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A total of 480 serum samples from donors including 384 children up to 10 years of age were examined by the hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test for the rates of prevalence and age of acquisition of HI antibodies against JC virus and BK virus. Among 136 serum samples from various age groups, there were five (4%) with no detectable antibodies against BK or JC virus, 75 (55%) with antibodies against both viruses, 41 (30.1%) with antibodies against only BK virus and 26 (19%) with antibodies against only JC virus. The prevalence of antibodies against JC and BK viruses was 70.5% and 80.8%, respectively, and the mean HI titers (4 x 2n,n greater than or equal to 1) were 4.90 and 4.30. About 50% of the children had acquired antibodies against BK virus by 3 years of age and against JC virus by 6 years of age. These results indicate that dual latent infections with both viruses are common, although independent infections with either virus are predominant in the human population.  相似文献   

Sixty-nine farmer's lung patients and 28 normal controls from four countries (Finland, Switzerland, Canada and the United States) were investigated for antibody levels against 13 antigens commonly used for the screening panel for hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Of these antigens, eight were from the Medical College of Wisconsin (United States) and five were from the University of Kuopio (Finland). IgG antibodies against these antigens were studied in 97 sera using a sensitive biotin-avidin-linked enzyme immunoassay. The results indicate that the mean antibody titer against Micropolyspora faeni was highest in the United States (U.S.) followed by Finland. Both Finnish and U.S. antigens reacted almost identically against various groups of patients, although the degree of reactivity varied considerably. Higher antibody levels against Thermoactinomyces vulgaris were detected in Finnish patients than patients from other countries while patients from all four countries showed elevated levels of antibodies against T. candidus. This study demonstrates that antigens from identical species, irrespective of geographic origin, reacted similarly. However, variability between antigens of the same species was still considerably significant. Since the microbiological flora of moldy hay varies widely in different regions, the microbial species associated with the disease at a given geographical area has to be determined before selecting antigens for serological studies. The antigens currently used in various laboratories are crude preparations and need to be purified and standardized for dependable results. Until such antigens are available, all antigenic preparations used in the immunological evaluation of patients should be immunochemically characterized for their reproducibility and reliability although the ultimate goal should be to obtain standardized pure antigens for dependable immunodiagnosis of farmer's lung.  相似文献   

Passive immunotherapy using fibril-reactive mAbs has been shown experimentally to reduce amyloid formation and also accelerate amyloidolysis. We now report that human sera, as well as various sources of pooled human IgG, including pharmacologic formulations of immune globulin i.v. (IGIV), contain Abs that specifically recognize fibrils formed from light chains and other amyloidogenic precursor proteins, including serum amyloid A, transthyretin, islet amyloid polypeptide, and amyloid beta 1-40 peptide, but notably, do not react with these molecules in their native nonfibrillar forms. After isolation of the Abs from IGIV via fibril-conjugated affinity column chromatography, the EC50-binding value for light chains and amyloid beta 1-40 peptide fibrils was approximately 15 nM-a magnitude approximately 200 and 70 times less than that of the unbound fraction and unfractionated product, respectively. Comparable reactivity was found in the case of those formed from serum amyloid A, transthyretin, and islet amyloid polypeptide. The purified Abs immunostained human amyloid tissue deposits and could inhibit fibrillogenesis, as shown in fibril formation and extension assays. Most importantly, in vivo reactivity was evidenced in a murine model when the enriched Abs were used to image amyloid, as well as expedite its removal. These promising experimental results suggest that fibril affinity-purified IGIV has potential as a diagnostic and therapeutic agent for patients with amyloid-associated disease.  相似文献   

The agglutination test with latex particles coated with aggregated human IgG was introduced into the evaluation of Coombs serum as an additional test for anti-IgG antibody activity. In Coombs sera prepared by the conventional immunization method employing Freund's adjuvant, latex agglutination titers were found much lower than those of anti-D-coated red cell agglutination. On the other hand, in sera prepared by other immunization methods, such as the one according to Haynes and Chaplin (1971), anti-IgG antibody response was readily observed by IgG-coated latex agglutination. Specificity of anti-IgG antibodies in the latter sera seems to be predominantly directed to aggregated human IgG.  相似文献   

It is believed that damage to the membranes of brain cells of schizophrenia (SCZ) patients induces the formation of autoantigens and autoantibodies. Nevertheless, the importance of immunological changes leading to the loss of tolerance to self-antigens in the genesis of SCZ has not been established. The MALDI mass spectra of the IgG light chains of 20 healthy donors were relatively homogeneous and characterized by one peak with only one maximum. In contrast to the healthy donors, the MALDI mass spectra of IgG light chains corresponding to 20 SCZ patients demonstrated, similarly to 20 autoimmune systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, two maxima of a comparable intensity. In addition, the MALDI spectra of the IgG light chains of five SLE and four SCZ patients contained a small additional brightly pronounced peak with remarkably lower molecular mass compared with the main one. DNase autoantibodies (abzymes) can be found in the blood of patients with several autoimmune diseases, while the blood of healthy donors or patients with diseases without a significant disturbance of the immune status does not contain DNase abzymes. Here, we present the first analysis of anti-DNA antibodies and DNase abzymes in the sera of SCZ patients. Several strict criteria have been applied to show that the DNase activity is an intrinsic property of IgGs from the sera of SCZ patients. The sera of approximately 30% of SCZ patients displayed a higher content of antibodies (compared with 37% of SLE) interacting with single- and double-stranded DNA compared with healthy donors. Antibodies with DNase activity were revealed in 80% of the patients. These data indicate that some SCZ patients may show signs of typical autoimmune processes to a certain extent.  相似文献   

The presence of antibodies mediating antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected target cells was investigated with 170 sera from patients with varying severity of HIV infection. Approximately 40% of sera from individuals representing all stages of infection were ADCC-positive when tested against HTLV-IIIB infected 0937 clone 2 target cells. The positive sera had higher HIV antibody titers as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay compared with ADCC-negative sera. ADCC titers were lower in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome than in asymptomatic carriers. This decline in ADCC titer was not correlated with a general decrease of HIV antibodies. No correlation between the CD4:CD8 lymphocyte ratio and ADCC activity was found. The possible beneficial effect of ADCC-inducing antibodies early in infection is discussed in relation to the effect of ADCC-inducing antibodies in other retrovirus systems and to the nature of lentivirus infections.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that intact IgGs from the sera of healthy Wistar rats oxidize 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) in the presence and in the absence of H(2)O(2) similar to horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Here we demonstrate for the first time that the peroxidase and oxidoreductase activities of IgGs can efficiently oxidize not only DAB but also o-phenylendiamine, phenol, p-dihydroquinone, alpha-naphthol, and NADH but, in contrast to HRP, cannot oxidize adrenalin. In contrast to IgGs, HRP cannot oxidize phenol, p-dihydroquinone, or alpha-naphthol in the absence of H(2)O(2). In contrast to plant and mammalian peroxidases, IgGs were more universal in their metal dependence. The specific wide repertoire of polyclonal peroxidase and oxidoreductase IgGs oxidizing various substances could play an important role in protecting the organism from oxidative stress and serve as an additional natural system destroying different toxic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic compounds.  相似文献   

Various catalytic antibodies or abzymes (Abzs) have been detected recently in the sera of patients and animals with many autoimmune diseases, where their presence is most probably associated with autoimmunization. Normal humans or animals usually do not contain Abzs. In contrast, polyclonal Abzs from healthy humans and animals have an intrinsic superoxide dismutase activity and catalyze formation of H(2)O(2) (Wentworth et al., 2000, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA; 2001, Science). Here, we present the first evidence showing that highly purified native IgGs from the sera of healthy Wistar rats interact with H(2)O(2) and possess peroxidase-like activity. Specific peroxidase activity of IgG preparations from the sera of 10 rats varied in the range 1.6-27% as compared with that for horseradish peroxidase (100%). Antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutases, catalases, and glutathione peroxidases are known to represent critical defence mechanisms for preventing oxidative modifications of DNA, proteins, and lipids. Antioxidant peroxidase activity of Abzs can also play an important role in the protection of organisms from oxidative stress as well as in oxidation of toxic compounds.  相似文献   

In some patients with antibodies against LPS antigen of Chlamydia, specific immunoglobulins G are not present. The findings of isolated anti-LPS IgA/IgM antibodies are to be considered as possibly non-specifically or "false" positive. The aim of this study was to investigate if there is any difference in the level of total immunoglobulins of isotypes IgG and IgG2 in probands with isolated positivity anti-LPS IgA (i.e. without simultaneous presence of specific IgG; n = 34) as compared with a control group of subjects presenting positive anti-LPS IgA and IgG antibodies (n = 44). Antibodies against LPS antigen of Chlamydia were determined by ELISA method ("Chlamydien--rELISA", medac, Germany). Total immunoglobulin levels were determined by nephelometry using the following kits: "Immunoglobulin G Reagent, ARRAY Systems", Beckman Coulter, USA and "Human IgG2 Subclass Beckman ARRAY Kits", The Binding Site, UK. The measured values were related to the age-dependent laboratory standard values and the differences between the tested groups were statistically evaluated (chi(2) test). Decreased total IgG have been demonstrated in 4 (11.8 %) probands and in 5 (11.4 %) subjects of the control group; increased total IgG were found in 2 (5.9 %) probands and in 1 (2.3 %) subject of the control group. Decreased levels of total IgG2 were not determined in any proband and were found in 1 (2.3 %) subject of the control group. Increased levels of IgG2 were registered in 12 (35.3 %) probands and in 15 (34.1 %) control subjects. No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups. It can be concluded that no relationship was proved between the levels of total IgG and IgG2 and the absence of formation of specific anti-Chlamydia-LPS IgG. Further research will be necessary for the elucidation of this phenomenon (e.g. the presence of specific anti-LPS IgG in immunocomplexes).  相似文献   

目的比较两种不同活化方法制备的酪胺化Hib荚膜多糖(PRP-Ty)的特性,分别作为包被抗原建立测定人血清中Hib荚膜多糖特异抗体含量的ELISA方法。比较并确定包被抗原,对建立的ELISA方法进行初步验证。方法分别用CNBr和CDAP作为活化剂制备PRP-Ty,经Sepharose CL-4B层析分析相对分子质量分布范围,并确定适宜PRP-Ty抗原包被浓度的间接ELISA方法,以人Hib荚膜多糖IgG抗体定量标准品作为阳性标准,通过四参数非线性拟合计算人血清Hib荚膜多糖IgG抗体含量。结果 CNBr活化法制备的酪胺化Hib荚膜多糖(PRP-TyCNBr)较天然Hib荚膜多糖相对分子质量向小相对分子质量方向偏移,而CDAP活化法制备的酪胺化Hib荚膜多糖(PRP-TyC DAP)较天然Hib荚膜多糖相对分子质量分布无显著变化;两种PRP-Ty在0.65~2.00μg/mL的包被浓度范围内均有良好的包被活性,方法的灵敏度均达到0.02μg/mL IgG抗体检测水平。结论 PRP-TyC DAP作为包被物的ELISA测定方法可以更加真实可靠地反映人血清IgG抗体水平。  相似文献   

DNase autoantibodies (Abzs) can be found in the blood of patients with several autoimmune diseases, while the blood of healthy donors or patients with diseases with an insignificant disturbance of the immune status does not contain DNase Abzs. Here we present the first analysis of the DNase Abzs activity in the patients with tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). Several strict criteria have been applied to show that the DNase activity is an intrinsic property of IgGs from the sera of TBE patients but not from healthy donors. The relative activity of IgGs has been shown to vary extensively from patient to patient, but most of the preparations (91%) had detectable levels of the DNase activity. Polyclonal DNase IgGs were not active in the presence of EDTA or after a dialysis against EDTA, but could be activated by several externally added metal ions, with the level of activity decreasing in the order Mn2+ + Ca2+ ≥ Mn2++ Mg2+ ≥ Mn2+ ≥ Mg2+ + Ca2+ ≥ Co2+ ≥ Mg2+ > Ca2+, while K+, Na+, Ni2+, Zn2+, and Cu2+ did not stimulate DNA hydrolysis. Affinity chromatography on DNA-cellulose separated the DNase IgGs into many subfractions with various affinities for DNA and very different levels of the relative activity. Possible reasons for catalytic diversity of polyclonal human Abzs are discussed.  相似文献   

An immunogold assay (IGA) was developed to detect IgG and IgE antibodies to Aspergillus fumigatus. Sixteen sera from patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), aspergilloma, and normal controls were studied. All sera were also evaluated for antibodies against A. fumigatus by biotin-avidin linked enzyme immunosorbent assay (BALISA) and by agar gel double diffusion method. A. fumigatus specific IgG and IgE antibodies could be detected by IGA in all the patients' sera but not in the sera of normal controls. Both IgG and IgE antibodies to A. fumigatus could be demonstrated in all the sera by BALISA and normal controls showed only low levels of these antibodies. There was a positive correlation between the degree of reactivity detected by IGA, the BALISA titer and the precipitins by agar gel diffusion. It can be concluded that IGA is a reliable, sensitive and simple method capable of detecting both IgG and IgE antibodies against A. fumigatus in patient serum.  相似文献   

High titre plasmas gained from blood donors are the initial material used for producing human immunoglobulin containing cytomegalovirus antibodies (CMV-HIG). For this purpose the sera gained from 467 permanent donors at the District Institute for Blood and Transfusion Service in Berlin were investigated on their CMV antibody content of IgG class by means of an indirect immunofluorescence test (IFT). The infection rate of blood donors amounted to 62% (291/467). CMV-IgG titre greater than or equal to 1:40 was determined in 88 sera (18.8%) and greater than or equal to 1:160 in 14 sera (3%). Two CMV-HIG laboratory samples (charges 3113 and 3117) were produced from these plasmas. Particularly immunoglobulin fraction of charge 3117 (No. 3117 N II) revealed excellent antibody titres (IFT 1:640 [CMV-IgG] or 1:40 [CMV-IgM] respectively, neutralisation test 1:32). Checks made with the donors' CMV-IgG titres after repeated application of plasmapheresis resulted in maximal titres changes of two dilution stages in a period of 15 months. Thus, in producing CMV-HIG a sure, tested pool of donors can be resorted to.  相似文献   

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