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The adsorption free energy of charged proteins on mixed membranes, containing varying amounts of (oppositely) charged lipids, is calculated based on a mean-field free energy expression that accounts explicitly for the ability of the lipids to demix locally, and for lateral interactions between the adsorbed proteins. Minimization of this free energy functional yields the familiar nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation and the boundary condition at the membrane surface that allows for lipid charge rearrangement. These two self-consistent equations are solved simultaneously. The proteins are modeled as uniformly charged spheres and the (bare) membrane as an ideal two-dimensional binary mixture of charged and neutral lipids. Substantial variations in the lipid charge density profiles are found when highly charged proteins adsorb on weakly charged membranes; the lipids, at a certain demixing entropy penalty, adjust their concentration in the vicinity of the adsorbed protein to achieve optimal charge matching. Lateral repulsive interactions between the adsorbed proteins affect the lipid modulation profile and, at high densities, result in substantial lowering of the binding energy. Adsorption isotherms demonstrating the importance of lipid mobility and protein-protein interactions are calculated using an adsorption equation with a coverage-dependent binding constant. Typically, at bulk-surface equilibrium (i.e., when the membrane surface is "saturated" by adsorbed proteins), the membrane charges are "overcompensated" by the protein charges, because only about half of the protein charges (those on the hemispheres facing the membrane) are involved in charge neutralization. Finally, it is argued that the formation of lipid-protein domains may be enhanced by electrostatic adsorption of proteins, but its origin (e.g., elastic deformations associated with lipid demixing) is not purely electrostatic.  相似文献   

Phase separation in bimolecular mixed lipid membranes induced by polylysine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We demonstrate, for the first time, polylysine-induced phase separation in a bimolecular lipid membrane of a lecithin/phosphatidylglycerol-mixture by analysing the single channel current fluctuations of gramicidin. The bimodal conductance histograms are direct evidence for the incorporation of the transport system into the two coexisting phases of different composition.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction are used to investigate the influence of surface charges on the structure of ionizable lipid membranes of dimyristoylmethylphosphatidic acid. The membrane surface charge density is regulated by varying the pH of the aqueous phase. Changes of the conformational order of the lipid chains are determined from the intensity of the CC stretch chain vibrations around 1100 cm?1 in a lipid Raman spectrum. In going from an electrical neutral to a negatively charged membrane, the conformational order is reduced by 5% in the ordered and by 9% in the fluid membrane phase, corresponding to 0.6 and 0.8 CC bonds, respectively, which change from a trans to a gauche conformation. The electrostatically induced conformational change is mainly concentrated at the lipid chain ends as indicated by the spectral variations of the 890 cm?1 CH3 rocking band of the chain termini. The X-ray diffraction experiments show that increasing the surface charge density in the ordered membrane phase leads to a lateral expansion of the packing of the lipid polar groups, whereas the packing of the lipid chains in a plane perpendicular to the chain axes remains constant, indicating an increase of the tilt of the lipid chains from δ = 10° (pH 3) to δ = 27° (pH 9).  相似文献   

The effects of increased unsaturation in the sn-2 fatty acyl chain of phosphatidylcholines (PCs) on the lipid lateral diffusion have been investigated by pulsed-field gradient NMR. Macroscopically oriented bilayers containing a monosaturated PC, egg sphingomyelin, and cholesterol (CHOL) have been studied at temperatures between 0 degrees C and 60 degrees C, and the number of double bonds in the PC was one, two, four, or six. For PC bilayers, with and without the incorporation of egg sphingomyelin and CHOL, the lateral diffusion increased with increasing number of double bonds, as a consequence of the increased headgroup area caused by the unsaturation. Addition of CHOL caused a decrease in lipid diffusion due to the condensing effect of CHOL on the headgroup area. Phase separation into large domains of liquid-disordered and liquid-ordered phases were observed in the ternary systems with PCs containing four and six double bonds, as evidenced by the occurrence of two lipid diffusion coefficients. PC bilayers with one or two double bonds appear homogeneous on the length scales probed by the experiment, but the temperature dependence of the diffusion suggests that small domains may be present also in these ternary systems.  相似文献   

Fluid membranes containing charged lipids enhance binding of oppositely charged proteins by mobilizing these lipids into the interaction zone, overcoming the concomitant entropic losses due to lipid segregation and lower conformational freedom upon macromolecule adsorption. We study this energetic-entropic interplay using Monte Carlo simulations and theory. Our model system consists of a flexible cationic polyelectrolyte, interacting, via Debye-Hückel and short-ranged repulsive potentials, with membranes containing neutral lipids, 1% tetravalent, and 10% (or 1%) monovalent anionic lipids. Adsorption onto a fluid membrane is invariably stronger than to an equally charged frozen or uniform membrane. Although monovalent lipids may suffice for binding rigid macromolecules, polyvalent counter-lipids (e.g., phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate), whose entropy loss upon localization is negligible, are crucial for binding flexible macromolecules, which lose conformational entropy upon adsorption. Extending Rosenbluth's Monte Carlo scheme we directly simulate polymer adsorption on fluid membranes. Yet, we argue that similar information could be derived from a biased superposition of quenched membrane simulations. Using a simple cell model we account for surface concentration effects, and show that the average adsorption probabilities on annealed and quenched membranes coincide at vanishing surface concentrations. We discuss the relevance of our model to the electrostatic-switch mechanism of, e.g., the myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate protein.  相似文献   

F J?hnig  K Harlos  H Vogel  H Eibl 《Biochemistry》1979,18(8):1459-1468
The changes in bilayer structure induced by surface charges in the case of an ionizable lipid were studied by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and film-balance measurements. With increasing surface charge in the ordered phase, the X-ray results show a decrease in bilayer thickness, whereas the hydrocarbon chain packing stays essentially constant, the Raman data signify that the internal chain ordering does not change, and the monolayer studies show a lateral expansion of the bilayer. These results are interpreted in terms of a tilt of the chains caused by the surface charges on the polar heads. The tilt angle between the direction of the chains and the bilayer normal is obtained by a detailed theoretical evaluation. The tilt allows for a better understanding of the electrostatically induced shift of the phase transition temperature and of the shift induced by the binding of water in the case of lecithin in contrast ethanolamine.  相似文献   

The study of the interaction of biosurfactants with biological membranes is of great interest in order to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms of their biological actions. In this work we report on the interaction of a bacterial trehalose lipid produced by Rhodococcus sp. with phosphatidylcholine membranes. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements show a good miscibility of the glycolipid in the gel state and immiscibility in the fluid state, suggesting domain formation. These domains have been visualized and characterized, for the first time, by scanning force microscopy. Incorporation of trehalose lipid into phosphatidylcholine membranes produces a small shift of the antisymmetric stretching band toward higher wavenumbers, as shown by FTIR, which indicates a weak increase in fluidity. The C=O stretching band shows that incorporation of trehalose lipid increases the proportion of the dehydrated component in mixtures with the three phospholipids at temperatures below and above the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition. This dehydration effect is also supported by data on the phospholipid P=O stretching bands. Small-angle X-ray diffraction measurements show that in the samples containing trehalose lipid the interlamellar repeat distance is larger than in those of pure phospholipids. These results are discussed within the frame of trehalose lipid domain formation, trehalose lipid/phospholipid interactions and its relevance to membrane-related biological actions.  相似文献   

Experimental results on the effect of electrostatics on bilayer phase transitions are compared with corresponding data for monolayers and the predictions of electrical double layer theory. The two substantial conclusions which emerge are that: (i) double layer theory based on a continuous surface charge distribution cannot explain all the relevant data, a situation which may be improved by taking into account the discrete nature of the surface charge distribution; (ii) the crystal - liquid crystal phase transition of charged bilayer membranes is always a continuous one which takes place through an intermediate state consisting of both fluid and frozen domains.  相似文献   

Collado MI  Goñi FM  Alonso A  Marsh D 《Biochemistry》2005,44(12):4911-4918
Interactions of palmitoylsphingomyelin with cholesterol in multilamellar vesicles have been studied over a wide range of compositions and temperatures in excess water by using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Spin labels bearing the nitroxide free radical group on the 5 or 14 C-atom in either the sn-2 stearoyl chain of phosphatidylcholine (predominantly 1-palmitoyl) or the N-stearoyl chain of sphingomyelin were used to determine the mobility and ordering of the lipids in the different phases. Two-component ESR spectra of the 14-position spin labels demonstrate the coexistence first of gel (L(beta)) and liquid-ordered (L(o)) phases and then of liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered (L(alpha)) phases, with progressively increasing temperature. These phase coexistences are detected over a limited range of cholesterol contents. ESR spectra of the 5-position spin labels register an abrupt increase in ordering at the L(alpha)-L(o) transition and a biphasic response at the L(beta)-L(o) transition. Differences in outer splitting between the C14-labeled sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine probes are attributed to partial interdigitation of the sphingomyelin N-acyl chains across the bilayer plane in the L(o) state. In the region where the two fluid phases, L(alpha) and L(o), coexist, the rate at which lipids exchange between phases (<7 x 10(7) s(-)(1)) is much slower than translational rates in the L(alpha) phase, which facilitates resolution of two-component spectra.  相似文献   

Binding isotherms have been determined for the association of horse heart cytochrome c with dioleoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DOPG)/dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) bilayer membranes over a range of lipid compositions and ionic strengths. In the absence of protein, the DOPG and DOPC lipids mix nearly ideally. The binding isotherms have been analyzed using double layer theory to account for the electrostatics, either the Van der Waals or scaled particle theory equation of state to describe the protein surface distribution, and a statistical thermodynamic formulation consistent with the mass-action law to describe the lipid distribution. Basic parameters governing the electrostatics and intrinsic binding are established from the binding to membranes composed of anionic lipid (DOPG) alone. Both the Van der Waals and scaled particle equations of state can describe the effects of protein distribution on the DOPG binding isotherms equally well, but with different values of the maximum binding stoichiometry (13 lipids/protein for Van der Waals and 8 lipids/protein for scaled particle theory). With these parameters set, it is then possible to derive the association constant, Kr, of DOPG relative to DOPC for surface association with bound cytochrome c by using the binding isotherms obtained with the mixed lipid membranes. A value of Kr (DOPG:DOPC) = 3.3-4.8, depending on the lipid stoichiometry, is determined that consistently describes the binding at different lipid compositions and different ionic strengths. Using the value of Kr obtained it is possible to derive the average in-plane lipid distribution and the enhancement in protein binding induced by lipid redistribution using the statistical thermodynamic theory.  相似文献   

We describe the binding of proteins to lipid bilayers in the case for which binding can occur either by adsorption to the lipid bilayer membrane-water interface or by direct insertion into the bilayer itself. We examine in particular the case when the insertion and pore formation are driven by the adsorption process using scaled particle theory. The adsorbed proteins form a two-dimensional "surface gas" at the lipid bilayer membrane-water interface that exerts a lateral pressure on the lipid bilayer membrane. Under conditions of strong intrinsic binding and a high degree of interfacial converge, this pressure can become high enough to overcome the energy barrier for protein insertion. Under these conditions, a subtle equilibrium exists between the adsorbed and inserted proteins. We propose that this provides a control mechanism for reversible insertion and pore formation of proteins such as melittin and magainin. Next, we discuss experimental data for the binding isotherms of cytochrome c to charged lipid membranes in the light of our theory and predict that cytochrome c inserts into charged lipid bilayers at low ionic strength. This prediction is supported by titration calorimetry results that are reported here. We were furthermore able to describe the observed binding isotherms of the pore-forming peptides endotoxin (alpha 5-helix) and of pardaxin to zwitterionic vesicles from our theory by assuming adsorption/insertion equilibrium.  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is a multifunctional enzyme related with Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. The ability of negatively charged membranes to induce a rapid formation of GAPDH amyloid fibrils has been demonstrated, but the mechanisms by which GAPDH reaches the fibrillar state remains unclear. In this report, we describe the structural changes undergone by GAPDH at physiological pH and temperature conditions right from its interaction with acidic membranes until the amyloid fibril is formed. According to our results, the GAPDH-membrane binding induces a β-structuring process along with a loss of quaternary structure in the enzyme. In this way, experimental evidences on the initial steps of GAPDH amyloid fibrils formation pathway are provided.  相似文献   

Experimental results on the effect of electrostatics on bilayer phase transitions are compared with corresponding data for monolayers and the predictions of electrical double layer theory. The two substantial conclusions which emerge are that: (i) double layer theory based on a continuous surface charge distribution cannot explain all the relevant data, a situation which may be improved by taking into account the discrete nature of the surface charge distribution; (ii) the crystal - liquid crystal phase transition of charged bilayer membranes is always a continuous one which takes place through an intermediate state consisting of both fluid and frozen domains.  相似文献   

The binding of native cytochrome c to negatively charged lipid dispersions of dioleoyl phosphatidylglycerol has been studied over a wide range of ionic strengths. Not only is the strength of protein binding found to decrease rapidly with increasing ionic strength, but also the binding curves reach an apparent saturation level that decreases rapidly with increasing ionic strength. Analysis of the binding isotherms with a general statistical thermodynamic model that takes into account not only the free energy of the electrostatic double layer, but also the free energy of the surface distribution of the protein, demonstrates that the apparent saturation effects could arise from a competition between the out-of-plane binding reaction and the lateral in-plane interactions between proteins at the surface. It is found that association with nonlocalized sites results in binding isotherms that display the apparent saturation effect to a much more pronounced extent than does the Langmuir adsorption isotherm for binding to localized sites. With the model for nonlocalized sites, the binding isotherms of native cytochrome c can be described adequately by taking into account only the entropy of the surface distribution of the protein, without appreciable enthalpic interactions between the bound proteins. The binding of cytochrome c to dioleoyl phosphatidylglycerol dispersions at a temperature at which the bound protein is denatured on the lipid surface, but is nondenatured when free in solution, has also been studied. The binding curves for the surface-denatured protein differ from those for the native protein in that the apparent saturation at high ionic strength is less pronounced. This indicates the tendency of the denatured protein to aggregate on the lipid surface, and can be described by the binding isotherms for nonlocalized sites only if attractive interactions between the surface-bound proteins are included in addition to the distributional entropic terms. Additionally, it is found that the binding capacity for the native protein is increased at low ionic strength to a value that is greater than that for complete surface coverage, and that corresponds more closely to neutralization of the effective charge (determined from the ionic strength dependence), rather than of the total net charge, on the protein. Electron spin resonance experiments with spin-labeled lipids indicate that this different mode of binding arises from a penetration or disturbance of the bilayer surface by the protein that may alleviate the effects of in-plane interactions under conditions of strong binding.  相似文献   

The study of the interaction of biosurfactants with biological membranes is of great interest in order to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms of their biological actions. In this work we report on the interaction of a bacterial trehalose lipid produced by Rhodococcus sp. with phosphatidylcholine membranes. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements show a good miscibility of the glycolipid in the gel state and immiscibility in the fluid state, suggesting domain formation. These domains have been visualized and characterized, for the first time, by scanning force microscopy. Incorporation of trehalose lipid into phosphatidylcholine membranes produces a small shift of the antisymmetric stretching band toward higher wavenumbers, as shown by FTIR, which indicates a weak increase in fluidity. The CO stretching band shows that incorporation of trehalose lipid increases the proportion of the dehydrated component in mixtures with the three phospholipids at temperatures below and above the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition. This dehydration effect is also supported by data on the phospholipid PO stretching bands. Small-angle X-ray diffraction measurements show that in the samples containing trehalose lipid the interlamellar repeat distance is larger than in those of pure phospholipids. These results are discussed within the frame of trehalose lipid domain formation, trehalose lipid/phospholipid interactions and its relevance to membrane-related biological actions.  相似文献   

A Levanon  A Kohn    M Inbar 《Journal of virology》1977,22(2):353-360
Changes in the dynamic behavior of membrane lipids of mammalian cells induced by adsorption of animal viruses were quantitatively monitored by fluorescence polarization analysis with the aid of the fluorescent probe 1,6-diphenyl 1,3,5-hexatriene embedded in the surface membrane lipid core of intact cells. Adsorption of encephalomyocarditis, West Nile, and polyoma viruses to hamster (baby hamster kidney) and mouse (3T3) cells is accompanied by a rapid and significant increase in the degree of fluidity of membrane lipids of the infected cells. These changes in membrane fluidity, which are virus dose dependent, are inhibited by low temperature and by treatment of the cells before-hand with compounds known to block viral receptors on the cell surface. It is suggested that increase in membrane lipid fluidity, induced by the adsorption of virions, is an early event in the process of cell-virus interactions.  相似文献   

Fluorescence energy transfer studies reveal that negatively charged lipid vesicles interact with nuclei from mouse liver cells. This interaction was observed with charged lipid vesicles composed of PA or PS but not with the uncharged PC or PE:PC vesicles. The vesicles were prepared by bath sonication and contained either a fluorescent marker in the lipid bilayer or in the vesicular interior. The negatively charged vesicles showed an adsorption to the nuclear membrane visible by fluorescence microscopy. The results obtained by resonance energy transfer experiments are interpreted in terms of a mixing of the lipids from the vesicles with the nuclear membrane. Encapsulation studies documented a staining of the nuclei only if the dye molecules of high or low molecular weight were encapsulated inside negatively charged vesicles. As consequence of the vesicle-nuclei interaction morphological changes on the nuclear surface became visible.  相似文献   

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