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Functional interactions of neurogenic genes of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
The neurogenic genes of Drosophila melanogaster are involved in the decision of ectodermal cells to take on a neural or an epidermal fate. We present evidence in support of the notion that six of the neurogenic genes are functionally related. We studied the phenotype of embryos lacking one of the neurogenic genes in the presence of an increased dosage of the wild-type allele of another neurogenic gene. Our analysis also included the Hairless locus, whose function is related to that of the neurogenic genes, as well as to many other genes. The effects observed were asymmetric in that triploidy for a given gene modified the phenotype of loss of the function of another gene, but triploidy of the latter gene did not modify the phenotype of loss of the function of the former gene. These asymmetries allowed us to establish a polarity of gene interactions, as well as to order the genes according to the assumed ability of some of them to modify the activity of others. In this sequence, almondex is the first link and Enhancer of split the last one. Our evidence suggests that the function of big brain is independent of the function of the other six. The consequences of this arrangement for the commitment of ectodermal cells are discussed.  相似文献   



Mutations in genes encoding ribosomal proteins (RPs) have been shown to cause an array of cellular and developmental defects in a variety of organisms. In Drosophila melanogaster, disruption of RP genes can result in the 'Minute' syndrome of dominant, haploinsufficient phenotypes, which include prolonged development, short and thin bristles, and poor fertility and viability. While more than 50 Minute loci have been defined genetically, only 15 have so far been characterized molecularly and shown to correspond to RP genes.


We combined bioinformatic and genetic approaches to conduct a systematic analysis of the relationship between RP genes and Minute loci. First, we identified 88 genes encoding 79 different cytoplasmic RPs (CRPs) and 75 genes encoding distinct mitochondrial RPs (MRPs). Interestingly, nine CRP genes are present as duplicates and, while all appear to be functional, one member of each gene pair has relatively limited expression. Next, we defined 65 discrete Minute loci by genetic criteria. Of these, 64 correspond to, or very likely correspond to, CRP genes; the single non-CRP-encoding Minute gene encodes a translation initiation factor subunit. Significantly, MRP genes and more than 20 CRP genes do not correspond to Minute loci.


This work answers a longstanding question about the molecular nature of Minute loci and suggests that Minute phenotypes arise from suboptimal protein synthesis resulting from reduced levels of cytoribosomes. Furthermore, by identifying the majority of haplolethal and haplosterile loci at the molecular level, our data will directly benefit efforts to attain complete deletion coverage of the D. melanogaster genome.  相似文献   

The Notch (N) signaling machinery is evolutionarily conserved and regulates a broad spectrum of cell-specification events, through local cell-cell communication. pecanex (pcx) encodes a multi-pass transmembrane protein of unknown function, widely found from Drosophila to humans. The zygotic and maternal loss of pcx in Drosophila causes a neurogenic phenotype (hyperplasia of the embryonic nervous system), suggesting that pcx might be involved in N signaling. Here, we established that Pcx is a component of the N-signaling pathway. Pcx was required upstream of the membrane-tethered and the nuclear forms of activated N, probably in N signal-receiving cells, suggesting that pcx is required prior to or during the activation of N. pcx overexpression revealed that Pcx resides in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Disruption of pcx function resulted in enlargement of the ER that was not attributable to the reduced N signaling activity. In addition, hyper-induction of the unfolded protein response (UPR) by the expression of activated Xbp1 or dominant-negative Heat shock protein cognate 3 suppressed the neurogenic phenotype and ER enlargement caused by the absence of pcx. A similar suppression of these phenotypes was induced by overexpression of O-fucosyltransferase 1, an N-specific chaperone. Taking these results together, we speculate that the reduction in N signaling in embryos lacking pcx function might be attributable to defective ER functions, which are compensated for by upregulation of the UPR and possibly by enhancement of N folding. Our results indicate that the ER plays a previously unrecognized role in N signaling and that this ER function depends on pcx activity.  相似文献   

Convergent intercellular signals must be precisely integrated in order to elicit specific biological responses. During specification of muscle and cardiac progenitors from clusters of equivalent cells in the Drosophila embryonic mesoderm, the Ras/MAPK pathway--activated by both epidermal and fibroblast growth factor receptors--functions as an inductive cellular determination signal, while lateral inhibition mediated by Notch antagonizes this activity. A critical balance between these signals must be achieved to enable one cell of an equivalence group to segregate as a progenitor while its neighbors assume a nonprogenitor identity. We have investigated whether these opposing signals directly interact with each other, and we have examined how they are integrated by the responding cells to specify their unique fates. Our findings reveal that Ras and Notch do not function independently; rather, we have uncovered several modes of cross-talk between these pathways. Ras induces Notch, its ligand Delta, and the epidermal growth factor receptor antagonist, Argos. We show that Delta and Argos then synergize to nonautonomously block a positive autoregulatory feedback loop that amplifies a fate-inducing Ras signal. This feedback loop is characterized by Ras-mediated upregulation of proximal components of both the epidermal and fibroblast growth factor receptor pathways. In turn, Notch activation in nonprogenitors induces its own expression and simultaneously suppresses both Delta and Argos levels, thereby reinforcing a unidirectional inhibitory response. These reciprocal interactions combine to generate the signal thresholds that are essential for proper specification of progenitors and nonprogenitors from groups of initially equivalent cells.  相似文献   

The Drosophila olfactory genes OS-E and OS-F are members of a family of genes that encode insect odorant-binding proteins (OBPs). OBPs are believed to transport hydrophobic odorants through the aqueous fluid within olfactory sensilla to the underlying receptor proteins. The recent discovery of a large family of olfactory receptor genes in Drosophila raises new questions about the function, diversity, regulation, and evolution of the OBP family. We have investigated the OS-E and OS-F genes in a variety of Drosophila species. These studies highlight potential regions of functional significance in the OS-E and OS-F proteins, which may include a region required for interaction with receptor proteins. Our results suggest that the two genes arose by an ancient gene duplication, and that in some lineages, one or the other gene has been lost. In D. virilis, the OS-F gene shows a different spatial pattern of expression than in D. melanogaster. One of the OS-F introns shows a striking degree of conservation between the two species, and we identify a putative regulatory sequence within this intron. Finally, a phylogenetic analysis places both OS-E and OS-F within a large family of insect OBPs and OBP-like proteins.  相似文献   

Although Notch signaling is known to be critical for the specification of cell fate in various developing organs, the particular roles of each Notch and Notch ligand (NotchL) have not yet been elucidated. The phenotypes found in loss-of-function experiments have varied, depending on the expression profiles of the receptors and ligands. However, in some cases, their significances differ from others, even with comparable levels of expression, suggesting a distinctive functional receptor-ligand interaction during the activation process of Notch signaling. In this review, the phenotypes observed in Notch/NotchL-deficient situations are introduced, and their distinct roles are accentuated. The distinctive features of the specific combinations of Notch/NotchL are also discussed. This review aims to highlight the unanswered questions in this field to help improve our understanding of the preferential functional interaction between Notch and NotchL.  相似文献   

The nature and functional peculiarities of Abruptex-type Notch alleles are not yet known. A high level of phenotypic allele polymorphism has been found in Drosophila in known Abruptex lines. In addition to mutants with a lack of Notch function, there are hypomorphic, hypermorphic, and antimorphic alleles that often show enhanced cell proliferation and the failure of processes of cell differentiation in wings. It is considered that Abruptex alleles can serve as a model for studying the reasons for and consequences of hereditary diseases in humans, including CADASIL, which, as is supposed, is related to modifications in Notch activity and gene interactions in the Notch signal system.  相似文献   

Cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic factors mediate asymmetric cell divisions during neurogenesis in the Drosophila embryo. In the NB4-2->GMC-1->RP2/sib lineage, one of the well-studied neuronal lineages in the ventral nerve cord, the Notch (N) signaling interacts with the asymmetrically localized Numb (Nb) to specify sibling neuronal fates to daughter cells of GMC-1. In this current study, we have investigated asymmetric cell fate specifications by N and Nb in the context of cell cycle. We have used loss-of-function mutations in N and nb, cell division mutants cyclinA (cycA), regulator of cyclin A1 (rca1) and string/cdc25 phosphatase (stg), and the microtubule destabilizing agent, nocodazole, to investigate this issue. We report that the loss of cycA, rca1 or stg leads to a block in the division of GMC-1, however, this GMC-1 exclusively adopts an RP2 identity. While the loss of N leads to the specification of RP2 fates to both progeny of GMC-1 and loss of nb results in the specification of sib fates to these daughter cells, the GMC-1 in the double mutant between nb and cycA assumes a sib fate. These epistasis results indicate that both N and nb function downstream of cell division genes and that progression through cell cycle is required for the asymmetric localization of Nb. In the absence of entry to metaphase, the Nb protein prevents the N signaling from specifying sib fate to the RP2/sib precursor. These results are also consistent with our finding that the sib cell is specified as RP2 in N; nb double mutants. Finally, our results show that nocodazole-arrested GMC-1 in wild-type embryos randomly assumes either an RP2 fate or a sib fate. This suggests that microtubules are involved in mediating the antagonistic interaction between Nb and N during RP2 and sib fate specification.  相似文献   

We have obtained 15 sequences of Est-6 from a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster to test whether linkage disequilibrium exists between Est-6 and the closely linked Sod, and whether natural selection may be involved. An early experiment with allozymes had shown linkage disequilibrium between these two loci, while none was detected between other gene pairs. The Sod sequences for the same 15 haplotypes were obtained previously. The two genes exhibit similar levels of nucleotide polymorphism, but the patterns are different. In Est-6, there are nine amino acid replacement polymorphisms, one of which accounts for the S-F allozyme polymorphism. In Sod, there is only one replacement polymorphism, which corresponds to the S-F allozyme polymorphism. The transversion/transition ratio is more than five times larger in Sod than in Est-6. At the nucleotide level, the S and F alleles of Est-6 make up two allele families that are quite different from each other, while there is relatively little variation within each of them. There are also two families of alleles in Sod, one consisting of a subset of F alleles, and the other consisting of another subset of F alleles, designed F(A), plus all the S alleles. The Sod F(A) and S alleles are completely or nearly identical in nucleotide sequence, except for the replacement mutation that accounts for the allozyme difference. The two allele families have independent evolutionary histories in the two genes. There are traces of statistically significant linkage disequilibrium between the two genes that, we suggest, may have arisen as a consequence of selection favoring one particular sequence at each locus.  相似文献   

A role for the Drosophila neurogenic genes in mesoderm differentiation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The neurogenic genes of Drosophila have long been known to regulate cell fate decisions in the developing ectoderm. In this paper we show that these genes also control mesoderm development. Embryonic cells that express the muscle-specific gene nautilus are overproduced in each of seven neurogenic mutants (Notch, Delta, Enhancer of split, big brain, mastermind, neuralized, and almondex), at the apparent expense of neighboring, nonexpressing mesodermal cells. The mesodermal defect does not appear to be a simple consequence of associated neural hypertrophy, suggesting that the neurogenic genes may function similarly and independently in establishing cell fates in both ectoderm and mesoderm. Altered patterns of beta 3-tubulin and myosin heavy chain gene expression in the mutants indicate a role for the neurogenic genes in development of most visceral and somatic muscles. We propose that the signal produced by the neurogenic genes is a general one, effective in both ectoderm and mesoderm.  相似文献   

Notch, a cell surface receptor, is required for producing different types of cells during development of Drosophila melanogaster. Notch activates expression of one set of genes in response to ligand Delta and another set of genes in response to ligand Wingless. The means by which Notch initiates these different intracellular activities was examined in this study. Cultured cells expressing Notch were treated with Delta or Wingless, and the effect on Notch was examined by Western blotting. Treatment of cells with Delta resulted in accumulation of approximately 120-kDa Notch intracellular domain molecules in the cytoplasmic fraction. This form of Notch did not accumulate in cells treated with Wingless, but the approximately 350-kDa full-length Notch molecules accumulated. These results indicate that N responds differently to binding by Delta and Wingless, and suggest that although the Delta signal is transduced by the Notch intracellular domain released from the plasma membrane, the Wingless signal is transduced by the Notch intracellular domain associated with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, the induction of apoptosis requires three closely linked genes, reaper (rpr), head involution defective (hid), and grim. The products of these genes induce apoptosis by activating a caspase pathway. Two very similar Drosophila caspases, DCP-1 and drICE, have been previously identified. We now show that DCP-1 has a substrate specificity that is remarkably similar to those of human caspase 3 and Caenorhabditis elegans CED-3, suggesting that DCP-1 is a death effector caspase. drICE and DCP-1 have similar yet different enzymatic specificities. Although expression of either in cultured cells induces apoptosis, neither protein was able to induce DNA fragmentation in Drosophila SL2 cells. Ectopic expression of a truncated form of dcp-1 (DeltaN-dcp-1) in the developing Drosophila retina under an eye-specific promoter resulted in a small and rough eye phenotype, whereas expression of the full-length dcp-1 (fl-dcp-1) had little effect. On the other hand, expression of either full-length drICE (fl-drICE) or truncated drICE (DeltaN-drICE) in the retina showed no obvious eye phenotype. Although active DCP-1 protein cleaves full-length DCP-1 and full-length drICE in vitro, GMR-DeltaN-dcp-1 did not enhance the eye phenotype of GMR-fl-dcp-1 or GMR-fl-drICE flies. Significantly, GMR-rpr and GMR-grim, but not GMR-hid, dramatically enhanced the eye phenotype of GMR-fl-dcp-1 flies. These results indicate that Reaper and Grim, but not HID, can activate DCP-1 in vivo.  相似文献   



Extracellular domains of the Notch family of signalling receptors contain many EGF repeat domains, as do their major ligands. Some EGF repeats are modified by O-fucosylation, and most have no identified role in ligand binding.  相似文献   

Molecular interactions between the photoreceptor G protein and rhodopsin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The visual transduction system of the vertebrate retina is a well-studied model for biochemical and molecular studies of signal transduction. The structure and function of rhodopsin, a prototypical G protein-coupled receptor, and transducin or Gt, the photoreceptor G protein, have been particularly well studied. Mechanisms of rhodopsin-Gt interaction are discussed in this review. 2. The visual pigment rhodopsin contains a chromophore, and thus conformational changes leading to activation can be monitored spectroscopically. A model of the conformational changes in the activated receptor is presented based on biophysical and biochemical data. 3. The current information on sites of interaction on receptors and cognate G proteins is summarized. Studies using synthetic peptides from amino acid sequences corresponding to Gt and rhodopsin have provided information on the sites of rhodopsin-Gt interaction. Synthetic peptides from the carboxyl terminal region of alpha t mimic Gt by stabilizing the active conformation of rhodopsin, Metarhodopsin II. 4. The conformation of one such peptide when it is bound to Metarhodopsin II was determined by 2D NMR. The model based on the NMR data was tested using peptide analogs predicted to stabilize or break the structure. These studies yield molecular insight into why toxin-treated and mutant G proteins are uncoupled from receptors.  相似文献   

The Notch locus of Drosophila melanogaster, which codes for a transmembrane protein sharing homology with the mammalian epidermal growth factor, is one of a small number of zygotically acting genes, the so called neurogenic loci, which are necessary for the correct segregation of neural from epidermal lineages during embryogenesis. In an attempt to identify genes whose products may interact with that of Notch, we designed a genetic screen aimed at identifying suppressors of certain Notch mutations which are known to affect the extracellular epidermal growth factor homologous domain of Notch. Mutations in two neurogenic loci were identified as suppressors: Delta, whose product was recently shown to interact with Notch and mastermind. In addition, a third, X-linked gene was shown capable of acting as a suppressor. We show that this gene is the deltex locus, characterize the phenotype of deltex mutations, and demonstrate both a maternal and zygotic action of the locus. All deltex alleles behave as recessive viables affecting wing, ocellar and eye morphology. There are allele specific interactions between deltex and various Notch alleles; for example, deltex mutants with a reduced dosage of wild-type Notch die as pupae. deltex also interacts with Delta and mastermind in a fashion that is formally analogous to its interaction with Notch. These results emphasize the special relationship between Notch, Delta and mastermind suggested by previous work and indicate that deltex is likely to play an important role in the same genetic circuitry within which these three neurogenic loci operate.  相似文献   

UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGPase) is an important enzyme in the production (and conversions) of UDP-glucose, a key precursor for carbohydrate biosynthesis. cDNAs corresponding to two UGPase isozymes in Arabidopsis were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and, subsequently, the recombinant proteins were purified and characterized. Both proteins were highly conserved, sharing 93% identity. Based on crystal structure-derived images, the main amino acid differences mapped to N- and C-termini domains, but not to central active site region. The two proteins existed mainly as monomers, and they had similar molecular masses of ca. 53 kDa. However, comparison of molecular masses of UGPases from Arabidopsis root and leaf extracts revealed that the root protein was slightly larger, suggesting a post-translational modification. Specific activity of the purified UGPase-1 was ca. 10-30% lower than that of UGPase-2, depending on direction of the reaction, whereas its K(m) values with all substrates in both directions of the reaction were consistently ca. twice lower than those of UGPase-2 (0.03-0.14 mM vs. 0.07-0.36 mM, respectively). Both proteins were "true" UGPases, and had no activity with ADP-glucose/ATP or galactose-1-P. Equilibrium constant for both proteins was ca. 0.3, suggesting preference for the pyrophosphorolysis direction of the reaction. The data are discussed with respect to potential roles of UGPase in carbohydrate synthesis/metabolism in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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