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Symbiobacterium thermophilum is a syntrophic bacterium whose growth depends on coculture with a Bacillus sp. Recently, we discovered that CO(2) generated by Bacillus is the major inducer for the growth of S. thermophilum; however, the evidence suggested that an additional element is required for its full growth. Here, we studied the self-growth-inhibitory substances produced by S. thermophilum. We succeeded in purifying two substances from an ether extract of the culture supernatant of S. thermophilum by multiple steps of reverse-phase chromatography. Electron ionization mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses of the purified preparation identified the substances as 2,2-bis(3'-indolyl)indoxyl (BII) and 1,1-bis(3'-indolyl)ethane (BIE). The pure growth of S. thermophilum was inhibited by authentic BII and BIE with MICs of 12 and 7 microg/ml, respectively; however, its growth in coculture with Bacillus was not inhibited by BII at the saturation concentration and was inhibited by BIE with an MIC of 14 microg/ml. Both BII and BIE inhibited the growth of other microorganisms. Unexpectedly, the accumulation levels of both BII and BIE in the pure culture of S. thermophilum were far lower than the MICs (<0.1 microg/ml) while a marked amount of BIE (6 to 7 microg/ml) equivalent to the MIC had accumulated in the coculture. An exogenous supply of surfactin alleviated the sensitivities of several BIE-sensitive bacteria against BIE. The results suggest that Bacillus benefits S. thermophilum by detoxifying BII and BIE in the coculture. A similar mechanism may underlie mutualistic relationships between different microorganisms.  相似文献   

The lipid distribution and function in the thylakoid membranes from a thermophilic cyanobacterium, Mastigocladus laminosus, were investigated. The thylakoid membranes were treated with digitonin and separated on a DEAE-cellulose column into fractions enriched in photosystem I or II complex. Lipid analyses showed a specific distribution of anionic lipids among the fractions. A mild delipidation of the membranes with cholate indicates that monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG) and sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol (SQDG) are released rapidly, while the major parts of digalactosyl diacylglycerol (DGDG) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) are tightly associated with membranes, suggesting a different distribution between the two groups of lipids. Measurements of fluorescence of delipidated and reconstituted thylakoids showed the contribution of lipids to energy transfer. MGDG enhanced all the original fluorescence of thylakoids, while acidic PG and SQDG stimulated fluorescence of photosystem I and antena chlorophyll-protein complexes. DGDG was less effective under the conditions tested.  相似文献   

Symbiobacterium thermophilum is a strictly symbiotic thermophile, the growth of which is dependent on the coexistence of an associating thermophilic Bacillus sp., strain S. S. thermophilum grows only in mixed culture with the Bacillus strain in liquid media, and does not form visible colonies on solid media. To measure the growth of this symbiotic bacterium and to analyze its growth requirements, we developed a quantitative PCR method by using its specific sequences in a putative membrane translocator gene tnaT as primers. According to this method, independent growth of S. thermophilum was first confirmed in a dialyzing culture physically separated from Bacillus strain S with a cellulose membrane. Independent growth of S. thermophilum was also managed by adding conditioned medium prepared from the culture filtrate of the Bacillus strain, but the growth in the conditioned medium stopped at a very limited extent with appearance of filamentous cells, suggesting the uncoupling of cellular growth and cell division. Formation of micro-colonies of S. thermophilum was observed on the conditioned agar medium under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, but the colony-forming efficiencies remained below 1%. Several other bacterial species, such as Bacillus stearothermophilus, Bacillus subtilis, Thermus thermophilus, and even Escherichia coli, were also found to support the growth of S. thermophilum. These results indicate that S. thermophilum essentially requires some ubiquitous metabolite(s) of low molecular weight produced by various bacterial species as growth factor(s) but coexistence of the living partner cells is still required, probably to maintain an effective level of the putative factor(s) in the medium.  相似文献   

A potent inhibitor of larval settlement by the barnacle, Balanus amphitrite, was isolated as 2,5,6-tribromo-1-methylgraimne from a marine invertebrate. In comparative tests on the activity of related compounds, such compounds as 2-methylgramine and 2-methyl-3-(morpholinomethyl)-indole exhibited potent inhibitory activity. The inhibitory activity toward larval settlement was found not to be due to toxicity but to a repellent effect.  相似文献   

The proteasome is a proteolytic machinery that executes the degradation of polyubiquitinated proteins to maintain cellular homeostasis. Proteasome inhibition is a unique and effective way to kill cancer cells because they are sensitive to proteotoxic stress. Indeed, the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib is now indispensable for the treatment of multiple myeloma and other intractable malignancies, but is associated with patient inconvenience due to intravenous injection and emerging drug resistance. To resolve these problems, we attempted to develop orally bioavailable proteasome inhibitors with distinct mechanisms of action and identified homopiperazine derivatives (HPDs) as promising candidates. Biochemical and crystallographic studies revealed that some HPDs inhibit all three catalytic subunits (ß 1, ß 2 and ß 5) of the proteasome by direct binding, whereas bortezomib and other proteasome inhibitors mainly act on the ß5 subunit. Proteasome-inhibitory HPDs exhibited cytotoxic effects on cell lines from various hematological malignancies including myeloma. Furthermore, K-7174, one of the HPDs, was able to inhibit the growth of bortezomib-resistant myeloma cells carrying a ß5-subunit mutation. Finally, K-7174 had additive effects with bortezomib on proteasome inhibition and apoptosis induction in myeloma cells. Taken together, HPDs could be a new class of proteasome inhibitors, which compensate for the weak points of conventional ones and overcome the resistance to bortezomib.  相似文献   

A chemostat coculture of the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio oxyclinae and the facultatively aerobic heterotroph Marinobacter sp. strain MB was grown for 1 week under anaerobic conditions at a dilution rate of 0.05 h−1. It was then exposed to an oxygen flux of 223 μmol min−1 by gassing the growth vessel with 5% O2. Sulfate reduction persisted under these conditions, though the amount of sulfate reduced decreased by 45% compared to the amount reduced during the initial anaerobic mode. After 1 week of growth under these conditions, sulfate was excluded from the incoming medium. The sulfate concentration in the growth vessel decreased exponentially from 4.1 mM to 2.5 μM. The coculture consumed oxygen effectively, and no residual oxygen was detected during either growth mode in which oxygen was supplied. The proportion of D. oxyclinae cells in the coculture as determined by in situ hybridization decreased from 86% under anaerobic conditions to 70% in the microaerobic sulfate-reducing mode and 34% in the microaerobic sulfate-depleted mode. As determined by the most-probable-number (MPN) method, the numbers of viable D. oxyclinae cells during the two microaerobic growth modes decreased compared to the numbers during the anaerobic growth mode. However, there was no significant difference between the MPN values for the two modes when oxygen was supplied. The patterns of consumption of electron donors and acceptors suggested that when oxygen was supplied in the absence of sulfate and thiosulfate, D. oxyclinae performed incomplete aerobic oxidation of lactate to acetate. This is the first observation of oxygen-dependent growth of a sulfate-reducing bacterium in the absence of either sulfate or thiosulfate. Cells harvested during the microaerobic sulfate-depleted stage and exposed to sulfate and thiosulfate in a respiration chamber were capable of anaerobic sulfate and thiosulfate reduction.  相似文献   

一株芽孢杆菌的分离和鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所鸡舍附近土壤中分离到一株芽孢杆菌P-25,并进行了分子鉴定。通过形态鉴定、革兰氏染色、生理生化测定、16SrRNA序列分析和系统发育树构建,确定该菌株为蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus),其16SrRNAGenBank登录号为GU271135。  相似文献   

1株产纤维素酶细菌的筛选、鉴定及生长特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分离筛选高效降解纤维素的菌株,并研究其生物学特性。利用刚果红染色法从腐烂的玉米秸秆中分离纤维素降解菌,再通过测定滤纸的降解率及多种酶活复筛。综合考虑水解圈和菌落直径(HC值),滤纸的降解率和酶活,对所筛选的菌株进行纤维素降解能力综合评价,最终获得1株具有纤维素降解能力的菌株DX4,其滤纸酶活(FPA酶活)、内切葡聚糖酶活力(CMC酶活)和外切葡聚糖酶活力(Cex酶活)分别为256.051、358.276和5.536 U/m L。结合形态学、生理生化特性和分子生物学鉴定,将该菌株鉴定为枯草芽胞杆菌(Bacillus subtilis),命名为Bacillus subtilis DX4,简称BS-DX4。研究表明,BS-DX4的最适生长温度为40℃,最适生长pH为7.0,低盐浓度下生长旺盛,是具有开发潜力的纤维素酶高产菌株。  相似文献   

氰戊菊酯降解菌FDB的分离鉴定及其生长特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从长期受农药污染的农田土壤中分离筛选到一株降解氰戊菊酯杀虫剂的细菌菌株FDB。经形态和生理生化特征鉴定以及对16SrDNA序列进行同源性比较,将该菌株鉴定为铜绿假单胞菌Pseudomonas aeruginosa。FDB能以氰戊菊酯杀虫剂为唯一碳源生长,在30°C培养5d对100mg/L氰戊菊酯异构体的降解率分别达到69.06%(SR+RS)和64.32%(SS+RR)。FDB的最适生长条件为:温度35°C,初始pH值7.0,250mL摇瓶装液量75mL。采用超声波方法破碎菌体细胞,得到粗酶液。胞内和胞外粗酶液对氰戊菊酯异构体的降解试验表明,FDB的氰戊菊酯降解酶属于胞内蛋白组分。  相似文献   

抗锌细菌Sphingomonas sp. DX-T3-03分离、鉴定及性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从江西德兴铜矿重金属污染土壤中筛选得到一株对重金属锌具有极强抗性的菌株,命名为DX-T3-03。对该菌株进行形态观察、生理生化试验,采用16S rRNA序列分析,鉴定该菌为鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas sp.)。研究其最佳生长条件及抗重金属特性。试验结果表明:该菌株的最适应生长条件为温度35°C,pH约6.7,转速150r/min;对重金属锌有极高抗性,可以达到25mmol/L及以上,并能够在多种单一及复合重金属(Cu70mg/L、Cd300mg/L、Pb400mg/L、Ni60mg/L)中生长。  相似文献   

刘柱  华颖  江波  沐万孟 《微生物学通报》2008,35(9):1420-1425
从亚洲传统发酵食品--虾酱中筛选到一株产纤维蛋白溶解酶能力较强的菌株,通过形态和常规生理生化性质鉴定,发现该菌株与芽孢杆菌属细菌的特征很相近,结合16S rDNA序列分析,构建系统发育树,确定其分类地位,由中国典型培养物保藏中心定名为Bacillus sp.nov.SK006(CCTCC No.M 205071),并优化了发酵培养基组成及培养条件,本研究为该菌株的深入研究和广泛应用提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Symbiobacterium thermophilum, a thermophilic bacterium, is a thermostable tryptophanase producer that can grow only in coculture with a specific Bacillus strain. Two thermostable tryptophanase genes, tna-1 and tna-2, that are located close to each other were cloned into Escherichia coli from S. thermophilum by the DNA-probing method. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences indicate that Tna1 and Tna2 share 92% identical amino acids in a total of 453 amino acids. By means of DNA manipulation with E. coli host-vector systems, Tna1 and Tna2 were produced in very large amounts in enzymatically active forms. Comparison of the NH2-terminal amino acid sequences and the enzymatic properties of the tryptophanases purified from the original S. thermophilum strain and these two tryptophanases from recombinant E. coli cells suggest that in S. thermophilum, only Tna2 is produced and tna-1 is silent. Notwithstanding the great similarity in amino acid sequence between Tna1 and Tna2, the two enzymes differ markedly in activation energy for catalysis and thermostability.  相似文献   

Symbiobacterium thermophilum, a thermophilic bacterium, is a thermostable tryptophanase producer that can grow only in coculture with a specific Bacillus strain. Two thermostable tryptophanase genes, tna-1 and tna-2, that are located close to each other were cloned into Escherichia coli from S. thermophilum by the DNA-probing method. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences indicate that Tna1 and Tna2 share 92% identical amino acids in a total of 453 amino acids. By means of DNA manipulation with E. coli host-vector systems, Tna1 and Tna2 were produced in very large amounts in enzymatically active forms. Comparison of the NH2-terminal amino acid sequences and the enzymatic properties of the tryptophanases purified from the original S. thermophilum strain and these two tryptophanases from recombinant E. coli cells suggest that in S. thermophilum, only Tna2 is produced and tna-1 is silent. Notwithstanding the great similarity in amino acid sequence between Tna1 and Tna2, the two enzymes differ markedly in activation energy for catalysis and thermostability.  相似文献   

Plant growth-promoting bacteria colonize various habitats, including the phyllosphere. Here, we present the high-quality draft genome sequence of Bacillus sp. strain 5B6, which was isolated from the leaf of a cherry tree. The 3.9-Mb genome uncovers its potential for understanding the nature of leaf colonization as well as antibiosis against plant pathogens.  相似文献   

A unique marine bacterium has been isolated which can be cultured on a variety of polysaccharides and cell wall preparations from red and brown algae.  相似文献   

The effect of growth temperature on the compositions of phospholipidsand fatty acids of the psychrotrophic bacterium Pseudomonassp. strain E-3 was studied. The composition of phospholipids(phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin)did not differ significantly in cells grown at 5?, 15?, and30?C. Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) was the most abundant, amountingto over 70% of total phospholipids. When the growth temperaturewas lowered, palmitoleic [16:1(9)] and cis-vaccenic [18:1(11)]acids increased at the expense of palmitic (16:0) acid, especiallyin PE. In vivo experiments using [l-14C]16:0 showed that incorporationof radioactivity into 16:1(9) was oxygen-dependent and cerulenin-insensitive,and incorporation into 18:1(11) was cerulenin-sensitive. Theseresults suggest that 16:0 was aerobically desaturated to 16:1(9)and subsequently elongated to 18:1(11). Desaturation activityof 16:0 in the cells grown at 25?C was enhanced by loweringthe assay temperature. (Received February 12, 1987; Accepted July 10, 1987)  相似文献   

A chemostat coculture of the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio oxyclinae together with a facultative aerobe heterotroph tentatively identified as Marinobacter sp. strain MB was grown under anaerobic conditions and then exposed to a stepwise-increasing oxygen influx (0 to 20% O2 in the incoming gas phase). The coculture consumed oxygen efficiently, and no residual oxygen was detected with an oxygen supply of up to 5%. Sulfate reduction persisted at all levels of oxygen input, even at the maximal level, when residual oxygen in the growth vessel was 87 μM. The portion of D. oxyclinae cells in the coculture decreased gradually from 92% under anaerobic conditions to 27% under aeration. Both absolute cell numbers and viable cell counts of the organism were the same as or even higher than those observed in the absence of oxygen input. The patterns of consumption of electron donors and acceptors suggest that aerobic incomplete oxidation of lactate to acetate is performed by D. oxyclinae under high oxygen input. Both organisms were isolated from the same oxic zone of a cyanobacterial mat where they have to adapt to daily shifts from oxic to anoxic conditions. This type of syntrophic association may occur in natural habitats, enabling sulfate-reducing bacteria to cope with periodic exposure to oxygen.  相似文献   

A bacterium, PG-3-2, capable of butane-utilization as a sole carbon source was isolated from Puguang oilfield in Sichuan Province, China and identified as Arthrobacter sp. by 16S rRNA gene sequence and morphology characteristics. Butane-saturated medium was defined as optimal for the growth of PG-3-2. Proliferation of PG-3-2 was enhanced at low butanol concentrations (≤50 mM) and repressed at high concentrations (≥100 mM). Growth of strain PG-3-2 was supported by alkanes from C2 to C10 (except pentane) and various carbon substrates including primary alcohols, secondary alcohols, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones, but not methane or its oxidation products. The rate of butane degradation by PG-3-2 was relatively high during the lag phase and prophase of the exponential phase. A bmoX gene, which encodes the alpha hydroxylase subunit of butane monooxygenase, was amplified from the genome of this bacterium. Sequence analysis revealed a high level of homology with alkane monooxygenase, thus indicating the existence of a novel bmoX gene involved in the butane degradation pathway in this Arthrobacter strain.  相似文献   

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