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Despite recognition that animals could be serving as sentinels for environmental risks to human health, there are no evidence-based guidelines for the use of animal sentinel data in human health decision making. We performed a systematic review of the animal sentinel literature to assess the evidence linking such events to human health. A search of MEDLINE identified peer-reviewed original studies of animals as sentinels for either chemical or biological environmental hazards. A limited search of the CAB and AGRICOLA databases was also performed. We classified a random sample of 100 studies from the MEDLINE search according to species, hazard, and health outcome examined; study methods; and linkages to human health. Animal sentinel studies were difficult to locate in MEDLINE because of a lack of adequate key words for this concept. We found significant limitations in the study methods used to investigate animal sentinel events. Clear linkages to human health were frequently absent. Studies of sentinel events in animal populations hold potential for the recognition and control of human environmental health hazards, yet a number of barriers exist to using such data for evidence-based human health decisions. There is a need for greater data sharing and cooperative research between human and animal health professionals regarding environmental hazards and health outcomes in animal and human populations.  相似文献   

Given the increased use of traditional medicines, possibilities that would ensure its successful integration into a public health framework should be explored. This paper discusses some of the links between biodiversity and traditional medicine, and addresses their implications to public health. We explore the importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services to global and human health, the risks which human impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity present to human health and welfare.  相似文献   

人体微生物组计划开展近10年来,大量的研究显示人体微生物通过各种方式深刻地影响着人体健康。人体肠道内丰富多样的病毒构成了肠道病毒组,是人体微生物组的重要组成部分,和人体健康密切相关。本文综述了近些年国际上人体肠道病毒组研究的最新进展,分别从人体肠道病毒组的组成特征、肠道病毒组-细菌组-人体间的相互作用及其对人体健康的影响、病毒组研究的技术策略及挑战等方面进行了论述,探讨了肠道病毒组在人体疾病预防和治疗领域应用的可行性。  相似文献   

Hatcher  Bruce G.  Hatcher  Gordon H. 《EcoHealth》2004,1(3):229-235
Coral reefs are the worlds most celebrated indicators of ocean health. While the global trajectory of coral reef degradation is now well documented, and the accompanying loss of economic benefits increasingly demonstrated, the consequences in terms of human health have been largely ignored. Reefs provide a wide array of benefits to humans, contributing most directly to the health of subsistence fishing communities located on adjacent coasts and islands. Interactions between human and marine ecosystem health are complex, bidirectional and nonlinear. We draw on a broad range of data and experience to identify key links in the ecological chain from the coral polyp to the human society. Our conclusions are that humans are components of coral reef ecosystems, few studies of reef health incorporate human health, few data are available to quantify the health services reefs provide to people, and human health security is essential to the preservation of coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

The ‘behavioural immune system’ is composed of mechanisms that evolved as a means of facilitating behaviours that minimized infection risk and enhanced fitness. Recent empirical research on human populations suggests that these mechanisms have unique consequences for many aspects of human sociality—including sexual attitudes, gregariousness, xenophobia, conformity to majority opinion and conservative sociopolitical attitudes. Throughout much of human evolutionary history, these consequences may have had beneficial health implications; but health implications in modern human societies remain unclear. This article summarizes pertinent ways in which modern human societies are similar to and different from the ecologies within which the behavioural immune system evolved. By attending to these similarities and differences, we identify a set of plausible implications—both positive and negative—that the behavioural immune system may have on health outcomes in contemporary human contexts. We discuss both individual-level infection risk and population-level epidemiological outcomes. We also discuss a variety of additional implications, including compliance with public health policies, the adoption of novel therapeutic interventions and actual immunological functioning. Research on the behavioural immune system, and its implications in contemporary human societies, can provide unique insights into relationships between fitness, sociality and health.  相似文献   

Human microbiome science examines the microbiota that live in and on the human body and their role in human health. This paper examines clinicians’ views and expectations of microbiome science in asthma care. Drawing on qualitative interviews with 10 clinicians in Canada, we explore their perspectives for insights into translation of human microbiome science. The emphasis on novelty in much microbiome scholarship, we suggest, does not account fully for the ways in which microbiome science translations may be taken up in multiple ways that are both disruptive to and continuous with contemporary biomedicine. We suggest that clinicians drew on scientific discourses of “evidence” and “facts” as a form of boundary work to re-establish a separation between western biomedicine and alternative health practitioners, and clinical expertise and lay knowledge. We conclude with a discussion of human microbiome science and the emergence of post-Pasteurian modes of health in western biomedicine.  相似文献   

目的:了解我国卫生人力资源的配置现状及其变化趋势,尤其是卫生人力资源在城乡地区的分布状况,评价我国城乡卫生人力资源配置的公平性。方法:对2004-2011年的相关数据进行统计描述,用基尼系数测量卫生资源配置的公平程度及其变化。结果:农村地区卫生人力资源在数量上仍然处于极大的劣势,卫生人力构成以中专为主,中专及以下学历人员占大多数,人员素质相对城市有较大差距,提供卫生服务的能力相对薄弱。我国2004年到2011年我国卫生人力资源量逐年增加,各项指标较2004年的增幅都达到了10%以上,每千人口卫生技术人员数稳步上升,但是城镇和乡村上升速度相差巨大。卫生人力资源基尼系数按地理分布在0.13~0.25之间,连续5年一直上升。结论:我国卫生人力资源配置总体上均衡,但是公平性在下降,医师的公平性优于护士,城乡差距较大,应该重点加强农村经济发展,改善医疗卫生条件,建立健全农村卫生人才队伍培养机制。  相似文献   

Despite the proximity of the Sahara, very few studies about dust impact on air quality and human health have been conducted in West Africa. The lack of data is a major constraint on our understanding of the impacts on human health in this area. We analyzed PM10 concentrations and horizontal visibility recorded in four West African stations. The pollution levels often exceed the standards defined by many countries/regulatory authorities and have been associated with serious health risks outside Africa. Over the Sahelian stations, 45.6% of the days between November 2006 and March 2007 were likely to impact human health and the studied Sudanian population was exposed to potential health effects every 5 days.  相似文献   


This work provides an unambiguous conceptual framework for inclusion of nutrition in Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) of food that enables the distinction between two different roles of nutrition, namely serving as the basis of food comparisons via the functional unit and as an impact pathway that links food ingestion with human health effects.


We compare how nutritional aspects have been considered in the functional unit of published LCAs of food with the procedural requirements for ensuring comparability of the functional units. We consider the relevance of nutrient profiling models for assessing food- and diet-related health damages and benefits in the context of LCAs of food. We finally recommend a method that will enable a systematic, comparative, and holistic assessment of the marginal health effect of food products on human health.

Results and discussion

Satiety is proposed as a central attribute for comparisons of food products, while weighted measures of nutrient content are suggested to be largely misplaced as part of the functional unit. In contrast, nutritional measures have a large role to play in assessing the human health impacts of the marginal ingestion of specific food products. Such measures should enable a direct quantification of human health effect and benefits and should take advantage of robust epidemiological evidence.


Nutritional measures enter into both the functional unit in the form of satiety measures and into the calculation of impacts in the form of the marginal influence of the specific food item on the human health impact of the overall diet. To enhance the differentiation of health impacts at the level of individual food items, it is recommended to combine the nutrient balance indicator with the DALY Nutritional Index (DANI) in each specific dietary context.


The concept of health has evolved markedly from a bio-medical, mechanistic model to include an interdisciplinary perspective where human, animal and ecosystem health are integrated. One Health, EcoHealth and Planetary Health are examples of approaches to health advocating collaboration and interdisciplinarity at multiple levels. In practice, successful integration has been challenging and in particular, understanding of the ecosystem component of health lags behind the human and animal components. Antimicrobial resistance is an important threat to human health, which develops, is maintained and transmitted at the human–animal–environment interface. While the human and livestock components of resistance are well understood, this is not the case for the ecosystem component. This gap in knowledge leads to a poor representation of the environmental dimension of antimicrobial resistance in key policy documents and in interdisciplinary work around this issue. We interviewed a group of leading researchers in public health and ecology to explore their perceptions on the integration of ecosystem and public health research in the context of antimicrobial resistance. Experts from both fields considered that research on antimicrobial resistance is only beginning to consider ecosystems. They highlighted various barriers that have contributed to limited integration, such as conceptual barriers, and a lack of knowledge translators as facilitators. Better interdisciplinary integration is needed to address the challenge of antimicrobial resistance. Improving the dialogues between the disciplines is a necessary first step in this process. Greater engagement of ecologists is needed to build a more complete understanding of the role of ecosystems in human health, and identify how human interactions with ecosystems can both contribute to, and restrict, the development of antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

Temporal trends in the discovery of human viruses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On average, more than two new species of human virus are reported every year. We constructed the cumulative species discovery curve for human viruses going back to 1901. We fitted a statistical model to these data; the shape of the curve strongly suggests that the process of virus discovery is far from complete. We generated a 95% credible interval for the pool of as yet undiscovered virus species of 38-562. We extrapolated the curve and generated an estimate of 10-40 new species to be discovered by 2020. Although we cannot predict the level of health threat that these new viruses will present, we conclude that novel virus species must be anticipated in public health planning. More systematic virus discovery programmes, covering both humans and potential animal reservoirs of human viruses, should be considered.  相似文献   

Some evolutionary explanations of cross-cultural differences propose that human personality is caused by pathogen stress. Both xenophobia and ethnocentrism evolved under conditions with high parasite prevalence. Further, inter-individual variation in disgust or fear of parasites is expected to be influenced by human health, where healthy people should express lower disgust sensitivity to parasites. We examined inter-individual variation of children’s fear, disgust and self-perceived danger between two distinct cultures differing in overall pathogen prevalence. We found that children were able to distinguish between disease-relevant and disease-irrelevant groups of invertebrates and that children in regions with high pathogen prevalence expressed greater fear, disgust and self-perceived danger of all animals, irrespective of disease threat. After controlling for confounding factors, better health of children was associated with lower perceived danger of disease-relevant animals. Gender differences were found only in conditions with low pathogen stress. Our results support the idea that cross-cultural differences in human perception of animals are mediated by pathogen threat. Further research is necessary to investigate causal relationship between human health and avoidance of potentially hazardous animals.  相似文献   

Mate preferences may operate in part to mitigate the threats posed by infectious disease. In this paper, we outline various ways in which preferring healthy mates can offer direct benefits in terms of pathogen avoidance and indirect benefits in terms of heritable immunity to offspring, as well as the costs that may constrain mate preferences for health. We then pay special attention to empirical work on mate preferences in humans given the depth and breadth of research on human mating. We review this literature and comment on the degree to which human mate preferences may reflect preferences for health.  相似文献   

Rivers are valuable to human beings because of their various functions. Unfortunately, ecological integrity of rivers has been seriously threatened by human activities, resulting in poor river functions. It is thus necessary to evaluate and maintain river health. Meanwhile, it is challenging to comprehensively assess river health with a single method alone. It is therefore relevant to combine the advantages of multiple methods in river health assessment. By classifying and characterizing river functions, we first established an indicator system for river health assessment in plain river network regions. We then assessed the health status of the Taihu Plain in terms of an improved entropy-based fuzzy matter-element model. We found that the overall health status of the Taihu Plain is below “good”. In particular, the health status of Yang-Cheng-Dian-Mao and Hang-Jia-Hu Region is “moderate”; the Wu-Cheng-Xi-Yu Region displays the poorest natural and social river functions. We also found that flood control is the most important influential factor in river health. Our findings suggest that rivers in the Taihu Plain must be restored to maintain their health, with the Wu-Cheng-Xi-Yu Region that must be restored preferentially, and that the river function of flood control must be improved at the scale of whole watershed. Comparing with other four commonly used comprehensive assessment methods, our improved entropy-based fuzzy matter-element model outperforms in reflecting objective fact and can be applied to river health assessment. Our results are generally consistent with existing studies, confirming that the proposed method for river health assessment is effective and feasible. Therefore, it provides a useful reference for river health assessment in other plain river network regions.  相似文献   

We sketch the development of UK genetics and genomics research, and emphasize the UK's key role in the international genetics and genomics research community. We highlight in particular the part played by the UK's Research Councils and other funders. With the move from genomics to post-genomics research, the field is diversifying, and interdisciplinarity becomes increasingly important, as traditional disciplinary boundaries become blurred, or break down, in the face of newly emerging sciences. We consider the changing nature of health and ill health in the developed and developing world, and questions about the complex nature of the relationships between genes and the environment, and their future implications for human health and human populations. We describe the ESRC's activities, stressing the importance of both the social, ethical and legal issues raised by these emerging disciplines, and of public engagement. Finally, we link the data handling and analysis issues raised by these emerging sciences, with other new research areas, in particular the UK's e-Science programme.  相似文献   

We evaluate risk drivers at selected U.S. Army installations by developing a database containing contaminant-pathway-receptor combinations that exceed regulatory thresholds for ecological (toxicity quotient greater than one), human health cancer risk (predicted incremental lifetime cancer risk greater than one in ten thousand), and noncancer human health (hazard index greater than one). We compare the risk drivers from the database to reported corrective action objectives from available decision documents. For noncancer hazards, explosives (particularly in ground water) dominate the reported exceedances of regulatory thresholds in the database. PAHs in home-grown produce show the highest number of exceedances of regulatory thresholds for cancer risk. For ecological risks, PAHs in both terrestrial and aquatic environments dominate the exceedances of regulatory thresholds. All available cleanup levels were derived based on human health exposures rather than ecological exposures, except for one site. In general, ecological risks were considered to be “more uncertain,” and that was used as a basis for not relying on backcalculated target levels on the basis of ecological risk. The reverse was true for human health risks: the “conservative” assumptions incorporated into the modeling provided the justification for backcalculating health-protective target levels.  相似文献   

Over the past century, human health has been enhanced by antimicrobial development. Following the deployment of the first antibiotics in the 1940s, bacterial resistance evolved and has increasingly outmaneuvered even the most promising antimicrobial agents. Accordingly, increased interest has been placed on alternative methods to circumvent antimicrobial resistance evolution. In the enclosed short review, we discuss the antimicrobial properties of human breast milk with a special emphasis on human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). We recount studies across gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens, highlighting the usage of HMOs in promoting human health and wellness.  相似文献   

This article categorizes four kinds of adverse effects to human health caused by ecosystem change: direct, mediated, modulated, and systems failure. The effects are categorized on their scale, complexity, and lag-time. Some but not all of these can be classified as resulting from reduced ecosystem services. The articles also explores the impacts that different socioeconomic–ecologic scenarios are likely to have on human health and how changes to human health may, in turn, influence the unfolding of four different plausible future scenarios. We provide examples to show that our categorization is a useful taxonomy for understanding the complex relationships between ecosystems and human well-being and for predicting how future ecosystem changes may affect human health.Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the World Health Organization. This article has been subjected to EPA review and approved for publication but does not necessarily reflect EPA policy.  相似文献   

Massive DNA sequencing studies have expanded our insights and understanding of the ecological and functional characteristics of the gut microbiome. Advanced sequencing technologies allow us to understand the close association of the gut microbiome with human health and critical illnesses. In the future, analyses of the gut microbiome will provide key information associating with human individual health, which will help provide personalized health care for diseases. Numerous molecular biological analysis tools have been rapidly developed and employed for the gut microbiome researches; however, methodological differences among researchers lead to inconsistent data, limiting extensive share of data. It is therefore very essential to standardize the current methodologies and establish appropriate pipelines for human gut microbiome research. Herein, we review the methods and procedures currently available for studying the human gut microbiome, including fecal sample collection, metagenomic DNA extraction, massive DNA sequencing, and data analyses with bioinformatics. We believe that this review will contribute to the progress of gut microbiome research in the clinical and practical aspects of human health.  相似文献   

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