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Clinical trials and other forms of evaluation of medical treatment are held to give an objective assessment of the ‘clinical effectiveness’ of the medical treatments under evaluation. This kind of evaluation is central to the evidence-based medicine movement, as it provides a basis for the rational selection of treatment. The ethical status of randomised clinical trials is widely agreed to depend crucially upon the state of equipoise regarding which of two (or more) treatments is more (or most) effective in a defined population. However, the meaning and nature of ‘clinical effectiveness’ are unclear. in this paper, I discuss the proposals to define clinical effectiveness as a relational property and as an intrinsic property, and the way effectiveness may supervene upon more fundamental physical properties of treatments. I discuss whether effectiveness is a single property or a family of properties; the types of outcome which can be explained by effectiveness properties; and the relationship between ‘objective’ and ‘preference’ outcomes. This paper suggests that while it may be possible to put clinical effectiveness on a proper metaphysical footing, in practice the language of clinical effectiveness is more properly a topic of the human sciences than of the natural sciences.  相似文献   

The cancer stem cell hypothesis posits that tumor growth is driven by a rare subpopulation of cells, designated cancer stem cells (CSC). Studies supporting this theory are based in large part on xenotransplantation experiments wherein human cancer cells are grown in immunocompromised mice and only CSC, often constituting less than 1% of the malignancy, generate tumors. Herein, we show that all colonies derived from randomly chosen single cells in mouse lung and breast cancer cell lines form tumors following allografting histocompatible mice. Our study suggests that the majority of malignant cells rather than CSC can sustain tumors and that the cancer stem cell theory must be reevaluated.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the intraobserver reliability of a posturographic assessment in patients with low back pain. We investigated 24 symptomatic subjects with defined low back pain (mean: 57.9?years) and a pair-matched control group including 24 asymptomatic persons (mean: 58.1?years). Each participant underwent two measurements on a posturographic device (32?Hz sampling rate) based on the Interactive Balance System (time interval: 7?d). Test procedure consisted of tests on solid ground with eyes open (1) and eyes closed (2). Data analysis included parameters of motor output and a frequency band analysis. Reliability tests were realized using by intraclass correlations (ICC). Coefficients of ICC ranged from 0.36 (95% CI: 0.01–0.73) to 0.94 (95% CI: 0.86–0.97) in both test positions. For 69% (11/16) of the investigated parameters a high level (ICC?>?0.75) of intraobserver reliability was reached. Based on the results, the posturographic measurement system used in this study seems to be appropriate for use in longitudinal study designs in an orthopaedic setting.  相似文献   

A consensus conference with representatives from academia, governmental agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry met and concluded that clinical trials designed to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of treatments for chronic pain should consider outcomes in six core domains: pain, physical functioning, emotional functioning, patient global ratings of satisfaction, negative health states and adverse events, and patient disposition. In addition, it was acknowledged that there are many secondary domains that might be of importance and should be included in trials depending on the nature of the treatment and population to whom the treatment is targeted.  相似文献   

The large majority of liver tumors are metastatic, of which colorectal deposits are the most common. Resection is the preferable mode of treatment because it offers the possibility of prolonged survival, but this strategy is only viable in about 25% of patients. This is due to either the proximity of the disease to the portal structures or to the number of metastases. Other treatment options are therefore required for liver tumors, such as chemotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, laser photocoagulation, chemoembolization, and cryotherapy. This article focuses on cryotherapy as a method of treating unresectable hepatic tumors.  相似文献   

The lung consists of at least seven compartments with relevance to immune reactions. Compartment 1 - the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), which represents the cells of the bronchoalveolar space: From a diagnostic point of view the bronchoalveolar space is the most important because it is easily accessible in laboratory animals, as well as in patients, using BAL. Although this technique has been used for several decades it is still unclear to what extent the BAL represents changes in other lung compartments. Compartment 2 - bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT): In the healthy, BALT can be found only in childhood. The role of BALT in the development of the mucosal immunity of the pulmonary surfaces has not yet been resolved. However, it might be an important tool for inhalative vaccination strategies. Compartment 3 - conducting airway mucosa: A third compartment is the bronchial epithelium and the submucosa, which both contain a distinct pool of leukocytes (e.g. intraepithelial lymphocytes, IEL). This again is also accessible via bronchoscopy. Compartment 4 - draining lymph nodes/Compartment 5 - lung parenchyma: Transbronchial biopsies are more difficult to perform but provide access to two additional compartments - lymph nodes with the draining lymphatics and lung parenchyma, which roughly means "interstitial" lung tissue. Compartment 6 - the intravascular leukocyte pool: The intravascular compartment lies between the systemic circulation and inflamed lung compartments. Compartment 7 - periarterial space: Finally, there is a unique, lung-specific space around the pulmonary arteries which contains blood and lymph capillaries. There are indications that this "periarterial space" may be involved in the pulmonary host defense. All these compartments are connected but the functional network is not yet fully understood. A better knowledge of the complex interactions could improve diagnosis and therapy, or enable preventive approaches of local immunization.  相似文献   

In accordance with the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, the name Tutcheria spectabilis Dunn (1908) has priority over the later name Tutcheria championii Nakai (1940) which is illegitimate, despite the fact that the latter name has been used in some recent Chinese floras.  相似文献   

We studied the evolution of age at maturity in freshwater clams of the genus Anodonta in relation to their ecology. We analysed an age-structured density-dependent population dynamics model, which we developed for freshwater clams, using several different options for density dependence. As evolutionary optimality criteria we applied both the maximization of a fitness measure (either intrinsic rate of increase or expected lifetime fecundity) and the concept of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESSs). All three evolutionary criteria yielded estimates which were too high for the optimal age at maturity in a deterministic model with a constant survival rate. The predictions are improved when size-selective predation is included in the model. Mature clams also face a risk of infection by castrating parasites, which would select for delayed maturity. Variable newborn survival selects for earlier reproduction, though the observed levels of stochasticity probably have a negligible effect.  相似文献   

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