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Summer habitat use by sympatric Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus, young Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta was studied by two methods, direct underwater observation and electrofishing, across a range of habitats in two sub-arctic rivers. More Arctic charr and fewer Atlantic salmon parr were observed by electrofishing in comparison to direct underwater observation, perhaps suggesting a more cryptic behaviour by Arctic charr. The three species segregated in habitat use. Arctic charr, as found by direct underwater observation, most frequently used slow (mean ±s .d . water velocity 7·2 ± 16·6 cm s−1) or often stillwater and deep habitats (mean ±s .d . depth 170·1 ± 72·1 cm). The most frequently used mesohabitat type was a pool. Young Atlantic salmon favoured the faster flowing areas (mean ±s .d . water velocity 44·0 ± 16·8 cm s−1 and depth 57·1 ± 19·0 cm), while brown trout occupied intermediate habitats (mean ±s .d . water velocity 33·1 ± 18·6 cm s−1 and depth 50·2 ± 18·0 cm). Niche overlap was considerable. The Arctic charr observed were on average larger (total length) than Atlantic salmon and brown trout (mean ±s .d . 21·9 ± 8·0, 10·2 ± 3·1 and 13·4 ± 4·5 cm). Similar habitat segregation between Atlantic salmon and brown trout was found by electrofishing, but more fishes were observed in shallower habitats. Electrofishing suggested that Arctic charr occupied habitats similar to brown trout. These results, however, are biased because electrofishing was inefficient in the slow-deep habitat favoured by Arctic charr. Habitat use changed between day and night in a similar way for all three species. At night, fishes held positions closer to the bottom than in the day and were more often observed in shallower stream areas mostly with lower water velocities and finer substrata. The observed habitat segregation is probably the result of interference competition, but the influence of innate selective differences needs more study.  相似文献   

Prey intake by Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta was measured across different riparian vegetation types: grassland, open canopy deciduous and closed canopy deciduous, in upland streams in County Mayo, Western Ireland. Fishes were collected by electrofishing while invertebrates were sampled from the benthos using a Surber sampler and drifting invertebrates collected in drift traps. Aquatic invertebrates dominated prey numbers in the diets of 0+ year Atlantic salmon and brown trout and 1+ year Atlantic salmon, whereas terrestrial invertebrates were of greater importance for diets of 1+ and 2+ year brown trout. Terrestrial prey biomass was generally greater than aquatic prey for 1+ and 2+ year brown trout across seasons and riparian types. Prey intake was greatest in spring and summer and least in autumn apart from 2+ year brown trout that sustained feeding into autumn. Total prey numbers captured tended to be greater for all age classes in streams with deciduous riparian canopy. Atlantic salmon consumed more aquatic prey and brown trout more terrestrial prey with an ontogenetic increase in prey species richness and diversity. Atlantic salmon and brown trout diets were most similar in summer. Terrestrial invertebrates provided an important energy subsidy particularly for brown trout. In grassland streams, each fish age class was strongly associated with aquatic, mainly benthic invertebrates. In streams with deciduous riparian canopy cover, diet composition partitioned between conspecifics with older brown trout associated with surface drifting terrestrial invertebrates and older Atlantic salmon associated with aquatic invertebrates with a high drift propensity in the water column and 0+ year fish feeding on benthic aquatic invertebrates. Deciduous riparian canopy cover may therefore facilitate vertical partitioning of feeding position within the water column between sympatric Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Implications for riparian management are discussed.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of juvenile salmonids from south-west England revealed the presence of natural hybrids between Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo rrurra L., within three of five rivers. Amongst 409 juvenile 'salmon', 1.2% were hybrids, and of 150 juvenile 'trout' sampled, 2.0% were natural hybrids. In one river, similar hybridization levels in 'salmon' parr samples were found in two successive years. Levels of hybridization are high when compared with most similar studies, especially others within the United Kingdom. Possible factors influencing this are discussed.  相似文献   

A new nuclear DNA marker is described to identify Atlantic salmon, brown trout, and their hybrids. Species-specific banding patterns are obtained by digestion of genomic DNA with the restriction endonuclease Sac I and hybridization with a histone DNA probe. FISH analyses in hybrid metaphases illustrate the potential of interspecific hybrids for evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

When male hybrids of Atlantic salmon × brown trout were backcrossed to female Atlantic salmon, approximately 1% of diploid progeny hatched. These were shown to exhibit recombinant genotypes when examined electrophoreticalty at five enzyme loci. This is the first confirmation of genie recombination in backcrosses of these species. Triploidization greatly increases the proportion of backcross progeny which hatch.  相似文献   

The critical thermal maximum for salmon and trout parr was not affected significantly by age or acclimation temperature, and increased asymptotically with the rate of temperature increase. Mean thermal maxima were estimated with poor precision at high and low rates of temperature increase, and high precision at rates of 1 and 2°Ch−1.  相似文献   

1. Reproduction between Atlantic salmon males and interspecific hybrid Salmo salar × Salmo trutta females was monitored in a controlled flow channel diverted from a south European river located at the edge of Atlantic salmon natural geographic distribution in Europe. 2. Post‐F1 hybrids were viable and survived in the wild, at least until dispersal from redds. After transfer to hatchery conditions, 67% survived into the second year. 3. The hybrids possessed 98 chromosomes: two sets of Atlantic salmon(2n = 58) and one set of brown trout (n = 40) chromosomes. 4. The existence of a low proportion of allotriploid individuals can be expected in rivers where Atlantic salmon and brown trout populations coexist.  相似文献   

The banding pattern of Alu I-digested prepro-gonadotropin releasing hormone gene is species-specific in Atlantic salmon and brown trout and can be applied for identification of their hybrids.  相似文献   

Samples of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar 0+ year parr and brown trout Salmo trutta 1+ year juveniles, and 2+ and 3+ year sub‐adults were obtained from nine sites of the Nivelle River, France, located at the southern edge of the species distribution area. Fatty acid composition of the different samples were analysed. Within the same river basin, the fatty acid profiles appeared to vary among samples from different locations. Based on cluster analysis, fatty acid signatures of both species appeared to discriminate samples from different locations.  相似文献   

Among 332 parr from the Swedish River Grönån examined by electrophoresis, 44 (13%) were hybrids between Atlantic salmon and brown trout. The hybrid frequencies in three sections of Grönån were significantly different (23. 8 and 2%). All hybrids are evidently of natural origin. and possible factors promoting hybridization are irregular overlapping spawning times. lack of separate spawning grounds, and involvement of sneakers.  相似文献   

Hypervariable minisatellite DNA single-locus profiling and mitochondrial DNA analysis revealed that 18.48% of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in Troutbeck, a stream in the R. Leven catchment of the English Lake District, were hybrids between Atlantic salmon and brown trout S. trutta , and that hybridization was bidirectional.  相似文献   

The transferrin (TF) gene has recently received increased interest in fish given its fitness relevance as a resistance gene against pathogenic bacteria. In this study, we characterized five TF‐linked microsatellites in brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Interestingly, each marker amplified duplicated loci and linkage analysis revealed that the TF gene has most likely experienced a tandem duplication during salmonid evolution. In addition, the amplification of all five markers across a wide range of salmonid species suggests that they may be of general interest for the genetic analysis of the TF gene(s) in this teleost family.  相似文献   

Food resource partitioning between similar‐sized, sympatric Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis was examined as a possible mechanism enabling their coexistence in a stream (Allaire) of the Sainte‐Marguerite River ecosystem, Quebec, Canada. Fish stomach contents and invertebrate drift were collected concurrently during three diel cycles in August to September 1996. The food and feeding habits of an allopatric brook trout population in a nearby stream (Epinette) were studied for comparison. The diel feeding rhythms of the two coexisting fish species were similar. The composition of their diet, however, showed significant differences. Atlantic salmon predominantly (60–90%) fed on aquatic insects, mainly Ephemeroptera (35–60% of the diet). The brook trout mostly (50–80%) fed upon the allochthonous terrestrial insects (mainly adults of Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera) which comprised 5–40% of the stream drift. The allopatric brook trout fed opportunistically on the more abundant aquatic insects and terrestrial insects rarely formed 25% of its diet. The allopatric trout fed nearly twice as much as the sympatric brook trout during a day. The results suggest that the differences in feeding by brook trout in the two streams (with and without Atlantic salmon) are the result of inter‐specific interaction with Atlantic salmon and are not related to the differences in food availability between the two streams. Food resource partitioning between Atlantic salmon and brook trout may be viewed as an adaptive response resulting in a greater exploitation of available resources and coexistence.  相似文献   

The effect of physical river habitat variables on the distribution of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in the Rivière de la Trinité, Québec, Canada, was examined using generalized additive modelling. A survey of Atlantic salmon fry and parr densities and habitat variables (flow velocity, water column depth and substratum size) was conducted in the summer months from 1984 to 1992. Clear patterns of habitat use existed: specific ranges of habitat variables were selected, with parr preferring greater velocities, depths and substratum sizes than fry. There was a large variation, however, in juvenile densities for given velocities, depths or substratum sizes, with this variation being greatest in optimal habitats. On examination of an individual year, interaction between the variables was found to explain some of the variation. On a year‐to‐year basis the juvenile Atlantic salmon population was found to exhibit an 'Ideal Free Distribution', which resulted in greatest variation in optimal habitats with year‐to‐year changes in population abundance.  相似文献   

Radio-tagged smolts of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and sea trout Salmo trutta were predated heavily by sea birds after crossing the saline limit in the estuary of the River Skjern, Denmark. Most predation took place within the first 9 h after estuarine entry. The field data do not contradict the hypothesis of maladaptive anti-predatory behaviour.  相似文献   

The accumulation of 137-caesium from water by alevins and fry of Atlantic salmon and brown trout was studied, At 'normal' pH (∼7.4), input rates (kWF) and equilibrium concentration factors (CFeq) of 137-caesium were four to five times greater in both species of alevins than those in the fry. Input rates and equilibrium concentration factors were consistently greater in brown trout than in Atlantic salmon. The input rate of 137-caesium was most rapid in kidney, gill and gut of fry. The majority of the radiocaesium was, however, deposited in muscle tissue which had consistently the longest biological half-life of 50–90 days. 137-Caesium input was significantly reduced at low pH (∼5.0) but output rates (kFW) were little affected. It is concluded that juvenile fish are more susceptible than adults to radiocaesium accumulation from freshwater but that food is the major source of 137-caesium in freshwater fish. The behaviour of 137-caesium is discussed with respect to potassium.  相似文献   

Brown trout Salmo trutta redds in the Credit River, Ontario, were enumerated and assessed for physical, location and cover feature characteristics during the 2002 spawning season. Hydraulic habitats were classified on the basis of channel morphology and availability recorded. Combined use and availability data were used to assess habitat selection preferences and test for significant differences. Significant preferences for upstream pool and riffle habitat were found, but all available habitat types were used to some degree. Non‐preferred habitat redds were significantly larger than those located in preferred habitats and more likely to be found in association with woody debris cover. Larger redds were interpreted as indicative of larger fish. The use of non‐preferred downstream habitats by larger fish was further interpreted in the context of overwinter habitat requirements to reflect possible trade‐offs between reproductive and adult over‐winter survival requirements resulting in the selection of habitat for multiple life‐history functions. Results suggest that redd density alone should not be used to infer critical autumn habitat requirements for brown trout.  相似文献   

Newly emerged Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were observed from May to August 1981 at six isolated redds in Washington County, Maine, USA. Territorial size and distribution were measured. At the end of the emergence period (12 to 28 May), fish maintained positions (stations) at redds where water velocity did not exceed 52 cm s–1 By 12 June, most salmon (80–96%) had moved off the redds of origin and had established territories 1 to 5 m from the redd. The area defended increased substantially after mid-June, but territorial aggression diminished by 15 July, and the fry dispersed downstream. All fish observed were territorial, and the percentage of time during which stations were held decreased from 89 in mid-May to as low as 40% in mid-June.Cooperators are the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Maine, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Wildlife Management Institute  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of enzymes in 383 juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., within the Tamar catchment (south-west England) revealed significant genetic differences at the IDHP-3* locus between the three tributaries studied. Aspects of temporal and spatial variation, and management policy within catchments, are discussed.  相似文献   

A laboratory stream experiment was performed to test the influence of young‐of‐ the‐year Atlantic salmon Salmo Salar density on habitat selection ( i.e . pools and riffles) and the combined effect of habitat and density on territoriality. Pools were preferred at low and medium fish density. At higher density, the saturation of the riffles led to an equal fish repartition in both habitats. Aggressive interactions increased according to fish density, and the level of aggression was significantly higher in the pools than in the riffles.  相似文献   

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