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Multiple glucose transport systems were distinguished in Rhizobium leguminosarum. We found nonlinear Lineweaver-Burk plots for the uptake of glucose, 2-deoxy-D-glucose, and alpha-methyl-D-glucoside, and this implied the existence of at least two uptake mechanisms. Different patterns of inhibition of 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake and alpha-methyl-D-glucoside uptake at 0.1 mM by various carbohydrates revealed differences in the stereospecificities of the transport systems. Osmotic shock treatment abolished transport activities, and two independent glucose-binding activities were detected in the supernatants. Induction of glucose transport was repressed strongly by L-malate, even in the presence of excess D-glucose. Rhizobium bacteroids showed no significant glucose uptake activity at different oxygen concentrations. These results suggested that glucose transport is repressed by dicarboxylic acids during R. leguminosarum symbiosis.  相似文献   

The transport of succinate was studied in bacteroids of an effective, streptomycin-resistant strain (GF160) of Rhizobium leguminosarum. High levels of succinate transport occurred, and the kinetics, specificity, and sensitivity to metabolic inhibitors were similar to those previously described for free-living cells. The symbiotic properties of two transposon (Tn5)-mediated C4-dicarboxylate transport mutants (strains GF31 and GF252) were determined. Strain GF31 formed ineffective nodules, and bacteroids from these nodules showed no succinate transport activity. Strain GF252 formed partially effective nodules, and bacteroids from these nodules showed about 50% of the succinate transport activity of the parent bacteroids. Another dicarboxylic acid transport mutant (Dct-), strain GFS5, isolated after N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis, formed ineffective nodules. The ability to form ineffective nodules in strains GF31 and GFS5 was shown to correlate with the Dct- phenotype. The data indicate that the presence of a functional C4-dicarboxylic acid transport system is essential for N2 fixation to occur in pea nodules.  相似文献   

Twelve tryptophan auxotrophs of Rhizobium leguminosarum were characterized biochemically. They were grown in complex and minimal media with several carbon sources, in both limiting and excess tryptophan. Missing enzyme activities allowed assignment of all mutant to the trpE, trpD, trpB, or trpA gene, confirming earlier results with the same mutants (Johnston et al., Mol. Gen. Genet. 165:323-330, 1978). In regulatory experiments, only the first enzyme of the pathway, anthranilate synthase, responded (about 15-fold) to tryptophan excess or limitation.  相似文献   

Seven Tn5 induced mutants unable to use glutamate as sole carbon and nitrogen source were isolated from the effective Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli strain P121-R. As indicated by restriction and hybridisation analysis, all the mutants arose from a single Tn5 insertion in the chromosome. The 14C-glutamate uptake rate of the mutants was 76 to 88% lower than that of strain P121-R. Inoculation of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Labrador with these mutants significantly decreased shoot dry matter yield and the total nitrogen content respectively, as compared to inoculation with the parental strain P121-R. All the mutants formed nodules, however they were smaller, white to greenish and approximately 30% less numerous than those formed by strain P121-R. These observations suggest that glutamate transport and catabolism in R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli P121-R may play an important role in the establishment of an effective symbiosis in field bean. None of the mutants isolated was an auxotroph. All mutants were unable to grow on aspartate suggesting that glutamate and aspartate, probably have the same transporter as indicated in Rhizobium meliloti and in Bacillus subtilis. All mutants readily used glutamine, proline, arginine as sole carbon and nitrogen source, but grew more slowly than the wild type strain. On the other hand, all the mutants were impaired in growth on histidine and -aminobutyrate as sole carbon and nitrogen source. As the catabolism of these amino acids occurs predominantly through glutamate, our results indicate that mutants are also impaired in their ability to use histidine and -aminobutyrate as a nitrogen source. Our results also suggest that other amino acids catabolized through the glutamate pathways may be an additional important carbon source for bacteroids in nodules.  相似文献   

Succinate dehydrogenase mutant of Rhizobium meliloti.   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A succinate dehydrogenase mutant strain of Rhizobium meliloti was isolated after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. It failed to grow on succinate, glutamate, acetate, pyruvate, or arabinose but grew on glucose, sucrose, fructose, and other carbohydrates. The mutant strain showed delayed nodulation of lucerne plants, and the nodules were white and ineffective. A spontaneous revertant strain of normal growth phenotype induced red and effective nodules.  相似文献   

Cosmids containing C4-dicarboxylate transport (dct) genes were identified from a gene bank of Rhizobium leguminosarum DNA made in the broad-host-range vector pLAFR1 by their ability to complement R. trifolii dct mutants. The dct genes were further characterized by subcloning, restriction site mapping, and transposon Tn5 and Tn7 mutageneses. Three dct loci were identified within a 5.5-kilobase region of DNA, in the order dctA-dctB-dctC. The results suggested that dctA encoded a structural component necessary for C4-dicarboxylate transport, whereas dctB and dctC encoded positive regulatory elements, and that dctA was transcribed divergently from dctB and dctC. Expression of dctA and dctC was obtained from vector promoters in some pLAFR1- and pSUP106-based plasmids.  相似文献   

High-frequency genomic rearrangements affecting the plasmids of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. phaseoli CFN42 were analyzed. This strain contains six large plasmids ranging in size from 200 to 600 kb. In the absence of any selective pressure, we found 11 strains from 320 analyzed colonies that presented different kinds of plasmid-borne rearrangements, including sequence amplification, deletion, cointegration, and loss of plasmids. These data support the concept that the R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli genome is a dynamic structure and imply that strains are mixtures of similar but not identical cells.  相似文献   

The activities of the following enzymes were studied in connection with dinitrogen fixation in pea bacteroids: glutamine synthetase(L-glutamate: ammonia ligase (ADP-forming)(EC; glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+)(L-glutamate: NADP+ oxidoreductase (deaminating)(EC; glutamate synthase (L-glutamine: 2-exeglutarate aminotransferase (NADPH-oxidizing))(EC GS activity was high throughout the growth of the plant and GOGAT activity was always low. It is unlikely that GDH or the GS-GOGAT pathway can account for the incorporation of ammonia from dinitrogen fixation in the pea bacteroid,  相似文献   

R factor transfer in Rhizobium leguminosarum   总被引:191,自引:0,他引:191  

Electrotransformation of Rhizobium leguminosarum was successfully carried out with a 15.1-kb plasmid, pMP154 (Cmr), containing a nodABC-lacZ fusion by electroporation. The maximum transformation efficiency, 10(8) transformants/microg of DNA, was achieved at a field strength of 14 kV/cm with a pulse of 7.3 ms (186 Omega). The number of transformants was found to increase with increasing cell density, with no sign of saturation. In relation to DNA dosage, the maximum transformation efficiency (5.8 x 10(8) transformants/microg of DNA) was obtained with 0.5 microg of DNA/ml of cell suspension, and a further increase in the DNA concentration resulted in a decline in transformation efficiency.  相似文献   

Summary The degradation of tryptophan (Try) and some of its potential intermediates has been studied in nodule bacteria (Rhizobium leguminosarum Frank, ATCC 10324). In feeding experiments with washed suspensions the following degradation products of Try could be identified by thin-layer chromatography: indolyl-3-pyruvic acid (IBS); indolyl-3-acetic acid (IES); -(indolyl-3)-lactic acid (IMS); indole-carboxylic acid-(3) (ICS); -(indolyl-3)-ethanol (-IÄ); indole-aldehyde-(3) (IAld); indolyl-3-acetaldehyde (IAAld); N-acetyl-tryptophan (Ac-Try).An active Try-transaminase leading to the formation of IBS has been demonstrated. Phenylpyruvic acid as well as -ketoglutaric acid served as amino group acceptors.The breakdown of Try was followed quantitatively by using C-14(2-alanyl-) D,L-tryptophan. After 16 hrs nearly 16% of the original radioactivity was found in the ether-extractable material. IES and IMS were formed in much the highest concentrations.Indole-3-acetonitrile (IAN), although not a Try-metabolite in Rhizobium leguminosarum was converted to IES via indole-3-acetamide (IAAm). The following physiological pathways in the breakdown of Try in Rhizobium leguminosarum have been confirmed: Try Ac-Try and IBS; IBS IAAld; IAAld -IÄ and IES; no further degradation of IES was observed.  相似文献   

Summary RP4-trp hybrid plasmid containing Escherichia coli whole tryptophan operon was conjugatively transferred from E. coli to Rhizobium leguminosarum strains carrying mutations in different trp genes, converting their Trp phenotype to Trp+. That the phenotype change of the R. leguminosarum cells was due to the presence of the E. coli tryptophan operon was verified by the isolation of RP4-trp hybrid plasmid from the R. leguminosarum conjugant cells, and by re-transfer of RP4-trp plasmid by conjugation back to E. coli trp and Pseudomonas putida trp strains. Enzymatic activities of anthranilate synthetase and subunit of tryptophan synthetase in crude extracts of R. leguminosarum cells containing RP4-trp plasmid were much higher than that of the wild-type cells and were not repressed by the presence of tryptophan in the culture medium.  相似文献   

Congo Red Absorption by Rhizobium leguminosarum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Congo red absorption is generally considered a contraindication of Rhizobium. However, R. leguminosarum takes up the dye on yeast extract-mannitol agar. The uptake of congo red varies among strains of R. leguminosarum, as shown elsewhere with strains of R. trifolii and R. meliloti. Congo red absorption does not distinguish rhizobia from other bacteria, but may be useful as a strain marker.  相似文献   

The chromium (CrIII and CrVI) removal capability of Rhizobium leguminosarum was checked by estimating the amount of chromium in the medium before and after inoculation. To determine the efficiency of R. leguminosarum in removal of chromium, the influence of physical and chemical parameters such as temperature, pH and different concentrations (0.1–1.0 mM) of trivalent (CrIII) and hexavalent (CrVI) chromium were studied. The chromium removal in aqueous solution by different size of active and inactivated biomass and immobilized cells of R. leguminosarum in a packed-bed column was also carried out. Results showed that in a medium containing up to 0.5 mM concentration of both CrIII and CrVI, R. leguminosarum showed optimal growth. The maximum chromium removal was at pH 7.0 and 35°C. Active biomass removed 84.4 ± 3.6% of CrIII and 77.3 ± 4.3% of CrVI in 24 h of incubation time. However, inactivated biomass removed maximum chromium after 36 h of incubation. Immobilized bacterial cells in a packed-bed column removed 86.4 ± 1.7% of CrIII and 83.8 ± 2.2% of CrVI in 16 and 20 h of incubation time, respectively.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation of Rhizobium leguminosarum by plasmid DNA.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We demonstrated the genetic transformation of Rhizobium leguminosarum by R68.45 plasmid DNA by freezing and thawing cell suspensions in the presence of R68.45 plasmid DNA and 20 mM MgCl2. Clones resistant to kanamycin and tetracycline were recovered at a frequency of 10(-8) per recipient cell. No colonies that were doubly drug resistant were recovered in parallel control experiments.  相似文献   

D Parke  F Rynne    A Glenn 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(17):5546-5550
In members of the family Rhizobiaceae, many phenolic compounds are degraded by the protocatechuate branch of the beta-ketoadipate pathway. In this paper we describe a novel pattern of induction of protocatechuate (pca) genes in Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii. Isolation of pca mutant strains revealed that 4-hydroxybenzoate, quinate, and 4-coumarate are degraded via the protocatechuate pathway. At least three inducers govern catabolism of 4-hydroxybenzoate to succinyl coenzyme A and acetyl coenzyme A. The enzyme that catalyzes the initial step is induced by its substrate, whereas the catabolite beta-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate induces enzymes for the upper protocatechuate pathway, and beta-ketoadipate elicits expression of the enzyme for a subsequent step, beta-ketoadipate succinyl-coenzyme A transferase. Elucidation of the induction pattern relied in part on complementation of mutant Rhizobium strains by known subclones of Acinetobacter genes expressed off the lac promoter in a broad-host-range vector.  相似文献   

Iron acquisition by symbiotic Rhizobium spp. is essential for nitrogen fixation in the legume root nodule symbiosis. Rhizobium leguminosarum 116, an ineffective mutant strain with a defect in iron acquisition, was isolated after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis of the effective strain 1062. The pop-1 mutation in strain 116 imparted to it a complex phenotype, characteristic of iron deficiency: the accumulation of porphyrins (precursors of hemes) so that colonies emitted a characteristic pinkish-red fluorescence when excited by UV light, reduced levels of cytochromes b and c, and wild-type growth on high-iron media but low or no growth in low-iron broth and on solid media supplemented with the iron scavenger dipyridyl. Several iron(III)-solubilizing agents, such as citrate, hydroxyquinoline, and dihydroxybenzoate, stimulated growth of 116 on low-iron solid medium; anthranilic acid, the R. leguminosarum siderophore, inhibited low-iron growth of 116. The initial rate of 55Fe uptake by suspensions of iron-starved 116 cells was 10-fold less than that of iron-starved wild-type cells. Electron microscopic observations revealed no morphological abnormalities in the small, white nodules induced by 116. Nodule cortical cells were filled with vesicles containing apparently normal bacteroids. No premature degeneration of bacteroids or of plant cell organelles was evident. We mapped pop-1 by R plasmid-mediated conjugation and recombination to the ade-27-rib-2 region of the R. leguminosarum chromosome. No segregation of pop-1 and the symbiotic defect was observed among the recombinants from these crosses. Cosmid pKN1, a pLAFR1 derivative containing a 24-kilobase-pair fragment of R. leguminosarum DNA, conferred on 116 the ability to grow on dipyridyl medium and to fix nitrogen symbiotically. These results indicate that the insert cloned in pKN1 encodes an element of the iron acquisition system of R. leguminosarum that is essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

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