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We determined the crystal structure of anhydrous chitosan at atomic resolution, using X‐ray fiber diffraction data extending to 1.17 Å resolution. The unit cell [a = 8.129(7) Å, b = 8.347(6) Å, c = 10.311(7) Å, space group P212121] of anhydrous chitosan contains two chains having one glucosamine residue in the asymmetric unit with the primary hydroxyl group in the gt conformation, that could be directly located in the Fourier omit map. The molecular arrangement of chitosan is very similar to the corner chains of cellulose II implying similar intermolecular hydrogen bonding between O6 and the amine nitrogen atom, and an intramolecular bifurcated hydrogen bond from O3 to O5 and O6. In addition to the classical hydrogen bonds, all the aliphatic hydrogens were involved in one or two weak hydrogen bonds, mostly helping to stabilize cohesion between antiparallel chains. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 105: 361–368, 2016.  相似文献   

Small‐angle X‐ray scattering (SAXS) is useful for determining the oligomeric states and quaternary structures of proteins in solution. The average molecular mass in solution can be calculated directly from a single SAXS curve collected on an arbitrary scale from a sample of unknown protein concentration without the need for beamline calibration or protein standards. The quaternary structure in solution can be deduced by comparing the experimental SAXS curve to theoretical curves calculated from proposed models of the oligomer. This approach is especially robust when the crystal structure of the target protein is known, and the candidate oligomer models are derived from the crystal lattice. When SAXS data are obtained at multiple protein concentrations, this analysis can provide insight into dynamic self‐association equilibria. Herein, we summarize the computational methods that are used to determine protein molecular mass and quaternary structure from SAXS data. These methods are organized into a workflow and demonstrated with four case studies using experimental SAXS data from the published literature.  相似文献   

Pauling's mastery of peptide stereochemistry—based on small molecule crystal structures and the theory of chemical bonding—led to his realization that the peptide unit is planar and then to the Pauling–Corey–Branson model of the α‐helix. Similarly, contemporary protein structure refinement is based on experimentally determined diffraction data together with stereochemical restraints. However, even an X‐ray structure at ultra‐high resolution is still an under‐determined model in which the linkage among refinement parameters is complex. Consequently, restrictions imposed on any given parameter can affect the entire structure. Here, we examine recent studies of high resolution protein X‐ray structures, where substantial distortions of the peptide plane are found to be commonplace. Planarity is assessed by the ω‐angle, a dihedral angle determined by the peptide bond (C? N) and its flanking covalent neighbors; for an ideally planar trans peptide, ω = 180°. By using a freely available refinement package, Phenix [Afonine et al. (2012) Acta Cryst. D, 68:352–367], we demonstrate that tightening default restrictions on the ω‐angle can significantly reduce apparent deviations from peptide unit planarity without consequent reduction in reported evaluation metrics (e.g., R‐factors). To be clear, our result does not show that substantial non‐planarity is absent, only that an equivalent alternative model is possible. Resolving this disparity will ultimately require improved understanding of the deformation energy. Meanwhile, we urge inclusion of ω‐angle statistics in new structure reports in order to focus critical attention on the usual practice of assigning default values to ω‐angle constraints during structure refinement. Proteins 2015; 83:1687–1692. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Many essential physiological processes are regulated by the modulation of calcium concentration in the cell. The EF‐hand proteins represent a superfamily of calcium‐binding proteins involved in calcium signaling and homeostasis. Secretagogin is a hexa‐EF‐hand protein that is highly expressed in pancreatic islet of Langerhans and neuroendocrine cells and may play a role in the trafficking of secretory granules. We present the X‐ray structure of Danio rerio secretagogin, which is 73% identical to human secretagogin, in calcium‐free form at 2.1‐Å resolution. Secretagogin consists of the three globular domains each of which contains a pair of EF‐hand motifs. The domains are arranged into a V‐shaped molecule with a distinct groove formed at the interface of the domains. Comparison of the secretagogin structure with the solution structure of calcium‐loaded calbindin D28K revealed a striking difference in the spatial arrangement of their domains, which involves ~180° rotation of the first globular domain with respect to the module formed by the remaining domains. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Melanin within melanosomes exists as eumelanin or pheomelanin. Distributions of these melanins have been studied extensively within tissues, but less often within individual melanosomes. Here, we apply X‐ray fluorescence analysis with synchrotron radiation to survey the nanoscale distribution of metals within purified melanosomes of mice. The study allows a discovery‐based characterization of melanosomal metals, and, because Cu is specifically associated with eumelanin, a hypothesis‐based test of the ‘casing model’ predicting that melanosomes contain a pheomelanin core surrounded by a eumelanin shell. Analysis of Cu, Ca, and Zn shows variable concentrations and distributions, with Ca/Zn highly correlated, and at least three discrete patterns for the distribution of Cu vs. Ca/Zn in different melanosomes – including one with a Cu‐rich shell surrounding a Ca/Zn‐rich core. Thus, the results support predictions of the casing model, but also suggest that in at least some tissues and genetic contexts, other arrangements of melanin may co‐exist.  相似文献   

The multiconformer nature of solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structures of proteins results from the effects of intramolecular dynamics, spin diffusion and an uneven distribution of structural restraints throughout the molecule. A delineation of the former from the latter two contributions is attempted in this work for an ensemble of 15 NMR structures of the protein Escherichia coli ribonuclease HI (RNase HI). Exploration of the dynamic information content of the NMR ensemble is carried out through correlation with data from two crystal structures and a 1.7‐ns molecular dynamics (MD) trajectory of RNase HI in explicit solvent. Assessment of the consistency of the crystal and mean MD structures with nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data showed that the NMR ensemble is overall more compatible with the high‐resolution (1.48 Å) crystal structure than with either the lower‐resolution (2.05 Å) crystal structure or the MD simulation. Furthermore, the NMR ensemble is found to span more conformational space than the MD simulation for both the backbone and the sidechains of RNase HI. Nonetheless, the backbone conformational variability of both the NMR ensemble and the simulation is especially consistent with NMR relaxation measurements of two loop regions that are putative sites of substrate recognition. Plausible side‐chain dynamic information is extracted from the NMR ensemble on the basis of (i) rotamericity and syn‐pentane character of variable torsion angles, (ii) comparison of the magnitude of atomic mean‐square fluctuations (msf) with those deduced from crystallographic thermal factors, and (iii) comparison of torsion angle conformational behavior in the NMR ensemble and the simulation. Several heterogeneous torsion angles, while adopting non‐rotameric/syn‐pentane conformations in the NMR ensemble, exist in a unique conformation in the simulation and display low X‐ray thermal factors. These torsions are identified as sites whose variability is likely to be an artifact of the NMR structure determination procedure. A number of other torsions show a close correspondence between the conformations sampled in the NMR and MD ensembles, as well as significant correlations among crystallographic thermal factors and atomic msf calculated from the NMR ensemble and the simulation. These results indicate that a significant amount of dynamic information is contained in the NMR ensemble. The relevance of the present findings for the biological function of RNase HI, protein recognition studies, and previous investigations of the motional content of protein NMR structures are discussed. Proteins 1999;36:87–110. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

All stages of the life cycle of Helicoverpa assulta were irradiated with X‐rays to determine the inhibitory dose for development and reproduction to serve as a quarantine treatment. The 100‐Gy dose was effective for irradiation of eggs and larvae, and the 200‐Gy dose was effective for pupae and mixed‐sex adults. When either adult males or females were irradiated, however, 500 Gy was required to prevent the F1 eggs from hatching, and thus single‐sex adults required much higher doses of X‐ray irradiation. To gather confirmatory data applicable to phytosanitary quarantine regulations, pupae—the immature stage most resistant to X‐ray irradiation—were placed inside paprika in boxes for exportation and were irradiated with 300 Gy as a small‐scale confirmatory test. The dose given to 1,007 individual pupae resulted in 12.62 % survival, and 1.79 % of pupae emerged as normal adults; however, these adults produced only a few eggs that did not hatch, suggesting that a minimum dose of 300 Gy of X‐ray irradiation will provide quarantine security for immature H. assulta in paprika exports.  相似文献   

The absolute configuration of 1 was deduced by vibrational circular dichroism together with the evaluation of the Flack and Hooft X‐ray parameters. Vibrational circular dichroism exciton coupling, using the carbonyl group signals, confirmed the absolute configuration of 2 . In addition, sodium borohydride reduction of the 11,13‐double bond of 6‐epi‐desacetyllaurenobiolide ( 1 ) yields an almost equimolecular mixture of C11 epimers, while reduction of the same double bond of 6‐epi‐laurenobiolide ( 2 ) provided almost exclusively the (11S) diastereoisomer 4 . Chirality 27:247–252, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Promiscuous 6-aminohexanoate-linear dimer (Ald)-hydrolytic activity originally obtained in a carboxylesterase with a β-lactamase fold was enhanced about 80-fold by directed evolution using error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling. Kinetic studies of the mutant enzyme (Hyb-S4M94) demonstrated that the enzyme had acquired an increased affinity (Km = 15 mM) and turnover (kcat = 3.1 s−1) for Ald, and that a catalytic center suitable for nylon-6 byproduct hydrolysis had been generated. Construction of various mutant enzymes revealed that the enhanced activity in the newly evolved enzyme is due to the substitutions R187S/F264C/D370Y. Crystal structures of Hyb-S4M94 with bound substrate suggested that catalytic function for Ald was improved by hydrogen-bonding/hydrophobic interactions between the Ald—COOH and Tyr370, a hydrogen-bonding network from Ser187 to , and interaction between and Gln27-Oɛ derived from another subunit in the homo-dimeric structure. In wild-type Ald-hydrolase (NylB), Ald-hydrolytic activity is thought to be optimized by the substitutions G181D/H266N, which improve an electrostatic interaction with (Kawashima et al., FEBS J 2009; 276:2547–2556). We propose here that there exist at least two alternative modes for optimizing the Ald-hydrolytic activity of a carboxylesterase with a β-lactamase fold.  相似文献   

The elemental composition of strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassa cv. Macarena) inoculated with the plant growth‐promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense REC3, and non‐inoculated controls, was studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X‐ray (EDS) analysis. This allowed simultaneous semi‐quantification of different elements in a small, solid sample. Plants were inoculated and grown hydroponically in 50% or 100% Hoagland solution, corresponding to limited or optimum nutrient medium, respectively. Bacteria‐inoculated plants increased the growth index 45% and 80% compared to controls when grown in 100% and 50% Hoagland solution, respectively. Thus, inoculation with A. brasilense REC3 in a nutrient‐limited medium had the strongest effect in terms of increasing both shoot and root biomass and growth index, as already described for Azospirillum inoculated into nutrient‐poor soils. SEM‐EDS spectra and maps showed the elemental composition and relative distribution of nutrients in strawberry tissues. Leaves contained C, O, N, Na, P, K, Ca and Cu, while roots also had Si and Cl. The organic fraction (C, O and N) accounted for over 96.3% of the total chemical composition; of the mineral fraction, Na had higher accumulation in both leaves and roots. Azospirillum‐inoculated and control plants had similar elemental quantities; however, in bacteria‐inoculated roots, P was significantly increased (34.33%), which constitutes a major benefit for plant nutrition, while Cu content decreased (35.16%).  相似文献   

B‐type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a naturally secreted regulatory hormone that influences blood pressure and vascular water retention in human physiology. The plasma BNP concentration is a clinically recognized biomarker for various cardiovascular diseases. Quantitative detection of BNP can be achieved in immunoassays using the high‐affinity monoclonal IgG1 antibody 106.3, which binds an epitope spanning residues 5‐13 of the mature bioactive peptide. To understand the structural basis of this molecular recognition, we crystallized the Fab fragment complexed with the peptide epitope and determined the three‐dimensional structure by X‐ray diffraction to 2.1 Å resolution. The structure reveals the detailed interactions that five of the complementarity‐determining regions make with the partially folded peptide. Thermodynamic measurements using fluorescence spectroscopy suggest that the interaction is enthalpy driven, with an overall change in free energy of binding, ΔG = ?54 kJ/mol, at room temperature. The parameters are interpreted on the basis of the structural information. The kinetics of binding suggest a diffusion‐limited mechanism, whereby the peptide easily adopts a bound conformation upon interaction with the antibody. Moreover, comparative analysis with alanine‐scanning results of the epitope explains the basis of selectivity for BNP over other related natriuretic peptides. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The anti‐lipopolysaccharide factor ALF‐Pm3 is a 98‐residue protein identified in hemocytes from the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. It was expressed in Pichia pastoris from the constitutive glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase promoter as a folded and 15N uniformly labeled rALF‐Pm3 protein. Its 3D structure was established by NMR and consists of three α‐helices packed against a four‐stranded β‐sheet. The C34? C55 disulfide bond was shown to be essential for the structure stability. By using surface plasmon resonance, we demonstrated that rALF‐Pm3 binds to LPS, lipid A and to OM®‐174, a soluble analogue of lipid A. Biophysical studies of rALF‐Pm3/LPS and rALF‐Pm3/OM®‐174 complexes indicated rather high molecular sized aggregates, which prevented us to experimentally determine by NMR the binding mode of these lipids to rALF‐Pm3. However, on the basis of striking structural similarities to the FhuA/LPS complex, we designed an original model of the possible lipid A‐binding site of ALF‐Pm3. Such a binding site, located on the ALF‐Pm3 β‐sheet and involving seven charged residues, is well conserved in ALF‐L from Limulus polyphemus and in ALF‐T from Tachypleus tridentatus. In addition, our model is in agreement with experiments showing that β‐hairpin synthetic peptides corresponding to ALF‐L β‐sheet bind to LPS. Delineating lipid A‐binding site of ALFs will help go further in the de novo design of new antibacterial or LPS‐neutralizing drugs. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 207–220, 2009. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

The structure of the BA42 protein belonging to the Antarctic flavobacterium Bizionia argentinensis was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance and X‐ray crystallography. This is the first structure of a member of the PF04536 family comprised of a stand‐alone TPM domain. The structure reveals a new topological variant of the four β‐strands constituting the central β‐sheet of the αβα architecture and a double metal binding site stabilizing a pair of crossing loops, not observed in previous structures of proteins belonging to this family. BA42 shows differences in structure and dynamics in the presence or absence of bound metals. The affinity for divalent metal ions is close to that observed in proteins that modulate their activity as a function of metal concentration, anticipating a possible role for BA42. Proteins 2014; 82:3062–3078. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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