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In Suriname, the Maroons have practiced shifting cultivation for generations, but now the increasing influence of modern society is causing a trend of decreasing fallow periods with potentially adverse effects for the vulnerable tropical soils. Adoption of appropriate soil fertility management (SFM) practices is currently slow. Combining methods from cultural ecology and environmental psychology, this study identifies two groups with divergent behavioral intentions which we term semi-permanent cultivators and shifting cultivators. Semi-permanent cultivators intend to practice more permanent agriculture and experiment individually with plot-level SFM. Shifting cultivators rely on traditional knowledge that is not adequate for their reduced fallow periods, but perceive constraints that prevent them practicing more permanent agriculture. Semi-permanent cultivators act as a strong reference group setting a subjective norm, yet feel no need to exchange knowledge with shifting cultivators who are in danger of feeling marginalized. Drawing on a political ecology perspective, we conclude that cultural ecological knowledge declined due to negative perceptions of external actors setting a strong subjective norm. Semi-permanent cultivators who wish to enter the market economy are most likely to adopt SFM. We conclude that any future SFM intervention must be based on an in-depth understanding of each group’s behavior, in order to avoid exacerbating processes of marginalization.  相似文献   

Shifting cultivation is identified as a major cause of tropical deforestation. Sources that recount such impacts routinely employ an Eden-lost narrative structure that represents shifting cultivators as having their relatively harmonious human-environment relationships disrupted by various forces. While such disruptions lead to land degradation, official development institutions via research into alternatives to such agriculture offer redemption, or the return to relative ecological harmony. This Edenic narrative vehicle allows shifting cultivators to be represented as primitives in need of modernization, yet it also more commonly allows a sympathetic representation as holders of valuable, albeit threatened, indigenous knowledge that can be applied to the development of solutions. However, embedded within both hostile and sympathetic accounts from both scientific and policy sources are cultural images that persist as a legacy of colonialist assumptions of social evolution and cultural hierarchy.  相似文献   

The Mbuti pygmies, hunter-gatherers of the Ituri Forest of Zaire, trade forest products and labor for agricultural foods. It has been assumed that the Mbuti lived independently in the equatorial forest prior to its penetration by shifting cultivators. We assessed forest food resources (plant and animal) to determine their adequacy to support a hunting and gathering economy. For five months of the year, essentially none of the calorically important forest fruits and seeds are available. Honey is not abundant during this season of scarcity. Wild game meat is available year round, but the main animals caught have low fat content. This makes them a poor substitute for starch-dense agricultural foods, now staples in Mbuti diet. In general, in the closed evergreen forest zone, edible wild plant species are more abundant in agriculturally derived secondary forest than in primary forest. Similarly, they are more common at the savanna ecotone and in gallery forests. We suggest that it is unlikely that hunter-gatherers would have lived independently in the forest interior with its precarious resource base, when many of the food species they exploit are more abundant toward the savanna border.  相似文献   

Summary CO2 evolution, fungal biomass and microbial population of two maize field soils differing in agricultural systemsviz., permanent agriculture on plain lands in valleys and ‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture, were estimated at monthly intervals for one crop cycle. The results showed significant positive correlation among CO2 evolution, fungal biomass, microbial population, organic C and total N. There was significant positive correlation between bacterial population and moisture content in both the agricultural systems. Microbial population and CO2 evolution were always higher in the soils of permanent agriculture as compared to that of ‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture.  相似文献   

Summary Dehydrogenase and urease activities, bacterial and fungal populations and physicochemical characteristics of maize (Zea mays L.) field soils have been studied for one crop cycle. A comparison has been made among soils of three different agricultural systemsviz permanent agriculture on plain lands in valleys, recently introduced terrace land agriculture and age old ‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture on slopes. Results demonstrate that the enzyme activities, microbial population as well as most of the physico-chemical characteristics of soils followed the trend permanent agriculture on plain lands>terrace land agriculture>‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture. Moisture and nutrient levels and topography of the lands were found to be major factors responsible for the trend.  相似文献   

Shifting cultivation (jhooming) has been identified as one of the main human impacts influencing biodiversity in Tripura, Northeast India. Over the last few years a new class of shifting cultivators has emerged that has adopted non-traditional forms of jhooming, which have been responsible for the loss of biological diversity in the state. This paper describes the successes achieved by the state government in providing the jhumias (tribes practicing jhooming) with various non-jhooming options. Recommendations include the need for short and long term control measures, improvement of existing jhooming methods, and integration of traditional knowledge with new practices.  相似文献   

The population explosion that followed the Neolithic revolution was initially explained by improved health experiences for agriculturalists. However, empirical studies of societies shifting subsistence from foraging to primary food production have found evidence for deteriorating health from an increase in infectious and dental disease and a rise in nutritional deficiencies. In Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture (Cohen and Armelagos, 1984), this trend towards declining health was observed for 19 of 21 societies undergoing the agricultural transformation. The counterintuitive increase in nutritional diseases resulted from seasonal hunger, reliance on single crops deficient in essential nutrients, crop blights, social inequalities, and trade. In this study, we examined the evidence of stature reduction in studies since 1984 to evaluate if the trend towards decreased health after agricultural transitions remains. The trend towards a decrease in adult height and a general reduction of overall health during times of subsistence change remains valid, with the majority of studies finding stature to decline as the reliance on agriculture increased. The impact of agriculture, accompanied by increasing population density and a rise in infectious disease, was observed to decrease stature in populations from across the entire globe and regardless of the temporal period during which agriculture was adopted, including Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, South America, and North America.  相似文献   

The past failure of large-scale, rural development in Amazonia has emphasized the value of small-scale, swidden-fallow management practices. The management strategies used by indigenous cultivators are well-documented, but few studies have examined how absorption by market-based economies may affect the economic and ecological stability of the agricultural system. In this study, we provide a detailed account of swidden-fallow management as it is practiced at Las Palmeras, Amazonas, Colombia; moreover, we assessed the effect of a shift from subsistence to market-directed production. A total of 68 species were selectively managed in the swidden/fallow system. Seventy-seven percent of species at the site were managed for subsistence only, 22% were managed with a view to selling surplus at market. Only one species, Cedrela odorata, was managed solely for market production. A shift from subsistence-based to market-directed production may lower the ecological and economic stability of the system at Las Palmeras. Nonperishable production strategies, such as for timber production, appear to provide the most secure approach toward market integration.  相似文献   

Shifting cultivation is a traditional agricultural practice in most tropical regions of the world and has the potential to provide for human livelihoods while hosting substantial biodiversity. Little is known about the resilience of shifting cultivation to increasing agricultural demands on the landscape or to unexpected disturbances. To investigate these issues, we develop a simple social-ecological model and implement it with literature-derived ecological parameters for six shifting cultivation landscapes from three continents. Analyzing the model with the tools of dynamical systems analysis, we show that such landscapes exhibit two stable states, one characterized by high forest cover and agricultural productivity, and another with much lower values of these traits. For some combinations of agricultural pressure and ecological parameters both of these states can potentially exist, and the actual state of the forest depends critically on its historic state. In many cases, the landscapes’ ‘ecological resilience’, or amount of forest that could be destroyed without shifting out of the forested stability domain, declined substantially at lower levels of agricultural pressure than would lead to maximum productivity. A measure of ‘engineering resilience’, the recovery time from standardized disturbances, was independent of ecological resilience. These findings suggest that maximization of short-term agricultural output may have counterproductive impacts on the long-term productivity of shifting cultivation landscapes and the persistence of forested areas.  相似文献   

Understanding landscape patterns in mortality risk is crucial for promoting recovery of threatened and endangered species. Humans affect mortality risk in large carnivores such as wolves (Canis lupus), but spatiotemporally varying density dependence can significantly influence the landscape of survival. This potentially occurs when density varies spatially and risk is unevenly distributed. We quantified spatiotemporal sources of variation in survival rates of gray wolves (C. lupus) during a 21‐year period of population recovery in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, USA. We focused on mapping risk across time using Cox Proportional Hazards (CPH) models with time‐dependent covariates, thus exploring a shifting mosaic of survival. Extended CPH models and time‐dependent covariates revealed influences of seasonality, density dependence and experience, as well as individual‐level factors and landscape predictors of risk. We used results to predict the shifting landscape of risk at the beginning, middle, and end of the wolf recovery time series. Survival rates varied spatially and declined over time. Long‐term change was density‐dependent, with landscape predictors such as agricultural land cover and edge densities contributing negatively to survival. Survival also varied seasonally and depended on individual experience, sex, and resident versus transient status. The shifting landscape of survival suggested that increasing density contributed to greater potential for human conflict and wolf mortality risk. Long‐term spatial variation in key population vital rates is largely unquantified in many threatened, endangered, and recovering species. Variation in risk may indicate potential for source‐sink population dynamics, especially where individuals preemptively occupy suitable territories, which forces new individuals into riskier habitat types as density increases. We encourage managers to explore relationships between adult survival and localized changes in population density. Density‐dependent risk maps can identify increasing conflict areas or potential habitat sinks which may persist due to high recruitment in adjacent habitats.  相似文献   

Shifting cultivation has traditionally been characterized as a highly productive system in terms of the ratio of energy outputs to inputs. This characterization, however, does not take into account the energy contribution of the natural vegetation cleared in preparing the field for cultivation. As a result, the central feature of shifting cultivation, the exploitation of the natural vegetationsoil complex as a substitute for human labor, has been ignored. The omission of the biomass contribution can be attributed to both a focus on the practices involved rather than the underlying strategy of the shifting cultivator, and an excessive preoccupation with the renewability of the energy sources involved in different agricultural systems. A definition of shifting cultivation is proposed that focuses attention on the relationship between the natural vegetationsoil complex and the shifting cultivator. Two methods of including the energy contribution of forest biomass in calculating the productivity of shifting cultivation systems are compared. When the biomass contribution is included, shifting cultivation appears to be an extremely unproductive system of agriculture.I would like to thank Bill Denevan, Chris Uhl, Christine Padoch, Tom Klak, Bob Buschbacher, and Mimi Kranichfeld for their comments on earlier versions of this paper.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid agricultural transition that has occurred in the past decade, shifting cultivation remains a widespread agricultural practice in the northern uplands of Lao PDR. Little information is available on the basic socio-economic situation and respective possible patterns in shifting cultivation landscapes on a regional level. On the basis of a recent approximation of the extent of shifting cultivation landscapes for two time periods and disaggregated village level census data, this paper characterizes these landscapes in terms of key socioeconomic parameters for the whole of northern Laos. Results showed that over 550,000 people live in shifting cultivation regions. The poverty rate of this population of 46.5 % is considerably higher than the national rural rate. Most shifting cultivation landscapes are located in remote locations and a high share of the population comprises ethnic minorities, pointing to multi-dimensional marginality of these areas. We discuss whether economic growth and increased market accessibility are sufficient to lift these landscapes out of poverty.  相似文献   

Whereas sexual reproduction may facilitate adaptation to complex environments with many biotic interactions, simplified environments are expected to favour asexual reproduction. In agreement with this, recent studies on invertebrates have shown a prevalence of asexual species in agricultural (simplified) but not in natural (complex) environments. We investigated whether the same correlation between reproductive mode and habitat can be found in different populations within one species. The parasitoid wasp Tetrastichus coeruleus forms an ideal model to test this question, since it occurs both in natural and agricultural environments. Further, we investigated whether Wolbachia infection caused parthenogenesis in female‐biased populations. In contrast to the general pattern, in Dutch and French natural areas, we found Wolbachia‐infected, highly female‐biased populations that reproduce parthenogenetically. In contrast, populations on Dutch agricultural fields were not infected with Wolbachia, showed higher frequencies of males and reproduced sexually. However, we also found a female‐only, Wolbachia‐infected population on agricultural fields in north‐eastern United States. All Wolbachia‐infected populations were infected with the same Wolbachia strain. At this moment, we do not have a convincing explanation for this deviation from the general pattern of ecology and reproductive mode. It may be that asparagus agricultural fields differ from other crop fields in ways that favour sexual reproduction. Alternatively, Wolbachia may manipulate life history traits in its host, resulting in different fitness pay‐offs in different habitats. The fixation of Wolbachia in the United States populations (where the species was introduced) may be due to founder effect and lack of uninfected, sexual source populations.  相似文献   

Shifting cultivators depend on forest biomass inputs to nourish their crops. For them, forest resilience has an immediate impact: it affects crop productivity. A decline in the rate of recovery following shifting cultivation would ultimately affect local, regional and global carbon budgets, with feedbacks to climate. Yet the long-term impacts of shifting cultivation have been quantified in only six locations. In this study, we reanalyze data from these locations to determine whether the rate of biomass recovery is the same from cycle to cycle. Further, using case studies in Southern Yucatan, Mexico and West Kalimantan, Indonesia, we investigate the ecological and socioeconomic factors that affect forest resilience and thus determine whether or not shifting cultivation is sustainable. The reanalysis links aboveground biomass recovery following shifting cultivation to site productivity, forest age, fallow length, history of cultivation, and soil texture. Across locations, biomass accumulation rate declines by 9.3 percent with each cycle of shifting cultivation. Per cycle change in biomass accumulation rate is significantly more negative in younger forests and forests that experience a shorter fallow period. However, more detailed analyses for two case studies suggest that a purely ecological framework is of limited effectiveness in explaining variability in the effect of repeated shifting cultivation. Rather, socioeconomic factors such as migration, subsidies, roads, and settlement history can alter the outcome of shifting cultivation by limiting the accumulation and use of local knowledge.  相似文献   

The Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) is a major agricultural pest of solanaceous crops. An effective management strategy employed by agricultural producers to control this pest species is the use of systemic insecticides. Recent emphasis has been placed on the use of neonicotinoid insecticides. Despite efforts to curb resistance development through integrated pest management approaches, resistance to neonicotinoids in L. decemlineata populations continues to increase. One contributing factor may be alterations in insect fatty acids, which have multiple metabolic functions and are associated with the synthesis of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes to mitigate the effects of insecticide exposure. In this study, we analyzed the fatty acid composition of L. decemlineata populations collected from an organic production field and from a commercially managed field to determine if fatty acid composition varied between the two populations. We demonstrate that a population of L. decemlineata that has a history of systemic neonicotinoid exposure (commercially managed) has a different lipid composition and differential expression of known metabolic detoxification mechanisms relative to a population that has not been exposed to neonicotinoids (organically managed). The fatty acid data indicated an upregulation of Δ6 desaturase in the commercially managed L. decemlineata population and suggest a role for eicosanoids and associated metabolic enzymes as potential modulators of insecticide resistance. We further observed a pattern of delayed emergence within the commercially managed population compared with the organically managed population. Variations in emergence timing together with specific fatty acid regulation may significantly influence the capacity of L. decemlineata to develop insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

The 1997/1998 forest fires in Indonesia resulted in the destruction of at least 10 million ha of forests and non-forestlands and the release of more than 2.6 G tons of carbon. These fires made Indonesia one of the largest contributors of greenhouse gases in the world. It is now recognized that about 80 – 90% of the fires came from agricultural and industrial plantation estates using fire for land preparation activities. Estate oil palm development accounted for the majority of the fires, particularly in Riau. At least 176 companies accredited with the Indonesian Forestry and Estate Crops Department caused the fires in 1997/1998. More than 50 companies in 1999 and 100 companies in 2001 were identified to be still using fire in land preparation activities. To make matters worse, the use of fire in land clearing is also prevalent among many small-holder farmers as a traditional means of land preparation. Since 2000, some companies using fire for land preparation have been taken to court and been punished. Meanwhile, shifting cultivators still have the possibility of using fire as long as the impact is not so bad. In order to understand the behavior and characteristics of fire in land preparation by small-holder farmers, several peat fire experiments were conducted. The experiments showed that high flame temperature and intensity result from high fuel loads. Such information is important in order to evaluate land preparation practices with the use of fire, to determine restoration methods, and to recommend appropriate policy reforms for small-holder farmers.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can have profound effects on the distribution of genetic variation within and between populations. Previously, we showed that in the ornate dragon lizard, Ctenophorus ornatus, lizards residing on outcrops that are separated by cleared agricultural land are significantly more isolated and hold less genetic variation than lizards residing on neighbouring outcrops connected by undisturbed native vegetation. Here, we extend the fine‐scale study to examine the pattern of genetic variation and population structure across the species' range. Using a landscape genetics approach, we test whether land clearing for agricultural purposes has affected the population structure of the ornate dragon lizard. We found significant genetic differentiation between outcrop populations (FST = 0.12), as well as isolation by distance within each geographic region. In support of our previous study, land clearing was associated with higher genetic divergences between outcrops and lower genetic variation within outcrops, but only in the region that had been exposed to intense agriculture for the longest period of time. No other landscape features influenced population structure in any geographic region. These results show that the effects of landscape features can vary across species' ranges and suggest there may be a temporal lag in response to contemporary changes in land use. These findings therefore highlight the need for caution when assessing the impact of contemporary land use practices on genetic variation and population structure.  相似文献   

Drever MC 《Oecologia》2006,147(4):725-733
Populations exhibit spatial synchrony when their numbers rise and fall in concert at several sites over their distribution. I examined the relationship between synchrony, abundance of wetlands (ponds), distance, and agricultural cover using count data of ten duck species counted in 23 aerial survey strata on the mid-continental prairies of North America. Expansion of agriculture may have resulted in increased synchrony of duck populations through increased foraging efficiency of nomadic predators and/or if the homogenization of nesting habitat has removed habitat features that allow differential local responses to large-scale population drivers such as precipitation. As a measure of synchrony, I calculated all pair-wise cross-correlation coefficients based on population growth rates (r t ) at each survey stratum, and then regressed these correlation coefficients against measures of cross-correlation of pond (wetland) counts, distance between strata, and mean percent area of strata seeded to row crops. Synchrony for most species was most strongly related to synchrony of wetland availability among sites, and decreased with distance between sites. Synchrony of ducks that nest over water showed little effect of agricultural cover, whereas the effect of agricultural cover on synchrony of upland nesting ducks differed by species. Mobile large-bodied species showed evidence of increased synchrony due to agricultural cover, whereas smaller-bodied, more philopatric species showed evidence of decreased synchrony due to agricultural cover.  相似文献   

An introduced species must contend with enormous environmental variation in its introduced range. In this study, we use niche models and ordination analyses to reconstruct changes in genotype, phenotype, and climatic niche of Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense, which is regarded as one of the world's most threatening invasive plants. In the United States, Johnsongrass has rapidly evolved within‐ and among‐population genetic diversity; our results show that genetic differentiation in expanding Johnsongrass populations has resulted in phenotypic variation that is consistent with habitat and climatic variation encountered during its expansion. Moreover, Johnsongrass expanded from agricultural to non‐agricultural habitat, and now, despite occupying overlapping ranges, extant agricultural and non‐agricultural populations are genetically and phenotypically distinct and manifest different plastic responses when encountering environmental variation. Non‐agricultural accessions are broadly distributed in climatic and geographic space and their fitness traits demonstrate plastic responses to common garden conditions that are consistent with local specialization. In contrast, agricultural accessions demonstrate ‘general purpose’ plastic responses and have more restricted climatic niches and geographic distributions. They also grow much larger than non‐agricultural accessions. If these differences are adaptive, our results suggest that adaptation to local habitat variation plays a crucial role in the ecology of this invader. Further, its success relates to its ability to succeed on dual fronts, by responding simultaneously to habitat and climate variability and by capitalizing on differential responses to these factors during its range expansion.  相似文献   



In this article, we analysed two millennia of historical records and environmental information to reconstruct the past distribution and examine the current distribution of snub‐nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus) in China.




We applied trend surface analysis (TSA) to document patterns of range shifting in snub‐nosed monkeys over time. Random forest was used to study the association between explanatory variables and changes in the distribution of snub‐nosed monkeys over the past 2000 years.


Our results showed that both the longitude and latitude of snub‐nosed monkeys contracted from 0 to 2000 AD. We found that the integrated effects of human population size and changes in temperature in the Northern Hemisphere resulted in a westward and northward contraction of the snub‐nosed monkey distributional range. However, the impact of fluctuating temperature was greatest during periods of low human population density (0–1200 AD), whereas from 1200 to 2000 AD, marked increases in human population size in China leading to extensive deforestation, agricultural expansion, hunting, logging and land terracing have had the greatest negative effects. Further analyses highlighted the fact that the rapid expansion of human population density in regions occupied by snub‐nosed monkeys between 1700 and 2000 has resulted in the recent extirpation of this primate radiation in eastern, south‐eastern and central China.

Main conclusions

We examined the interactive effects of human population growth, deforestation, agricultural expansion and climate variation on the past and current distribution of snub‐nosed monkeys. Our data provide clear evidence that climate change, human population increase and human activities have differentially affected the viability and distribution of snub‐nosed monkey populations over time. In particular, the marked expansion of the human population in China over the past 300 years has resulted in the extinction of Rhinopithecus populations across much of its range.  相似文献   

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