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Brownian adhesive dynamics (BRAD) is a new method for simulating the attachment of viruses to cell surfaces. In BRAD, the motion of the virus is subject to stochastic bond formation and breakage, and thermal motion owing to collisions from the solvent. In the model, the virus is approximated as a rigid sphere and the cell surface is approximated as a rigid plane coated with receptors. In this article, we extend BRAD to allow for the mobility of receptors in the plane of the membrane, both before and after they are ligated by viral attachment proteins. Allowing the proteins to move within the membrane produced several differences in behavior from when the receptors are immobilized. First, the mean steady-state bond number is unaffected by changes in cellular receptor density because proteins are now free to diffuse into the contact area, and the extent of binding is dictated by the availability of viral attachment proteins. Second, the time required to reach steady-state binding increases as both the cellular receptor number decreases and the receptor mobility decreases. This is because receptor diffusion is a slower process than the binding kinetics of the proteins. Decreasing the rate of protein binding was found to decrease the fraction of viruses bound to steady state, but not the extent of binding for those viruses that were bound. Increasing the binding rate increased the fraction of viruses bound, until no further viruses could bind. Alterations in receptor binding kinetics had no discernable effect on the mean steady-state bond number between virus and cell, because interactions were of sufficiently high affinity that all available receptor-viral attachment proteins were destined to bind at steady state.  相似文献   

The rates of membrane processes like transport, hormone action and enzyme reaction depend on the prevailing temperature. Arrhenius plots of such rates show a break at the phase transition temperature. We have very little insight into the molecular mechanism of the effect of phase transition on the membrane phenomena. In general above this temperature there is an onset of two dimensional mobility of the surface sites. Here, we point out that the binding of ligands to these sites should then be described by an adsorption isotherm appropriate for mobile rather than fixed sites. This introduces an additional factor in the rate equation, which correlates well with the observed changes in the rates at membrane sites on gel to liquid crystalline transition.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors are known to form homo-and heteromers at the plasma membrane, but the molecular properties of these oligomers are relatively unknown. Here, we show a method that allows the diffusion of G protein-coupled receptors oligomers in the plasma membrane to be monitored in single cells by combining Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation and Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. With this approach we have measured, for the first time, the membrane diffusional characteristics of adenosine A(1) and A(2A) receptor homo-and heterodimers in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells. Interestingly, both homodimers display similar diffusion co-efficients (D) when expressed in living cells (D=5.0 and 4.8x10(-9) cm(2)/s, respectively) but the heterodimer formed by these receptors exhibit a significantly faster plasma membrane diffusion co-efficent (D=5.6x10(-9) cm(2)/s) when compared to the adenosine A(1) receptor tagged with the full-length yellow fluorescent protein (D=4.0x10(-9) cm(2)/s). Overall, these results demonstrate differences in plasma membrane diffusion between adenosine receptor homo-and heterodimers, providing new insights into the molecular plasticity of G protein-coupled receptor oligomerization.  相似文献   

Observing membrane protein diffusion at subnanometer resolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Single sodium-driven rotors from a bacterial ATP synthase were embedded into a lipid membrane and observed in buffer solution at subnanometer resolution using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Time-lapse AFM topographs show the movement of single proteins within the membrane. Subsequent analysis of their individual trajectories, in consideration of the environment surrounding the moving protein, allow principal modes of the protein motion to be distinguished. Within one trajectory, individual proteins can undergo movements assigned to free as well as to obstacled diffusion. The diffusion constants of these two modes of motion are considerably different. Without the structural information about the membrane environment restricting the moving proteins, it would not be possible to reveal insight into these mechanisms. The high-resolution AFM topographs suggest that, in future studies, such data revealed under various physiological conditions will provide novel insights into molecular mechanisms that drive membrane protein assembly and supply excellent boundary conditions to model protein-protein arrangements.  相似文献   

Transformation of a contact between axon and dendrite into a synapse is accompanied by accumulation of the synaptic machinery at this site, being delivered in intracellular organelles mainly of TGN origin. Here, we report that in cultured hippocampal neurons, TGN organelles are linked via spectrin to clusters of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) in the plasma membrane. These complexes are translocated along neurites and trapped at sites of initial neurite-to-neurite contacts within several minutes after initial contact formation. The accumulation of TGN organelles at contacts with NCAM-deficient neurons is reduced when compared with wild-type cells, suggesting that NCAM mediates the anchoring of intracellular organelles in nascent synapses.  相似文献   

Many cellular reactions involve a reactant in solution binding to or dissociating from a reactant attached to a surface. Most studies assume that the reactions occur on this surface, when in actuality the receptors usually lie in a thin layer on top of it. The effect of this layer is considered, particularly as it relates to the BIAcore™ measurement device, though the results are applicable to biological systems. A dimensionless parameter measuring the strength of the effect of the receptor layer is found. Asymptotic and singular perturbation techniques are used to analyse association and dissociation kinetics, though the effect of the receptor layer need not be small. Linear and nonlinear integral equations result from the analysis; explicit and asymptotic solutions are constructed for physically realizable cases. In addition, effective rate constants are derived that illustrate the combined effects of transport and the receptor layer on the measured rate constants. All these expressions provide a direct way to estimate rate constants from BIAcore™ binding data.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(6):1737-1745
Plasma membrane disruptions are resealed by an active molecular mechanism thought to be composed, in part, of kinesin, CaM kinase, snap- 25, and synaptobrevin. We have used HRP to mark the cytoplasmic site of a mechanically induced plasma membrane disruption. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that vesicles of a variety of sizes rapidly (s) accumulate in large numbers within the cytoplasm surrounding the disruption site and that microvilli-like surface projections overlie this region. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed that tufts of microvilli rapidly appear on wounded cells. Three assays, employing the membrane specific dye FM1-43, provide quantitative evidence that disruption induces Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis involving one or more of the endosomal/lysosomal compartments. Confocal microscopy revealed the presence in wounded cells of cortical domains that were strikingly depleted of FM dye fluorescence, suggesting that a local bolus of exocytosis is induced by wounding rather than global exocytosis. Finally, flow cytometry recorded a disruption-induced increase in cell forward scatter, suggesting that cell size increases after injury. These results provide the first direct support for the hypothesis that one or more internal membrane compartments accumulate at the disruption site and fuse there with the plasma membrane, resulting in the local addition of membrane to the surface of the mechanically wounded cell.  相似文献   

We have developed a model for evaluating the integral intercellular interactions in the “endotheliocyte‐neutrophil” system and have shown the high variability of adhesion contacts in different donors associated with different expression profiles of neutrophils. Two methods (forсe spectroscopy‐spectroscopy and scanning ion‐conductance microscopy) showed a decrease in the rigidity of the membrane‐cytoskeletal complex of neutrophils under the influence of Staphylococcus aureus 2879 M. Adding this strain to the “endotheliocyte‐neutrophil” system caused a statistically significant decrease in the adhesion force and adhesion work, which indicates a change in the expression profile and physicochemical properties of membranes of both types of interacting cells (neutrophils and endotheliocytes).  相似文献   

The membrane skeleton, a network of structural proteins attached to the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane, hinders lateral diffusion of integral proteins. 2. In some types of cells, such as epithelial cells and nerve cells, the obstruction of lateral diffusion by the membrane skeleton is one of the mechanisms by which proteins are localized to domains on the cell surface. 3. The effect of the membrane skeleton on lateral diffusion may involve steric hindrance, transient binding or both. Three pictures of the effect are reviewed, the discrete barrier model, the continuous barrier model and the transient binding model. 4. Experiments to distinguish the models are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant pattern recognition receptor complexes at the plasma membrane   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A key feature of innate immunity is the ability to recognize and respond to potential pathogens in a highly sensitive and specific manner. In plants, the activation of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) elicits a defense programme known as PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI). Although only a handful of PAMP-PRR pairs have been defined, all known PRRs are modular transmembrane proteins containing ligand-binding ectodomains. It is becoming clear that PRRs do not act alone but rather function as part of multi-protein complexes at the plasma membrane. Recent studies describing the molecular interactions and protein modifications that occur between PRRs and their regulatory proteins have provided important mechanistic insight into how plants avoid infection and achieve immunity.  相似文献   

The rate of osmotic hemolysis and the erythrocyte membrane lipid composition has been studied for blood samples obtained from male donors between 18 and 95 years of age. The rate of hemolysis is found to decrease as a function of age while the membrane cholesterol content increases with age. No significant change in the phospholipid content is detected. A causative relationship between the increase in cholesterol and the decrease in rate is inidicated by in vitro experiments which demonstrate an inverse relationship between the cholesterol content and the rate of hemolysis.  相似文献   

The transfer of substances across the interface between water and a membrane or between water and a solvent occurs in series with transport up to and away from the interface. These processes have been difficult to resolve. Recently D. M. Miller (Biochim Biophys Acta 856: 27–35, 1986) has used a moving drop technique to measure the rates of transfer of short-chain alcohols and tritiated water between water andn-octanol. This technique produces equivalent unstirred layers which are less than about 10 m thick. Based on the trends in the observed rates of phase transfer, he proposes that the transfer is limited by the actual interfacial step. If so, water-oil interfacial transfer would be sufficiently slow to limit the rate of permeation of lipid membranes by these substances. It is shown here that the observed rates of phase transfer can be explained quantitatively if they are limited by convection or by diffusion across the combination of 5–10 m unstirred layers both inside and outside the moving drops. For water, comparison of the observed rates with the rate of evaporation from a clean surface, suggests that the interfacial step at the water-octanol interface is not rate-limiting.  相似文献   

The effect of receptor clustering on the diffusion-limited forward rate constant (k+) is studied theoretically by modeling cell surface receptors by hemispheres distributed on a plane. We give both exact results and bounds. The exact results are obtained using an electrostatic analogue and applying the method of the images. Accurate upper bounds on k+ are found from a variational principle.  相似文献   

It is shown that diffusive water permeability of E. coli cell membranes at 4-24 degrees C is in the range from 16.6 to 35.0 microM.s-1, that is close to erythrocyte membrane water permeability, but higher than that of lipid bilayers. Cryoprotectants (DMSO and thiourea) at the concentration of 1.0 M considerably decrease water bacterial membrane permeability. 1.5- and 2-fold, respectively. The obtained results are discussed in relation to two possible water transport ways through pores of the protein nature or lipid bilayer damages.  相似文献   

The control of synaptic inhibition is crucial for normal brain function. More than 20 years ago, glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were shown to be the two major inhibitory neurotransmitters. They can be released independently from different terminals or co-released from the same terminal to activate postsynaptic glycine and GABA(A) receptors. The anchoring protein gephyrin is involved in the postsynaptic accumulation of both glycine and GABA(A) receptors. In lower brain regions, both receptors can be concentrated in synapses, whereas in higher brain regions, glycine receptors are mostly excluded from postsynaptic sites. The activation of glycine and/or GABA(A) receptors determines the strength and precise timing of inhibition. Therefore, tight regulation of postsynaptic glycine versus GABA(A) receptor localization is crucial for optimizing synaptic inhibition in neurons. This review focuses on recent findings and discusses questions concerning the specificity of postsynaptic inhibitory neurotransmitter receptor accumulation during inhibitory synapse formation and development.  相似文献   

One- and two-dimensional models of glutamate diffusion, uptake, and binding in the synaptic cleft were developed to determine if the release of single vesicles of glutamate would saturate NMDA and non-NMDA receptors. Ranges of parameter values were used in the simulations to determine the conditions when saturation could occur. Single vesicles of glutamate did not saturate NMDA receptors unless diffusion was very slow and the number of glutamate molecules in a vesicle was large. However, the release of eight vesicles at 400 Hz caused NMDA receptor saturation for all parameter values tested. Glutamate uptake was found to reduce NMDA receptor saturation, but the effect was smaller than that of changes in the diffusion coefficient or in the number of glutamate molecules in a vesicle. Non-NMDA receptors were not saturated unless diffusion was very slow and the number of glutamate molecules in a vesicle was large. The release of eight vesicles at 400 Hz caused significant non-NMDA receptor desensitization. The results suggest that NMDA and non-NMDA receptors are not saturated by single vesicles of glutamate under usual conditions, and that tetanic input, of the type typically used to induce long-term potentiation, will increase calcium influx by increasing receptor binding as well as by reducing voltage-dependent block of NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

Activation of T cell antigen receptor (TCR) induces tyrosine phosphorylations that mediate the assembly of signaling protein complexes. Moreover, cholesterol-sphingolipid raft membrane domains have been implicated to play a role in TCR signal transduction. Here, we studied the assembly of TCR with signal transduction proteins and raft markers in plasma membrane subdomains of Jurkat T leukemic cells. We employed a novel method to immunoisolate plasma membrane subfragments that were highly concentrated in activated TCR-CD3 complexes and associated signaling proteins. We found that the raft transmembrane protein linker for activation of T cells (LAT), but not a palmitoylation-deficient non-raft LAT mutant, strongly accumulated in TCR-enriched immunoisolates in a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent manner. In contrast, other raft-associated molecules, including protein tyrosine kinases Lck and Fyn, GM1, and cholesterol, were not highly concentrated in TCR-enriched plasma membrane immunoisolates. Many downstream signaling proteins coisolated with the TCR/LAT-enriched plasma membrane fragments, suggesting that LAT/TCR assemblies form a structural scaffold for TCR signal transduction proteins. Our results indicate that TCR signaling assemblies in plasma membrane subdomains, rather than generally concentrating raft-associated membrane proteins and lipids, form by a selective protein-mediated anchoring of the raft membrane protein LAT in vicinity of TCR.  相似文献   

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