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Burak Erman 《Proteins》2015,83(5):805-808
Binding of a ligand on a protein changes the flexibility of certain parts of the protein, which directly affects its function. These changes are not the same at each point, some parts become more flexible and some others become stiffer. Here, an equation is derived that gives the stiffness map for proteins. The model is based on correlations of fluctuations of pairs of points in proteins, which may be evaluated at different levels of refinement, ranging from all atom molecular dynamics to general elastic network models, including the simplest case of isotropic Gaussian Network Model. The latter is used, as an example, to evaluate the changes of stiffness upon dimerization of ACK1. Proteins 2015; 83:805–808. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The insulin and insulin‐like growth factor 1 receptors activate overlapping signalling pathways that are critical for growth, metabolism, survival and longevity. Their mechanism of ligand binding and activation displays complex allosteric properties, which no mathematical model has been able to account for. Modelling these receptors’ binding and activation in terms of interactions between the molecular components is problematical due to many unknown biochemical and structural details. Moreover, substantial combinatorial complexity originating from multivalent ligand binding further complicates the problem. On the basis of the available structural and biochemical information, we develop a physically plausible model of the receptor binding and activation, which is based on the concept of a harmonic oscillator. Modelling a network of interactions among all possible receptor intermediaries arising in the context of the model (35, for the insulin receptor) accurately reproduces for the first time all the kinetic properties of the receptor, and provides unique and robust estimates of the kinetic parameters. The harmonic oscillator model may be adaptable for many other dimeric/dimerizing receptor tyrosine kinases, cytokine receptors and G‐protein‐coupled receptors where ligand crosslinking occurs.  相似文献   

Haruta N  Aki M  Ozaki S  Watanabe Y  Kitagawa T 《Biochemistry》2001,40(23):6956-6963
Conformational change of myoglobin (Mb) accompanied by binding of a ligand was investigated with 244 nm excited ultraviolet resonance Raman Spectroscopy (UVRR). The UVRR spectra of native sperm whale (sw) and horse (h) Mbs and W7F and W14F swMb mutants for the deoxy and CO-bound states enabled us to reveal the UVRR spectra of Trp7, Trp14, and Tyr151 residues, separately. The difference spectra between the deoxy and CO-bound states reflected the environmental or structural changes of Trp and Tyr residues upon CO binding. The W3 band of Trp7 near the N-terminus exhibited a change upon CO binding, while Trp14 did not. Tyr151 in the C-terminus also exhibited a definite change upon CO binding, but Tyr103 and Tyr146 did not. The spectral change of Tyr residues was characterized through solvent effects of a model compound. The corresponding spectral differences between CO- and n-butyl isocyanide-bound forms were much smaller than those between the deoxy and CO-bound forms, suggesting that the conformation change in the C- and N-terminal regions is induced by the proximal side of the heme through the movement of iron. Although the swinging up of His64 upon binding of a bulky ligand is noted by X-ray crystallographic analysis, UVRR spectra of His for the n-butyl isocyanide-bound form did not detect the exposure of His64 to solvent.  相似文献   

The dynamical effect of eliminating specific tertiary H-bonds in the hemoglobin (Hb) tetramer has been investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and time-resolved absorption and ultraviolet resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy. The Trp alpha 14...Thr alpha 67 and Trp beta 15...Ser beta 72 H-bonds connect the A and E helices in the alpha and beta chains, and are proposed to break in the earliest protein intermediate (Rdeoxy) following photo-deligation of HbCO, along with a second pair of H-bonds involving tyrosine residues. Mutation of the acceptor residues Thr alpha 67 and Ser beta 72 to Val and Ala eliminates the A-E H-bonds, but has been shown to have no significant effect on ligand-binding affinity or cooperativity, or on spectroscopic markers of the T-state quaternary interactions. However, the mutations have profound and unexpected effects on the character of the Rdeoxy intermediate, and on the dynamics of the subsequent steps leading to the T state. Formation of the initial quaternary contact (RT intermediate) is accelerated, by an order of magnitude, but the locking-in of the T state is delayed by a factor of 2. These rate effects are essentially the same for either mutation, or for the double mutation, suggesting that the alpha beta dimer behaves as a mechanically coupled dynamical unit. Further evidence for intra-dimer coupling is provided by the Rdeoxy UVRR spectrum, in which either or both mutations eliminate the tyrosine difference intensity, although only tryptophan H-bonds are directly affected. A possible mechanism for mechanical coupling is outlined, involving transmission of forces through the alpha(1)beta(1) (and alpha(2)beta(2)) interface. The present observations establish that quaternary motions can occur on the approximately 100 ns time-scale. They show also that a full complement of interhelical H-bonds actually slows the initial quaternary motion in Hb, but accelerates the locking in of the T-contacts.  相似文献   

Insulin signal transmission through the plasma membrane was studied in terms of relationship between basal autophosphorylation of the β-subunit and the ability by bind insulin by the -subunit of the insulin receptor. In a cell free system, receptors phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in the absence of insulin were separated from non-phosphorylated receptors using antiphosphotyrosine antibodies. Insulin binding assays were then performed on basally autophosphorylated and on non-phosphorylated receptors. We found that the tyrosine phosphorylated receptors, which corresponded to 25% of the total number of receptors, were accountable for 60–80% of insulin binding. Scatchard representation of binding data has shown that the plot corresponding to tyrosine phosphorylated receptors was localized above, and was steeper than the plot corresponding to non-phosphorylated receptors. These data make it likely that the conformation of -subunit which favours ligand binding is connected to the conformation of β-subunit which favours phosphate reception on tyrosine residues. Reciprocally, the high-affinity conformation of insulin receptor seems to become stabilized by basal autophosphorylation.  相似文献   

A popular approach to the computational modeling of ligand/receptor interactions is to use an empirical free energy like model with adjustable parameters. Parameters are learned from one set of complexes, then used to predict another set. To improve these empirical methods requires an independent way to study their inherent errors. We introduce a toy model of ligand/receptor binding as a workbench for testing such errors. We study the errors incurred from the two state binding assumption--the assumption that a ligand is either bound in one orientation, or unbound. We find that the two state assumption can cause large errors in free energy predictions, but it does not affect rank order predictions significantly. We show that fitting parameters using data from high affinity ligands can reduce two state errors; so can using more physical models that do not use the two state assumption. We also find that when using two state models to predict free energies, errors are more severe on high affinity ligands than low affinity ligands. And we show that two state errors can be diagnosed by systematically adding new binding modes when predicting free energies: if predictions worsen as the modes are added, then the two state assumption in the fitting step may be at fault.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that knowledge of structure alone is not sufficient to understand the fundamental mechanism of biomolecular recognition. Information of dynamics is necessary to describe motions involving relevant conformational states of functional importance. We carried out principal component analysis (PCA) of structural ensemble, derived from 84 crystal structures of human serum albumin (HSA) with different ligands and/or different conditions, to identify the functionally important collective motions, and compared with the motions along the low-frequency modes obtained from normal mode analysis of the elastic network model (ENM) of unliganded HSA. Significant overlap is observed in the collective motions derived from PCA and ENM. PCA and ENM analysis revealed that ligand selects the most favored conformation from accessible equilibrium structures of unliganded HSA. Further, we analyzed dynamic network obtained from molecular dynamics simulations of unliganded HSA and fatty acids- bound HSA. Our results show that fatty acids-bound HSA has more robust community network with several routes to communicate among different parts of the protein. Critical nodes (residues) identified from dynamic network analysis are in good agreement with allosteric residues obtained from sequence-based statistical coupling analysis method. This work underscores the importance of intrinsic structural dynamics of proteins in ligand recognition and can be utilized for the development of novel drugs with optimum activity.  相似文献   

The causal relationship between protein structural change and ligand binding was classified and annotated for 839 nonredundant pairs of crystal structures in the Protein Data Bank—one with and the other without a bound low-molecular-weight ligand molecule. Protein structural changes were first classified into either domain or local motions depending on the size of the moving protein segments. Whether the protein motion was coupled with ligand binding was then evaluated based on the location of the ligand binding site and by application of the linear response theory of protein structural change. Protein motions coupled with ligand binding were further classified into either closure or opening motions. This classification revealed the following: (i) domain motions coupled with ligand binding are dominated by closure motions, which can be described by the linear response theory; (ii) local motions frequently accompany order-disorder or α-helix-coil conformational transitions; and (iii) transferase activity (Enzyme Commission   number 2) is the predominant function among coupled domain closure motions. This could be explained by the closure motion acting to insulate the reaction site of these enzymes from environmental water.  相似文献   

The protein design rules for engineering allosteric regulation are not well understood. A fundamental understanding of the determinants of ligand binding in an allosteric context could facilitate the design and construction of versatile protein switches and biosensors. Here, we conducted extensive in vitro and in vivo characterization of the effects of 285 unique point mutations at 15 residues in the maltose‐binding pocket of the maltose‐activated β‐lactamase MBP317‐347. MBP317‐347 is an allosteric enzyme formed by the insertion of TEM‐1 β‐lactamase into the E. coli maltose binding protein (MBP). We find that the maltose‐dependent resistance to ampicillin conferred to the cells by the MBP317‐347 switch gene (the switch phenotype) is very robust to mutations, with most mutations slightly improving the switch phenotype. We identified 15 mutations that improved switch performance from twofold to 22‐fold, primarily by decreasing the catalytic activity in the absence of maltose, perhaps by disrupting interactions that cause a small fraction of MBP in solution to exist in a partially closed state in the absence of maltose. Other notable mutations include K15D and K15H that increased maltose affinity 30‐fold and Y155K and Y155R that compromised switching by diminishing the ability of maltose to increase catalytic activity. The data also provided insights into normal MBP physiology, as select mutations at D14, W62, and F156 retained high maltose affinity but abolished the switch's ability to substitute for MBP in the transport of maltose into the cell. The results reveal the complex relationship between ligand binding and allostery in this engineered switch.  相似文献   

Sortase enzymes are vitally important for the virulence of gram‐positive bacteria as they play a key role in the attachment of surface proteins to the cell wall. These enzymes recognize a specific sorting sequence in proteins destined to be displayed on the surface of the bacteria and catalyze the transpeptidation reaction that links it to a cell wall precursor molecule. Because of their role in establishing pathogenicity, and in light of the recent rise of antibiotic‐resistant bacterial strains, sortase enzymes are novel drug targets. Here, we present a study of the prototypical sortase protein Staphylococcus aureus Sortase A (SrtA). Both conventional and accelerated molecular dynamics simulations of S. aureus SrtA in its apo state and when bound to an LPATG sorting signal (SS) were performed. Results support a binding mechanism that may be characterized as conformational selection followed by induced fit. Additionally, the SS was found to adopt multiple metastable states, thus resolving discrepancies between binding conformations in previously reported experimental structures. Finally, correlation analysis reveals that the SS actively affects allosteric pathways throughout the protein that connect the first and the second substrate binding sites, which are proposed to be located on opposing faces of the protein. Overall, these calculations shed new light on the role of dynamics in the binding mechanism and function of sortase enzymes.  相似文献   

The conformational change observed upon ligand binding and phosphorylation for the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A-PKA) is of high importance for the regulation of its activity. We calculate pKa values and net charges for 18 3D structures of PKA in various conformations and liganded states to examine the role of electrostatics in ligand binding and activation. We find that the conformational change of PKA takes place without any significant net proton uptake/release at all pH values, thus indicating that PKA has evolved to reduce any pH-dependent barriers to the conformational motion. We furthermore find that the binding of ligands induces large changes in the net charge of PKA at most pH values, but significantly, we find that the net charge difference at physiological pH is close to zero, thus indicating that the active-site pKa values have been preorganized for substrate binding. We are unable to unequivocally resolve the identity of the groups responsible for determining the pH-activity profile of PKA but speculate that the titration of Lys 168 or the titration of ATP itself could be responsible for the loss of activity at high pH values. Finally, we examine the effect of point mutations on the pKa values of the PKA catalytic residues and find these to be relatively insensitive to both noncharge-altering and charge-altering mutations.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena pyriformis GL was starved for 24 h and then the immunologically demonstrable insulin content and FITC-insulin binding were measured by flow cytometry and localization was studied by confocal microscopy. The amount of endogeneous insulin as well as FITC insulin binding, was highly significantly elevated. Glucose feeding for 30 min abolished the elevation of FITC-insulin binding. In starved cells, insulin-binding sites disappeared from the surface and FITC-insulin was bound inside the cells, within large food vacuoles. Endogeneous insulin was dispersed in the cytoplasm both in the control and starved cells and food vacuoles did not contain it. The results call attention to the stimulatory effect of starvation on insulin production in Tetrahymena, in parallel with the internal storage of insulin receptors, which points to an autocrine mechanism.  相似文献   

Human adipocytes from patients with chronic endogenous hypercortisolism (Cushing's syndrome) showed a statistically significant decrease in insulin binding at low unlabelled-insulin concentrations but no change in receptor numbers (Cushing's 180,000±48,000 (3) receptors/cell and controls 189,000±30,000 (7)) together with a fourfold decrease in apparent receptor affinity (ED50: Cushing's 2.25×10–9 M and controls 0.57×10–9 M) and a decreased sensitivity to the antilipolytic effect of insulin. These events could represent the final situation of a chronic and endogenous regulation by high levels of cortisol of insulin receptors in human adipose tissue.  相似文献   

A hypothesis concerning two distinct classes of amino acid residues in some regulatory binding sites is proposed. The affinity residues are those that are unable to transduce the ligand information signal but are responsible for overcoming the barrier for the attachment of a ligand to its binding site while the effector residues transfer the binding signal to the other functional part of the protein, which then undergoes a non-equilibrium energetic cycle induced by interaction with the ligand.As an example, the purine nucleotide inhibition of H+ transport through the uncoupling protein of brown adipose tissue mitochondria is discussed; there is a concentration range in which the nucleotide is bound but does not inhibit H+ transport. This is interpreted in terms of inaccessibility of the effector residues inducing H+ transport inhibition below a certain threshold concentration.  相似文献   

Yamamoto S  Watarai H 《Chirality》2012,24(2):97-103
The amyloid fibril of bovine insulin and its renaturing intermediates were studied by using Raman optical activity (ROA). In the spectrum of the amyloid, the sharp +/- ROA couplet of amide I band characteristic of the β-sheet-rich proteins was observed, together with a sharp peak at 1271 cm(-1) characteristic of a turn structure. The shoulder ROA peak of the native insulin at ~ 1340 cm(-1), which was assigned to the hydrated α-helix, was not observed in the amyloid, suggesting that the hydrated α-helix was converted to the parallel β-sheet structure in the amyloid. Recovery of the amyloid to the native state was also monitored by ROA. The intermediate states showed distinct features from the amyloid or native ones. The intermediates did not show a characteristic ROA peak of the poly(L-proline) II helix at ~ 1318 cm(-1). The hydrated α-helix ROA peak was not recovered in the intermediate states. In a process of the amyloid formation, at first the hydrated α-helix of the native insulin is converted to a specific partially unfolded structure, and then, it was converted to the parallel β-sheet structure with many turns.  相似文献   

The relationship between the binding function Y and the state function R of an oligomeric protein has been analysed for the general two-state allosteric model. It is shown that this relation is determined by the numerical values of the inherent parameters of the model. The shape of the function Y = f (R) can therefore be strictly concave, strictly convex or inverse sigmoidal according to the conditions. In the two-state allosteric model only a dimeric protein can display a linear relationship between Y and R.In the paper general criteria for the estimation of the state function R from experimentally obtained conformational parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

The steroid hormone 17α‐hydroxylprogesterone (17‐OHP) is a biomarker for congenital adrenal hyperplasia and hence there is considerable interest in development of sensors for this compound. We used computational protein design to generate protein models with binding sites for 17‐OHP containing an extended, nonpolar, shape‐complementary binding pocket for the four‐ring core of the compound, and hydrogen bonding residues at the base of the pocket to interact with carbonyl and hydroxyl groups at the more polar end of the ligand. Eight of 16 designed proteins experimentally tested bind 17‐OHP with micromolar affinity. A co‐crystal structure of one of the designs revealed that 17‐OHP is rotated 180° around a pseudo‐two‐fold axis in the compound and displays multiple binding modes within the pocket, while still interacting with all of the designed residues in the engineered site. Subsequent rounds of mutagenesis and binding selection improved the ligand affinity to nanomolar range, while appearing to constrain the ligand to a single bound conformation that maintains the same “flipped” orientation relative to the original design. We trace the discrepancy in the design calculations to two sources: first, a failure to model subtle backbone changes which alter the distribution of sidechain rotameric states and second, an underestimation of the energetic cost of desolvating the carbonyl and hydroxyl groups of the ligand. The difference between design model and crystal structure thus arises from both sampling limitations and energy function inaccuracies that are exacerbated by the near two‐fold symmetry of the molecule.  相似文献   

The ligand binding and aggregation behavior of cow's milk folate binding protein depends on hydrogen ion concentration and buffer composition. At pH 5.0, the protein polymerizes in Tris-HCl subsequent to ligand binding. No polymerization occurs in acetate, and binding is markedly weaker in acetate or citrate buffers as compared to Tris-HCl. Polymerization of ligand-bound protein was far more pronounced at pH 7.4 as compared to pH 5.0 regardless of buffer composition. Binding affinity increased with decreasing concentration of protein both at pH 7.4 and 5.0. At pH 5.0 this effect seemed to level off at a protein concentration of 10–6 M which is 100–1000 fold higher than at pH 7.4. The data can be interpreted in terms of complex models for ligand binding systems polymerizing both in the absence or presence of ligand (pH 7.4) as well as only subsequent to ligand binding (pH 5.0).  相似文献   

Zhiqiang Yan  Jin Wang 《Proteins》2015,83(9):1632-1642
Solvation effect is an important factor for protein–ligand binding in aqueous water. Previous scoring function of protein–ligand interactions rarely incorporates the solvation model into the quantification of protein–ligand interactions, mainly due to the immense computational cost, especially in the structure‐based virtual screening, and nontransferable application of independently optimized atomic solvation parameters. In order to overcome these barriers, we effectively combine knowledge‐based atom–pair potentials and the atomic solvation energy of charge‐independent implicit solvent model in the optimization of binding affinity and specificity. The resulting scoring functions with optimized atomic solvation parameters is named as specificity and affinity with solvation effect (SPA‐SE). The performance of SPA‐SE is evaluated and compared to 20 other scoring functions, as well as SPA. The comparative results show that SPA‐SE outperforms all other scoring functions in binding affinity prediction and “native” pose identification. Our optimization validates that solvation effect is an important regulator to the stability and specificity of protein–ligand binding. The development strategy of SPA‐SE sets an example for other scoring function to account for the solvation effect in biomolecular recognitions. Proteins 2015; 83:1632–1642. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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