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Upward nutrient fluxes at the sediment-water interface were studied in a mussel farming zone (Carteau, Gulf of Fos, France) in order to estimate the impact of organic matter input from biodeposition. Nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, silicate, phosphate and oxygen were measured. Fluxes were estimated by means of polyacrylate benthic chambers placed at sites located under (UM) and outside (OM) the rope hanging structures. Transformation of biodeposited organic matter increases phosphate, silicate and ammonia fluxes. No variation in nitrite fluxes could be detected and only minor differences were observed in nitrate and the oxygen production/consumption equilibrium at the two stations. Phosphate and silicate fluxes, which were always higher at the UM than at the OM site, decreased from spring to winter. Ammonia fluxes were very high under mussel cultures in May and September and lower in November. The fact that ammonia flux was always higher at the UM than at the OM sites might be explained by degradation of mussel biodeposit, as well as by benthic macrafauna excretion. Discrepancies between fluxes of the nutrients studied at the UM and OM sites increased as organic particulate matter in the water column decreased. Variations of oxygen flux followed a different pattern, since they were correlated with presence and abundance of photosynthetic microphytes on the bottom and in the water. Bottom respiration exceeded production of oxygen only in May 1988 at the UM station.As it now stands, biodeposit input into the sediment under mussel ropes does not affect the ecosystem, although the flow of nutrients towards the water column is higher than in other areas.  相似文献   

Factors controlling seasonal variations in benthic metabolism (O2 flux) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) fluxes were examined during a 12–14 month period at three intertidal Wadden Sea stations. Since the flux measurements were made as small-scale laboratory core incubations, the results are primarily related to the microbenthic community (microalgae, bacteria, micro-, meio- and small macrofauna) and cannot be considered representative of the total benthic community in the Wadden Sea. Furthermore, it has to be emphasized that light intensity during day-time simulations were constant and saturating at all times. Benthic primary production and oxygen uptake appeared to be temperature dependent with a ‘seasonal Q10’ of 1.7–1.8 and 2.7–4.3, respectively. Inundation had no effect on oxygen fluxes as evidenced by similar sediment respiration with and without water cover. A stronger temperature dependence of primary production in muddy than in sandy sediment indicated that the overall control in the latter may be complex due to factors like macrofaunal grazing and nutrient availability. Benthic respiration may not be controlled by temperature alone, as sedimentary organic matter content correlated significantly with both temperature and benthic respiration. Annual gross primary production in high intertidal sandy sediment was 10 and 50% higher than in low intertidal sandy and muddy sediments, respectively. Since annual benthic community respiration was 2 times higher in muddy than sandy sediments, the annual net primary production was about 0 in the former and 17–19 mol C m?2 yr?1 in the latter. However, heterotrophic contribution by larger faunal components as well as removal of organic carbon by waves and tidal currents, which are not included here, may balance the budget at the sandy stations. There was no or only weak relationships between (light and dark) DIN exchange and factors like temperature, sedimentary organic content, and oxygen fluxes. Factors related to nutrient fluxes, such as denitrification and nutrient concentration in the overlying water, may have hampered any such relationships. In fact, DIN fluxes at all three stations appeared to be strongly controlled by DIN concentrations in the overlying water. On an annual basis, the sediment appeared to be a net sink for DIN.  相似文献   

A conceptual model explaining benthic foraminiferal microhabitats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a conceptual model which explains benthic foraminiferal microhabitat preferences in terms of differences in the downward organic flux. We argue that under oligotrophic conditions the microhabitat depth is controlled by the availability of metabolizable food particles in the sediment. Under more eutrophic conditions, the ecosystem is no longer food-controlled, but instead, a critical oxygen level determines down to what depth we find a living fauna. Under food-limited conditions, anaerobic degradation of organic matter may provide an additional food source around the redox front, which could explain deep infaunal maxima reported in the literature. In a sample transect through the Adriatic Sea, both microhabitat controls (food-limited and oxygen-limited) are present. On the shelf and the upper part of the slope, the rather shallow depth of the microhabitat is controlled by a critical oxygen level. In the 1250 m deep southern basin and on the lower part of the slope, on the contrary, the availability of metabolizable organic matter, and not a critical oxygen level, determines down to what depth living foraminifera are found.  相似文献   

Oxygen exchange at the water-bottom interface in the northeastern Black Sea was studied using bottom tanks (fluxes and oxygen consumption for organic matter mineralization and for respiration of soil and water organisms). The relationship of biogenic fluxes and patterns of biochemical (enzyme) destruction of organic matter by the components of the bacterial and microproducer community was established. The prevalence of microbial oxidation of organic matter correlated with high proteolytic activity in near-bottom water. The principal significance of organic matter oxidation in near-bottom water for the phytoplankton and its respiratory expenditures was demonstrated both in the open system of the near-bottom layer and in the closed tank system. A similar trend was demonstrated for benthic organisms.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation of dissolved oxygen (DO), organic and inorganic carbon (DOC, DIC), nitrogen (DON, DIN), and phosphorus (DOP, DIP) flux across the sediment–water interface was assessed in fish farm impacted and pristine seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) meadows in the Aegean Sea (Greece). DIC consumption decreased by 52% and DO production decreased by 60% in the light, suggesting reduced photosynthetic performance of the plant community under the fish cages probably due to organic matter loading. In light there was 4 and 15 times higher release of dissolved inorganic and organic matter, respectively, compared to dark incubations under the cages, indicating that fish farming impact is more intense during daytime. DO was taken up, while DIC was released in the dark in both stations, representing a direct measure of mineralization. Dissolved inorganic matter flux (as the sum of DIN and DIP fluxes) was positively related to DIC flux, rendering mineralization as the main driver of nutrient flux under the cages. On average, the impacted meadow released DIN and DIP both in light and dark, while efflux of dissolved organic matter (as the sum of DOC, DON, and DOP fluxes) increased by 132% in the light and by 21% in the dark, implying that the degrading seagrass meadow is a source of dissolved matter to the surrounding water. Shoot density and leaf production were negatively correlated with both diel DIN and DIP fluxes, showing that meadow regression is accompanied by DIN and DIP release from the sediment. Hence, nutrient efflux can adequately illustrate meadow deterioration and, therefore, can be used as indicator of P. oceanica community health.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the consequences of low level disturbances on the functioning of ecological communities because of the pervasiveness and frequency of this type of environmental change. In this study we investigated the response of a heterogeneous, subtidal, soft-sediment habitat to small experimental additions of organic matter and calcium carbonate to examine the sensitivity of benthic ecosystem functioning to changes in sediment characteristics that relate to the environmental threats of coastal eutrophication and ocean acidification. Our results documented significant changes between key biogeochemical and sedimentary variables such as gross primary production, ammonium uptake and dissolved reactive phosphorus flux following treatment additions. Moreover, the application of treatments affected relationships between macrofauna communities, sediment characteristics (e.g., chlorophyll a content) and biogeochemical processes (oxygen and nutrient fluxes). In this experiment organic matter and calcium carbonate showed persistent opposing effects on sedimentary processes, and we demonstrated that highly heterogeneous sediment habitats can be surprisingly sensitive to subtle perturbations. Our results have important biological implications in a world with relentless anthropogenic inputs of atmospheric CO2 and nutrients in coastal waters.  相似文献   

The Southern Ocean ecosystem at the Antarctic Peninsula has steep natural environmental gradients, e.g. in terms of water masses and ice cover, and experiences regional above global average climate change. An ecological macroepibenthic survey was conducted in three ecoregions in the north-western Weddell Sea, on the continental shelf of the Antarctic Peninsula in the Bransfield Strait and on the shelf of the South Shetland Islands in the Drake Passage, defined by their environmental envelop. The aim was to improve the so far poor knowledge of the structure of this component of the Southern Ocean ecosystem and its ecological driving forces. It can also provide a baseline to assess the impact of ongoing climate change to the benthic diversity, functioning and ecosystem services. Different intermediate-scaled topographic features such as canyon systems including the corresponding topographically defined habitats ‘bank’, ‘upper slope’, ‘slope’ and ‘canyon/deep’ were sampled. In addition, the physical and biological environmental factors such as sea-ice cover, chlorophyll-a concentration, small-scale bottom topography and water masses were analysed. Catches by Agassiz trawl showed high among-station variability in biomass of 96 higher systematic groups including ecological key taxa. Large-scale patterns separating the three ecoregions from each other could be correlated with the two environmental factors, sea-ice and depth. Attribution to habitats only poorly explained benthic composition, and small-scale bottom topography did not explain such patterns at all. The large-scale factors, sea-ice and depth, might have caused large-scale differences in pelagic benthic coupling, whilst small-scale variability, also affecting larger scales, seemed to be predominantly driven by unknown physical drivers or biological interactions.  相似文献   

Benthic-pelagic exchange processes are recognised as important nutrient sources in coastal areas, however, the relative impact of diffusion, resuspension and other processes such as bioturbation and bioirrigation are still relatively poorly understood. Experimental ship-based data are presented showing the effects of diffusion and resuspension on cohesive sediments at a temperate shelf location in the North Sea. Measurements of diffusive fluxes in both spring (1.76, 0.51, ?0.91, 17.6 μmol/m2/h) and late summer (8.53, ?0.03, ?1.12, 35.0 μmol/m2/h) for nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and dissolved silicon respectively, provided comparisons for measured resuspension fluxes. Increases in diffusive fluxes of nitrate and dissolved silicon to the water column in late summer coincided with decreases in bottom water oxygen concentrations and increases in temperature. Resuspension experiments using a ship board annular flume and intact box core allowed simultaneous measurement of suspended particulate matter, water velocity and sampling of nutrients in the water column during a step wise increase in bed shear velocity. The resuspension of benthic fluff led to small but significant releases of phosphate and nitrate to the water column with chamber concentration increasing from 0.70–0.76 and 1.84–2.22 μmol/L respectively. Resuspension of the sediment bed increased water column concentrations of dissolved silicon by as much as 125% (7.10–15.9 μmol/L) and nitrate and phosphate concentrations by up to 67% (1.84–3.08 μmol/L) and 66% (0.70–1.15 μmol/L) respectively. Mass balance calculations indicate that processes such as microbial activity or adsorption/desorption other than simple release of pore water nutrients must occur during resuspension to account for the increase. This study shows that resuspension is potentially an important pathway for resupplying the water column with nutrients before and during phytoplankton blooms and should therefore be considered along with diffusive fluxes in future ecosystem models.  相似文献   

The Sulu Sea in the western equatorial Pacific is presently a shallowly-silled, dysaerobic, deep-marine basin. Deep waters in the Sulu Sea are ventilated through a single sill at 420 m depth which connects it to the China Sea. Benthic and planktonic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope records, benthic and planktonic foraminiferal census data and total organic carbon measurements have been used to evaluate changes in water mass conditions in the Sulu Sea between the last glacial maximum (18,000 yrs. B.P.) and the present day.An increase in the abundance of the planktonic foraminiferaNeogloboquadrina dutertrei and relatively light planktonic foraminiferal δ18O values suggest that during the last glacial maximum surface water salinities were reduced in the Sulu Sea. Enhanced isolation of the basin due to glacio-eustatic lowering of sea level and reduced surface salinities resulted in stagnation of deep water and an expansion of the mid-water oxygen minimum layer. Increased organic carbon preservation at mid-water depths occurs at this time. Benthic carbon isotope data and an increase in the abundance of benthic foraminiferal species considered to prefer low oxygen environments support the conclusion of an oxygen-minimum expansion at mid-water depths during the last glacial maximum. At water depths greater than 4000 m, bottom waters appear to have maintained some degree of oxygenation during the last glacial maximum. Stronger Pacific Ocean trade winds at this time may have caused the influx of denser Celebes Sea surface water into the southern part of the Sulu Sea. The slow sinking of this water would have then ventilated bottom waters in this part of the basin.At the transition from glacial to interglacial conditions, rising sea level caused denser water to flow over the deepest sill into the Sulu Sea. Vertical circulation increased, resulting in a greater downward flux of oxygen and a dissipation of the oxygen minimum. Continued post-glacial sea level rise caused periodic ventilation of deep water until the present dysaerobic conditions were established.  相似文献   

高菲  许强  李秀保  何林文  王爱民 《生态学报》2022,42(11):4301-4312
珊瑚礁生态系统是一个高生产力、高生物多样性的特殊海洋生态系统,具有为生物提供栖息地、参与生物地球化学循环、防浪护岸、指示水体污染程度等生态功能。珊瑚礁生态系统的突出特点是其生境异质性很高,各种各样的生境斑块为种类繁多、习性各异的游泳和底栖生物提供栖息场所,这些礁栖生物通过参与各项生态过程而形成各种特定的功能群,共同完成重要的生态功能。在热带珊瑚礁生态系统中,海参是大型底栖动物区系的重要一员。种类繁多的海参具有各自不同的生境选择特征,通过摄食、运动等行为活动发挥着改良底质、促进有机物矿化和营养盐再生等生态作用。近几年来,全球热带海参受人类过度捕捞和珊瑚礁退化的影响而面临资源衰退、物种多样性丧失等问题,深入认识其生态学功能、加强热带海参资源保护迫在眉睫。综述了国内外热带珊瑚礁海参的基础生态学研究进展:海参对珊瑚礁生境斑块呈现显著的偏好选择特征以及种间差异和季节变动,不同生境斑块的食物质量、底质类型和水动力条件是影响海参生境偏好的重要因素;海参通过生物扰动可以改变珊瑚礁生境沉积物的含水量、渗透性、颗粒组成、再矿化率、无机营养物质释放速率以及孔隙水的化学梯度,并增加沉积物中的溶氧浓度、促进溶解...  相似文献   

Fluctuations in abundance, diversity and species composition of benthic foraminifera from two sites of the northern and southern Red Sea indicate strong variability of deep-sea ecosystems during the last four glacial to interglacial cycles. In total, five and four different benthic foraminiferal assemblages have been identified in the northern core and southern core, respectively. Comparison with recent faunas from the Red Sea and adjacent oceans allowed the reconstruction of temporal changes in deep-water ventilation, salinity and food availability at the seafloor. Generally, the abundance of infaunal and miliolid taxa increase during glacial intervals indicating increased organic matter fluxes, oxygen decrease and salinity increase in deep waters during these times. These fluctuations are attributed to enhanced oxygen consumption rates and temporarily reduced deep-water formation in the northern Red Sea during glacial intervals. The recorded environmental changes are a reflection of both high- and low-latitude climate changes. The northern Red Sea is mainly influenced by glacio-eustatic sea level fluctuations that control deep-water formation rates and by mid-latitude climate changes of the Mediterranean region that control surface productivity. In contrast, deep-sea ecosystem variability of the southern Red Sea is additionally influenced by low-latitude climate changes attributed to the NE monsoon intensity that drives the inflow of nutrient-rich surface waters from the Gulf of Aden. These results demonstrate the high sensitivity of deep-sea ecosystems of the Red Sea to both global and regional climate changes.  相似文献   

Cold-water coral (CWC) ecosystems occur worldwide and play a major role in the ocean''s carbonate budget and atmospheric CO2 balance since the Danian (~65 m.y. ago). However their temporal and spatial evolution against climatic and oceanographic variability is still unclear. For the first time, we combine the main macrofaunal components of a sediment core from a CWC mound of the Melilla Mounds Field in the Eastern Alboran Sea with the associated microfauna and we highlight the importance of foraminifera and ostracods as indicators of CWC mound evolution in the paleorecord. Abundances of macrofauna along the core reveal alternating periods dominated by distinct CWC taxa (mostly Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata) that correspond to major shifts in foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages. The period dominated by M. oculata coincides with a period characterized by increased export of refractory organic matter to the seafloor and rather unstable oceanographic conditions at the benthic boundary layer with periodically decreased water energy and oxygenation, variable bottom water temperature/density and increased sediment flow. The microfaunal and geochemical data strongly suggest that M. oculata and in particular Dendrophylliidae show a higher tolerance to environmental changes than L. pertusa. Finally, we show evidence for sustained CWC growth during the Alleröd-Younger-Dryas in the Eastern Alboran Sea and that this period corresponds to stable benthic conditions with cold/dense and well oxygenated bottom waters, high fluxes of labile organic matter and relatively strong bottom currents  相似文献   

Antarctic sea ice and the cold waters surrounding the continent are key elements of the global climate system, influencing heat redistribution, oceanic circulation and the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, the Southern Ocean is predicted to warm by 1–6°C over the next century, altering sea ice extent, thickness and permanence. To better understand the connections between coastal sea ice conditions and the functioning of Antarctica’s unique marine benthic ecosystems, we performed manipulative experiments on the seafloor at two southwestern Ross Sea sites with contrasting sea ice conditions. Benthic systems at both study sites were net heterotrophic during the study period (early November), with primary production most likely limited by light availability rather than nutrients. There was five times more fresh algal detrital material in benthic sediments at the site with the thinner, snow-free, annually formed sea ice, relative to the site with thicker, multiyear sea ice. This elevated quantity and quality of algal detrital matter corresponded with a significantly greater rate of sediment oxygen utilization by the benthos and an altered pathway of nitrogen regeneration (tighter coupling between nitrification and denitrification). Large benthic animals (brittle stars, Ophionotus victoriae) enhanced the efflux of dissolved inorganic nutrients from the sediment to the water column and played a greater role in nutrient regeneration at the site with more food. Although changes in sea ice characteristics in the Western Ross Sea are difficult to predict at present, large benthic organisms can be expected to have an expanded role in mediating the effects of elevated coastal productivity and detritus supply on ecosystem dynamics in this part of Antarctica.  相似文献   

Vidal  Montserrat  Morguí  Josep-Anton  Latasa  Mikel  Romero  Javier  Camp  Jordi 《Hydrobiologia》1997,350(1-3):169-178
The seasonal variability of sediment–water ammonium flux andoxygen uptake was studied in an estuarine bay (Alfacs Bay, Ebro Delta, NWMediterranean) influenced by temporal freshwater discharges. Three stationswith different organic loading were sampled. The relationships of benthicfluxes to bottom water (temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonium, nitrateplus nitrite) and to sediment (porosity, chlorophyll a derivative pigments,organic carbon and nitrogen) variables were examined. Oxygen uptake rangedfrom 0.3 to 2.5 mmol m–2 h–1 and ammoniumrelease ranged from 6 to 230 µmol m–2 h–1.The lowest value was recorded at the station furthest from the freshwaterinputs, and the highest was at the littoral station nearest the freshwaterdischarge channels (for oxygen uptake) and at the deep station at the saltwedge front (for ammonium flux). Water temperature and the concentration ofchlorophyll a derivative pigments on the surface sediment were revealed asthe main variables to be taken into account to explain the variabilityfound. Changes in fluxes reflecting temperature changes were found at thestation furthest from the freshwater inputs, while at the other, fluxvariability was found to be related to the cycle of functioning offreshwater discharge channels. The different patterns of variability arediscussed in relation to the dynamics of the estuary and to the mainfeatures of benthic nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   

Benthic–pelagic coupling is manifested as the exchange of energy, mass, or nutrients between benthic and pelagic habitats. It plays a prominent role in aquatic ecosystems, and it is crucial to functions from nutrient cycling to energy transfer in food webs. Coastal and estuarine ecosystem structure and function are strongly affected by anthropogenic pressures; however, there are large gaps in our understanding of the responses of inorganic nutrient and organic matter fluxes between benthic habitats and the water column. We illustrate the varied nature of physical and biological benthic–pelagic coupling processes and their potential sensitivity to three anthropogenic pressures – climate change, nutrient loading, and fishing – using the Baltic Sea as a case study and summarize current knowledge on the exchange of inorganic nutrients and organic material between habitats. Traditionally measured benthic–pelagic coupling processes (e.g., nutrient exchange and sedimentation of organic material) are to some extent quantifiable, but the magnitude and variability of biological processes are rarely assessed, preventing quantitative comparisons. Changing oxygen conditions will continue to have widespread effects on the processes that govern inorganic and organic matter exchange among habitats while climate change and nutrient load reductions may have large effects on organic matter sedimentation. Many biological processes (predation, bioturbation) are expected to be sensitive to anthropogenic drivers, but the outcomes for ecosystem function are largely unknown. We emphasize how improved empirical and experimental understanding of benthic–pelagic coupling processes and their variability are necessary to inform models that can quantify the feedbacks among processes and ecosystem responses to a changing world.  相似文献   

Deep‐water benthic communities in the ocean are almost wholly dependent on near‐surface pelagic ecosystems for their supply of energy and material resources. Primary production in sunlit surface waters is channelled through complex food webs that extensively recycle organic material, but lose a fraction as particulate organic carbon (POC) that sinks into the ocean interior. This exported production is further rarefied by microbial breakdown in the abyssal ocean, but a residual ultimately drives diverse assemblages of seafloor heterotrophs. Advances have led to an understanding of the importance of size (body mass) in structuring these communities. Here we force a size‐resolved benthic biomass model, BORIS, using seafloor POC flux from a coupled ocean‐biogeochemistry model, NEMO‐MEDUSA, to investigate global patterns in benthic biomass. BORIS resolves 16 size classes of metazoans, successively doubling in mass from approximately 1 μg to 28 mg. Simulations find a wide range of seasonal responses to differing patterns of POC forcing, with both a decline in seasonal variability, and an increase in peak lag times with increasing body size. However, the dominant factor for modelled benthic communities is the integrated magnitude of POC reaching the seafloor rather than its seasonal pattern. Scenarios of POC forcing under climate change and ocean acidification are then applied to investigate how benthic communities may change under different future conditions. Against a backdrop of falling surface primary production (?6.1%), and driven by changes in pelagic remineralization with depth, results show that while benthic communities in shallow seas generally show higher biomass in a warmed world (+3.2%), deep‐sea communities experience a substantial decline (?32%) under a high greenhouse gas emissions scenario. Our results underscore the importance for benthic ecology of reducing uncertainty in the magnitude and seasonality of seafloor POC fluxes, as well as the importance of studying a broader range of seafloor environments for future model development.  相似文献   

The usefulness of benthic multi-metric indices when assessing seafloor integrity across broad environmental gradients should be deliberated, as their lack of transparency might hide important sources of variation and fail to identify environmental change. This study compares the performance of two multi-metric indices; the Benthic Quality Index (BQI) and the Brackish water Benthic Index (BBI) between three sub-basins in the Baltic Sea. Both indices reflect the salinity-driven gradient in macroinvertebrate diversity and composition as well as changes in bottom water oxygen concentrations. The relative contribution of predictor variables for explaining index variation does, however, differ between sub-basins, resulting in the indices representing different aspects of the benthic community along the environmental gradient. This context-dependency is caused by inherent differences in benthic community characteristics between the sub-basins of the Baltic Sea, and how the communities are portrayed by the indices. An increased transparency of the importance of the different predictors for directing index values is needed for coherent classifications over broad environmental gradients, such as those occurring in large estuarine water bodies. Use of a weight of evidence table to combine multiple indicators would preserve transparency and be more likely to provide a robust assessment method that would detect seafloor degradation at an early stage.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2009,70(3-4):314-333
Live (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were investigated in surface sediment samples from the Okhotsk Sea to reveal the relationship between faunal characteristics and environmental parameters. Live benthic foraminifera were quantified in the size fraction > 125 µm in the upper 8 cm of replicate sediment cores, recovered with a multicorer at five stations along the Sakhalin margin, and at three stations on the southwestern Kamchatka slope. The stations are from water depths between 625 to 1752 m, located close or within the present Okhotsk Sea oxygen minimum zone, with oxygen levels between 0.3 and 1.5 ml l- 1. At the high-productivity and ice-free Kamchatka stations, live benthic foraminifera are characterized by maximal standing stocks (about 1700-3700 individuals per 50 cm2), strong dominance of calcareous species (up to 87-91% of total live faunas), and maximal habitat depths (down to 5.2-6.7 cm depth). Vertical distributions of total faunal abundances exhibit a clear subsurface maximum in sediments. At the Sakhalin stations, which are seasonally ice-covered and less productive, live benthic foraminifera show lower standing stocks (about 200-1100 individuals per 50 cm2), lower abundance of calcareous species (10-64% of total live faunas), and shallower habitat depths (down to 2.5-5.4 cm depth). Faunal vertical distributions are characterized by maximum in the uppermost surface sediments. It is suggested that 1) lower and strongly seasonal organic matter flux, caused by the seasonal sea ice cover and seasonal upwelling, 2) lower bottom water oxygenation (0.3-1.1 ml l- 1), and 3) more pronounced influence of carbonate undersaturated bottom water along the Sakhalin margin are the main factors responsible for the observed faunal differences. According to species downcore distributions and average living depths, common calcareous species were identified as preferentially shallow, intermediate and deep infaunal. Foraminiferal microhabitat occupation correlates with the organic matter flux and the depth of the oxygenated layer in sediments.  相似文献   

Live (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were investigated in surface sediment samples from the Okhotsk Sea to reveal the relationship between faunal characteristics and environmental parameters. Live benthic foraminifera were quantified in the size fraction > 125 µm in the upper 8 cm of replicate sediment cores, recovered with a multicorer at five stations along the Sakhalin margin, and at three stations on the southwestern Kamchatka slope. The stations are from water depths between 625 to 1752 m, located close or within the present Okhotsk Sea oxygen minimum zone, with oxygen levels between 0.3 and 1.5 ml l- 1. At the high-productivity and ice-free Kamchatka stations, live benthic foraminifera are characterized by maximal standing stocks (about 1700-3700 individuals per 50 cm2), strong dominance of calcareous species (up to 87-91% of total live faunas), and maximal habitat depths (down to 5.2-6.7 cm depth). Vertical distributions of total faunal abundances exhibit a clear subsurface maximum in sediments. At the Sakhalin stations, which are seasonally ice-covered and less productive, live benthic foraminifera show lower standing stocks (about 200-1100 individuals per 50 cm2), lower abundance of calcareous species (10-64% of total live faunas), and shallower habitat depths (down to 2.5-5.4 cm depth). Faunal vertical distributions are characterized by maximum in the uppermost surface sediments. It is suggested that 1) lower and strongly seasonal organic matter flux, caused by the seasonal sea ice cover and seasonal upwelling, 2) lower bottom water oxygenation (0.3-1.1 ml l- 1), and 3) more pronounced influence of carbonate undersaturated bottom water along the Sakhalin margin are the main factors responsible for the observed faunal differences. According to species downcore distributions and average living depths, common calcareous species were identified as preferentially shallow, intermediate and deep infaunal. Foraminiferal microhabitat occupation correlates with the organic matter flux and the depth of the oxygenated layer in sediments.  相似文献   

The palaeontological, geochemical and mineralogical records of core GNS84-C106 were analysed in order to reconstruct palaeohydrological changes and palaeoproductivity patterns in the Gulf of Salerno for the last 34 kyr. This approach, including compositional analysis of planktonic and benthic assemblages, gave an insight into the relationships between continental, sea surface and bottom environmental changes. The main source of variability of planktonic and benthic assemblages is related respectively to sea surface temperature and palaeobathymetry. Interrelated changes in surface salinity, nutrients, density gradient in the water column and organic fluxes at the bottom act as a secondary factor controlling the composition of both planktonic and benthic assemblages. The highest palaeoproductivity rates were reached during an interval spanning from late glacial to Middle Holocene, in conditions of enhanced continental run-off. During the Early and Middle Holocene, reduced surface salinity and density stratification were also coupled with the development of a deep chlorophyll maximum and enhanced flux or organic matter at the bottom. From about 6.5 kyr B.P. onward, a sharp reduction in palaeoproductivity took place, coupled with an increase in surface salinities.  相似文献   

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