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The prosobranch gastropod Nucella lapillus exhibits imposex(occurrence of male parts in addition to the female genitalduct) in response to tributyltin (TBT) pollution. Six stageswith three different types in the first three stages and twotypes in the last two stages can be distinguished and are documentedwith SEM-photographs for the first time. Furthermore, nine additionalalterations to the genital tract are shown. As a consequence of TBT exposure in early life stages a sexchange might occur. The oogenesis is suppressed and supplantedby spermatogenesis. The results are two observed specimens witha male genital tract (with a testis) and different female parts.Anatomical and histological details are given here. If TBT-expositionoccurs later, the vagina is replaced by a small prostate glandor the vaginal opening is occluded by proliferating tissue. The two established indices for PSH monitoring (VDS and RPS)in muricid gastropods are discussed. It is shown that the VDSis the more valid parameter. (Received 2 January 1991; accepted 1 March 1991)  相似文献   

Nucella lapillus is a common and widely distributed carnivorous gastropod of North Atlantic rocky sea shores. Populations of this animal usually show variation in shell shape according to the exposure of their habitat to wave action, with individuals from exposed sites having a short squat shell and a wide aperture as compared with a more elongated form seen in shelter. The same pattern of variation is seen over most of the species European range, but there are some exceptions. One of these has been described in Sullom Voe (Shetland) and this prompted an investigation of Faroese populations to ascertain whether they behaved in a similar manner. It is shown in this paper that Faroese populations vary in shell shape with exposure in the usual way (and not like those in Shetland) and moreover show such a fine and precise reflection of minor alterations in environmental conditions that measurement of dog-whelk shells may prove to be the best way of 'measuring' exposure in Faroe.  相似文献   

We measured the breeding performance, body condition, time budgets and foraging ranges of Kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla at Sumburgh Head, Shetland, in two years of contrasting food availability. Kittiwakes in Shetland generally feed their young almost entirely on sandeels, and fisheries data indicated that stocks of sandeels in Shetland waters were at least ten times higher in 1991 than in 1990. Fledging success of Kittiwakes was nil in 1990 and 68% of eggs laid in 1991, although clutch-size and hatching success were no different between years. Post-hatching foraging trips in 1991 were of comparable duration to those recorded at other colonies in conditions of good food supply (2–3 h), while trips recorded during incubation or post-hatching in 1990 were approximately three times longer on average than at corresponding stages of the breeding season in 1991. Radio-tracking data indicated that adults generally stayed within 5 km of the colony in 1991 but flew more than 40 km from the colony on each trip in 1990. Eggs were apparently not left unattended in either year, despite the fact that this required adults to incubate for periods in excess of 44 h in 1990. The extent to which adults were able to increase trip durations, foraging ranges and incubation shift lengths between years, while maintaining hatching success, indicates the degree to which Kittiwakes are normally buffered against adverse feeding conditions during incubation. Reduced nest attendance and lower body-condition of adults post-hatching in 1990, in conjunction with complete post-hatching breeding failure, indicate that adults were beyond the limits of their buffering capacity during chick-rearing in 1990.  相似文献   

Summary Conducting computer simulations, Nei and Tateno (1978) have shown that Jukes and Holmquist's (1972) method of estimating the number of nucleotide substitutions tends to give an overestimate and the estimate obtained has a large variance. Holmquist and Conroy (1980) repeated some parts of our simulation and claim that the overestimation of nucleotide substitutions in our paper occurred mainly because we used selected data. Examination of Holmquist and Conroy's simulation indicates that their results are essentially the same as ours when the Jukes-Holmquist method is used, but since they used a different method of computation their estimates of nucleotide substitutions differed substantially from ours. Another problem in Holmquist and Conroy's Letter is that they confused the expected number of nucleotide substitution with the number in a sample. This confusion has resulted in a number of unnecessary arguments. They also criticized ourX 2 measure, but this criticism is apparently due to a misunderstanding of the assumptions of our method and a failure to use our method in the way we described. We believe that our earlier conclusions remain unchanged.  相似文献   

Shetland ponies were selected for numerous traits including small stature, strength, hardiness and longevity. Despite the different selection criteria, Shetland ponies are well known for their small stature. We performed a selection signature analysis including genome‐wide SNPs of 75 Shetland ponies and 76 large‐sized horses. Based upon this dataset, we identified a selection signature on equine chromosome (ECA) 1 between 103.8 Mb and 108.5 Mb. A total of 33 annotated genes are located within this interval including the IGF1R gene at 104.2 Mb and the ADAMTS17 gene at 105.4 Mb. These two genes are well known to have a major impact on body height in numerous species including humans. Homozygosity mapping in the Shetland ponies identified a region with increased homozygosity between 107.4 Mb and 108.5 Mb. None of the annotated genes in this region have so far been associated with height. Thus, we cannot exclude the possibility that the identified selection signature on ECA1 is associated with some trait other than height, for which Shetland ponies were selected.  相似文献   

In two experiments, a batch of 38 herring from Shetland was gutted immediately on capture (0 h) and further batches were gutted 14 and 37 h after capture and storage on ice. The numbers of Anisakis larvae in the body-cavity and in the flesh (detected by pepsin-HCl digest) were then counted. The proportion of fish with worms in the flesh was higher at 14 and 37 h than at 0 h. The percentage of the total worm burden in the flesh increased between cash each time interval, which suggests that a large-scale migration of larvae into the flesh occurs in ungutted fish. There was a positive association between the numbers of larvae in the viscera and the numbers in the flesh. Most larvae occurred in the hypaxial muscles. The results are discussed in relation to the observations of earlier workers.  相似文献   

A study of well over one thousand specimens provided proof to put the conspecifity of the two supposed species originally described asHelobdella tricarinata andClepsine nilotica beyond all doubt. Evidence is presented which indicates that the striking changes in body-shape and drastic alteration in the appearance of the tuberculation at different stages of reproduction and nutrition combined with individual variation in tuberculation, annulation, and in the arrangement and pigmentation of the eyes were responsible for earlier confusion as to the identity of this species. Since the early accounts were incomplete and contained some important errorsBatracobdelloides tricarinata is redescribed and, for the first time, comprehensively figured.  相似文献   

Capsule Changes in return date coincided with marked changes in population size that probably resulted in fluctuating competition for nest-sites.

Aims To document the changes in return dates over a 44-year period and to identify the factors associated with these changes.

Methods We compared changes in return date at Shetland colonies with those for the Isle of May, southeast Scotland, and with the available information on population size, the abundance of some fish species eaten by Common Guillemots and large-scale changes in the oceanography and climate of the eastern Atlantic as reflected by the winter index of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO).

Results Common Guillemots normally return to colonies in Shetland in late winter. However, during the 1960s return dates became gradually earlier with birds present from early October. Autumn return remained the norm for about ten years after which return dates gradually reverted back to late winter. In contrast, Common Guillemots on the Isle of May, 400 km south of Shetland, showed no marked shift, returning in October each year. There was a strong negative correlation between date of return of Shetland birds and population size, whereas on the Isle of May birds came back earlier when there was a large positive winter NAO index. There was no convincing evidence that changes in wintering areas or fish abundance influenced when birds returned to the colonies, although the fish data may not have been collected on the correct spatial scale.

Conclusion Competition for high quality nest-sites is the most likely reason for Common Guillemots returning to the colonies during the autumn and winter.  相似文献   

1. Two antisera were obtained from a single rabbit. Both are highly specific for human calcitonin M but react with different parts of the amino acid sequence. 2. The different sequences that react with the antibodies of the two antisera were located. The first antiserum reacts at two sites in the molecule, one in the sequence residues 11–18, probably with residue 17 as the immunodominant group, and another on either side of the 28–29 peptide bond. The second antiserum, harvested 9 months later, reacts principally at one site bridging the 28–29 peptide bond. 3. A consideration of the properties of the hormone's binding sites and of data relating biological activity to structure enables some conclusions to be drawn with regard to the shape of the molecule. It appears that the peptide chain is folded to bring N- and C-termini closer together and that there is non-covalent interaction between regions in the chain near both termini. One of these is located near residue 8.  相似文献   


Two populations of the conspicuous, semi-sessile medusae of the rhizostome genus Cassiopea, both morphologically similar to Cassiopea andromeda from the Red Sea and Indopacific, were recently studied on Oahu (Hawai'i), one from a sheltered saltwater pond (the Hilton Lagoon) next to Ala Wai Harbor, Honolulu, and the second from the canals of a fish farm near Kahuku on NE Oahu. Gonad differentiation, checked in 1998, and again in 1999 and 2000, was unexpectedly different in medusae from these two locations. Contrary to all earlier reports and personal observations of strict gonochorism in C. andromeda, the majority of the Hilton Lagoon medusae collected in 1998 were hermaphroditic with female and male parts intermingling in the gonads. This is an exceptional case in scyphozoans. However, this hermaphroditic condition, which was observed again in 1999, was not stable over time. All six medusae taken from the same lagoon in 2000 were distinctly gonochoristic; four were males, and two were females brooding egg masses on the oral disk. Planula larvae hatching in the laboratory were successfully reared to the scyphopolyp stage. By contrast, medusae sampled from the population were all males in 1998, 1999, and 2000. Polyps were found abundantly on dark, deteriorating leaves of the Red Mangrove, occasionally on other plant remnants, and on discarded plastic materials in the canals. The polyps propagated asexually both by strobilation of ephyrae and by production of motile, larva-like buds that settled to form additional polyps. We speculate on a clonal origin of this male population. Asexually formed propagules were induced to form polyps by exposure to either the peptide Z-GPGGPA or biogenic substrata as has been shown before in other Cassiopea species. The serine/threonine protein phosphatase inhibitor cantharidin stimulated bud development too, but interfered strongly with pattern formation, polarity, and the sequence and timing of morphogenetic events. It did not induce typical bud-to-polyp metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Satellite telemetry was used to determine the winter movements of eight chinstrap penguins from two breeding colonies in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica during the 2000 and 2004 austral winters. Chinstrap penguins foraged largely inshore, on the shelf, north of the South Shetland Islands during 2000, but foraged mainly offshore in pelagic waters in 2004. Analyses of foraging trip durations during the chick-rearing periods that preceded the 2000 and 2004 winters suggest that prey were more abundant inshore during the summer of 2000 than in 2004. Oceanographic data further revealed the presence of a strong shelf-slope front in 2000 that was absent in 2004. In addition, two of the six chinstrap penguins from the colony in Admiralty Bay migrated from the South Shetland Islands region to the vicinity of the South Orkney and South Sandwich Islands, distances of 800 and 1,300 km, respectively. We postulate that the differences in winter migratory behavior among chinstrap penguins from this colony may reflect individual ties to different ancestral epicenters of chinstrap populations; one older and local in the South Shetland Islands and one relatively recent, arising from the emigration of chinstrap penguins that occurred during the expansion of this species in the mid-1900s.  相似文献   

Seabirds and their response to climate perturbations are important bioindicators of changes in Antarctic ecosystems. During 30?years of observations of two chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarcticus) colonies, one on King George Island and the other on Penguin Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica), the size of the breeding populations decreased by 84 and 41?%, respectively. We applied analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphisms to study the genetic structure of the two populations and to evaluate the influence of the sudden population decrease. Our data indicate that there were only weak genetic differences between the populations, which were not strong enough to support the hypothesis of population differentiation. Weak genetic differences observed between the two populations seem not to be determined by selection processes. We hypothesize that the very low level of between-population genetic structure can be explained by some extent of genetic drift, which is largely compensated by gene flow. Moreover, the two populations seem to remain in a stationary state. Our results support the hypothesis of limited natal philopatry in chinstrap penguins. The observed decrease in population size is probably caused by emigration or a rise in juvenile mortality due to the increasing krill limitation of the marine food web. However, detailed research is required to address this issue.  相似文献   

 During visits to several localities on the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula in summer 1994 we made collections of marine benthic algae. Among the algae we collected were three new records for Antarctica [Petalonia fascia (OF Müller) Kuntze; Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) Nees; Rhodymenia subantarctica Ricker] and seven other species [Scytosiphon simplicissimus (Clemente) Cremades; Chordaria linearis (Hooker et Harvey) Cotton; Halopteris obovata (Hooker et Harvey) Sauvageau; Acrosiphonia arcta (Dillwyn) J. Agardh; Enteromorpha compressa (L.) Nees; Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) C. Agardh; Porphyra plocamiestris Ricker] that had been reported on only one or two previous occasions (or, in one case, three). The ten species detailed in this paper fall into two groups: four species previously known from sub-Antarctic islands and/or locations in southern South America, and six species having a wider distribution in temperate regions. We discuss the possibility that the less accessible subtidal habitats of some species may have prevented earlier discovery. Other species may be comparatively recent adventives, most likely introduced with shipping. In view of possible global climate changes, species of this latter group are regarded as suitable organisms for monitoring changes of water temperature. Received: 12 December 1995/Accepted: 14 April 1996  相似文献   

In contrast to earlier studies conducted at lower dose levels, 2AAF is shown to induce a positive UDS response in the liver of mice dosed orally at dose levels between 500 and 1000 mg/kg. Similarly exposed mice had low levels of 2AAF-related hepatic DNA adducts at dose levels in the range 10-1000 mg/kg 2AAF, as determined by 32P-postlabelling analysis. It is concluded that the attenuated UDS response observed in the mouse liver, as compared to the rat liver, is due primarily to metabolic differences between these two species, coupled to a reduced capacity for UDS in the mouse liver for a given level of total 2AAF-related adducts per unit of DNA. These observations are compared and contrasted with identical studies conducted in the rat and reported in the preceding paper (Gallagher et al., 1991).  相似文献   

Killer whale call repertoires can provide information on social connections among groups and populations. Killer whales in Iceland and Norway exhibit similar ecology and behavior, are genetically related, and are presumed to have been in contact before the collapse of the Atlanto-Scandian herring stock in the 1960s. However, photo-identification suggests no recent movements between Iceland and Norway but regular movement between Iceland and Shetland. Acoustic recordings collected between 2005 and 2016 in Iceland, Norway, and Shetland were used to undertake a comprehensive comparison of call repertoires of Northeast Atlantic killer whales. Measurements of time and frequency parameters of calls from Iceland (n = 4,037) and Norway (n = 1,715) largely overlapped in distribution, and a discriminant function analysis had low correct classification rate. No call type matches were confirmed between Iceland and Norway or Shetland and Norway. Three call types matched between Iceland and Shetland. Therefore, this study suggests overall similarities in time and frequency parameters but some divergence in call type repertoires. This argues against presumed past contact between Icelandic and Norwegian killer whales and suggests that they may not have been one completely mixed population.  相似文献   

The desaturase-2 (desat2) locus of Drosophila melanogaster has two alleles whose frequencies vary geographically: one (the "Z" allele) is found primarily in east Africa and the Caribbean, and the other (the "M" allele) occurs in other parts of the world. It has been suggested that these alleles not only cause sexual isolation between races, but that their distribution reflects differential adaptation to climate: Z alleles are supposedly adapted to tropical conditions and M alleles to temperate ones. This has thus been viewed as a case of reproductive isolation evolving as a pleiotropic byproduct of adaptation. Here we reinvestigate this presumed climatic adaptation, using transgenic lines differing in the nature of their desat2 alleles. We were unable to replicate earlier results showing that carriers of M alleles are uniformly more cold resistant and less starvation resistant than carriers of Z alleles. It is thus doubtful whether the distribution of these alleles reflects natural selection involving climate. Mating studies of transgenic lines show some evidence for sexual isolation due to desat2. However, work on other, wild-type lines, as well as observations on the nature of sexual isolation, suggest that this conclusion--and thus the relationship between this locus and mating discrimination between races of D. melanogaster--may also be doubtful.  相似文献   

It has been brought to our attention that our paper (Kronholm et al. BMC Genetics 2010, 11:33) may have caused some confusion for readers interested in the correct quantification of population differentiation. We feel that this issue is of some importance and wish to clarify any confusion that might have resulted.  相似文献   


The lichenized fungus Diploicia canescens (Dicks.) Massal. has recently been discovered in Shetland. Its world distribution is centred in Europe where it is essentially a western and southern species. Its habitats in Shetland are discussed in comparison with its stations in Orkney and in mainland Britain. It is concluded that the species does not occupy significantly different habitats at the extreme north of its world range, although the precise environmental controls for this species must remain partly unidentified.  相似文献   

Variation in dog-whelk shells in relation to wave action and crab predation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Nucella lapillus there is usually a progressive gradation in mean shell shape from short squat individuals on exposed headlands to more elongated ones in shelter. This pattern has been attributed to the differential selective effects of wave action and crab predation, although it would almost certainly be an oversimplification to imagine these as the only significant forces involved, especially near the limits of the species' distribution.
However, whilst this pattern of shell-shape variation with exposure is generally true over most of the animal's range in both Europe and North America, there are exceptions. There are occasional enclaves with much more elongated shells than would normally have been expected. Sometimes these are so abundant, as in the Severn Estuary, that all dog-whelk enclaves are unusually elongated, regardless of the exposure of their habitat.
In other areas, such as south-eastern England, the Solway Firth and the area around the mouth of the Conway the shells are not unusually elongated, but the enclaves show very little variation: a normal sheltered-shore form is seen wherever the species occurs. Shetland samples appear to be a combination of this pattern (predominating) with the 'normal' one showing the full range of shellshape variation.
Nucella appears in the Atlantic fossil record at the end of the Pliocene without any antecedent forms. It is assumed to have colonized from the Pacific and exploited the vacant niche before the onset of the Ice Age. Successive advances and retreats of the ice, with attendant changes in sea level, will have served to break up and recombine those dog-whelk populations that were not eliminated. It is postulated that the modern Nucella lapillus is a combination of several genetically distinct populations, some of which show the full range of variation and may respond to the selective effects of crabs and waves, and some of which do not and show little variation.  相似文献   

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