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Chagas disease is still an important health problem in Central and South America. However, the only drugs currently available for specific treatment of this disease may induce toxic side effects in the host. The aim of this work was to determine the activity of N-benzenesulfonylbenzotriazole (BSBZT) against the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. The effects of BSBZT and benzotriazole (BZT) were compared to those of benznidazole (BZL) on epimastigote and trypomastigote forms. BSBZT was found to have an in vitro growth inhibitory dose-dependent activity against epimastigotes, with flow cytometry analysis confirming that the treated parasites presented size reduction. BSBZT showed an IC(50) of 21.56 μg/mL (81.07 μM) against epimastigotes at 72 h of incubation, whereas BZT did not affect the growth of this parasite form. Furthermore, the toxic effect of BSBZT, was stronger and appeared earlier (at 24h) in trypomastigotes than in epimastigotes, with the LC(50) of this compound being 28.40 μg/mL (106.79 μM) against trypomastigotes. The concentrations of BSBZT used in this study presented low hemolytic activity and cytotoxicity. Consequently, at concentrations near IC(50) and LC(50) (25μg/mL), BSBZT caused only 2.4% hemolysis and 15% of RAW 264.7 cell cytotoxicity. These results reveal the potential of BSBZT as a prototype in drug design for developing new anti-T. cruzi compounds.  相似文献   

Derivatives of natural quinones with biological activities, such as lapachol, alpha- and beta-lapachones, have been synthesized and their trypanocidal activity evaluated in vitro in Trypanosoma cruzi cells. All tested compounds inhibited epimastigote growth and trypomastigote viability. Several compounds showed similar or higher activity as compared with current trypanocidal drugs, nifurtimox and benznidazole. The results presented here show that the anti-T. cruzi activity of the alpha-lapachone derivatives can be increased by the replacement of the benzene ring by a pyridine moiety. Free radical production and consequently oxidative stress through redox cycling or production of electrophilic metabolites are the potential biological mechanism of action for these synthetic quinones.  相似文献   

Epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi have a net negative surface charge, as determined by direct measurement of the mean cellular electrophoretic mobility. Treatment of the parasites with neuraminidase reduces by 17 and 52% the mean electrophoretic mobility of epimastigote and bloodstream trypomastigote forms, respectively. Neuraminidase-treated cells recover their normal electrophoretic mobility if incubated for 2 h in the presence of fresh culture medium. The recovering process of epimastigotes is almost totally blocked by addition of inhibitors of either protein synthesis (puromycin) or N-glycosidically linked glycoprotein synthesis (tunicamycin). The recovering process of trypomastigotes is not totally inhibited by either puromycin or tunicamycin. Treatment of T. cruzi with trypsin reduces by 11 and 40% the mean electrophoretic mobility of epimastigote and bloodstream trypomastigote forms. Trypsin-treated cells recover their normal electrophoretic mobility if incubated for 4 h in fresh culture medium. The recovering process of trypomastigotes is partially inhibited by puromycin. The results obtained indicate that sialoglycoproteins and sialoglycolipids exist on the surface of T. cruzi, the latter being predominant on the surface of trypomastigotes.  相似文献   

The nature of surface antigens of culture epimastigote and bloodstream trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi was investigated by light and electron microscopy using indirect immunofluorescence and peroxidase labeling techniques and antisera against unique, common, and contaminant antigens. A specific antigen, identified by monospecific rabbit antiserum (anti-component 5 antiserum), is the major constituent of the cell surface and flagellar membrane of both the culture epimastigote and bloodstream trypomastigote forms. Antigens of heterologous stercorarian trypanosomes (Trypanosoma rangeli) and of culture medium proteins could not be detected on the cell surface of culture epimastigote forms and bloodstream trypomastigote forms.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids were isolated from a lipid extract of epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi via Florisil and silicic acid column chromatography. The carbohydrate components of neutral glycolipid consisted of mannose and galactose in a ratio of 1:2. The fatty acids of the glycolipid were analyzed by gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (g.l.c.-m.s.). Normal and 2-hydroxy fatty acids were found. The sphingosine bases were C18 dihydrosphingosine and 17-methyl sphingosine.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi actively invades mammalian cells by forming parasitophorous vacuoles (PVs). After entry, the parasite has to escape from these vacuoles in order to replicate inside the host cell cytosol. Trans-sialidase (TS), a parasite enzyme that is used to obtain sialic acid from host glycoconjugates, has been implicated in cell invasion and PV exit, but how the enzyme acts in these processes is still unknown. Here we show that trypomastigotes derived from infected mammalian cells express and release 20 times more TS activity than axenic metacyclic trypomastigotes, which correspond to the infective forms derived from the insect vector. Both forms have the same capacity to invade mammalian cells, but cell derived trypomastigotes exit earlier from the vacuole. To test whether high TS expression is responsible for this increased exit from the PV, trypomastigote TS was expressed on the surface of metacyclic forms. Transfected and non-transfected metacyclics attached to and invaded HeLa or CHO cells equally. In contrast, metacyclics expressing TS on the surface escaped earlier from the vacuole than non-transfected metacyclics, or metacyclics expressing TS in their cytoplasm. Sialic acid may act as a barrier, which is removed by surface and/or secreted TS, because all types of parasites escaped earlier from the vacuoles of sialic acid-deficient Lec 2 cells than wild-type CHO cells. In addition, trypomastigotes and metacyclic forms expressing TS differentiated earlier into amastigotes. These results indicate that the increased expression of TS in cell-derived trypomastigotes is responsible for the earlier exit from the PV to the cytoplasm and their subsequent differentiation into amastigotes.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles can be obtained from epimastigote forms of Trypansoma cruzi by incubating cells with either cross-linking reagents or acid pH. Acetate, phtalate or citrate, at pH 4.0, but not at higher pH values, were able to induce plasma membrane vesiculation. Vesicles have been purified by sucrose density centrifugation and their membrane origin was demonstrated by the following criteria: (a) Vesicles are 5--10 times richer in protein-bound iodine when they are prepared from cells previously labeled with 131I by the lactoperoxidase catalyzed reaction. (b) Electron microscopy of vesiculating cells shows physical continuity between cell plasma membrane and vesicle membrane. (c) Antibodies prepared against purified vesicles are able to agglutinate epimastigote forms of T. cruzi with sera dilutions up to 1 : 256 to 1 : 512. (d) Freeze-fracture studies of the purified vesicles have shown images of faces P and E compatible with known images of the intact cell plasma membrane. Typical preparations of acetate vesicles present the following characteristics: total carbohydrate : protein=1.5--2.0; orcinol : protein-0.07 and absence of diphenylamine reaction. Vesicles contain 0.2--0.5% and 0.3--1.0% of the total homogenate protein and carbohydrate, respectively. The presence of 10 major protein bands and 30--50-fold enrichment of the four sugar-containing macromolecules present in epimastigote forms of T. cruzi have been demonstrated in these preparations.  相似文献   

The flagellar attachment zone (FAZ) is an adhesion region of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote forms where the flagellum emerges from the flagellar pocket and remains attached to the cell body. This region shows a junctional complex which is formed by a linear series of apposed macular structures that are separated by amorphous material and clusters of intramembranous particles. Two protein groups appear to be important in the FAZ region: a membrane glycoprotein of 72kDa and several high molecular weight proteins. To gain a better understanding of the FAZ region, we compared wild-type Y strain T. cruzi epimastigotes with a mutant cell in which the 72-kDa surface glycoprotein (Gp72), involved in cell body-flagellum adhesion, had been deleted by target gene replacement. Using immunofluorescence confocal microscopy and electron microscopy techniques to analyze the FAZ region the results suggest that, in the absence of Gp72, other proteins involved in the formation of FAZ remain concentrated in the flagellar pocket region. The analysis of a 3-D reconstruction model of wild-type epimastigotes showed that the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrion are in intimate association with FAZ, in contrast to the null mutant cells where the endoplasmic reticulum was not visualized.  相似文献   

A glycosphingolipid fraction from Trypanosoma mega was isolated after acetylation and was further purified on a silicic acid column. Final purification was by preparative thin-layer chromatography. The carbohydrate components of the glycolipid were fucose and galactose in approximately equimolar amounts. The neutral glycolipid of T. mega has a sphingosine base composition that consists of sphingosine and traces of dihydrosphingosine. Fatty acids forming amide groups with the sphingosine bases were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and are a mixture of normal and alpha-hydroxy fatty acids. Normal C16:0, C18:0, and 2-hydroxy C18:0 are the predominant fatty acids.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the association of circulating (trypomastigote) and cultured (epimastigote) forms of Trypanosoma cruzi with macrophages were studied. Treatment of mouse macrophages with the anti-microfilament drug cytochalasin D severely reduced the ability of these cells to bind either trypomastigotes or epimastigotes. Instead, treatment with the antimicrotubule drug colchicine or 2-deoxyglucose afforded differential effects because epimastigote but not trypomastigote association with the macrophages was significantly inhibited. Prior treatment of epimastigotes with either trypsin or neuraminidase decreased their uptake by macrophages whereas treatment of trypomastigotes with either enzyme increased it. Pretreatment of macrophages with neuraminidase did not affect epimastigote uptake but reduced that of trypomastigotes. Pretreatment of macrophages with trypsin reduced the uptake of both forms of the parasite. However, quantitative differences in the extent of such reduction were noted when varying concentrations of trypsin were used, epimastigote uptake being more drastically affected. These results suggest that the initial interaction of virulent circulating trypomastigote and the attenuated cultured epimastigote forms of T. cruzi to macrophages may involve attachment via different surface structures.  相似文献   

Antigens, prepared by the aid of pressure, from epimastigotes of strains of T. cruzi belonging to the different immunological groups described, conferred equal protection in mice against lethal infections of T. cruzi trypomastigotes of the T strain, which belongs to one of those immunological groups. Humoral antibodies were detected by the direct agglutination and immune fluorescent tests in all the immunized groups. The B and T strains produced earlier antibody responses than G and L strains. The weakest antibody response was induced by antigens obtained from the L strain. All the immunized mice sacrificed 21 days after challenge infection showed prominent inflammatory reactions at the tissue level, as well as free amastigote-like bodies. Four months after challenge injection, myocardium, liver, and spleen appeared histologically normal when compared to uninfected control mice. However, histological alterations were detected usually in striated muscle. The latter tissue seemed to be the best to check residual infections.  相似文献   

Trypomastigotes grown in fibroblast cell (L-cell) culture were more effectively and more rapidly separated from other cells on a CM-cellulose column with culture medium (MEM with 10% calf serum) for elution instead of phosphate-saline-glucose buffer (PSG). This effective separation was shown to be due to the presence of serum. Trypomastigotes weakly adhered to CM-cellulose resin by the tip of the body (mainly the flagellar tip) when they were suspended with CM-cellulose resin in PSG. Serum seemed to disturb the adhesion of trypomastigotes to the resin, but not the adhesion of amastigotes and fibroblast cells. Therefore, only trypomastigotes were rapidly eluted from a CM-cellulose column in the presence of serum.  相似文献   

Sonicated suspensions of epimastigote, metacyclic, or bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma cruzi were emulsified in Freund's complete adjuvant. Rabbits immunized with epimastigotes or metacyclics received five intramuscular (i.m.) injections of 1 x 10(9) sonicated trypanosomes at weekly intervals. Immunization with bloodstream forms included three i.m. injections of 5 x 10(7) and six injections of 2 x 10(8) sonicated trypanosomes. Selected antisera from these rabbits were employed in crossed immunoelectrophoretic studies against the homologous or heterologous extracts of sonicated trypanosomes. Extracts of epimastigote, metacyclic, and trypomastigotes produced 31, 29, and 11 precipitin peaks respectively against the homologous rabbit antisera. Tandem, crossed-immunoelectrophoresis of these extracts against antiepimastigote or antimetacyclic sera revealed that epimastigotes or metacyclics may each have at least four antigens that did not appear to be shared by the other, whereas each of these forms may have at least eight or nine antigens that were not detected with extracts from trypomastigotes. Cross-absorptions of antiepimastigote or antimetacyclic sera with live trypanosomes caused marked reductions in the numbers of precipitin peaks formed against the homologous extracts, but cross-absorptions with sonicated suspensions of epimastigotes or metacyclics showed that epimastigotes or metacyclics each have at least two antigens that were not detected in extracts of the other. Differentiation appeared to be accompanied by antigenic change. More antigens appear to be shared by epimastigotes and metacyclic forms than by trypomastigotes and epimastigotes or metacyclics.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes were fused by Trypanosoma cruzi from 7 and 14 day old culture (stationary and declination phases, respectively) while only lysis was induced by "4 day old culture parasite (exponential phase). Lysis and erythrocyte fusion were studied by phase contrast microscopy, measuring of hemolysis and gel electrophoresis. The fusogenicity is Ca2+-dependent while lysis is delayed in the absence of exogenous Ca2+. The proteolysis of erythrocyte protein bands 1, 2, 2.1, 2.3 and 3 are common features of both fusion and lysis processes. Nevertheless the breakdown rate of ankyrin (band 2.1) and band 3 are different in fused or in lysed cells. The lysis process is associated with a faster degradation of band 2.1 and increase of band 2.3 than in the case of the fusion process. By contrast, degradation of band 3 occurs faster in the fusion than in the lytic event. Treatment of fusogenic parasites but not erythrocytes with TPCK, soybean trypsin inhibitor or FCS inhibited to some extent the fusion process and the decrease of bands 1, 2, 2.1, 2.3 and 3. The results suggest that proteases from fusogenic parasites may be directly or indirectly involved in the proteolysis of band 2.1 in a way related to induction of fusion.Abbreviations TPCK Tos-Phe-CH2Cl,1-chloro-4 phenyl-3-L-tosylamidobutan-2-one - SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - FCS Fetal Calf Serum  相似文献   

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