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Although territorial defense is a common form of reproductivecompetition among male vertebrates, the exact reproductiveconsequences of this behavior are often poorly understood.To explore relationships between territoriality and reproductivesuccess in a nongroup-living mammal, we quantified patterns of space use, mating success, and fertilization success formales in a free-living population of arctic ground squirrels(Spermophilus parryii plesius). Because litters of this speciesare sired almost exclusively by a female's first mate, we predictedthat territory ownership would be associated with first accessto estrous females. During the 2-week period when mating occurred,each male in the study population attempted to defend a distinctportion of the habitat, although the success of this defensevaried among individuals. Twenty-six of 28 females monitoredmated with the male on whose territory they resided. However,the majority of females observed throughout estrus (65%; n= 20) also mated with at least one other male, indicating thatterritory ownership was not associated with exclusive accessto females. In contrast, territory ownership was significantly associated with first access to estrous females; 20 (71.4%)of 28 females mated first with the male on whose territorythey resided. In this regard, the behavior of S. parryii plesiusparallels that of socially monogamous birds in which territorialdefense by males functions to deter extrapair copulations byfemales. Although territorial defense represents an important component of male reproductive success in arctic ground squirrels,other aspects of male behavior (e.g., the ability to dominateagonistic interactions on the day of a female's estrus) arealso critical. We suggest that future studies of vertebratemating systems will benefit by viewing such defense as onlyone of multiple axes along which conspecific males compete foraccess to females.  相似文献   

A hormonal-challenge protocol was used to compare the stress response of males of Arctic ground squirrels and red squirrels during the breeding season (May). These squirrels live in the same boreal forest of the Yukon, but have very different life histories and utilize the forest in markedly different ways. Red squirrels had levels of total cortisol, maximum corticosteroid-binding capacity, and free cortisol that were 5, 7, and 2 times, respectively, those of Arctic ground squirrels. Red squirrels were resistant to suppression by an artificial glucocorticoid, dexamethasone (DEX); Arctic ground squirrels were not. Cortisol levels in red squirrels responded slowly but continuously to the ACTH injection; Arctic ground squirrels responded rapidly and then stabilized. Testosterone levels in red squirrels were extremely sensitive to the challenge, being suppressed by both DEX and ACTH; levels in Arctic ground squirrels were resistant to the challenge, being modestly suppressed by DEX and stimulated by ACTH. Energy mobilization, as measured by glucose and free fatty acid responses, was not affected. Red squirrels had four times the levels of white blood cells and higher proportions of lymphocytes and lower proportions of eosinophils than Arctic ground squirrels, indicating that the latter were in worse condition immunologically. Our evidence suggests that the functions associated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis are compromised in breeding male Arctic ground squirrels, but not in red squirrels. We propose that in male red squirrels this axis has evolved in the context of a stable social system based on long-lived animals with individual territories which are needed to deal with unpredictable winter food supplies. In contrast, Arctic ground squirrels escape the rigors of winter by hibernation and this hormonal axis has evolved in short-lived males in the context of intense intra-sexual competition in a social system based on female kin groups and regular male dispersal to avoid inbreeding. J. Exp. Zool. 286:390-404, 2000.  相似文献   

Many studies have addressed the effects of climate change on species as a whole; however, few have examined the possibility of sex-specific differences. To understand better the impact that changing patterns of snow-cover have on an important resident Arctic mammal, we investigated the long-term (13 years) phenology of hibernating male arctic ground squirrels living at two nearby sites in northern Alaska that experience significantly different snow-cover regimes. Previously, we demonstrated that snow-cover influences the timing of phenological events in females. Our results here suggest that the end of heterothermy in males is influenced by soil temperature and an endogenous circannual clock, but timing of male emergence from hibernation is influenced by the timing of female emergence. Males at both sites, Atigun and Toolik, end heterothermy on the same date in spring, but remain in their burrows while undergoing reproductive maturation. However, at Atigun, where snowmelt and female emergence occur relatively early, males emerge 8 days earlier than those at Toolik, maintaining a 12-day period between male and female emergence found at each site, but reducing the pre-emergence euthermic period that is critical for reproductive maturation. This sensitivity in timing of male emergence to female emergence will need to be matched by phase shifts in the circannual clock and responsiveness to environmental factors that time the end of heterothermy, if synchrony in reproductive readiness between the sexes is to be preserved in a rapidly changing climate.  相似文献   

1. Maximum testicular development and plasma testosterone levels occurred at spring emergence from aestivation-hibernation (A-H), followed by a regression to basal state in June. 2. A slight testicular recrudescense occurred just prior to immergence into A-H, but this development was not accompanied by a definitive increase in plasma testosterone levels or seminal vesicle weights. 3. Four lines of evidence were consistent with the hypothesis that FSH stimulates testicular MAO activity. 4. Changes in pituitary and hypothalamic MAO activity suggested a functional role for this enzyme in controlling releasing factor and gonadotropin production by these organs.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the diet before hibernation influences patterns of mammalian torpor. The hibernation ability of ground squirrels is greatest (longest torpor bouts, greatest number of animals entering torpor) when the PUFA content of their fall diets is 33-74 mg/g, under laboratory conditions. The extent to which natural fall diets both (a) vary in PUFA content and (b) influence the torpor patterns of free-ranging populations of hibernating mammals is unknown, however. We conducted a 3-yr study on the diet PUFA contents and subsequent hibernation patterns of free-ranging arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii) in the Brooks Range of Alaska. We found that the PUFA contents of fall diets varied more than threefold among individuals. Our study also revealed that arctic ground squirrels that consumed a moderate-PUFA (33-74 mg/g) diet had (a) longer torpor bouts, (b) fewer arousals from torpor, (c) shorter arousal periods, (d) more days in torpor, and (e) greater probability of persisting in the population than those that consumed a high-PUFA (>74 mg/g) diet during the fall. No animals were demonstrated to have consumed a diet representing low-PUFA (<33 mg/g) values. Our study is therefore the first to demonstrate that estimated dietary PUFA levels of a free-ranging hibernator influence subsequent torpor patterns.  相似文献   

In a laboratory environment, aggressive interactions between male mice may exceed normal levels leading to negative effects both on the well-being of the animals and on the validity of experimental results. In this paper we review results from the literature and our own research with regard to coping with excessive aggressive behaviour in male laboratory mice. Based on this review practical recommendations concerning the housing and care of male laboratory mice are formulated. In short, it is recommended to avoid individual housing, to transfer odour cues from the nesting area during cage cleaning and to apply nesting material as environmental enrichment. Furthermore, group size should be optimized to three animals per cage. Further research, in particular into the effects of frequency, duration, type and severity of disturbances during an experiment on the degree of aggression, is recommended.  相似文献   

Most hibernating animals are thought to be monoestrous because reproductive activity is subject to strong time constraints. In previous studies, female European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) turned out to have elevated oestradiol levels during late lactation and after weaning, indicating ovarian activity during summer. Therefore, we monitored vaginal cytology, endocrine changes, and vulval development in semi-free-living female European ground squirrels throughout one active season. Vaginal oestrus, defined by the predominance of cornified cells in smear samples, was found during the mating period shortly after vernal emergence. This phase was followed by metoestrus, characterised by the appearance of leukocytes, and a subsequent anoestrous phase. During weaning or postlactation, a second vaginal oestrus was documented in all experimental females, again followed by a metoestrous and an anoestrous phase lasting until hibernation. In line with the second vaginal oestrus, plasma oestradiol concentrations peaked during postlactation. Progesterone levels were elevated from gestation to postlactation, and titres were marginally higher during vaginal oestrus in summer than in spring. Vulval swelling was more pronounced during the first than the second vaginal oestrus. The second oestrous cycle was non-reproductive, as males were sexually inactive with regressed testes during summer. We assume that the second oestrous cycle and the accompanying endocrine changes have beneficial effects on prehibernatory fattening and reproductive performance in the subsequent season. This might allow females to become oestrous immediately after emergence from hibernation in spring.  相似文献   

We tested the responsiveness of plasma androgen in free-living male arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii) to challenges from conspecific males by staging aggressive encounters between males and then comparing androgen concentrations in manipulated and unmanipulated animals. The effect of staged encounters on androgen depended on time of year. In spring, androgen levels significantly increased after staged encounters, except during the peak of mating activity when levels were maximal in all reproductive males. In late summer, staged encounters had no significant effect on androgen levels. In spring but not summer, androgen was positively correlated to the relative intensity of encounters. These results suggest that circulating levels of androgen in male arctic ground squirrels result from a combination of seasonal and social factors. Responsiveness of androgen to encounters during spring but not late summer support the challenge hypothesis for this polygynous mammal.  相似文献   

Uncoupling protein (UCP) 1 (UCP1) catalyzes a proton leak in brown adipose tissue (BAT) mitochondria that results in nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), but the extent to which UCP homologs mediate NST in other tissues is controversial. To clarify the role of UCP3 in mediating NST in a hibernating species, we measured Ucp3 expression in skeletal muscle of arctic ground squirrels in one of three activity states (not hibernating, not hibernating and fasted for 48 h, or hibernating) and housed at 5 degrees C or -10 degrees C. We then compared Ucp3 mRNA levels in skeletal muscle with Ucp1 mRNA and UCP1 protein levels in BAT in the same animals. Ucp1 mRNA and UCP1 protein levels were increased on cold exposure and decreased with fasting, with the highest UCP1 levels in thermogenic hibernators. In contrast, Ucp3 mRNA levels were not affected by temperature but were increased 10-fold during fasting and >3-fold during hibernation. UCP3 protein levels were increased nearly fivefold in skeletal muscle mitochondria isolated from fasted squirrels compared with nonhibernators, but proton leak kinetics in the presence of BSA were unchanged. Proton leak in BAT mitochondria also did not differ between fed and fasted animals but did show classical inhibition by the purine nucleotide GDP. Levels of nonesterified fatty acids were highest during hibernation, and tissue temperatures during hibernation were related to Ucp1, but not Ucp3, expression. Taken together, these results do not support a role for UCP3 as a physiologically relevant mediator of NST in muscle.  相似文献   

To assess effects of historical climate change on northern species, we quantified the population history of the arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryii), an arctic-adapted rodent that evolved in Beringia and was strongly influenced by climatic oscillations of the Quaternary. Competing hypotheses for the species' population history were derived from patterns of mitochondrial (mtDNA) structure and a bioclimatic envelope model (BEM). Hypotheses invoked (1) sequential isolation of regional populations beginning with the Arctic, (2) deep isolation only across central Alaska, and (3) widespread panmixia, and were tested using coalescent methods applied to eight nuclear (nDNA) loci. The data rejected strict interpretations of all three hypotheses, but perspectives underlying each encompassed aspects of the species' history. Concordance between mtDNA and nDNA geographic structure revealed three semi-independently evolving phylogroups, whereas signatures of gene flow at nDNA loci were consistent with a historical contact between certain populations as inferred by the BEM. Demographic growth was inferred for all regions despite expectations of postglacial habitat contraction for parts of Beringia. Our results highlight the complementary perspectives on species' histories that multiple lines of evidence provide, and underscore the utility of multilocus data for resolving complex population histories relevant to understanding effects of climate change.  相似文献   

Energetic trade‐offs in resource allocation form the basis of life‐history theory, which predicts that reproductive allocation in a given season should negatively affect future reproduction or individual survival. We examined how allocation of resources differed between successful and unsuccessful breeding female Columbian ground squirrels to discern any effects of resource allocation on reproductive and somatic efforts. We compared the survival rates, subsequent reprodction, and mass gain of successful breeders (females that successfully weaned young) and unsuccessful breeders (females that failed to give birth or wean young) and investigated “carryover” effects to the next year. Starting capital was an important factor influencing whether successful reproduction was initiated or not, as females with the lowest spring emergence masses did not give birth to a litter in that year. Females that were successful and unsuccessful at breeding in one year, however, were equally likely to be successful breeders in the next year and at very similar litter sizes. Although successful and unsuccessful breeding females showed no difference in over winter survival, females that failed to wean a litter gained additional mass during the season when they failed. The next year, those females had increased energy “capital” in the spring, leading to larger litter sizes. Columbian ground squirrels appear to act as income breeders that also rely on stored capital to increase their propensity for future reproduction. Failed breeders in one year “prepare” for future reproduction by accumulating additional mass, which is “carried over” to the subsequent reproductive season.  相似文献   

Northern environments present ecological and physiological problemsfor homeotherms that require adaptations to cope with severeand less predictable physical factors while at the same timecontinuing to have to cope with the biological ones, such ascompetition and predation. The stress axis plays a central rolein these adaptations and I discuss the range of solutions thatbirds and mammals have evolved. The stress response in theseanimals is not static when a challenge occurs, but may be modulateddepending on the biological function during the annual cycle(breeding versus nonbreeding), either under-responding to permitreproduction (some song birds) or responding vigorously, yetnot having this compromise reproduction (Arctic ground squirrels).Both may trade off survival for reproduction. In contrast, thesnowshoe hare shows the expected stress response to chronichigh predation risk over 2–3 years: body resources aregeared to survival and reproduction is inhibited. Two long term,persistent, and pervasive changes will confront northern birdsand mammals in the 21st century: global change and persistentorganochlorine pollutants (POPs). These may result in eitheradaptations or shifts in distribution and abundance. For theformer, latitudinal variation in the stress axis may help songbirds respond rapidly; population variation in the stress axisresponse is unknown in northern mammals and relatively sedentarymammals may be unable to shift their distribution rapidly toadjust major climate shifts. For the latter, the few POPs studiesthat have examined the stress axis indicate marked negativeeffects.  相似文献   

Fecal samples from arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii) collected in Alaska (n = 90) and Russia (n = 46) and from red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) in Alaska (n = 35) were examined for the presence of Eimeria spp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae). Four species were recovered from arctic ground squirrels, including Eimeria callospermophili (prevalence = 18%), Eimeria cynomysis (23.5%), Eimeria lateralis (19%), and Eimeria morainensis (77%). A single species, Eimeria tamiasciuri (91%), was recovered from red squirrels. Eimerians recovered from arctic ground squirrels represent new host records, and the single species from red squirrels is a new geographic record. Alaskan arctic ground squirrel prevalence was higher for E. callospermophili (Alaska = 22% vs. Russia = 9%), E. cynomysis (34% vs. 2%), and E. lateralis (27% vs. 4%), but not E. morainensis (78% vs. 76%).  相似文献   

This field study was aimed at examining hypothalamic involvement in the behavioral changes of male European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) before, during, and after the mating season. The effects of exogenous gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) application on androgen secretion and behavioral patterns were investigated. Animals were captured, bled, and injected intramuscularly with 40 ng/100 g of GnRH. A second plasma sample was collected 40 min after the treatment to document changes in testosterone secretion. Behavioral parameters such as intra-sexual aggression, scent marking, and home range size were compared on the days before and after the stimulation. In the first two phases, before female emergence and during mating, GnRH-injection caused increases in plasma testosterone. In the post-mating phase, initial plasma testosterone levels had decreased and no elevation could be induced. Sham treatment of controls had no effect in any phase. Conditional parameters like emergence body mass and testicular size covaried with androgen increases only in the pre-mating period. Behavioral changes after GnRH administration occurred during the pre-mating period. Intra-sexual aggression, scent marking, and home range size increased significantly in experimental individuals. Later, during mating and post-mating, we found no behavioral changes associated with the GnRH treatment or the testosterone increase. The results demonstrate changes in the endocrine and behavioral sensitivity to GnRH application, according to the phases of the active season. An exogenous pulse of GnRH can apparently release behavior in male European ground squirrels, which is normally context dependent with the emergence of females.  相似文献   

Several short-duration tests have demonstrated that the surgicalremoval of the vomeronasal organ (VNX) from sexually-inexperiencedmale rodents results in a reduction in copulatory behavior,compared to the effects of sham surgery (SHAM). We extendedthese studies to adult male prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster,and substantially increased the duration of the tests. Duringthe initial interactions with females, VNX males spent significantlyless time with their noses in close proximity to the femalesthan did SHAM males. Moreover, only two of nine VNX males siredoffspring after having been paired with females for 8 weeks,whereas nine of 12 SHAM males sired offspring in that interval.We also found that VNX and SHAM males were equivalently non-aggressiveto an anesthetized stimulus-male prior to being paired withfemales. However, after spending 2 weeks paired with a female,the VNX males were significantly less aggressive than were theSHAM males, possibly as a result of having copulated less often.In a later test, nearly all of the VNX and SHAM males that siredoffspring were vigorously aggressive to a stimulus male. Weconclude that the stimulation of the vomeronasal system in sexually-inexperiencedmale prairie voles is important for miximal reproductive performanceand that the VNX-induced impairment in reproduction is associatedwith a decrease in inter-male aggression. The possible sensoryeffects of the vomeronasal system on the neural and endocrinecontrol of reproduction and behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of neonatal thymectomy, at 3 days of age, on parameters of the reproductive axis were examined in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. Gonadal and accessory sex tissue (male: epididymis, seminal vesicle, and ventral prostate; female: uterus) weights as well as anterior pituitary, spleen, and adrenal weights were determined in the thymectomized and sham-thymectomized animals at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 90 days of age. Plasma gonadotropin concentrations as well as pituitary content of the gonadotropins and prolactin were assessed at each of these time intervals. No significant difference in gonad and accessory sex tissue weights was detected in thymectomized versus sham-operated controls at each of these times. Adrenal weights were increased in thymectomized animals compared with controls at 50 days of age and older in male rats and at 90 days in females. Spleen weights were decreased in the thymectomized males at 50 and 60 days of age. Thymectomy did not affect the spleen weight of females. Plasma concentrations of gonadotropins were unaffected in thymectomized males but were altered in females during the pre- and peripubertal period (Days 20-40). Vaginal opening, however, occurred at the same time in the thymectomized and control females. Pituitary gonadotropin and prolactin content were unaffected by thymectomy of the females, except at 90 days when pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) content was lower in thymectomized than in control animals. LH and prolactin content were significantly reduced in the males at 60 and 90 days of age. These results demonstrate that there are sexual differences in the effects of thymectomy on parameters of the reproductive axis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Courtship vocalizations of male songbirds can profoundly enhance the reproductive physiology and behavior of conspecific females. However, no study has fully investigated the selectivity of conspecific song effects on reproductive development in birds. We studied the effects of conspecific and heterospecific song on reproductive development in domesticated (canaries) and wild songbirds (song sparrows). As expected, conspecific song enhanced follicular development. Unexpectedly, however, birds exposed to heterospecific song also underwent enhanced follicular development (compared to birds exposed to no song); conspecific and heterospecific songs were equally effective in enhancing ovarian development. In canaries exposed to 18L:6D, conspecific song induced oviposition earlier and at a greater frequency than in heterospecific and no song groups, with the fewest eggs being laid in the no song group. These results indicate that conspecific and heterospecific male song can enhance reproductive activity in female songbirds. Whether or not activation of the reproductive axis in female songbirds by heterospecific song occurs in the wild remains unclear. It is also unclear as to whether the ability of the reproductive axis to respond to heterospecific song performs a specific function, or whether it is simply a consequence of greater selection pressure acting upon behavioral responses to song.  相似文献   

Male eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) congregatearound and pursue a female on her single day of estrus. Thetactics of uniquely marked adult males were monitored duringwinter mating bouts from 1986 to 1990 to examine variation inmale copulatory success. Two tactics were chosen by males: activepursuit or satellite. Active-pursuit males were dominant anddefended proximity to females. Satellite males were subordinateand remained dispersed in the female's home range. Active pursuitwas used only by males 2.75 years old. The switch point betweenthe tactics is about 3 years. Copulations were not distributedevenly among males, with about 30% of all adult males failingto copulate during a breeding season. Active pursuit was themost successful strategy, with male success attributed to theability to defend access to the female. However, satellite malessuccessfully copulated due to the escape of females from dominantmales. Females appear to avoid the overt aggression characteristicof the competition among active-pursuit males by running fromthe group of males. Male success after a female's breakawaywas evenly distributed between the two tactics and accountedfor all copulations by satellite males. The activepursuit andsatellite tactics appear to be a conditional evolutionarilystable strategy where young, subordinate males are "making thebest of a bad job".  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of acute leptin treatment of adult Syrian hamsters exposed to a long (LP, eugonadal males) and short photoperiod (SP, hypogonadal males). Animals were exposed to LP (L:D 14:10) or SP (L:D 10:14) for 10 weeks. Afterwards, both LP and SP hamsters were allocated to a control (SP-C, LP-C) or leptin-treated group (SP 3, SP 10, SP 30 or LP3, LP 10, LP 30). One hour before sacrifice, a single dose of leptin (3, 10 or 30 μg/kg) or vehicle was administered (i.p.) to the males. Testis weight, serum and pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations, as well as the hypothalamic concentration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) were recorded. Histological analysis of the testis was performed and GnRH concentration in the culture medium of hypothalamic explants was examined. A dramatic regression of testicular weight and histological atrophy of seminiferous tubules, as well as a decrease in serum and pituitary LH concentrations were found in SP males. All doses of leptin significantly reduced serum LH levels and medium GnRH concentrations in both photoperiod groups. Pituitary LH and hypothalamic GnRH concentrations were not affected by leptin. In conclusion, we demonstrated that leptin inhibited the reproductive axis of Syrian male hamsters exposed to LP and SP and fed ad libitum.  相似文献   

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