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《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1544-1558
Developmental changes in the plasma membrane proteins of Dictyostelium discoideum have been studied using metabolic labeling with [35S]methionine and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Pulse labeling for 1 h at the early interphase, late interphase, aggregation, and tip formation stages of development showed that the profile of newly synthesized plasma membrane proteins changed dramatically over this interval. Only 14% of the polypeptide species were synthesized at all four stages at detectable levels; 86% of the species changed over this developmental interval according to the criterion that they were synthesized at some but not all of the four stages tested. Long-term labeling during vegetative growth followed by initiation of development showed that the "steady-state" levels of the plasma membrane proteins changed very little over the same period. The only changes were in minor species (33% overall change). Similar analyses of whole cell proteins showed 27 and 20% change, respectively. Cell surface radioiodination revealed 52 external proteins in the plasma membrane. Comparison with the uniform methionine labeling results showed that these proteins were, with one notable exception, minor membrane components. In these external proteins, also, developmental changes were limited and were observed in the less abundant species. These results demonstrate the existence of two general classes of plasma membrane proteins. The first is a population of high-abundance proteins that are present in vegetative cells and are largely conserved through development. These possibly serve "housekeeping" functions common to all stages. The second class consists of low-abundance species that are expressed in a highly stage-specific manner and which presumably participate in developmentally important functions.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Dictyostelium discoideum spore coat proteins are found in prespore cells, which are localized to the posterior region of migrating slugs, and in the coats of mature spores. Prespore vesicles, identified by morphology and by staining with anti-D. mucoroides spore serum, are also localized in the posterior region of migrating slugs. Using antisera specific to the spore coat proteins, we show that the spore coat proteins are packaged in prespore vesicles. They are present in the vesicles as a complex which can be dissociated by denaturation. The anti-D. mucoroides spore serum reacts with at least five proteins in whole spore extracts including the spore coat proteins SP96 and SP70.  相似文献   

During centrifugation of Dictyostelium membranes on sucrose and metrizamide gradients, an ATPase activity resistant to azide and molybdate but sensitive to diethylstilbestrol was found to copurify with the plasma membrane markers alkaline phosphatase and 125I in cells surface-labelled by lactoperoxidase catalyzed iodination. This ATPase was enriched 50-fold in purified plasma membranes and could be separated from the mitochondrial ATPase on metrizamide gradients. The plasma membrane ATPase is very specific for ATP as substrate and Mg2+ as essential cofactor. Its pH optimum is 6.5 and it is inhibited by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, diethylstilbestrol, vanadate, mercurials and Cu2+, but not by ouabain, molybdate, azide or oligomycin. It was not specifically affected by either monovalent cations or anions. These results suggest that the plasma membranes of Dictyostelium contain an ATPase similar to the proton-pumping ATPases recently identified in fungal and plant plasma membranes (Serrano, R. (1984) Curr. Top. Cell. Regul. 23, 87–126).  相似文献   

During culmination of Dictyostelium fruiting bodies, prespore and prestalk cells undergo terminal differentiation to form spores and a cellular stalk. A genomic fragment was isolated by random cloning that hybridizes to a 1.4-kb mRNA present during culmination. Cell type separations at culmination showed that the mRNA is present in prespore cells and spores, but not in prestalk or stalk cells. After genomic mapping, an additional 3 kb of DNA surrounding the original 1-kb fragment was cloned. The gene was sequenced and named Dd31 after the size of the predicted protein product in kilodaltons. Accumulation of Dd31 mRNA occurs immediately prior to sporulation. Addition of 20 mM 8-Br-cAMP to cells dissociated from Mexican hat stage culminants induced sporulation and the accumulation of Dd31 mRNA, while 20 mM cAMP did not. Dd31 mRNA does not accumulate in the homeotic mutant stalky in which prespore cells are converted to stalk cells rather than spores. Characterization of Dd31 extends the known temporal dependent sequence of molecular differentiations to sporulation.  相似文献   

Nuclei isolated from myxamoebae and differentiating cells (slug stage) of Dictyostelium discoideum contain similar ratios of DNA, RNA and protein (1:8:29) and acid soluble proteins present in amounts equal in weight to the nuclear DNA can be extracted therefrom. On urea polyacrylamide gels these basic proteins were shown to be very similar with the exception of one band, present in the myxamoebae, which was virtually absent from the differentiating cells.  相似文献   

When cells dissociated from Dictyostelium discoideum slugs were cultured in roller tubes, they formed agglomerates in which prestalk cells were initially dispersed but soon sorted out to the center and then moved to the edge to reconstitute the prestalk/prespore pattern. To examine the mechanism of sorting out, individual prestalk cells were traced by a videotape recorder. The radial component of the rate of movement toward the center of the presumptive prestalk region was calculated. Prestalk cells did not move randomly, but rather directionally toward the center. Their movement was pulsatile, with a period of ca. 15 min, and accompanied by occasional formation of cell streams, thus resembling the movement observable during cell aggregation. These results favor the idea that prestalk cells sort out to the prestalk region due to differential chemotaxis rather than differential adhesiveness. After formation of the prestalk/prespore pattern, the prestalk region rotated along the circumference of the agglomerates. This appears comparable to migration of slugs on the substratum, the rate of rotation being similar to that of slug migration. To examine the processes of pattern formation during development, washed vegetative cells were cultured in roller tubes. Prespore cells identified by antispore immunoglobulin initially appeared randomly within the agglomerates, but then nonprespore cells accumulated in the center and finally moved to the edge to establish the prestalk/prespore pattern, the processes being similar to those of pattern reconstruction with differentiated prestalk and prespore cells.  相似文献   

Plasma membranes were purified from the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum at different developmental stages and the protein compositions compared. The protein components of the plasma membrane of vegetative cells are largely conserved during development. Specific morphogenetic events are accompanied by synthesis and accumulation of several new proteins which are subsequently lost as development progresses. Proteins with apparent molecular weights of 38,000, 36,500 and 10,000 to 12,000 rapidly accumulate during the first six hours of development and then disappear from the plasma membrane after 12 hours. Later in development, several new high molecular weight proteins are synthesized and appear in the membrane. The pattern of accumulation of membrane proteins in wild-type and mutant strains suggests that appearance of membrane proteins is linked to a dependent sequence of events.  相似文献   

By the use of a prestalk- and stalk-specific monoclonal antibody, production of prestalk antigen was examined with non-glucose grown [G(-)] and glucose grown [G(+)] cells of Dictyostelium discoideum AX2. Unlike wild type (NC4), some growth phase cells of AX2 were reactive with the antibody. However, G(-) cells contained much more antigen than G(+) cells and the difference between the two remained during the preaggregation period. Besides glucose, the addition of metabolizable, but not nonmetabolizable sugars to both growth phase and preaggregation cells suppressed the production of the prestalk antigen on the one hand and stimulated the accumulation of glycogen on the other hand. When mixed, G(-) cells which produced more prestalk antigen during the preaggregation period remained prestalk cells after aggregation, while G(+) cells which produced less antigen were converted to prespore cells. G(+) cells collected at the stationary phase [G(+)st] were stronger in prestalk sorting tendency than G(+) cells but weaker than G(-) cells. The prestalk antigen content of G(+)st cells prior to aggregation was an intermediate between those of G(-) and G(+) cells. These lead to the conclusion that the prestalk antigen content of preaggregation cells reflect the tendency of the cells toward either prestalk or prespore differentiation after aggregation.  相似文献   

Abstract. We show that the anterior, prestalk region of the Dictyostelium slug contains cells which express, or have expressed, a prespore-specific marker. We term these cells "prespore-like cells" (PLC). In newly formed slugs there is a sharp prespore/prestalk boundary, with very few PLC, but after several days of migration the clear demarcation between prespore and prestalk zones breaks down because the number of PLC increases dramatically. This is consistent with previous observations showing there to be rapid interchange of cells between the prestalk and prespore regions. This is not, however, their only source, as a scattering of PLC appear when separate prestalk and prespore regions first become apparent at the time of tip formation. Also, at culmination, there is respecification of "prespore" cells at the pre-stalk/prespore boundary to form part of the mature stalk. The existence of these cells, and of PLC, may explain why we find prespore-specific mRNAs in mature stalk cells.  相似文献   

Actin-associated proteins in Dictyostelium discoideum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is becoming the premier system for the explication of the biochemical and cellular events that occur during motile processes. Proteins associated with the actin cytoskeleton, in particular, appear to play key roles in cellular responses to many external stimuli. This review summarizes our present understanding of the actin-associated proteins in Dictyostelium, including their in vitro activities and their structural and/or functional analogues in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

117 antigen is a glycoprotein expressed on the surface of D. discoideum cells at aggregation. It then disappears and is later re-expressed on the surface of a subpopulation of cells at culmination, the terminal differentiation stage (Sadeghi et al. 1987). A cDNA clone was used to show that the appearance of cell surface 117 antigen accurately reflects the expression of the 117 gene as measured by mRNA levels. It was also shown that during multicellular development there is a reciprocal relationship between the levels of 117 mRNA and the mRNA which codes for prespore surface glycoprotein, PsA. Dual parameter flow cytometry was used to demonstrate that the 117 antigen is found on the surface of maturing prespore cells after the PsA glycoprotein disappears, but that it is not found on mature spores. Using three monoclonal antibodies which identify respectively 117 antigen, PsA, and MUD3 antigen (a spore coat glycoprotein--probably Sp96), two new stages of final spore maturation were defined. These results indicate that there is a recapitulation of at least one aggregative cell surface glycoprotein in the prespore subpopulation of cells as they rise up the stalk during final spore development. This raises the possibility that culmination, which involves complex three dimensional morphogenetic movements not unlike those observed during animal embryogenesis, involves components of the two-dimensional pattern seen during aggregation.  相似文献   

The pattern of membranal phosphoproteins in Dictyostelium discoideum changes during development (D. S. Coffman, B. H. Leichtling, and H. V. Rickenberg, 1981, J. Supramol. Struct. Cell. Biochem. 15, 369–385). Phosphorylation of six membranal proteins occurred concomitantly with their synthesis. Cyclic AMP stimulated the precocious synthesis of a phosphoprotein, of molecular weight 80,000, which corresponds to contact sites A. Phosphoserine was the only phosphorylated amino acid found in the five phosphoproteins examined. In at least two phosphoproteins, that corresponding to contact sites A and a phosphoprotein of molecular weight 64,000, the phosphate moiety did not turn over.  相似文献   

The phospholipid composition of Dictyostelium discoideum cells was determined at various stages of development by two-dimensional, thin-layer chromatography and reaction thin-layer chromatography. Major phospholipids of D. discoideum which were detectable throughout all stages of development were ethanolamine phosphoglyceride and choline phosphoglyceride. Ethanolamine phosphoglyceride and choline phosphoglyceride were found as their plasmalogen forms at 45–58 and 10–24%, respectively. There were no qualitative changes in phospholipid composition during the development, but quantitative changes did occur. The relative content of ethanolamine phosphoglyceride in the total phospholipids gradually decreased from 60% at the vegetative stage to 44% at the 1-day-sorocarp stage. In contrast, choline phosphoglyceride gradually increased from 27% at the vegetative stage to 48% at the preculmination stage, and then gradually decreased to 43% during the culmination. The decrease in ethanolamine phosphoglyceride content during the middle and late development was due mainly to the decreased amount of its plasmalogen form but the increase of choline phosphoglyceride was independent of quantitative changes of its plasmalogen form. Other minor components of phospholipid did not show significant changes in their levels. The causes of these changes in contents of ethanolamine phosphoglyceride and choline phosphoglyceride were examined by label and chase experiments with [3H]ethanolamine and [14C]choline. It seems that one-third to one-half of the increased amount of choline phosphoglyceride was due to stepwise methylation of ethanolamine phosphoglyceride, and the remaining two-thirds to one-half was caused by de novo synthesis of choline phosphoglyceride from CDP-choline and diglyceride.  相似文献   

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