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A catalytic and structural study of ATP:RNA adenylyltransferase (EC from the particulate fraction of Pseudomonas putida was made. During the large-scale purification of this enzyme, designated adenylyltransferase B, a previously undetected ATP-incorporating activity, designated adenylyltransferase A, was observed. Adenylyltransferases A and B were indistinguishable catalytically; however, they differed in their chromatographic and sedimentation properties. Adenylyltransferases A and B were resolved by phosphocellulose, by poly (U)-Sepharose and by Bio-Gel P-100 chromatographies. Adenylytransferase A was determined to have a sedimentation coefficient (S020,w) of 9.3 S and B of 4.3 S. The molecular weight of adenylyltransferase A was estimated to be 185000 and that of adenylyltransferase B to be 50000-60000. Apparently, adenylyltransferase A was generated from adenylyltransferase B during the purification. The AMP incorporation catalyzed by adenylyltransferases A and B was inhibited by two derivatives of the antibiotic rifamycin, AF/013 (50% at 5 mug/ml) and AF/DNFI (50% at 10 mug/ml). The 5'-triphosphate derivative (3'-dATP) of the drug cordycepin (3'-deoxyadenosine/ was a competitive inhibitor with ATP for both adenylyltransferases. The Ki for 3'-deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate was 6 - 10(-4)--10 - 10(-4) M, while the Km for ATP was 1 - 10(-4)--2 - 10(-4) M. Several other anaolgs of ATP, 2'-deoxyadenosine 5' triphosphate, 2'-O-methyl ATP, or the fluorescent 3-beta-D-ribofuranosylimidazo [2,1-i] purien 5'-triphosphate did not affect the activity of adenylyltransferase A or B. Poly(U) and poly(dT) were competitive inhibitors of the ribosomal RNA-primed polymerization reaction. The Ki for poly(U) or poly(dT), in terms of nucleotide phosphate, was 4 - 10-6)--10 - 10(-6) M for adenylyltransferases A and B, compared to 2 - 10(-4)--4 - 10(-4) M for the Km of ribosomal RNA. The inhibition was a result of the competition between the non-priming poly(U), or poly(dT), and ribosomal RNA for the primer binding site on the enzyme.  相似文献   

Methioninase of Pseudomonas putida was purified to homogeneity, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, with a specific activity 270-fold higher than that of the crude extract. 1. The purified enzyme had an S20,w of 8.37, a molecular weight of 160,000, and an isoelectric point of 5.6. 2. A break in the Arrhenius plot was observed at 40 degrees and the activation energies below and above this temperature were 15.5 and 2.97 kcal per mole, respectively. 3. In addition to L-methionine, various S-substituted derivatives of homocysteine and cysteine could serve as substrates. D-Methionine, 2-oxo-4-methylthiobutanoate, and related non sulfur-containing amino acids were inert. Equimolar formation of alpha-ketobutyrate and CH3SH was observed with methionine as a substrate. 4. In addition to the protein peak at 278 nm, two absorption maxima were observed at 345 and 430 nm at pH 7.5. Hydroxylamine removed the enzyme-bound pyridoxal phosphate, resulting in almost complete resolution with the concomitant disappearance of both peaks. Reconstruction of the treated enzyme could be achieved by addition of the cofactor; the Km value was calculated to be 0.37 muM. 5. The reported purified enzyme should be designated as L-methionine methanethiollyase (deaminating).  相似文献   

In this study, the adhesive exopolysaccharides of strains of Pseudomonas putida and P. fluorescens, both isolated from freshwater epilithic communities, were examined with regard to their chemical composition, biosynthesis, and their role in adhesion. Electron microscopy showed that both strains were enrobed in fibrous glycocalyces and that these structures were involved in attachment of the cells to a solid surface and as structural matrices in the microcolony mode of growth. In batch culture experiments most of the extracellular polysaccharide of both strains was found to be soluble in the growth medium rather than being associated with bacterial cells. Exopolysaccharide was synthesized during all phases of growth, but when growth was limited by exhaustion of the carbon source, exopolysaccharide synthesis ceased whereas exopolysaccharide synthesis continued for some time after cessation of growth in nitrogen-limited cultures. Exopolysaccharide from both strains was isolated and purified. Pseudomonas putida synthesized an exopolysaccharide composed of glucose, galactose, and pyruvate in a ratio of 1:1:1; the P. fluorescens polymer contained glucose, galactose, and pyruvate in a ratio of 1:1:0.5, respectively. Polymers from both strains were acetylated to a variable degree.  相似文献   

Purification and characterization of glyoxalase I from Pseudomonas putida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glyoxalase I was purified to apparent homogeneity from Pseudomonas putida. The enzyme was a monomer with a molecular weight of 20,000. The enzyme was most active at pH 8.0. The Km values for methylglyoxal and 4,5-dioxovale-rate are 3.5 mM and 1.2 mM, respectively. Contrary to the case of eukaryotic enzymes, chelating agents showed little inhibitory effects on the enzyme activity. Among the metal ions tested, Zn++ specifically and completely inhibited the activity of the enzyme at a millimolar level. The properties of bacterial glyoxalase I were quite different from mammalian and yeast enzymes.  相似文献   

Cepabactin from Pseudomonas cepacia, a new type of siderophore   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In iron-deficient conditions of growth Pseudomonas cepacia ATCC 25416 excreted both pyochelin and a low-molecular-mass compound which strongly chelated iron(III), and facilitated iron translocation as demonstrated by growth and uptake experiments. The name cepabactin is proposed for this new siderophore. Comparisons of UV-visible spectra and chromatographic behaviour, together with 1H-NMR spectra, led to the conclusion that cepabactin is 1-hydroxy-5-methoxy-6-methyl-2(1H)-pyridinone, a compound which can be considered as a cyclic hydroxamate, but also as a heterocyclic analogue of catechol. This pyridinone has already been described by other workers as an antibiotic produced by Pseudomonas alcaligenes, and by a soil isolate closely related to Pseudomonas cepacia. Thus, cepabactin appears to act as a siderophore for more than one species of non-fluorescent pseudomonad.  相似文献   

The highly enantioselective arylacetonitrilase of Pseudomonas putida was purified to homogeneity using a combination of (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and different chromatographic techniques. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 412 kDa and consisted of approximately nine to ten identical subunits (43 kDa). The purified enzyme exhibited a pH optimum of 7.0 and temperature optimum of 40°C. The nitrilase was highly susceptible to thiol-specific reagents and metal ions and also required a reducing environment for its activity. These reflected the presence of a catalytically essential thiol group for enzyme activity which is in accordance with the proposed mechanism for nitrilase-catalyzed reaction. The enzyme was highly specific for arylacetonitriles with phenylacetonitrile and its derivatives being the most preferred substrates. Higher specificity constant (k cat/K m) values for phenylacetonitrile compared to mandelonitrile also revealed the same. Faster reaction rate achieved with this nitrilase for mandelonitrile hydrolysis was possibly due to the low activation energy required by the protein. Incorporation of low concentration (<5%) of organic solvent increased the enzyme activity by increasing the availability of the substrate. Higher stability of the enzyme at slightly alkaline pH and ambient temperature provides an excellent opportunity to establish a dynamic kinetic resolution process for the production of (R)-(−)-mandelic acid from readily available mandelonitrile.  相似文献   



Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are synthesized by many bacteria in the cytoplasm as storage compounds for energy and carbon. The key enzymes for PHA biosynthesis are PHA polymerases, which catalyze the covalent linkage of 3-hydroxyacyl coenzymeA thioesters by transesterification with concomitant release of CoA. Pseudomonas putida GPo1 and many other Pseudomonas species contain two different class II polymerases, encoded by phaC1 and phaC2. Although numerous studies have been carried out on PHA polymerases and they are well characterized at the molecular level, the biochemical properties of the class II polymerases have not been studied in detail. Previously we and other groups purified the polymerases, however, the activities of the purified enzymes were several magnitude lower than the granule-bound enzymes. It is problematic to study the intrinsic properties of these enzymes with such low activities, although they are pure.  相似文献   

The constitutive xanthine dehydrogenase and the inducible 2-furoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) dehydrogenase could be labeled with [185W]tungstate. This labeling was used as a reporter to purify both labile proteins. The radioactivity cochromatographed predominantly with the residual enzymatic activity of both enzymes during the first purification steps. Both radioactive proteins were separated and purified to homogeneity. Antibodies raised against the larger protein also exhibited cross-reactivity toward the second smaller protein and removed xanthine dehydrogenase and 2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity up to 80 and 60% from the supernatant of cell extracts, respectively. With use of cell extract, Western immunoblots showed only two bands which correlated exactly with the activity stains for both enzymes after native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Molybdate was absolutely required for incorporation of 185W, formation of cross-reacting material, and enzymatic activity. The latter parameters showed a perfect correlation. This evidence proves that the radioactive proteins were actually xanthine dehydrogenase and 2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase. The apparent molecular weight of the native xanthine dehydrogenase was about 300,000, and that of 2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase was 150,000. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of both enzymes revealed two protein bands corresponding to molecular weights of 55,000 and 25,000. The xanthine dehydrogenase contained at least 1.6 mol of molybdenum, 0.9 ml of cytochrome b, 5.8 mol of iron, and 2.4 mol of labile sulfur per mol of enzyme. The composition of the 2-furoyl-CoA dehydrogenase seemed to be similar, although the stoichiometry was not determined. The oxidation of furfuryl alcohol to furfural and further to 2-furoic acid by Pseudomonas putida Fu1 was catalyzed by two different dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Previously established PCR amplification and Southern hybridization procedures were developed for the isolation of the 0.8-kb flagellin gene in Pseudomonas putida. The deduced protein sequence has significant homology to the N- and C-terminal sequences of other bacterial flagellins. We propose that P. putida flagellin genes can be divided at least into three size groups: type I (2.0 kb), type II (1.4 kb), and type III (0.8 kb). Type I and type II flagellin genes have been reported. The new 0.8-kb type III gene was expressed in E. coli, and the resulting protein was purified and used to raise polyclonal antibody to study whether this small gene encodes flagellin. The antiserum reacted with purified flagellin monomers from representatives of each flagellin type, as well as proteins of the same sizes in lysates of these organisms, on Western immunoblots. This antiserum was determined to be functional in a motility inhibition assay. Similar results were obtained from antiserum directed against purified type III flagellin, indicating that a new type of flagellin gene in P. putida has been found. Preliminary electron microscopic study revealed that P. putida isolate with the smaller flagellin gene type appeared to have a thinner flagellar filament.  相似文献   

Two toluene-sensitive mutants were generated from Pseudomonas putida IH-2000, the first known toluene-tolerant isolate, by Tn5 transposon mutagenesis. These mutants were unable to grow in the presence of toluene (log Pow 2.8) but they could grow in medium overlaid with organic solvents having a log Pow value higher than that of toluene such as p-xylene (log Pow 3.1), cyclohexane (log Pow 3.4) and n-hexane (log Pow 3.9). The Tn5 transposable element knocked out a cyoB-like gene in one mutant and a cyoC-like gene in the other mutant. Seven open reading frames were found in a 5.5-kb region containing the cyoB- and cyoC-like genes of strain IH-2000. ORFs 3–7 showed significant identity to the cyoABCDE gene products of Escherichia coli, but ORFs 1 and 2 showed no significant homology to any protein reported so far. The growth patterns of the Tn5 mutants with the inactivated cyo-like gene were similar to that of the wild-type strain in the absence of organic solvents, although the doubling times were slightly longer than that of the wild-type strain. Our findings indicate that cyo is an important gene for toluene tolerance, although its role is still unclear.  相似文献   

The 1-phosphofructokinase (1-PFK, EC from Pseudomonas putida was partially purified by a combination of (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography. In its kinetic properties, this enzyme resembled the 1-PFK's from other bacteria. With the substrates fructose-1-phosphate (F-1-P) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Michaelis-Menten kinetics were observed, the Km for one substrate being unaffected by a variation in the concentration of the other substrate. At pH 8.0, the Km values for F-1-P and ATP were 1.64 X 10(-4) M and 4.08 X 10(-4) M, respectively. At fixed concentrations of F-1-P and ATP, an increase in the Mg2+ resulted in sigmoidal kinetics. Activity was inhibited by ATP when the ratio of ATP:Mg2+ was greater than 0.5 suggesting that ATP:2 Mg2+ was the substrate and free ATP was inhibitory. Activity of 1-PFK was stimulated by K+ and to a lesser extent by NH4+ and Na+. The reaction rate was unaffected by 2 mM K2HPO4, pyruvate, phosphoenolpyruvate, adenosine monophosphate, adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate, fructose-6-phosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, 6-phosphogluconate, 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate, or citrate. The results indicated that the 1-PFK from P. putida was not allosterically regulated by a number of metabolites which may play an important role in the catabolism of D-fructose.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - Pseudobactin 358 is the yellow-green fluorescent siderophore [microbial iron(III) transport agent] produced by Pseudomonas putida WCS358 under iron-limiting...  相似文献   

During infection, Corynebacterium diphtheriae must compete with host iron-sequestering mechanisms for iron. C. diphtheriae can acquire iron by a siderophore-dependent iron-uptake pathway, by uptake and degradation of heme, or both. Previous studies showed that production of siderophore (corynebactin) by C. diphtheriae is repressed under high-iron growth conditions by the iron-activated diphtheria toxin repressor (DtxR) and that partially purified corynebactin fails to react in chemical assays for catecholate or hydroxamate compounds. In this study, we purified corynebactin from supernatants of low-iron cultures of the siderophore-overproducing, DtxR-negative mutant strain C. diphtheriae C7(β) ΔdtxR by sequential anion-exchange chromatography on AG1-X2 and Source 15Q resins, followed by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) on Zorbax C8 resin. The Chrome Azurol S (CAS) chemical assay for siderophores was used to detect and measure corynebactin during purification, and the biological activity of purified corynebactin was shown by its ability to promote growth and iron uptake in siderophore-deficient mutant strains of C. diphtheriae under iron-limiting conditions. Mass spectrometry and NMR analysis demonstrated that corynebactin has a novel structure, consisting of a central lysine residue linked through its α- and ε- amino groups by amide bonds to the terminal carboxyl groups of two different citrate residues. Corynebactin from C. diphtheriae is structurally related to staphyloferrin A from Staphylococcus aureus and rhizoferrin from Rhizopus microsporus in which d-ornithine or 1,4-diaminobutane, respectively, replaces the central lysine residue that is present in corynebactin.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of Pseudomonas putida R-prime plasmids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of enhanced chromosome mobilizing (ECM) plasmids derived from the wide host range plasmid R68 have been used to construct R-prime plasmids carrying a maximum of two map minutes of the Pseudomonas putida PPN chromosome, using Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO as the recipient. For one ECM plasmid, pMO61, the ability to form R-primes did not correlate with the ability to mobilize chromosomes in intrastrain crosses, suggesting that different mechanisms are involved. Physical analysis of one R-prime showed that 3.5 kb of chromosomal DNA had been inserted between the tandem IS21 sequences carried by the parent ECM plasmid.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas putida DOT-T1E was isolated as a toluene-tolerant strain. We show that it is also able to grow on high concentrations (up to 17 g/liter [123 mM]) of p-hydroxybenzoate (4HBA). Tolerance to this aromatic carboxylic acid (up to 30 g/liter [217 mM]) is improved by preexposing the cells to low 4HBA concentrations; the adaptation process is caused by the substrate itself rather than by products resulting from its metabolism. The mechanisms of 4HBA tolerance seem to involve increased rigidity of the cell membrane as a result of a decrease in the cis/trans ratio of unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, energy-dependent efflux systems seem to operate in the exclusion of 4HBA from the cell membranes.  相似文献   

Y H Lim  K Yokoigawa  N Esaki    K Soda 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(13):4213-4217
We have found that Pseudomonas putida ATCC 17642 cells grown in a medium containing D-threonine as the sole nitrogen source produce an enzyme that catalyzes epimerization of threonine. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of the enzyme reaction in deuterium oxide clearly showed epimerization from L- to D-allo-threonine and also from D- to L-allo-threonine. This is the first example of an enzyme that was clearly shown to epimerize threonine. The enzyme has been purified to homogeneity, which was shown by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme has a molecular weight of about 82,000 and consists of two subunits identical in molecular weight (about 41,000). The enzyme contains 1 mol of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate per mol of subunit as a cofactor, and its absorption spectrum exhibits absorption maxima at 280 and 420 nm. The enzyme catalyzes not only epimerization of threonine by stereoconversion at the alpha position but also racemization of various amino acids, except acidic and aromatic amino acids. The enzyme is similar to amino acid racemase with low substrate specificity (EC in enzymological properties but is distinct from it in the action on threonine.  相似文献   

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