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Metabolic acidosis produces a phosphaturia which is independent of parathyroid hormone or dietary phosphorus intake. To study the underlying mechanism, inorganic phosphate (Pi) and glucose transport were studied in brush-border membrane vesicles prepared from the renal cortex of parathyroidectomized rats gavaged for three days with either 7.5 ml of 1.6% NaCl (control) or 1.5% NH4Cl (acidosis). At killing, blood pH and plasma bicarbonate were 7.36 ± 0.01 and 21.8 ± 0.8 mequiv./l, respectively, in control and 7.12 ± 0.03 (P < 0.01) and 11.1 ± 1.2 (P < 0.01) in acidotic rats. Serum Pi was similar in both groups, while 24 h urine Pi excretion was higher in the acidotic group (P < 0.01). Peak sodium-dependent uptake of Pi, measured after 1.5 min of incubation, was higher in controls than acidotic rats (4442 ± 464 vs. 2412 ± 259 pmol/mg protein, P < 0.01), whereas peak glucose uptake at 1.5 min was not significantly different between the groups. Equilibrium values for Pi and glucose uptake were similar in the two groups. Km for Pi uptake in the control and acidotic animals were not different, 0.036 and 0.040 mM, respectively. By contrast, Vmax was higher in controls than in the acidotic group, 3.13 vs. 1.15 nmol/mg protein per 15 s. These results suggest that metabolic acidosis directly inhibits Pi uptake by the brush border of the proximal tubule by decreasing the availability of Pi carriers of the renal brush-border membrane.  相似文献   

An alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M)-like proteinase inhibitor from plasma of the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus was purified to apparent homogeneity by acid precipitation, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, affinity chromatography on concanavalin A-Sepharose and anion-exchange chromatography. The subunit Mr is about 190,000. Pore-size-limit electrophoresis proved the native protein to be a dimer. The purified protein resembled vertebrate alpha 2 Ms in that it protected trypsin from inhibition by soyabean trypsin inhibitor, and in its sensitivity to methylamine treatment. Methylamine also prevented the protein from being autolytically cleaved into Mr 60,000 and 140,000 fragments when subjected to heat treatment. The amino acid composition showed similarities with both human alpha 2 M and an alpha 2 M-like protein from the arthropod Limulus polyphemus. These data indicate that this Pacifastacus alpha 2M-like protein (P alpha 2M) may be a distantly related homologue of vertebrate alpha 2Ms.  相似文献   

Two distinctive sodium-dependent phosphate transport systems have been identified in early and late proximal tubules; a high-capacity process located only in outer cortical tissue, and a high affinity present in both outer cortical and outer medullary brush-border membranes (Km 0.1-0.25 mM). A third, sodium-independent, pH gradient-stimulated system (Vmax 4.7 +/- 0.3 nmol.mg-1.min-1, Km 0.15 +/- 0.002 mM) is present in the outer medulla, but absent in outer cortex. Brush-border vesicles were prepared from outer cortical and outer medullary tissue of pigs maintained on low (less than 0.05%), normal (0.4%), or high (4%) phosphate diets. Sodium-dependent phosphate uptake of the high-capacity system decreased (Vmax, 9.4 to 2.2 nmol.mg-1.min-1) from low to high phosphate diet, whereas uptake rates decreased about 50% in the high-affinity system. There were no changes in the respective Km values. The pH gradient-stimulated uptake also decreased (Vmax, 6.9 to 3.0 nmol.mg-1.min-1) with no change in mean Km value (0.15 +/- 0.001 mM) with dietary manipulation. Administration of 1 U parathyroid hormone prior to study resulted in a decrease in sodium-dependent uptake by 40-50% and in pH-dependent uptake (36%) with no change in the respective Km values. In conclusion, the antecedent dietary phosphate intake and parathyroid hormone administration appropriately alters phosphate uptake across the brush-border membrane of all three systems, sodium-dependent and pH gradient-stimulated phosphate transport.  相似文献   

Characteristics of succinate transport were determined in basolateral and brush-border membrane vesicles (BLMV and BBMV, respectively) isolated in parallel from rabbit renal cortex. The uptake of succinate was markedly stimulated by the imposition of an inwardly directed Na+ gradient, showing an "overshoot" phenomenon in both membrane preparations. The stimulation of succinate uptake by an inwardly directed Na+ gradient was not significantly affected by pH clamp or inhibition of Na(+)-H+ exchange. The Na(+)-dependent and -independent succinate uptakes were not stimulated by an outwardly directed pH gradient. The Na dependence of succinate uptake exhibited sigmoidal kinetics, with Hill coefficients of 2.17 and 2.38 in BLMV and BBMV, respectively. The Na(+)-dependent succinate uptake by BLMV and BBMV was stimulated by a valinomycin-induced inside-negative potential. The Na(+)-dependent succinate uptake by BLMV and BBMV followed a simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with an apparent Km of 22.20 +/- 4.08 and 71.52 +/- 0.14 microM and a Vmax of 39.0 +/- 3.72 and 70.20 +/- 0.96 nmol/(mg.min), respectively. The substrate specificity and the inhibitor sensitivity of the succinate transport system appeared to be very similar in both membranes. These results indicate that both the renal brush-border and basolateral membranes possess the Na(+)-dependent dicarboxylate transport system with very similar properties but with different substrate affinity and transport capacity.  相似文献   

Renal brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from rats kept for 6-8 weeks on a low-phosphate diet (0.15% of dry matter) showed a markedly faster Na(+)-dependent phosphate uptake than did membrane vesicles isolated from animals kept on a high-phosphate diet (2% of dry matter). Phosphate-uptake rate by brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from animals on a low-phosphate diet remained significantly increased after acute parathyroidectomy. Dietary adaptation was also observed in animals that had been parathyroidectomized before exposure to the different diets. In animals on the low-phosphate diet parathyrin administration inhibited phosphate uptake by brush-border vesicles only if the animals were repleted with P(i) (5ml of 20mm-NaH(2)PO(4)) 1h before being killed. After acute phosphate loading and parathyrin administration the difference in the transport rate between the two dietary groups remained statistically significant. The results suggest that the adaptation of proximal-tubule phosphate transport to dietary intake of phosphate is reflected in the Na(+)/phosphate co-transport system located in the luminal membrane of the proximal-tubule cell. Since the dietary effects on phosphate transport by brush-border membranes are only partially reversed by acute changes in parathyrin concentration and are also observed in chronically parathyroidectomized animals, the adaptation of the Na(+)/phosphate co-transport system to dietary phosphate intake seems to involve an additional mechanism independent of parathyrin.  相似文献   

Brush-border membrane vesicles prepared from rabbit kidney cortex were incubated at 37 degrees C for 30 min with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C. This maneuver resulted in a release of approx. 85% of the brush-border membrane-linked enzyme alkaline phosphatase as determined by its enzymatic activity. Transport of inorganic [32P]phosphate (100 microM) by the PI-specific phospholipase C-treated brush-border membrane vesicles was measured at 20-22 degrees C in the presence of an inwardly directed 100 mM Na+ gradient. Neither initial uptake rates, as estimated from 10-s uptake values (103.5 +/- 6.8%, n = 7 experiments), nor equilibrium uptake values, measured after 2 h (102 +/- 3.4%) were different from controls (100%). Control and PI-specific phospholipase C-treated brush-border membrane vesicles were extracted with chloroform/methanol to obtain a proteolipid fraction which has been shown to bind Pi with high affinity and specificity (Kessler, R.J., Vaughn, D.A. and Fanestil, D.D. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 14311-14317). Phosphate binding (at 10 microM Pi) by the extracted proteolipid was measured. No significant difference in binding was observed between the two types of preparations: 31.0 +/- 9.37 in controls and 29.8 +/- 8.3 nmol/mg protein in the proteolipid extracted from PI-specific phospholipase C-treated brush-border membrane vesicles. It appears therefore that alkaline phosphatase activity is essential neither for Pi transport by brush-border membrane vesicles nor for Pi binding by proteolipid extracted from brush-border membrane. These results dissociate alkaline phosphatase activity, but not brush-border membrane vesicle transport of phosphate, from phosphate binding by proteolipid.  相似文献   

We had previously proposed that organic cations are transported across the brush-border membrane in the canine kidney by a H+ exchange (or antiport) system (Holohan, P.D. and Ross, C.R. (1981) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 216, 294–298). In the present report, we demonstrate that in brush-border membrane vesicles the transport of organic cations is chemically coupled to the countertransport of protons, by showing that the uphill or concentrative transport of a prototypic organic cation, N1-methylnicotinamide (NMN), is chemically coupled to the flow of protons down their chemical gradient. In a reciprocal manner, the concentrative transport of protons is coupled to the counterflow of organic cations down their concentration gradient. The transport of organic cations is monitored by measuring [3H]NMN while the transport of protons is monitored by measuring changes in acridine orange absorbance. The functional significance of the coupling is that a proton gradient lowers the Km and increases the Vmax for NMN transport.  相似文献   

We had previously proposed that organic cations are transported across the brush-border membrane in the canine kidney by a H+ exchange (or antiport) system (Holohan, P.D. and Ross, C.R. (1981) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 216, 294-298). In the present report, we demonstrate that in brush-border membrane vesicles the transport of organic cations is chemically coupled to the countertransport of protons, by showing that the uphill or concentrative transport of a prototypic organic cation, N1-methylnicotinamide (NMN), is chemically coupled to the flow of protons down their chemical gradient. In a reciprocal manner, the concentrative transport of protons is coupled to the counterflow of organic cations down their concentration gradient. The transport of organic cations is monitored by measuring [3H]NMN while the transport of protons is monitored by measuring changes in acridine orange absorbance. The functional significance of the coupling is that a proton gradient lowers the Km and increases the Vmax for NMN transport.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms underlying ischemia-reperfusion-induced renal proximal tubule damage, we analyzed the expression of the Na+-dependent phosphate (Na+/Pi) cotransporter NaPi-2 in brush border membranes (BBM) isolated from rats which had been subjected to 30 min renal ischemia and 60 min reperfusion. Na+/Pi cotransport activities of the BBM vesicles were also determined. Ischemia caused a significant decrease (about 40%, P < 0.05) in all forms of NaPi-2 in the BBM, despite a significant increase (31+/-3%, P < 0.05) in the Na+/Pi cotransport activity. After reperfusion, both NaPi-2 expression and Na+/Pi cotransport activity returned to control levels. In contrast with Na+/Pi cotransport, ischemia significantly decreased Na+-dependent glucose cotransport but did not affect Na+-dependent proline cotransport. Reperfusion caused further decreases in both Na+/glucose (by 60%) and Na+/proline (by 33%) cotransport. Levels of NaPi-2 were more reduced in the BBM than in cortex homogenates, suggesting a relocalization of NaPi-2 as a result of ischemia. After reperfusion, NaPi-2 levels returned to control values in both BBM and homogenates. These data indicate that the NaPi-2 protein and BBM Na+/Pi cotransport activity respond uniquely to reversible renal ischemia and reperfusion, and thus may play an important role in maintaining and restoring the structure and function of the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

We characterized the uptake of carnitine in brush-border membrane (BBM) and basolateral membrane (BLM) vesicles, isolated from mouse kidney and intestine. In kidney, carnitine uptake was Na(+)-dependent, showed a definite overshoot and was saturable for both membranes, but for intestine, it was Na(+)-dependent only in BLM. The uptake was temperature-dependent in BLM of both kidney and intestine. The BBM transporter in kidney had a high affinity for carnitine: apparent K(m)=18.7 microM; V(max)=7.85 pmol/mg protein/s. In kidney BLM, similar characteristics were obtained: apparent K(m)=11.5 microM and V(max)=3.76 pmol/mg protein/s. The carnitine uptake by both membranes was not affected within the physiological pH 6.5-8.5. Tetraethylammonium, verapamil, valproate and pyrilamine significantly inhibited the carnitine uptake by BBM but not by BLM. By Western blot analysis, the OCTN2 (a Na(+)-dependent high-affinity carnitine transporter) was localized in the kidney BBM, and not in BLM. Strong OCTN2 expression was observed in kidney and skeletal muscle, with no expression in intestine in accordance with our functional study. We conclude that different polarized carnitine transporters exist in kidney BBM and BLM. L-Carnitine uptake by mouse renal BBM vesicles involves a carrier-mediated system that is Na(+)-dependent and is inhibited significantly by specific drugs. The BBM transporter is likely to be OCTN2 as indicated by a strong reactivity with the anti-OCTN2 polyclonal antibody.  相似文献   

Transport of glycylglycine into rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles was found to be Na+-independent, H+ gradient-dependent and electrogenic. Marked overshoot uptake of the dipeptide was observed when an inward-directed proton gradient and inside-negative potential difference were imposed simultaneously across the vesicular membranes. Saturable depolarization of vesicular membranes could be demonstrated with glycylglycine by use of a fluorescent cyanine dye, di-S-C3(5). The results indicate that glycylglycine is contransported with H+ across the membranes.  相似文献   

It is known that the administration of parathyroid hormone to dogs results in phosphaturia and decreased phosphate transport in brush-border vesicles isolated from the kidneys of those dogs. Parathyroid hormone has been shown to activate adenylate cyclase at the basal-lateral membrane of the renal proximal tubular cell. It has been postulated that parathyroid hormone-induced phosphaturia is effected through phosphorylation of brush-border protein by membrane-bound cAMP-dependent protein kinase. An experimental system was designed such that phosphorylation of brush-border vesicles and Na+-stimulated solute transport could be studied in the same preparations. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of membrane vesicles revealed cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of 2 protein bands (Mr = 96,000 and 62,000), which was enhanced by exposure of the inside of the membrane vesicles to ATP and cAMP. Cyclic AMP-dependent phosphorylation of brush-border vesicles was accompanied by inhibition of Na+-stimulated Pi but not D-glucose transport or 22Na+ uptake. When renal brush-border vesicles from parathyroidectomized and normal dogs were phosphorylated in vitro in the presence and absence of cAMP, both the cAMP-dependent phosphorylation and inhibition of Na+-stimulated Pi transport were greater in vesicles isolated from kidneys of parathyroidectomized dogs relative to control animals. We conclude that the cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of brush-border membrane-vesicle proteins is associated with specific inhibition of Na+-stimulated Pi transport. The phosphaturic action of parathyroid hormone (PTH) could be mediated through the cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of specific brush-border membrane proteins.  相似文献   

We studied (1) the effect of primary modulators of phosphate transport, namely the hypophosphataemic mouse mutant (Hyp) and low-phosphorus diet, on alkaline phosphatase activity in mouse renal-cortex brush-border membrane vesicles and (2) the effect of several primary inhibitors of alkaline phosphatase on phosphate transport. Brush-border membrane vesicles from Hyp-mouse kidney had 50% loss of Na+-dependent phosphate transport, but only 18% decrease in alkaline phosphatase activity. The low-phosphorus diet effectively stimulated Na+/phosphate co-transport in brush-border membrane vesicles (+ 118%), but increased alkaline phosphatase activity only slightly (+13%). Levamisole (0.1 mM) and EDTA (1.0 mM) inhibited brush-border membrane-vesicle alkaline phosphatase activity of 82% and 93% respectively, but had no significant effect on Na+/phosphate co-transport. We conclude that alkaline phosphatase does not play a direct role in phosphate transport across the brush-border membrane of mouse kidney.  相似文献   

In papain-treated rat renal brush-border membrane vesicles, cystine uptake was enhanced under sodium gradient conditions. This effect was not observed when sodium was equilibrated across the vesicle membrane or when sodium was completely absent from the incubation medium. The increased rate of cystine uptake occurred within the first two minutes of incubation and coincided with the period of increased flux of sodium known to occur after papain treatment. Under sodium gradient conditions, the Vmax of cystine uptake by treated vesicles was 65% greater while the Km was 25% lower than the value observed in untreated membranes. The increased cystine uptake after papain treatment occurred when medium cystine was in the electroneutral form. In the absence of a sodium gradient, cystine uptake by control membranes was insensitive to changes in membrane potential and this was unaltered after papain treatment. Exposure of the membranes to papain also resulted in a profound decrease in cystine binding which occurs in native membranes incubated with cystine. The fact that cystine uptake is unchanged under sodium equilibration and even enhanced under sodium gradient conditions suggests that the component of cystine binding is not essential for cystine transport and may represent non-specific binding to membrane proteins.  相似文献   

This study describes evidence for the existence of a H+/glycine symport system in rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles. An inward proton gradient stimulates glycine transport across the brush-border membrane, and this H+-driven glycine uptake is attenuated by the protonophore carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone. It is a positive rheogenic process, i.e. the H+-dependent glycine uptake is further enhanced by an intravesicular negative potential. Glycine uptake is stimulated to a lesser degree by an inward Na+ gradient. H+-dependent glycine uptake is inhibited by sarcosine (69%), an analog amino acid, imino acids (proline 81%, hydroxy proline 67%), and beta-alanine (31%), but not by neutral (L-leucine) or basic (L-lysine) amino acids. The results demonstrate that H+ glycine co-transport system in rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles is a carrier-mediated electrogenic process and that transport is shared by imino acids and partially by beta-alanine.  相似文献   

The Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline into rabbit renal brush-border vesicles was stimulated by a K+ diffusion potential (interior-negative) induced by valinomycin. Na+ salts of two anions of different epithelial permeabilities also affected 5-oxoproline transport. These results show that the Na+-dependent 5-oxoproline transport in renal brush-border vesicles is an electrogenic process which results in a net transfer of positive charge. Maximum transport of 5-oxoproline occurred at an extravesicular pH of 6.0 to 8.0 and over that pH range, 5-oxoproline exists completely as an anion with a negative charge. The simplest stoichiometry consistent with this process is, therefore, the cotransport of one 5-oxoproline anion with two sodium ions. The presence of K+ inside the vesicles stimulated the Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline. This stimulatory effect was specific for K+ and required the presence of Na+. The presence of Na+ gradient was not mandatory for the K+ action. The stimulation by the intravesicular K+ was seen in the presence as well as in the absence of a K+ gradient. Therefore, the increased influx of 5-oxoproline was not coupled to the simultaneous efflux of K+. The presence of K+ in the extravesicular medium alone did not affect the Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline, showing that the site of K+ action was intravesicular. Glutamate did not interact with the Na+-dependent 5-oxoproline transport even in the presence of an outward K+ gradient.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of several forms of vitamin D added to renal brush-border membrane suspensions on phosphate and glucose transport and on membrane fluidity. The 1,25-D stimulated and the other vitamin D decreased phosphate uptake. In contrast, glucose uptake was not affected by the treatment of vitamin D. The 1,25-D resulted in a significant shift of the lower transition temperature in Arrhenius plots for phosphate, but not for glucose uptakes, from 15 degrees C to 11.5 degrees C. These data indicate that the 1,25-D may alter membrane fluidity, limited to the phosphate transporter, thus affecting the phosphate uptake.  相似文献   

In the small intestine of the rabbit the process of Na+-dependent uptake of phosphate occurs only at the brush-border of duodenal enterocytes. Li+ can replace Na+. The process is activated when either K+, Cs+, Rb+, or choline is present in the intravesicular space. The presence of membrane-permeable anions is essential for maximum rates of phosphate transport. We conclude that the mechanism of the phosphate carrier is electrogenic at pH 6–8, probably two Na+ moving with each H2PO 4 . This. will lead to the development of a positive charge within the vesicle. The variation of theK m for H2PO 4 with pH is thought to be the consequence of the affinity of the carrier protein for H2PO 4 increasing as the pH increases. Polyclonal antibodies against membrane vesicles isolated from rabbit duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were prepared. The antibodies raised against the ileum and jejunum both activated the phosphate transport process, while the anti-duodenum antibody preparation inhibited phosphate transport.  相似文献   

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