion was 90% (d-fructose/d-glucose = 76/24) and 34 mg d-fructose per ml was produced from the artichoke tuber extract by the immobilized inulinase in 20 h. In column reactor packed with 28 ml immobilized enzyme, the following conditions were found to be optimal: height/diameter ratio of column, 10.3; space time, 3.8 h; temperature, 40°C. Operation under these conditions gave 90% conversion of a 7% inulin solution and the productivity was 102 mmol l?1 h?1.  相似文献   

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