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Brood-guarding (or the continual attendance at the nest by one parent) has been relatively little studied in altricial birds. Parental investment in brood-guarding is often highly variable within a species, and the study of such variability may contribute to the understanding of the functions and regulation of this behaviour and of the trade-offs involved in the choice between attending the nest and leaving to forage. In some colonial birds, it has been found that early nesting pairs attend their chick for longer than later nesting counterparts, giving rise to the synchronisation hypothesis that suggests that early pairs prolong brood-guarding in order to reduce the probability of nest predation by a dilution effect. In this paper, for the first time we test the prediction that burrow-nesting colonial birds subject to little predation pressure should not display a seasonal decline in brood-guarding duration. The growth assistance hypothesis suggests that brood-guarding may allow the provision of frequent small meals and the efficient use of energy by chicks with poor homeothermic capabilities, resulting in improved early chick-growth. Finally, the chick-protection hypothesis predicts that chicks in more exposed nests should be brood-guarded for longer. Data collected at two Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea colonies situated in contrasting environments supported the synchronisation hypothesis, as there was no seasonal trend in brood-guarding duration. Contrary to the growth assistance hypothesis, chicks brood-guarded for longer periods did not have an improved growth (in one colony there was even a negative effect of brood-guarding on early chick development). Finally, we found no difference in brood-guarding between nests with contrasting levels of exposure to potential predators and weather. Despite confirming the prediction of the synchronisation hypothesis, more research is needed to identify the main factors underlying the variability of brood-guarding observed in this and other studies.  相似文献   

Cory’s Shearwater, Calonectris diomedea, is a pelagic seabird that winters in the waters off the state of Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil. Elsewhere, its diet is comprised mostly of fish and cephalopods, but dietary details out of the breeding season are unknown. The present study analysed the diet of Cory’s Shearwater along the coast of Rio Grande do Sul based on the stomach contents of 185 birds found dead during beach surveys between July 1997 and July 1998. Food items were classified taxonomically and non-food items were categorized. The taxa identified included the cephalopods Argonauta nodosa and Histioteuthis sp. and the fish Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Porichthys porosissimus, and Prionotus punctatus. Cephalopods were present in 97% of stomachs and fish in 33% of stomachs. Synthetic materials were found in 81% of stomachs. Our data corroborate the general ideas of Procellariiform diet during migration. The high amount of synthetic materials indicates the pollution of the marine environments of southern Brazil and we call attention to this situation.  相似文献   

Summary Young birds of both species return almost exclusively to their natal colony for breeding and breeders are higly faithful to both partner and territory in subsequent years. There is no or very limited emigration to other colonies which are 2–5 km distant. The consequences of the genetic isolation are discussed: In both species the tendency to form subspecies can be detected. High mortality rates are interpreted as a mean to eliminate any degenerated bird which could result from the close interbreeding in these small and isolated populations.  相似文献   

Seasonal and diel patterns of singing activity of Savis warblers (Locustella luscinioides) were studied in two areas of Central Europe 300 km apart, over a period of 18 years. We assess about 4,600 records of individuals singing. Males were found to exhibit similar singing activity in both study sites. They started to sing after arrival at the beginning of April and peaked from the end of April to the beginning of May. Thereafter, their singing activity was lower but more stable for a relatively long period from mid-May to mid-July. At the end of July, males sang only sporadically and singing activity ceased at the beginning of August. At the beginning and towards the end of the song-period males sang sporadically whereas in the period of the highest singing activity they sang over the entire 24-h period. During the whole song-period, there was a significant difference in singing activity between daylight and the dark (67.2 and 32.8%, respectively). However, the period of daylight was longer. Average singing activity showed similar levels in daylight and the dark with mean numbers of 5.9 and 6.6 males per hour, respectively. Major changes in singing activity were related to the twilight periods. There were distinctive dawn and dusk choruses. In the morning, Savis warblers exhibited similar levels of singing activity over 3 h of the dark before twilight, singing reached its highest level at twilight and 1 h after twilight. During the evening, singing activity reached its highest-level 1 h before twilight, while during twilight it was decreasing, with a considerable decline 1 h after nightfall.  相似文献   

While invertebrate conservation is attracting increased funding and interest, research remains heavily skewed towards ‘flagship’ insect groups like bees and butterflies. This has resulted in a knowledge gap relating to less popular but equally imperilled groups like fleas. Methods for the risk assessment of host specific parasites were used to determine the conservation status of all host specific flea species distributed in Australia. The results indicated one species apparently extinct, two critically endangered, two endangered, and three vulnerable. Based on these results, novel methods for the conservation of threatened fleas are outlined, including the concepts of holistic conservation and the cryptic loss effect.  相似文献   

Among paintings of birds thought to have been bought in 1663 in Nuremberg by Francis Willughby, and now housed in Nottingham University library, is the painting of a bird called Jangle de Languedoc. Unlike some of the other drawings, this particular one was never used by Ray in his Ornithology of Francis Willughby (1678), who had difficulty in identifying the bird. We show here that this painting was not bought in Nuremberg, but that it was obtained by Ray from Sir Thomas Crew, during his stay in Montpellier in 1665. Furthermore, had Ray looked at Gessner (Historiae animalium liber III qui est de avium natura. Christophus Froschoverus, Tiguri, 1555), Aldrovandi (Ornithologiae, tomus alter. Bononiae, apud Franciscum de Franciscis Senensem, 1600), Jonston (Historiae naturalis de avibus libri VI. Matthaeus Merianus, Frankfurt, 1650) and mostly at Charleton (Gualteri Charletoni Exercitationes de Differentiis & Nominibus Animalium. Theatro Sheldoniano, Oxford, 1677), he would have been able to identify the bird of the painting as alchata or “angel”, specifically a pintailed sandgrouse, Pterocles alchata.  相似文献   

Anti-predatory behaviour is widespread among a broad range of animal taxa, including birds. Nest defence is not without risk, however, and parent birds face a trade-off between the survival of their offspring and the risk of injury or mortality to themselves. This study focused on the anti-predator behaviour of the Sabines gull (Xema sabini), a ground-nesting, Arctic breeder. Specifically, we quantified the gulls behavioural response towards natural predators, a human intruder, experimental predator decoys, and a non-predatory decoy. Neither the distance at which nesting Sabines gulls first reacted to natural predators, nor the relative intensity of their response, differed with incubation stage or predator type. However, response behaviour was highly variable among pairs. In response to decoys, Sabines gulls responded strongly towards predatory species, compared with a non-predatory species. The distance at which they first swooped at a human intruder was also variable, and there was no seasonal trend. Sabines gulls were often joined in nest defence by conspecifics, Arctic terns, and shorebirds nesting nearby, although the number of conspecifics involved in attacks was not related to the proximity of neighbouring nests.  相似文献   

Honeybees navigate to a food source using a sky-based compass to determine their travel direction, and an odometer to register how far they have travelled. The past 20 years have seen a renewed interest in understanding the nature of the odometer. Early work, pioneered by von Frisch and colleagues, hypothesized that travel distance is measured in terms of the energy that is consumed during the journey. More recent studies suggest that visual cues play a role as well. Specifically, bees appear to gauge travel distance by sensing the extent to which the image of the environment moves in the eye during the journey from the hive to the food source. Most of the evidence indicates that travel distance is measured during the outbound journey. Accumulation of odometric errors is restricted by resetting the odometer every time a prominent landmark is passed. When making detours around large obstacles, the odometer registers the total distance of the path that is flown to the destination, and not the “bee-line” distance. Finally, recent studies are revealing that bees can perform odometry in three dimensions.  相似文献   

The eggshell of Reeve’s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) collected from the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve in Henan Province, China was studied. By using scanning electron microscopy and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometry, the ultrastructure and elemental composition of the eggshell was determined. The study showed that the average thickness of the surface layer of crystals, the palisade and cone layer, and the eggshell membrane were 20.8, 220.8 and 62.5 μm, respectively, accounting for 6.8%, 72.6% and 20.6% of the total thickness of the eggshell. There were many vesicular holes in the palisade layer with an average diameter of 0.32 ± 0.08 μm (n = 30). The function of these holes might be significant to air exchange. The shape of the eggshell pore on the surface layer of crystals is round or elliptical. The fracture surface of the pore is funnel-shaped. Some granules filled the upper part of the eggshell pores. The content of 21 elements in the eggshell of wild and captive Reeve’s pheasants was compared and presented. It indicated that among the elements that made up the eggshell of the wild pheasant, the content of Ca, Mg, P and S was much higher, ω > 1 mg/g, with ω (Ca) being higher than 40% of the eggshell. The contents of Na, Si, Sr, K and Al were ω = 0.1–1 mg/g, while Fe, Zn, Pb, Mn, Cu, V and Ti had lower concentrations (ω = 1–100 μg/g). The ω of Ni, Cr, Co, Se, Cd were lower than 1 μg/g. The elemental composition in the eggshell of the captive Reeve’s pheasant kept in the Dongzhai National Natural Reserve was significantly different from that of the wild species, with a difference of over 20% on S, Cu, Fe, Al, Mn, Si, Sr, Se and Cr. The lower intake of Fe, Mn, Si and Sr on the one hand and the higher intake of S, Cu, Al and Cr on the other hand might be responsible for the low fertility of captive Reeve’s pheasants in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve. In order to ensure that the pheasants are receiving the proper amount of nutrition and to improve their breeding success, the amount of certain elements in the food should be adjusted. Translated from Journal of Beijing Normal University (Natural Science), 2006, 42(1): 78–82 [译自: 北京师范大学学报 (自然科学版)]  相似文献   

This paper concerns an approach to direct collection of eriophyoid salivary secretions, and reports preliminary results on biological assays providing evidence for the presence of plant growth promoting substances in these secretions. Eleven species belonging to the Phytoptidae, Eriophyidae and Diptilomiopidae, characterized by different host–plant interactions, were studied by immersing mites into the following oils: condensate of cedar oil, oil for immersion lenses, two kinds of olive oil, -terpineol, hystolemon, vaseline oil, and soybean oil. Some species secreted small droplets of lipophobic substances at the tip of their mouthparts when they were immersed in objective lens oil. Mite mortality and percentage of secreting specimens depended on the species and the medium used. Aceria caulobia (Nalepa) was selected as the candidate for subsequent study, because this species displayed a higher percentage of secreting mites than the other species and numerous specimens were easily collected by means of an airflow and filtering device. The induced secretions were studied from January to June of 2000, 2001 and 2002. Rapid salivary bioassays were performed during the period of maximum induced secretion in 2001. They were evaluated using a wheat-coleoptile and an excised-radish-cotyledon growth test, respectively, for indole-3-acetic acid-like and cytokinin-like activity. The bioassays suggested the presence of chemicals with plant growth regulatory effects. A brief account of eriophyoid mortality in the oils was also given.  相似文献   

A key question in parent-offspring conflict is if provisioning is controlled primarily by parents or by their offspring, and how this interaction is mediated behaviourally. We recorded the vocalisations of chicks of Corys shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) during feeding sessions in a season with abundant food. Corys shearwater chicks conveyed information about their body condition through begging, and parents were responsive to the level of solicitation. In order to test experimentally for the effects of saturation on begging, we supplemented chicks food. Observational and experimental data both indicated that satiated chicks did not beg, and consequently no feeding occurred. Adults decreased their attendance following the decreased demand of supplemented chicks. We compare the results with data from a poor breeding season. The data suggest that only during the good season was variation in begging large enough to be detected and to serve as a reliable signal to the parents. Our results are in line with the predictions of a recent model indicating that begging signals were most informative to the parents in a context when there was a class of satiated individuals which stand to gain no benefit from the resource (and hence will refrain from signalling).  相似文献   

The problems of delimitation of species of Prosopis originate from the few morphological discontinuities which exist among some of them; some, however, originated as a result of wide distribution of germplasm without proper knowledge of the species, in particular, much material catalogued as P. juliflora, but being of other species, was distributed for reforestation projects worldwide. This work tests the morphological results obtained for P. pallida and P. limensis of the Peruvian–Ecuadorian coast and for P. juliflora of the Caribbean Basin of Colombia and Venezuela utilizing a study of AFLPs and a study of the morphology of plantlets developed in a conventional garden study. The phenogram obtained for the AFLPs demonstrates each of the three species to be a well differentiated cluster and the molecular variance between them is significantly greater than the variance within each species. Study of the plantlets also indicates statistically significant differences for four morphological characters between P. juliflora and the other two species (P. pallida and P. limensis). These results, in addition to the morphological differentiation evident between adult plants of P. pallida and P. limensis and the clear separation of these two species from P. juliflora, corroborate the genetic identity of the three taxa analyzed.  相似文献   

The lack of any effective therapy along with the aging world population anticipates a growth of the worldwide incidence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to more than 100 million cases by 2050. Accumulation of extracellular amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques, intracellular tangles in the brain, and formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) are the major hallmarks of the disease. In the amyloidogenic process, a β-secretase, known as BACE 1, plays a fundamental role in the production of Aβ fragments, and therefore, inhibition of such enzymes represents a major strategy for the rational design of anti-AD drugs. In this work, a series of four multi-target compounds (14), inspired by previously described ionophoric polyphenols, have been synthesized and studied. These compounds have been designed to target important aspects of AD, including BACE 1 enzymatic activity, Aβ aggregation, toxic concentrations of Cu2+ metal ions and/or ROS production. Two other compounds (5 and 6), previously reported by some of us as antimalarial agents, have also been studied because of their potential as multi-target species against AD. Interestingly, compounds 3 and 5 showed moderate to good ability to inhibit BACE 1 enzymatic activity in a FRET assay, with IC50′s in the low micromolar range (4.4?±?0.3 and 1.7?±?0.3?μM, respectively), comparable to other multi-target species, and showing that the observed activity was in part due to a competitive binding of the compounds at the active site of the enzyme. Theoretical docking calculations overall agreed with FRET assay results, displaying the strongest binding affinities for 3 and 5 at the active site of the enzyme. In addition, all compounds selectively interacted with Cu2+ metal ions forming 2:1 complexes, inhibited the production of Aβ-Cu2+ catalyzed hydroxyl radicals up to a ~100% extent, and scavenged AAPH-induced peroxyl radical species comparably to resveratrol, a compound used as reference in this work. Our results also show good anti-amyloidogenic ability: compounds 16 inhibited both the Cu2+-induced and self-induced Aβ(1–40) fibril aggregation to an extent that ranged from 31% to 77%, while they disaggregated pre-formed Aβ(1–40) mature fibrils up to a 37% and a 69% extent in absence and presence of Cu2+, respectively. Cytotoxicity was additionally studied in Tetrahymena thermophila and HEK293 cells, and compared to that of resveratrol, showing that compounds 16 display lower toxicity than that of resveratrol, a well-known non-toxic polyphenol.  相似文献   


Understanding nerve fiber distribution in the jaw bone is important when performing invasive surgical treatments. Both microscopic and macroscopic anatomical techniques have been developed to study innervation. Conventional methods of removing and staining these structures, however, often alter structure and lack reproducibility of the resulting specimens. We sought to optimize Sihler’s staining technique to stain intraosseous nerves in mandibles. Four cadaver specimens were used. The best staining of intraosseous nerve fibers was achieved by using the Plank-Rychlo solution. When the Styrene monomer was used, the resulting transparency was better than that obtained with glycerin under the same conditions. No significant differences were found between Sihler's staining procedure performed according to the conventional method and the procedure in which the second decalcification step was omitted. Our results demonstrate that applying Sihler’s staining technique to bones makes them transparent and allows observation of nerves while preserving the external shape of the bone and maintaining the position of intraosseous nerve fibers. Our findings suggest our Sihler staining method for intraosseous nerve fibers can provide an intermediate resolution between macroscopic and microscopic techniques.  相似文献   

In this study we use mtDNA ND2 gene (1041 bp) to evaluate the relationship between Menzbir’s (Anthus [gustavi] menzbieri) and Pechora (A. [g.] gustavi) pipits. Menzbir’s pipit is listed in the regional Red Data Book as a distinct, rare species with a small range. We obtained 18 Pechora pipit samples from two localities and 8 Menzbir’s pipit samples from a single locality. Sequences of the two taxa appear reciprocally monophyletic and are separated by 6 substitutions (0.6% divergence). Differences between the taxa explained 62.4% of the variation in our dataset. Differences among individuals within localities explained 34.8%, whereas differences between the two Pechora pipit localities explained only 2.8%. Mismatch distributions suggest that unlike the Pechora pipit localities, which either have experienced recent population growth or sustain a stable population size, the Menzbir’s pipit population may be declining. Our results suggest distinct taxonomic and conservation status for the Menzbir’s pipit.  相似文献   

Barium and strontium analyses yield an important perspective on temporal shifts in diet in relation to social and environmental circumstances. This research focuses on reconstructing dietary strategies of individuals in the early medieval (12-13th century) population of Gdańsk on the coast of the Baltic Sea. To describe these strategies where seafood rich in minerals was included in the diet, levels of strontium, barium, calcium and phosphorus were measured in first permanent molars of adult men and women whose remains were excavated from the churchyard in the city centre. Faunal remains from the excavation were analysed as an environmental background with respect to the content of the above-mentioned elements. The impact of diagenesis on the odontological material under study was also determined by an analysis of the soil derived from the grave and non-grave surroundings. For verification of diagenetic processes, the calcium/phosphorus index was used. Strontium, calcium, phosphorus and barium levels were determined with the spectrophotometric method using the latest generation plasma spectrophotometer Elan 6100 ICP-MS. From the results of the analysis of taphonomic parameters such as the soil pH, potential ion exchange in the grave surroundings and the Ca/P ratio, it can be inferred that diagenetic factors had little impact on the studied material. From this pilot study we can conclude that in the early Middle Ages in the Baltic Sea basin, seafood was included in the diet from early childhood and at the same time the diet contained calcium-rich milk products (also rich in minerals). The lack of sex differences may indicate the absence of a sex-specific nutritional strategy in childhood and early adolescence.  相似文献   

Complete retinal regeneration occurs after the removal of the whole tissue in mature Xenopus laevis, as well as in the newt. Here, we produced F1 and F2 lines of transgenic X. laevis containing an EGFP gene under a translation elongation factor 1‐α (ef1‐α) promoter and investigated how the gene is reactivated in retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells when the neural retina (NR) is removed. The results showed that EGFP expression is reduced in the adult ocular tissues of nonmanipulated transgenic animals, and EGFP‐expressing cells are occasionally found heterogeneously in the lens, NR and RPE tissues. During retinal regeneration, the EGFP gene is reactivated in the RPE and ciliary marginal cells. Transgenic animals were also used for a transplant study because of the genetic marker of the donor tissue. Transplanted RPE clearly transdifferentiated to regenerate the retina in the ocular chamber. This study is, to our knowledge, the first report of a transgenic study of amphibian retinal regeneration, and the approach is promising for future molecular analyses. genesis 50:642–650, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Food consumption causes distinct microwear patterns on teeth, especially in mammals that actively masticate food. Here we perform a microwear analysis to assess the relationships between diet and microwear features of diverse Carnivora. Our database includes approximately 230 individuals of 17 extant species having different diets. We analyse both slicing and grinding facets of M1 and m1. The proposed method is reproducible and allows the differentiation, especially on slicing facets, of microwear poles that are significantly distinct from one another. In carnivorans, the microwear features mainly result from their foraging behavior and the proportion of certain food items consumed. We applied our method to extinct taxa such as the amphicyonid Amphicyon major. The results on the m1 slicing facet indicate dietary similarities between this large Miocene predator and the extant red fox; results from the m1 grinding facet do not have equivalent in extant taxa, however.  相似文献   

The breeding biology of the endemic Coquerel’s Coua (Coua coquereli), a non-parasitic cuckoo species for which few ecological data are available, was studied in the dry deciduous forest of western Madagascar. Nestling C. coquereli remain in the nest for only a short time after hatching. At approximately 9 days old and still unable to fly, they were observed to leave the nest and then remained on the ground where they were fed by both parents. This behaviour is probably a strategy used to reduce nestling predation.  相似文献   

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