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Whakapapa is the foundation of traditional Māori social structure and it perpetuates a value base that locates people through their relationships to the physical and spiritual worlds. As part of a new envirogenomics research programme, researchers at the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) are developing a study with an iwi (tribe) to identify combinations of genetic and environmental factors that may contribute to current health status. A major objective of this study is to utilise whakapapa (genealogical information) to explore patterns of genetic variation unique to the iwi and to correlate these with potential disease or ill health. Genetic testing and screening raises numerous ethical issues, particularly when indigenous peoples are the subjects. This paper will outline ESR’s strategy for addressing indigenous concerns about genetic testing and how whakapapa forms an integral part of the envirogenomics research programme.  相似文献   

Pascoe S  Wilcox C  Donlan CJ 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25762
The concept of biodiversity offsets is well established as an approach to environmental management. The concept has been suggested for environmental management in fisheries, particularly in relation to the substantial numbers of non-target species--seabirds in particular--caught and killed as incidental bycatch during fishing activities. Substantial areas of fisheries are being closed to protect these species at great cost to the fishing industry. However, other actions may be taken to offset the impact of fishing on these populations at lower cost to the fishing industry. This idea, however, has attracted severe criticism largely as it does not address the underlying externality problems created by the fishing sector, namely seabird fishing mortality. In this paper, we re-examine the potential role of compensatory mitigation as a fisheries management tool, although from the perspective of being an interim management measure while more long-lasting solutions to the problem are found. We re-model an example previously examined by both proponents and opponents of the approach, namely the cost effectiveness of rodent control relative to fishery area closures for the conservation of a seabird population adversely affected by an Australian tuna fishery. We find that, in the example being examined, invasive rodent eradication is at least 10 times more cost effective than area closures. We conclude that, while this does not solve the actual bycatch problem, it may provide breathing space for both the seabird species and the industry to find longer term means of reducing bycatch.  相似文献   

Two species of polychaetous annelids are dug for sale as baitfrom intertidal mudflats of Maine. This effort generatesnearly$3.5 million in annual revenue and comprises over 90% of thebaitworm fisheries in the U.S. The two species are (1) sandwormsor clamworms, Nereis virens (family Nereididae) and (2) bloodwormsor beakworms, Glycera dibranchiata (family Glyceridae). Numbersof baitworm diggers licensed annually in Maine have increasedfrom 449 in 1948 to a maximum of 1,455 in 1974 and decreasedsince then to 801 in 1991. Sandworm landings increased fromthe late 1940s until the early 1960s when they leveled off.They fluctuated between 300,000 and 400,000 lbs landed annuallyfor the next 20 years. Between 1982 and 1991, the sandworm landingsranged between 179,000 (1990) and 380,000 (1982) lbs landedper year. Bloodworm landings were at a maximum between 1960and 1976, ranging between 140,000 and 215,000 lbs landed annually.After a sharp decline in the bloodworm fishery in the late 1970s,annual landings ranged between 102,000 (1988) and 168,000 (1982)lbs. Reasons for the fluctuations and recent decreases in landingsremain unexplained. Some data suggest that market demand limitsthe baitworm landings for both species, while others imply thatoverharvesting, at least for bloodworms, may be a problem forthese resources.  相似文献   

The development of high-throughput sequencing technologies has transformed our capacity to investigate the composition and dynamics of the microbial communities that populate diverse habitats. Over the past decade, these advances have yielded an avalanche of metagenomic data. The current stage of “van Leeuwenhoek”–like cataloguing, as well as functional analyses, will likely accelerate as DNA and RNA sequencing, plus protein and metabolic profiling capacities and computational tools, continue to improve. However, it is time to consider: what’s next for microbiome research? The short pieces included here briefly consider the challenges and opportunities awaiting microbiome research.
This Perspective is part of the “Where next?” Series.
Soon, we will enter an era when “the number of population genomes deposited in public databases will dwarf those from isolates and single cells” (Gene Tyson). Clearly, as all authors noted in the following, our focus will move from describing the composition of microbial communities to elucidating the principles that govern their assembly, dynamics, and functions. How will such principles be discovered? Elhanan Borenstein proposes that a systems biology–based approach, particularly the development of mathematical and computational models of the interactions between the specific community components, will be critical for understanding the function and dynamics of microbiomes. Evolutionary biologists Howard Ochman and Andrew Moeller want to decipher how microbial assemblies evolve but challenge us to also consider the role of microbial communities in organismal evolution, and they make the exciting prediction that microbes will be implicated in the evolution of eusociality and cooperation. Brett Finlay underscores the need for deciphering the mechanistic bases—particularly the chemical/metabolite signals—for interactions between members of microbial communities and their hosts. He emphasizes how this knowledge will enable creation of new tools to manipulate the microbiota, a key challenge for future investigation. Heidi Kong also encourages deciphering the mechanisms that underlie associations between particular skin surfaces and disorders and their respective microbiota. Jeffrey Gordon considers several intriguing opportunities as well as challenges that manipulation of the gut microbiota presents for improved human nutrition and health. Finally, Karen Nelson, Karim Dabbagh and Hamilton Smith suggest that using synthetic genomes to create novel microbes or even synthetic microbiomes offers a new way to engineer the microbiota. Overall, future microbiome research regarding the molecules and mechanisms mediating interactions between members of microbial communities and their hosts should lead to discovery of exciting new biology and transformative therapeutics.  相似文献   

Clinical isolates of Bilophila wadsworthia grew rapidly (1–3 days) in the liquid taurine-minimal-salts medium developed for B. wadsworthia RZATAU, whereas growth on Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar takes up to 1 week. Though rapid growth of B. wadsworthia was achieved, and no other pure cultures grew, the medium was not selective for the organism in human faeces or in intra-abdominal specimens. We hope, however, that our understanding of the physiological and biochemical characteristics of the organism supplies a tool for further research.  相似文献   

Fisheries bioeconomics: why is it so widely misunderstood?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many fisheries management systems, even when based on apparently sound science, have failed to prevent severe overfishing. And even when successful in this sense, such systems have frequently resulted in a large degree of excess fishing capacity. The reason for these failures can often be found in a lack of consideration of the economic incentives affecting fishermen. Specifically, when forced to compete for a fixed total annual catch quota (TAC), fishermen are motivated to fish at high intensity, and to expand the fishing power of their vessels. Individual fishing quotas (IFQs) are being increasingly used as a method of altering economic incentives in a desirable way. IFQ systems, however, can also suffer severe shortcomings, unless substantial fees are extracted for the exclusive right to exploit a publicly owned resource. When combined with appropriate fees, or royalties, IFQs can indeed result in sustainable, profitable fisheries. There still remains the fundamental question of risk management, but this is also now beginning to be addressed. Thus there is now a strong hope for the future success of marine fisheries, at least within 200-mile coastal zones.  相似文献   

Proclaimed “International Year of Biodiversity”, will 2010 hold all its promises? Reminder: initiated by the Convention on Biological Diversity ratified after the global summit in Rio de Janeiro, delegations from more than one hundred countries gathered in Johannesburg in 2002 and committed themselves to slowing the erosion of biodiversity by 2010. The European Union was more ambitious (or reckless?) and even spoke about halting this erosion (European Environment Agency, Progress towards the European 2010 biodiversity target, 2009) [1]! Well, that date has come and the overall appraisal that has been made formally in Nagoya in October this year was not so brilliant (see Leadley et al., 2010) [2]–but the same slogan has been launched for 2020! The aim here is not to repeat that appraisal, but, after considering the broad outlines, to evoke some of the issues and challenges that inevitably result from the great question of the protection and management of global biodiversity.  相似文献   

Exosomes: A Bubble Ride for Prions?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In certain cell types, endosomal multivesicular bodies may fuse with the cell surface in an exocytic manner. During this process, the small 50-90-nm-diameter vesicles contained in their lumen are released into the extracellular environment. The released vesicles are called exosomes. Exosome secretion can be used by cells to eject molecules targeted to intraluminal vesicles of multivesicular bodies, but particular cell types exploit exosomes as intercellular communication devices for transfer of proteins and lipids between cells. The molecular composition of exosomes is determined by sorting events within endosomes that occur concomitantly with the generation of intraluminal vesicles. As other raft-associated components, the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked prion protein transits through multivesicular bodies. Recent findings in non-neuronal cell models indicate prion protein association with secreted exosomes. Thus, exosomes could constitute vehicles for transmission of the infectious prion protein, bypassing cell-cell contact in the dissemination of prions.  相似文献   

Recent achievements in the biology and the function of adipose tissue have regarded white adipose tissue (WAT) as an important endocrine and secretory organ. Releasing a series of multiple-function mediators, WAT is involved in a wide spectrum of diseases, including not only cardiovascular and metabolic complications, such as atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes, but also inflammatory- and immune-related disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). A large number of these mediators, called adipokines, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), leptin, adiponectin, resistin, chemerin, interleukin-6 (IL-6), visfatin, and so on have been identified and studied widely. Important advances related to these proteins shed new insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms of many complicated diseases, although details of which remain unclear. Adiponectin, one of the most widely investigated adipokine, has been shown to possess both anti- and pro-inflammatory effects. RA is a chronic systemic inflammatory-related autoimmune disease. Accumulated evidence has demonstrated that cytokines and adipokines play an important role in the pathogenesis of RA. In this review, we have summarized the most recent advances in adiponectin research in the context of RA, focusing primarily on its effect on RA-related cells, its regulation on pro-inflammatory cytokines, as well as its validation as a biomarker for RA.  相似文献   



Information on the rights of subjects in clinical trials has become increasingly complex and difficult to understand. This study evaluates whether a simple booklet which is relevant to all research studies improves the understanding of rights needed for subjects to provide informed consent.


21 currently used informed consent forms (ICF) from international clinical trials were separated into information related to the specific research study, and general information on participants’ rights. A booklet designed to provide information on participants’ rights which used simple language was developed to replace this information in current ICF’s Readability of each component of ICF’s and the booklet was then assessed using the Flesch-Kincaid Reading ease score (FK). To further evaluate the booklet 282 hospital inpatients were randomised to one of three ways to present research information; a standard ICF, the booklet combined with a short ICF, or the booklet combined with a simplified ICF. Comprehension of information related to the research proposal and to participant’s rights was assessed by questionnaire.


Information related to participants’ rights contributed an average of 44% of the words in standard ICFs, and was harder to read than information describing the clinical trial (FK 25 versus (vs.) 41 respectively, p = 0.0003). The booklet reduced the number of words and improved FK from 25 to 42. The simplified ICF had a slightly higher FK score than the standard ICF (50 vs. 42). Comprehension assessed in inpatients was better for the booklet and short ICF 62%, (95% confidence interval (CI) 56 to 67) correct, or simplified ICF 62% (CI 58 to 68) correct compared to 52%, (CI 47 to 57) correct for the standard ICF, p = 0.009. This was due to better understanding of questions on rights (62% vs. 49% correct, p = 0.0008). Comprehension of study related information was similar for the simplified and standard ICF (60% vs. 64% correct, p = 0.68).


A booklet provides a simple consistent approach to providing information on participant rights which is relevant to all research studies, and improves comprehension of patients who typically participate in clinical trials.  相似文献   



Differences between women and men in political and economic empowerment, education, and health risks are well-documented. Similar gender inequities in access to care and medicines have been hypothesized but evidence is lacking.


We analyzed 2002 World Health Survey data for 257,922 adult respondents and 80,932 children less than 5 years old from 53 mostly low and middle-income countries. We constructed indicators of need for, access to, and perceptions of care, and we described the number of countries with equal and statistically different proportions of women and men for each indicator. Using multivariate logistic regression models, we estimated effects of gender on our study outcomes, overall and by household poverty.


Women reported significantly more need for care for three of six chronic conditions surveyed, and they were more likely to have at least one of the conditions (OR 1.41 [95% CI 1.38, 1.44]). Among those with reported need for care, there were no consistent differences in access to care between women and men overall (e.g., treatment for all reported chronic conditions, OR 1.00 [0.96, 1.04]) or by household poverty. Of concern, access to care for chronic conditions was distressingly low among both men and women in many countries, as was access to preventive services among boys and girls less than 5 years old.


These cross-country results do not suggest a systematic disadvantage of women in access to curative care and medicines for treating selected chronic conditions or acute symptoms, or to preventive services among boys and girls.  相似文献   

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