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研究两种光照条件下异色瓢虫雄成虫的食饵搜索行为。结果表明:5种刺激均能激发搜索行为由广域型转换为地域集中型;摄食时间越长,GUT值越大,摄食的最后一个食饵大小决定GUT的长短,光照强度对搜索行为影响不大。 相似文献
异色瓢虫幼虫的食物搜索行为 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本试验采用Nakamuta(1982)装置研究两种光照条件下异色瓢虫幼虫的食物搜索行为,结果表明:(1)摄食刺激均能激发搜索行为由广域型转换为地域集中型;(2)摄食时间越长,地域集中型搜索时间(GUT)值越大;(3)摄食的最后一个食饵大小决定GUT的长短;(4)光照对搜索行为有影响;(5)饥饿度对GUT的长短有一定影响。 相似文献
采用培养皿,①承接茶蚜自然分泌蜜露;②惧蜜露浓缩后点于培养皿中心。逐头释放瓢虫于分别胃这2类蜜露的培养皿中心进行生物测定,两个试验均证明:①蜜露强烈地吸引七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫,随着蜜露浓度呈梯并地增大,搜寻时间极显著地延长(P〈0.01);②蜜露可激发瓢虫的搜索行为由广域搜索型转换为地域集中搜索型。前0 ̄5s局限在较小范围内不断地转向,即搜索速度小,转动角度大。七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫 变种最敏感,搜索和 相似文献
七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫四变种成虫对茶蚜蜜露的搜索行为和蜜露的组分分析 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
采用培养皿 ,1承接茶蚜自然分泌蜜露 ;2收集蜜露浓缩后点于培养皿中心。逐头释放瓢虫于分别盛有这 2类蜜露的培养皿中心进行生物测定 ,两个试验均证明 :1蜜露强烈地吸引七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫 ,随着蜜露浓度呈梯度地增大 ,搜寻时间极显著地延长 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ;2蜜露可激发瓢虫的搜索行为由广域搜索型转换为地域集中搜索型。前 0~ 5s局限在较小范围内不断地转向 ,即搜索速度小 ,转动角度大。七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫显明变种最敏感 ,搜索和滞留时间也最长。用高效液相色谱定性定量地分析出蜜露中有茶氨酸等 1 3种氨基酸和蔗糖等 7种糖分。 相似文献
人工扩繁代异色瓢虫卵和成虫最适冷藏条件的探讨 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
探讨了人工扩繁异色瓢虫时卵和成虫的最适冷藏条件。卵的最适保存温度是 1 0℃ ,冷藏 1 5d内孵化率平均在 60 %以上。成虫的最适保存温度是 1 0℃ ,如将刚羽化的成虫直接在该温度下冷藏 ,冷藏 40d时存活率能保持在 5 0 %左右 ;如将刚羽化成虫先在 1 5℃、0L∶2 4D条件下处理 1 6d,然后置于 1 0℃下冷藏 ,经冷藏 70d后存活率接近 1 0 0 % ,冷藏 90d后存活率仍高于 70 %。表明经一定条件下预处理后再冷藏成虫能保持较高的存活率和较长的存活期 ,可满足人工扩繁时对成虫的冷藏要求。 相似文献
越冬代七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫的飞翔能力 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
在室内用飞行磨吊飞技术测定了七星瓢虫和异色瓢虫越冬代自然种群的飞翔能力。个体间飞翔特性差异极大。36.5%的七星瓢虫和23.7%的异色瓢虫每次飞翔都不到30分钟, 而这两种瓢虫中都有累计飞翔20小时以上的个体。最长持续飞翔时间达8小时以上和12小时以上的个体在七星瓢虫中分别为9.4%和1.2%, 在异色瓢虫中分别为21.1%和13.2%。大于30分钟的飞翔累计时间为6小时以上和12小时以上的个体在七星瓢虫中分别为20.0%和7.1%, 异色瓢虫则达47.4%和28.9%。雌性个体在卵发育期间表现出很强的飞翔能力。吊飞124小时, 飞翔能力的最高纪录是, 七星瓢虫累计飞翔22小时27分, 飞翔距离94.464km;异色瓢虫为24小时, 92.550km;飞翔速度都达到2m/秒。 相似文献
Resource distribution can vary greatly in space and time. Consequently, animals should adjust their searching tactics to such
spatio–temporal patterns in accordance with their innate capabilities, or alternatively, they should use a genetically fixed
searching tactic that has been evolved in response to the specific pattern of the food they experience. Using a simulation
model and a genetic algorithm, we show how optimal searching tactics change as a function of food spatial pattern. Searching
tactics for hidden prey can be approximated using the following three components: (1) Extensive search mode (ESM), the type
of movement before encountering a food item; (2) Intensive search mode (ISM), the type of movement after encountering a food
item; and (3) ISM duration. Both ESM and ISM are characterized by movement tortuosity. We show that searching behavior adaptively
changes as a function of food pattern. When food is distributed in a regular pattern, ISM is more directional than ESM, but
under a clumped food pattern, ISM is much more tortuous than ESM. It may suggest that animals with larger spectra of searching
tactics should experience greater variance or seasonal changes in their food pattern than animals with narrow spectra of searching
tactics. Increased forager attack radius diminishes the differences between ESM and ISM, and thus the use of these three components
to model searching in animals with higher attack radii is not appropriate. Increased handling time, which is a surrogate of
reducing habitat profitability results in longer patch residency time as expected by optimal foraging theory. To conclude,
we suggest that using such a combined approach of simulation models and genetic algorithms may improve our understanding of
how extrinsic and intrinsic factors interact to influence searching behavior. 相似文献
Cooperation between Drosophila flies in searching behavior 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In Drosophila melanogaster food search behaviour, groups of flies swarm around and aggregate on patches of food. We wondered whether flies explore their environment in a cooperative way as interactions between individual flies within a population might influence the flies' ability to locate food sources. We have shown that the food search behavior in the fruit fly Drosophila is a two-step process. Firstly, 'primer' flies search the environment and randomly land on different food patches. Secondly, the remaining group of flies move to the most favorable food source and aggregate there. We call this a 'search–aggregation' cycle. Our data demonstrate that flies do not individually assess all available food resources. Rather, social interactions between flies appear to affect their choice of a specific food patch. A genetic analysis of this 'search–aggregation' behavior shows that flies carrying mutations in specific genes (for example, the dunce ( dnc ) gene which codes for a phosphodiesterase) were defective in this search–aggregation behavior when compared to normal flies. Future investigations of the neuronal signaling involved in this behavior will help us to understand the complexities of this aspect of Drosophila social behaviour. 相似文献
【背景】植物挥发物的特性之一就是可变性,多种胁迫因子,如光照、干旱等,均可导致植物挥发物组分与含量发生改变,进而影响天敌搜索猎物的行为。【方法】本试验以杀虫剂作为影响植物挥发物的胁迫因子,利用“Y”形嗅觉仪观测8种杀虫剂处理有蚜烟叶后对异色瓢虫显明变种、显现变型和二斑变型选择行为的影响。【结果】异色瓢虫对健康无蚜烟叶无明显趋性;与洁净空气相比,异色瓢虫对无药剂处理有蚜烟叶的选择率为70%~74%。在氧乐果处理后,异色瓢虫显明变种、显现变型和二斑变型对有蚜烟叶的选择率分别为32%、36%和34%,氟虫腈·高氯处理后,其选择率分别为36%、38%和36%,多杀霉素处理后,其选择率分别为40%、42%和38%,异色瓢虫对这3种杀虫剂处理有蚜烟叶的趋性明显降低;吡虫啉处理后,其选择率分别为64%、62%和60%,啶虫脒处理后,其选择率分别为62%、68%和66%,这2种杀虫剂可略微降低瓢虫的趋性反应;氯氰菊酯处理后,其选择率分别为80%、82%和80%,氯氟氰菊酯处理后,其选择率均为78%,氟氯氰菊酯处理后,其选择率分别为76%、78%和76%,这3种杀虫剂可增强瓢虫的趋性反应。【结论与意义】杀虫剂可能会对烟草挥发物的组分和含量产生影响,但不同的杀虫剂影响效果不同。 相似文献
异色瓢虫与隐斑瓢虫的区别及其色斑型和横脊的频率 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)和隐斑瓢虫H.yedoensis(Takizawa)是亲缘关系很近的姐妹种,在中国(北京到南岭,西至甘肃南部和西藏东部)、日本(北海道以南)和南韩等地同域分布,常常在松树等植物上共存。长期以来,隐斑瓢虫被认为是异色瓢虫的一个异名。有时从外形上很难区分这2种瓢虫,因此对于依据野外数据,分析异色瓢虫色斑型和鞘翅横脊的发生频率及小进化会产生一些错误。本文从没有隐斑瓢虫分布的东北地区的材料及其他数据,报道异色瓢虫的色斑型及鞘翅横脊发生频率。异色瓢虫的花斑型在我国东部地区(从东北至广东北部,西至甘肃和云南)发生率很低,而在新疆西北部发生率较高。鞘翅横脊的发生率从东北佳木斯的98.85%降低到云南大理的78.26%。本文列出了区分这2种瓢虫的形态特征及自然分布。如果鞘翅具横脊,则属于异色瓢虫,但如果标本来自2种瓢虫的共存区,鞘翅没有横脊,鞘翅的斑纹呈花斑型、四窗型或二窗型,则很难从外部形态上对它们进行鉴定。但这2种瓢虫的幼虫很容易区分。本文还提供了2种瓢虫的雄性外生殖器形态图、幼虫和成虫。 相似文献
栗山天牛Massicus raddei (Blessig)是中国栎树类树种的主要蛀干害虫, 在吉林省和辽宁省主要危害蒙古栎Quercus mongolica和辽东栎Quercus liaotungensis的主干, 给当地造成了重大的经济损失和生态灾害。为了明确是否有信息化学物质参与到雄性成虫的配偶搜寻和识别过程中, 采用行为观测笼, 分别对栗山天牛雄虫的视觉和嗅觉作用进行了研究。结果显示: 致盲后的雄虫能进行正常的配偶搜寻和交尾, 而且正常的雄虫对只有视觉刺激而无化学刺激的蜡封雌虫尸体毫无反应, 说明视觉对雄虫搜寻配偶所起的作用很小。切除7节以上鞭节的雄虫交尾次数大大下降, 切除全部9节鞭节的雄虫完全不能实现交尾行为, 而切除全部鞭节的雌虫能正常交尾, 说明雄虫的触角特别是其端部7节鞭节在识别配偶并成功交尾方面起着重要的作用, 并且可能由其感受雌虫所释放的信息化学物质。 相似文献
R. Tourniaire A. Ferran J. Gambier L. Giuge F. Bouffault 《Journal of Insect Behavior》1999,12(4):545-558
To improve the efficiency of the lady beetle H. axyridis as a biological control agent against aphids, a flightless population was obtained by feeding adults with a mutagen and selecting their progeny for nonflying but otherwise morphologically normal individuals. These flightless adults attempted to fly but immediately fell. They softened their fall by opening their elytrae and wings. The inability to fly could result from change in their flying behavior compared to control adults. The flight duration was very much shorter, and the wing beat frequency and, more particularly, the amplitude of the wing beats were clearly lower. More time was spent in the other components of the flight behavior such as wing rotation, wing immobility, and wing folding. The sequence of these patterns differed slightly, due mainly to change in their frequency. The locomotor behavior was not modified by the mutation, which affected only the wing muscles. Searching behavior of mutant adults differed from that of control adults only in that they took longer to encounter and ingest aphids. Nevertheless, the larval growth and reproductive rate remained unchanged. The behavioral and biological features of these flightless adults indicate that it should be possible to use them in biological control programs. 相似文献
试验研究了异色飘虫二-四龄幼虫对桃大尾蚜低龄和高龄若蚜的捕食作用,对低龄若蚜的捕食作用,三龄幼虫的捕食量在猎物密度为40头以上时显著高于二龄幼虫,四龄幼虫的捕食量在猎物密度为70头以上时显著高于三龄幼虫。对高龄若蚜的捕食作用,三龄幼虫的捕食量在猎物密度为20头以上时显著或极显著高于二龄幼虫,四龄幼虫的捕食量在猎物密度为30头以上时显著高于三龄幼虫。异色飘虫二-四龄幼虫对桃大尾蚜低龄和高龄若蚜的捕食功能反应均为HollingⅡ型。用a/Th来评价天敌对害虫的控制能力,异色飘虫蚴虫龄期愈大,对桃大尾蚜控制作用愈强。 相似文献