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A new species ofCroton,C. dissectistipulatus, is described from Amazonian Brazil. This species is superficially similar toC. timandroides from northeastern and southeastern Brazil, but differs in having petiolate leaves with glandular margins, persistent stipules, conspicuous racemose inflorescences, staminate flowers having externally glabrous sepals and 3 stamens, and pedicellate pistillate flowers. The systematic position ofC. dissectistipulatus relative to the sections ofCroton is discussed.  相似文献   

Croton campanulatus, a new species from southeastern Brazil in the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, is here described and illustrated. Morphological data indicate that this species belongs to Croton section Cleodora based on its arborescent habit, pistillate flowers with imbricate sepals, reduced petals, and multifid styles that are fused at the base.  相似文献   

Summary   Croton imbricatus L. R. Lima & Pirani from Bahia, C. muellerianus L. R. Lima from Paraná and C. pygmaeus L. R. Lima from Rio Grande do Sul are described and illustrated. They are included in Croton section Lamprocroton (Müll. Arg.) Pax because they are much branched subshrubs or shrubs, bearing leaves with a lepidote indumentum (at least in part), inflorescences lacking bisexual cymules, and pistillate flowers with bifid styles.
Résumé   Croton imbricatus L. R. Lima & Pirani da Bahia, C. muellerianus L. R. Lima do Paraná e C. pygmaeus L. R. Lima do Rio Grande do Sul s?o descritas e ilustradas. Elas s?o representantes de Croton section Lamprocroton (Müll. Arg.) Pax e tal posicionamento sistemático é devido ao hábito arbustivo ou subarbustivo bastante ramificado, com indumento da folhagem lepidoto pelo menos em parte, inflorescências sem címulas bissexuadas e flores pistiladas com estiletes uma vez bífidos.

Pinus georginae is described and illustrated as a new endemic species from the valleys in the southern basin of Río Ameca, Jalisco, western Mexico. It is closely related to Pinus praetermissa; however, after studying the cones and anatomy of the leaves in detail, characteristics were revealed that identify P. georginae as a distinct species.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra Pinus georginae como una especie nueva, endémica de algunos valles intermontanos al sur del Río Ameca, Jalisco, en el Occidente de México. Los árboles se parecen a Pinus praetermissa; sin embargo, al estudiar con detalle los conos y la anatomía de las acículas lo ubican a Pinus georginae como una entidad biológica con categoría específica independiente.

Zapoteca quichoi, a new species endemic to southern Tabasco, Mexico, is described and illustrated. This species exhibits morphological characteristics that place it within subgenus Amazonica, together with Z. amazonica and Z. microcephala, from Peru and Colombia, respectively.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra Zapoteca quichoi (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae), una nueva especie de Tabasco, México. Esta especie exhibe características morfológicas que la ubican dentro del subgénero Amazonica, junto con Z. amazonica y Z. microcephala, especies nativas de Perú y Colombia respectivamente.

Emily J. Lott 《Brittonia》1987,39(2):302-305
Croton chamelensis Lott, known from the Estación de Biología, Chamela, Jalisco, and surrounding area, is described and illustrated. It appears to be most closely related to C. ramillatus Croizat of Veracruz.  相似文献   

Tigridia amatlanensis is described and illustrated as a new species from Mexico. It is recognized by its nodding flowers and its inner and outer tepals cirrhous and markedly dimorphic in length. It is most closely related toT. hallbergii subsp.hallbergii andT. meleagris. Other morphologically similar species areT. catarinensis andT. molseediana.  相似文献   

Stenocereus zopilotensis Arreola-Nava and Terrazas, a new species from the Zopilote Canyon, municipality of Zumpango del Rio in the center of the state of Guerrero (Mexico), is described and illustrated. This new species is compared toStenocereus quevedonis J. G. Ortega,S. fricii Sánchez-Mej., andS. pruinosus (Otto) Buxb. based on morphological similarity. Moreover, the new species grows sympatrically withS. pruinosus.  相似文献   

Symplocos pachycarpa is described as new, and an illustration is provided. This species grows in cloud forests and oak-pine forests of Oaxaca and Guerrero, Mexico, and is most similar toS. citrea. A key is provided to distinguishS. pachycarpa from related Mexican species.  相似文献   

Verbesina barrancae, a new species of Compositae (Heliantheae) from Jalisco, México, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar toVerbesina crocata but differs in characteristics of inflorescence, anthers, and achenes as well as in form of pollen, size and number of spinules, size of colpus transversalis, and index of polar area.  相似文献   

Astragalus mario-sousae is described from the central part of state of Nuevo León, Mexico. It differs fromAstragalus esperanzae by its habit, peduncles, pedicels, and fruits.
Resumen   Astragalus mario-sousae (Fabaceae: Galegeae), a new species from northeastern Mexico. Brittonia 57: 314–319. 2005.—Astragalus mario-sousae es propuesta como especie nueva. Se conoce solo de la porción central del estado mexicano de Nuevo León. Se presentan una descripción e ilustración. Difiere deAstragalus esperanzae por su hábito erecto, pedúnculos, pedicelos y frutos más cortos.

Caesalpinia oyamae, a new species from the Río Balsas Depression, Mexico, is described and illustrated based on morphological evidence. It is similar toCaesalpinia hintonii, and grows in seasonally dry forests, between 500–1490 m.  相似文献   

Carol A. Todzia 《Brittonia》1999,51(3):255-279
Ten new species of Tibouchina (T. almedae, T. congestiflora, T. connata, T. hintonii, T. macvaughii, T. nanifolia, T. patens, T. roseotincta, T. sinaloensis, andT. thulia) are described from western Mexico. Distinguishing characteristics, phenology, distribution, and phylogenetic relationships are discussed. Illustrations of all these new species are provided.  相似文献   

During a revisionary study ofSpigelia, three new species from Mexico were discovered. Two of these new species appear to be narrow endemics, one in the state of Chiapas and one in the state of Guerrero, and the third is more widespread in Mexico and Guatemala. These new species are described, illustrated, and distinguished from other North AmericanSpigelias.  相似文献   

Calliandra dolichopoda and C. cualensis, two species endemic to Guerrero and Jalisco, Mexico, respectively, are described and illustrated. Both species appear to be closely related to C. hirsuta.
Resumen  Se describen e ilustran Calliandra dolichopoda y C. cualensis, dos especies endémicas de Guerrero y Jalisco, México, respectivamente. Ambas especies parecen estar relacionadas con C. hirsuta.

A new species from the Mexican state of Morelos, Malaxis lyonnetii, is described and illustrated. It is similar to M. lepanthiflora but is distinguished by its much smaller flowers, distally uncinate basal lip lobes, and entire, rounded apical lip lobe.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra a Malaxis lyonnetii, una nueva especie del estado mexicano de Morelos. Esta especie es similar a M. lepanthiflora, de la que se distingue por las flores mucho menores, los lóbulos basales del labelo distalmente uncinados y el lóbulo apical del labelo entero y redondeado.

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