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The heteroxylan from the hybrid Paulownia elongata/Paulownia fortunei is an O-acetyl-(4-O-methylglucurono)xylan with an acetylation degree (DS) of 0.59 and a molecular weight (M(w)) of 29 kDa. The heteroxylan backbone is composed by (1-->4)-linked beta-d-xylopyranosyl units (Xylp) partially ramified with terminal (1-->2)-linked 4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucuronosyl (MeGlcpA) and a small proportion of alpha-D-glucuronosyl (GlcpA) residues in a molar ratio of Xylp:(MeGlcpA+GlcpA) of 20:1. Roughly half of the beta-D-xylopyranosyl units in the backbone are acetylated: 3-O-acetylated (22 mol %), 2-O-acetylated (23 mol %) or 2,3-di-O-acetylated (7 mol %). ESI-MS and MALDI-MS studies of partially hydrolyzed heteroxylan revealed a random distribution of O-Ac and MeGlcpA within the backbone. However, the frequency of substitution with O-Ac along the backbone is not uniform and the molecular regions that did not contain MeGlcpA substituents possessed an acetylation degree significantly lower than the average DS of the xylan.  相似文献   

Two monoterpene glycosides, conjugated with gallic acid [globulusin A (1) and B (2)], together with four known compounds, cypellocarpin A (3), eucaglobulin (4), cuniloside (5) and (1S, 2S, 4R)-trans-2-hydroxy-1,8-cineole beta-d-glucopyranoside (6), were isolated from hot-water extracts of the leaves of Eucalyptus globulus. The structures of compounds 1 and 2 were determined by 1D, 2D NMR and MS spectroscopic analyses. The absolute stereochemistry of 1 was determined by correlating the spectroscopic data with those of synthetic compound 6 with a known configuration. Globulusin A (1) and B (2), cypellocarpin A (3) and eucaglobulin (4), scavenged DPPH free radicals and globulusin A (1) showed a higher antioxidant activity than the other tested compounds, with an IC50 of 3.8microM. Globulusin A (1) and eucaglobulin (4) concentration-dependently suppressed inflammatory cytokine production, tumor-necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1beta in cultured human myeloma THP-1 cells co-stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate. These compounds also inhibited melanogenesis in cultured murine melanoma B16F1 cells, without any significant cytotoxicity. These results suggested that globulusin A (1) and eucaglobulin (4), which were isolated as antioxidants from E. globulus, also had anti-inflammatory as well as anti-melanogenesis activity.  相似文献   

The naturally regenerated native woody species diversity was studied ineucalypt plantations at Menagesha, where there was remnant natural forest, and atChancho, where natural forests were absent. A total of 22 and 20 woody speciesbelonging to 18 and 17 families were found, and of these species, treesaccounted for 68 and 55% at Menagesha and Chancho, respectively. About 83% ofthe woody species found in the adjacent natural forest, including importanttimber species were represented in the eucalypt understory at Menagesha.However, the relative abundance of species in eucalypt plantations and theadjacent natural forest varied considerably. Woody species richness andabundance of sample plots at Menagesha were on average 2.4 times and 5.7times higher, respectively, than the sample plots at Chancho. This resultdemonstrates the crucial role of the remnant small patches of natural forest,as a source of diaspores for the restoration of the woody species diversity indegraded areas of the Ethiopian highlands. There was no significant differencein woody species diversity between the eucalypt stand margin and centre. Theunderstory woody species density in eucalypt plantations was up to 8325stems/ha, indicating that the numerous eucalypt stands have a highpotential for restoring the woody species diversity in the Ethiopian highlands.In order to fully re-establish the diverse and economically valuable naturalforest, complementary measures such as enrichment planting of missing primaryforest species may be required.  相似文献   

This work provides an assessment on the fractionation of Eucalyptus globulus wood by sequential stages of autohydrolysis (to cause the solubilization of hemicelluloses) and organosolv pulping (to dissolve lignin, leaving solids enriched in cellulose). With this approach, valuable products (hemicellulose-derived saccharides, sulphur-free lignin fragments and cellulosic substrates with low contents of residual hemicelluloses) are obtained in separate streams, according to the biomass refinery approach. Autohydrolysis was carried out under optimized operational conditions, and organosolv pulping was performed using uncatalyzed ethanol-water solutions. The effects of the most influential operational variables (autohydrolysis severity, delignification temperature and ethanol concentration in the organosolv stage) on solid yield, solid composition, cellulose susceptibility and recovery of the various fractions was assessed using statistical methods, which enabled the identification of the most favourable operational conditions.  相似文献   

从蓝桉果实乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯部位分离得到7个五环三萜化合物,经理化和波谱分析鉴定为3β-乙酰基-乌索-11,12-烯-28,13β内酯(1)、桦木酮酸(2)、白桦脂酸(3)、2α-羟基白桦脂酸(4)、2α,3β-二羟基乌苏-12-烯-28-酸(5)、熊果酸(6)、3β-羟基-乌索-11,12-烯-28,13β内酯(7),其中化合物1,4,5和7系首次从该植物中分离得到。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the response to biobleaching of steam exploded kraft pulps and to compare the results with the controls. For this end, a laccase-mediator treatment using commercial laccase (Novozyme 51003) and a natural mediator (acetosyringone) were assayed, followed by alkaline extraction and hydrogen peroxide stages.Our approach resulted in exploded biobleached pulps with lower kappa number and improved optical properties compared to controls, even after subjecting pulps to accelerated ageing. Additionally, use of hydrogen peroxide was reduced. The LMS (laccase-mediator system) had a smaller impact on the properties of the bleached pulps and on hydrogen peroxide consumption than the steam explosion process did.  相似文献   

The effect of a pretreatment consisting of steam explosion (SE) followed by a laccase mediator system (LMS) stage on Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulping has been evaluated and compared with fungal pretreatments. Pretreatment with SE and LMS was more efficient than pretreatments using Pycnoporus sanguineus and Trametes sp. I-62. Steam explosion not only improved the enzyme penetration into the wood chips and shortened the pulping process by 60%, but also extracted around 50% of the hemicelluloses which could be converted into value-added products. The optimal conditions for the LMS treatment were 3 h, 3 UA/g and 40 °C. Compared to SE, the SE/LMS treatment yielded an increase in delignification of 13.9% without affecting pulp properties, provided a similar screened kraft yield, and reduced consumption of chemical reagents Na2S and NaOH by 11.5% and 6.3%, respectively. Therefore, SE/LMS is a promising pretreatment for converting the pulp mill into a forest bio-refinery.  相似文献   

Summary Micropropagation has the potential to quickly introduce selected genotypes of adult Eucalyptus globulus clones and it is now widely used in Portugal as a part of genetic improvement programs. Several clones have been established and multiplied in vitro. The different clones have individual requirements for successful rooting. Rejuvenation was achieved at different periods after culture initiation for the different clones. Subculturing preceding rooting in multiplication medium supplemented with riboflavin and cholene chloride allowed the increase of rooting ability for several clones tested. Removal of boron from the rooting medium increased rooting by 10%. Indolebutyric acid (IBA) dipping before transfer to the rooting medium resulted in a rooting percentage of 80–95% for the best clones tested. Acclimatization was performed without difficulties (90–95% success) and the rooted plants were either planted directly or used as mother plants for further cutting production, depending on the needs. The results described in this paper increase the commercial feasibility of the micropropagation system for E. globulus.  相似文献   

Sakya  A.T.  Dell  B.  Huang  L. 《Plant and Soil》2002,246(1):87-95
Although boron (B) deficiency limits the productivity of eucalypts in plantations in many parts of the world, the concentrations of foliar B used in the diagnosis of B deficiency vary greatly among studies. There has been a lack of reliable diagnosis standards for B deficiency in Eucalyptus species. Therefore, the present study investigated the relationship between internal and external B concentrations and growth of Eucalyptus globulus, the main commercial temperate eucalypt species. Seedlings were grown in a B-buffered solution culture (Amberlite IRA 743) from 0.03 to 8.35 M B. Boron deficiency symptoms appeared at day 5 in the nutrient solution containing less than 0.27 M B. The external critical B concentrations, estimated for the growth of shoots and roots, were 1.08 and 0.99 M B, respectively. The internal critical B concentration range in the youngest fully expanded leaf (YFEL) for shoot growth was 12–16 mg B kg–1 dry weight. The internal critical B concentrations estimated in the present study have been successfully used in the diagnosis of B deficiency in E. globulus trees up to three years of age in south-east Asia.  相似文献   

E. Shedley  B. Dell  T. Grove 《Plant and Soil》1995,177(2):183-189
The relationship between shoot growth and foliar nitrogen (N) in E. globulus seedlings was studied in the glasshouse to determine standard values for N deficiency and toxicity diagnosis. Seedlings were grown for 9 weeks in yellow sand, at 10 rates of N, applied as ammonium sulphate, calcium nitrate or ammonium nitrate. Shoot dry weight (DW) increased linearly with N rate for all forms of N in the deficiency range. Seedlings continued to respond to higher rates of ammonium and ammonium nitrate than to nitrate. Maximum shoot DW for nitrate fed plants and ammonium nitrate fed plants were 51% and 84% respectively of ammonium fed plants. Total N concentration in the youngest fully expanded leaf (YFEL) ranged from 1.0% to 3.3% in deficient and adequate plants. The critical N concentration for deficiency diagnosis (corresponding to 90% maximum yield) in the YFEL, determined from these growth response curves averaged over all N forms, was 2.6% N. For ammonium nitrate fed plants, total N concentration in the YFEL for the severely deficient, deficient, adequate, and toxic ranges were <1.4%, 1.4–2.5%, 2.6–3.5%, > 4.3%. High total N concentrations were associated with growth depression and toxicity symptoms, which differed with N form. For nitrate fed plants, a total N concentration above 3.3% in the YFEL was associated with severe growth depression, and leaf tip necrosis. The adequate concentration range for ammonium nitrate was similar to values found on a field trial with 7 month old E. globulus trees grown on an exforest site.  相似文献   

This study assessed the genotype by environment (G × E) interaction for diameter growth in 15 Eucalyptus globulus progeny trials in Australia. Single-site analyses revealed significant subrace and family-within-subrace variance in all trials. Across-site subrace () and family () correlations were estimated by linear mixed model analyses of pairs of trials. Using a factor analytic structure for subrace and family random terms in a multi-environment mixed model analysis, best linear unbiased predictions of subrace effects were obtained for each trial. These were then averaged for each of four states (Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia) and across all sites. Statistically significant G × E interaction was detected, and weighted means across states for and were 0.73 and 0.76, respectively. Nevertheless, the three subraces from the Otway Ranges were both fast growing and relatively stable in their ranks over all sites. We evaluated the sensitivity of subraces to changing environmental conditions, on the basis of random coefficient models regressing subrace performance on selected trial climatic variables. The results suggested differential susceptibility of subraces to water, light and (to a less extent) temperature stresses during summer. Moreover, using multivariate techniques to visualize and interpret the across-site correlation structure for subrace effects, we could identify site clusters of reduced G × E interaction related to soil water availability and evaporative demand during summer. A revised site-type classification using these factors should allow a better capture of genetic gains from breeding and deployment.  相似文献   

Summary In the present work, histological changes observed at the base of Eucalyptus globulus shoots in in vitro culture are described. Shoots were placed on solidified Murashige and Skoog medium containing half the original salt concentration, the complete vitamin composition, 9.8 μM indolebutyric acid (IBA), and 30 gI−1 agar, and were incubated in the dark for the first 7 d, followed by a 16-h photoperiod. In vitro-generated roots could be originated either from old vascular tissue or from newly formed xylem. The influence of the preexistent tissues on the neoformation process appeared to be varied. The medulla did not intervene directly, although there were abundant cellular divisions in response to the induction medium. On the other hand, the interruptions observed in the vascular cylinder of the stem suggested an influence of the interfascicular parenchyma, and therefore the medulla could have participated in the differentiation process. However, the cortical parenchyma showed most of the changes that lead to the formation of adventitious roots of E. globulus growing in vitro. Histological analysis suggests that vascular rays can also be formed in direct contact with the central cylinder of the stem, although they mainly originate from the cortical parenchyma.  相似文献   

Summary Seedlings of Eucalyptus globulus growing in soil columns were subjected to a 24 day soil drying treatment. Water and solute potentials of both young expanding and fully expanded leaves declined under reduced soil water availability, while slightly higher turgor was sustained by the fully expanded leaves. Although leaf area of unwatered seedlings was smaller, the corresponding leaf dry weight was quite similar to that of well-watered seedlings. Soon after rewatering, leaf area of plants experiencing water shortage was comparable to that of well-watered plants. It seems that a difference in wall properties between juvenile and mature leaves allows for an effective pattern of water use by eucalypt plants growing in drying soil. Some stomatal opening is sustained and therefore, presumably, some carbon may be fixed, keeping the carbon balance of the whole plant positive, and allowing a continuous cell division despite the limited water supply. The highest root density of both well-watered and unwatered plants was found in the upper soil layers. However, root growth of unwatered seedlings was gradually increased in the deeper soil layers, where thicker root apices and higher soil water depletion rates per unit root length were recorded. As a consequence, root absorbing surface area was as large in unwatered plants as in well-watered plants.  相似文献   

Summary Microscopic examination of the vascular cambium of Eucalyptus globulus, from four trees, at nine height levels, revealed a non-storied cambial structure with both ray and fusiform initials. Average fusiform initial length increased from 443 m at 70% of tree height from the base to a maximum of 484 m at 10% of tree height. At 2.5% of tree height average fusiform initial length sharply declined to 438 m. A strong positive correlation (r = 0.757, df = 7, P <0.05) existed between average fusiform initial length and average fibre length at each height, giving quantitative support to the notion that variation in fusiform initial length is an important mechanism influencing fibre length in hardwoods. However, 62% of the longitudinal variation in average fibre length was explained by the extent of elongation during differentiation, which increased linearly down the stem. At 70% of tree height, the average length of fibres was 1.84 times that of the fusiform initials, compared to 2.11 times at 2.5% of tree height. Concomitant with this longitudinal gradient of elongation was a gradient of increasing tangential area of the cambium occupied by cambial rays. This was accounted for by dimensional increases in the ray initial cells with decreasing height. Possible mechanisms that regulate the elongation of developing fibres and the proportion of cambial rays are discussed.  相似文献   

Heartwood and sapwood development was studied in 18-year-old Eucalyptus globulus trees from pulpwood plantations with different spacings (3 × 2, 3 × 3, 4 × 3, 4 × 4 and 4 × 5 m), on cross-sectional discs taken at breast height. The trees possessed a large proportion of heartwood, on average 60% of the wood cross-sectional surface. Spacing was a statistically significant source of variation of heartwood area, which ranged between 99 and 206 cm2 for the closer (3 × 2) and wider (4 × 5) spacings, respectively. There was a positive and high statistical significant correlation between heartwood diameter and tree diameter (heartwood diameter = −0.272 + 0.616 dbh; r 2 = 0.77; P < 0.001), and larger trees contained more heartwood regardless of spacing. Heartwood proportion in cross-section remained practically constant between spacings but increased with tree diameter class: 55.1, 62.2, 65.0 and 69.5% for diameter at breast height classes <15, 15–20, 20–25 and >25 cm, respectively. The sapwood width did not depend on tree diameter growth and remained practically constant at an average of 18 mm (range 15–21 mm), but sapwood area showed a good linear regression with tree diameter. Therefore, tree growth enhancement factors, such as wide spacings, will induce formation of larger heartwoods that can negatively impact raw-material quality for pulping. The increase in heartwood in relation with tree dimensions should therefore be taken into account when designing forest management guidelines.  相似文献   

A water-soluble galactoglucomannan composed of D-galactose, D-glucose, and D-mannose in 1:3:17 mole proportion has been isolated from the secondary cell walls of Picea abies L. Karst. About 33% of the polysaccharide units were substituted by acetyl groups. Structural studies of the polymer indicated a beta-(1-->4)-linked glucomannopyranosyl backbone with a low content of branch points at O-6 of mannosyl and glucosyl residues. A preference for mannosyl groups indicates the presence of a single D-galactosyl unit side-chain. About half of the mannose residues were O-acetylated at C-2 and C-3 in 1.7:1 mole proportion.  相似文献   

In the present study, in vitro anticariogenic potential of ethyl acetate, hexane and methanol and aqueous extracts of plant leaves of Eucalyptus globules Labill. were evaluated by using four cariogenic bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans. Agar well diffusion method and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) were used for this purpose. The ethyl acetate extracted fraction of plant leaves showed good inhibitory effects against all selected bacteria. In Eucalyptus globules, hexane and ethyl acetate extracts found highly effective against, Lactobacillus acidophilus with MIC value of 0.031 and 0.062 mg/mL, respectively. Qualitative phytochemical investigation of above extracts showed the presence of alkaloids, phenolic compounds, steroids, cardiac glycosides and terpenes. Based on the MIC value and bioautography, ethyl acetate of plant leaf was selected for further study. Further investigation on the structure elucidation of the bioactive compound using IR, GC-MS and NMR techniques revealed the presence of alpha-farnesene, a sesquiterpene. Eucalyptus globules plant leaf extracts have great potential as anticariogenic agents that may be useful in the treatment of oral disease.  相似文献   

Summary The variation in growth of the fine roots of blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus labill. ssp.globulus) in the 0–40 cm soil layer was studied from March 1982 to March 1983 at Quinta do Furaduoro, Óbidos, Portugal. A mesh bag method was used; bags of nylon net were inserted into a clay soil and a sandy soil and filled with root-free soil. They were resampled after 2, 4, 6 and 12 months in both places and, in a separate series in the sandy soil every second month throughout the year.The ingrowth of roots was high during the winter months but there was also a surprisingly high ingrowth during the spring-early summer period. There was also some root growth during the driest part of the yearviz. July–September.The amount of fine roots reached a maximum of about 260 g dw m–2 after about 6 months in the sandy soil, whereas it took at least 12 months to reach the somewhat higher level of 450 g dw m–2 in the clay soil. At that level the decomposition of dead roots was expected to equal the formation of new roots. Dead roots appeared after only 2 months. There was a higher proportion of dead roots in the clay soil than in the sandy soil, 35% as compared with 20% on an average, which indicates a slower decomposition or a higher mortality at equal decomposition rates in the clay than and in the sandy soil. The present data gives an indication of a minimum fine root production in mature Eucalyptus stands of at least 600 g dw m–2 yr–1.  相似文献   

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