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Spinophilin is a protein phosphatase 1 (PP1)- and actin-binding protein that modulates excitatory synaptic transmission and dendritic spine morphology. We report that spinophilin is phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase A (PKA). Phosphorylation of spinophilin was stimulated by treatment of neostriatal neurons with a dopamine D1 receptor agonist or with forskolin, consistent with spinophilin being a substrate for PKA in intact cells. Using tryptic phosphopeptide mapping, site-directed mutagenesis, and microsequencing analysis, we identified two major sites of phosphorylation, Ser-94 and Ser-177, that are located within the actin-binding domain of spinophilin. Phosphorylation of spinophilin by PKA modulated the association between spinophilin and the actin cytoskeleton. Following subcellular fractionation, unphosphorylated spinophilin was enriched in the postsynaptic density, whereas a pool of phosphorylated spinophilin was found in the cytosol. F-actin co-sedimentation and overlay analysis revealed that phosphorylation of spinophilin reduced the stoichiometry of the spinophilin-actin interaction. In contrast, the ability of spinophilin to bind to PP1 remained unchanged. Taken together, our studies suggest that phosphorylation of spinophilin by PKA modulates the anchoring of the spinophilin-PP1 complex within dendritic spines, thereby likely contributing to the efficacy and plasticity of synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Several proteins belonging to the ATP-binding cassettesuperfamily can affect ion channel function. These include the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, the sulfonylurea receptor, and the multidrug resistance protein P-glycoprotein (MDR1).We measured whole cell swelling-activatedCl currents(ICl,swell) inparental cells and cells expressing wild-type MDR1 or aphosphorylation-defective mutant (Ser-661, Ser-667, and Ser-671replaced by Ala). Stimulation of protein kinase C (PKC) with a phorbolester reduced the rate of increase inICl,swell only incells that express MDR1. PKC stimulation had no effect on steady-stateICl,swell.Stimulation of protein kinase A (PKA) with 8-bromoadenosine3',5'-cyclic monophosphate reduced steady-state ICl,swell only inMDR1-expressing cells. PKA stimulation had no effect on the rate ofICl,swellactivation. The effects of stimulation of PKA and PKC onICl,swell wereadditive (i.e., decrease in the rate of activation and reduction insteady-stateICl,swell). The effects of PKA and PKC stimulation were absent in cells expressing thephosphorylation-defective mutant. In summary, it is likely thatphosphorylation of MDR1 by PKA and by PKC alters swelling-activated Cl channels by independentmechanisms and that Ser-661, Ser-667, and Ser-671 are involved in theresponses ofICl,swell tostimulation of PKA and PKC. These results support the notion that MDR1phosphorylation affectsICl,swell.  相似文献   

Since neurotransmitter releasing into the synaptic space delivers electrical signals from presynaptic neural cell to the postsynaptic cell, neurotransmitter secretion must be much orchestrated. Crowded intracellular vesicles involving neurotransmitters present a question of the how secretory vesicles fuse onto the plasma membrane in a fast synchronized fashion. Complexin is one of the most experimentally studied proteins that regulate assembly of fusogenic four‐helix SNARE complex to synchronized neurotransmitter secretion. We used MD simulation to investigate the interaction of complexin with the neural SNARE complex in detail. Our results show that the SNARE complex interacts with the complexin central helix by forming salt bridges and hydrogen bonds. Complexin also can interact with the Q‐SNARE complex instead of synaptobrevin to decrease the Q‐SNARE flexibility. The complexin alpha‐accessory helix and the C‐terminal region of synaptobrevin can interact with the same region of syntaxin. Although the alpha‐accessory helix aids the tight binding of the central helix to the SNARE complex, its proximity with synaptobrevin causes the destabilization of syntaxin and Sn1 helices. This study suggests that the alpha‐accessory helix of complexin can be an inhibiting factor for membrane fusion by competing with synaptobrevin for binding to the Q‐SNARE complex. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 93: 560–570, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

Autism is a developmental disability causing learning and memory disorder. The heart of the search for a cure for this syndrome is the need to understand dendrite branch patterning, a process crucial for proper synaptic transmission. Due to the association of snapin with the SNARE complex and its role in synaptic transmission it is reported as a potential drug target for autism therapies. We wish to impart the noesis of the 3D structure of the snapin protein, and in this chase we predict the native structure from its sequence of amino acid residues using the classical Comparative protein structure modeling methods. The predicted protein model can be of great assistance in understanding the structural insights, which is necessary to understand the protein function. Understanding the interactions between snapin and SNARE complex is crucial in studying its role in the neurotransmitter release process. We also presented a computational model that shows the interaction between the snapin and SNAP-25 protein, a part of the larger SNARE complex.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion is essential for eukaryotic life, requiring SNARE proteins to zipper up in an α‐helical bundle to pull two membranes together. Here, we show that vesicle fusion can be suppressed by phosphorylation of core conserved residues inside the SNARE domain. We took a proteomics approach using a PKCB knockout mast cell model and found that the key mast cell secretory protein VAMP8 becomes phosphorylated by PKC at multiple residues in the SNARE domain. Our data suggest that VAMP8 phosphorylation reduces vesicle fusion in vitro and suppresses secretion in living cells, allowing vesicles to dock but preventing fusion with the plasma membrane. Markedly, we show that the phosphorylation motif is absent in all eukaryotic neuronal VAMPs, but present in all other VAMPs. Thus, phosphorylation of SNARE domains is a general mechanism to restrict how much cells secrete, opening the door for new therapeutic strategies for suppression of secretion.  相似文献   

The multicomponent exon junction complex (EJC) is deposited on the spliced mRNA during pre-mRNA splicing and is implicated in several post-splicing events, including mRNA export, nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), and translation control. This report is the first to identify potential post-translational modifications of the EJC core component Y14. We demonstrate that Y14 is phosphorylated at its repeated arginine/serine (RS) dipeptides, likely by SR protein-specific kinases. Phosphorylation of Y14 abolished its interaction with EJC components as well as factors that function downstream of the EJC. A non-phosphorylatable Y14 mutant was equivalent to the wild-type protein with respect to its association with spliced mRNA and its ability in NMD activation, but the mutant sequestered EJC and NMD factors on ribosome-containing mRNA ribonucleoproteins (mRNPs). We therefore hypothesize that phosphorylation of Y14 occurs upon completion of mRNA surveillance, leading to dissociation of Y14 from ribosome-containing mRNPs. Moreover, we found that Y14 is possibly methylated at multiple arginine residues in the carboxyl-terminal domain and that methylation of Y14 was antagonized by phosphorylation of RS dipeptides. This study reveals antagonistic post-translational modifications of Y14 that may be involved in the remodeling of Y14-containing mRNPs.  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) can modulate synaptic transmission by acting directly on the neurotransmitter secretory machinery. Here, we identify one possible target: syntaphilin, which was identified as a molecular clamp that controls free syntaxin-1 and dynamin-1 availability and thereby regulates synaptic vesicle exocytosis and endocytosis. Deletion mutation and site-directed mutagenesis experiments pinpoint dominant PKA phosphorylation sites to serines 43 and 56. PKA phosphorylation of syntaphilin significantly decreases its binding to syntaxin-1A in vitro. A syntaphilin mutation of serine 43 to aspartic acid (S43D) shows similar effects on binding. To characterize in vivo phosphorylation events, we generated antisera against a peptide of syntaphilin containing a phosphorylated serine 43. Treatment of rat brain synaptosomes or syntaphilin-transfected HEK 293 cells with the cAMP analogue BIMPS induces in vivo phosphorylation of syntaphilin and inhibits its interaction with syntaxin-1 in neurons. To determine whether PKA phosphorylation of syntaphilin is involved in the regulation of Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis, we investigated the effect of overexpression of syntaphilin and its S43D mutant on the regulated secretion of human growth hormone from PC12 cells. Although expression of wild type syntaphilin in PC12 cells exhibits significant reduction in high K(+)-induced human growth hormone release, the S43D mutant fails to inhibit exocytosis. Our data predict that syntaphilin could be a highly regulated molecule and that PKA phosphorylation could act as an "off" switch for syntaphilin, thus blocking its inhibitory function via the cAMP-dependent signal transduction pathway.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate that JNK3 can phosphorylate Smac. Smac phosphorylation attenuates its ability to activate apoptosome activity in HeLa S-100 cell lysates. Addition of the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) to the S-100 markedly suppresses apoptosome activity, and this suppressive effect of XIAP is neutralized by adding unphosphorylated Smac, but not phosphorylated Smac. Furtherover, JNK3-mediated phosphorylation of Smac markedly attenuates the interaction between Smac and XIAP, as measured by BIACORE assays and non-denaturing gel shift assays. When JNK3 activity is down-regulated in etoposide-induced HeLa cells by transiently overexpressing a dominant negative version of JNK3 (DN-JNK3), the caspase-3 activity as well as PARP cleavages are markedly enhanced. And the interaction of Smac with XIAP also increases by down-regulating JNK3 activity under the same conditions. These results suggest that JNK3 activity can attenuate the progression of apoptosis through a novel mechanism of action, the down-regulation of interaction between Smac and XIAP.  相似文献   

SNAREs (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion factor attachment protein receptors) are ubiquitous proteins that direct vesicular trafficking and exocytosis. In neurons, SNAREs act to mediate release of neurotransmitters, which is a carefully regulated process. Calcium influx has long been shown to be the key trigger of release. However, calcium alone cannot regulate the degree of vesicle content release. For example, only a limited number of docked vesicles releases neurotransmitters when calcium entry occurs; this suggests that exocytosis is regulated by other factors besides calcium influx. Regulation of the degree of release is best explained by looking at the many enzymatic proteins that interact with the SNARE complex. These proteins have been hypothesized to regulate the formation, stability, or disassembly of the SNARE complex and therefore may regulate neurotransmitter release. One group of enzymatic regulators is the protein kinases. These proteins phosphorylate sites on both SNARE proteins and proteins that interact with SNARE proteins. Recent research has identified some of the specific effects that phosphorylation (or dephosphorylation) at these sites can produce. Additionally, palmitoylation of SNAP-25, regulates the localization, and hence activity of this key SNARE protein. This review focuses on the location and effects of phosphorylation on SNARE regulation.  相似文献   

Complexins are evolutionarily conserved proteins that specifically bind to soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complexes and thus may regulate SNARE function. Using purified proteins, we have performed a detailed analysis of the structure of complexin and of its interaction with SNARE proteins. NMR spectroscopy revealed that isolated complexins have no tertiary structure but contain an unusual alpha-helical middle domain of approximately 58 amino acids that overlaps with the most highly conserved region of the molecules. Complexins form a stable stoichiometric complex with the central domain of the ternary SNARE complex, whereas no binding was observed to monomeric SNAREs. Using a combination of limited proteolysis, deletion mutagenesis, and NMR spectroscopy, we found that the helical middle region of complexin is responsible for binding to the SNARE complex. Binding was highly sensitive to substitution of syntaxin 1 or synaptobrevin 2 with other SNARE homologs but less sensitive to substitution of SNAP-25. In addition, a stretch of 12 amino acids in the middle of the SNARE motif of syntaxin 1A was able to confer binding activity to the non-binding relative syntaxin 4. Furthermore, disassembly of ternary complexes is not affected by complexins. We conclude that complexins are specific ligands of the neuronal core complex that bind with a central alpha-helical domain, probably to the middle of the surface groove formed by synaptobrevin and syntaxin. Complexins may regulate the function of ternary complexes and control membrane fusion through this interaction.  相似文献   

Subcellular compartmentalization of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) by protein kinase A-anchoring proteins (AKAPs) facilitates local protein phosphorylation. However, little is known about how PKA targeting to AKAPs is regulated in the intact cell. PKA binds to an amphipathic helical region of AKAPs via an N-terminal domain of the regulatory subunit. In vitro studies showed that autophosphorylation of type II regulatory subunit (RII) can alter its affinity for AKAPs and the catalytic subunit (PKA(cat)). We now investigate whether phosphorylation of serine 96 on RII regulates PKA targeting to AKAPs, downstream substrate phosphorylation and calcium cycling in primary cultured cardiomyocytes. We demonstrated that, whereas there is basal phosphorylation of RII subunits, persistent maximal activation of PKA results in a phosphatase-dependent loss of RII phosphorylation. To investigate the functional effects of RII phosphorylation, we constructed adenoviral vectors incorporating mutants which mimic phosphorylated (RIIS96D), nonphosphorylated (RIIS96A) RII, or wild-type (WT) RII and performed adenoviral infection of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. Coimmunoprecipitation showed that more AKAP15/18 was pulled down by the phosphomimic, RIIS96D, than RIIS96A. Phosphorylation of phospholamban and ryanodine receptor was significantly increased in cells expressing RIIS96D versus RIIS96A. Expression of recombinant RII constructs showed significant effects on cytosolic calcium transients. We propose a model illustrating a central role of RII phosphorylation in the regulation of local PKA activity. We conclude that RII phosphorylation regulates PKA-dependent substrate phosphorylation and may have significant implications for modulation of cardiac function.  相似文献   

The vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP) is a major substrate for cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases in platelets and other cardiovascular cells. It promotes actin nucleation and binds to actin filaments in vitro and associates with stress fibers in cells. The VASP-actin interaction is salt-sensitive, arguing for electrostatic interactions. Hence, phosphorylation may significantly alter the actin binding properties of VASP. This hypothesis was investigated by analyzing complex formation of recombinant murine VASP with actin after phosphorylation with cAMP-dependent kinase in different assays. cAMP-dependent kinase phosphorylation had a negative effect on both actin nucleation and VASP interaction with actin filaments, with the actin nucleating capacity being more affected than actin filament binding and bundling. Replacing VASP residues known to be phosphorylated in vivo by acidic residues to mimic phosphorylation had similar although less dramatic effects on VASP-actin interactions. In contrast, phosphorylation had no significant effect on VASP oligomerization or its interaction with its known ligands profilin, vinculin, and zyxin. When overexpressing VASP mutants in eukaryotic cells, they all showed targeting to focal contacts and stress fibers. Our results imply that VASP phosphorylation may act as an immediate negative regulator of actin dynamics.  相似文献   

The mammalian adaptor protein Alix [ALG-2 (apoptosis-linked-gene-2 product)-interacting protein X] belongs to a conserved family of proteins that have in common an N-terminal Bro1 domain and a C-terminal PRD (proline-rich domain), both of which mediate partner protein interactions. Following our previous finding that Xp95, the Xenopus orthologue of Alix, undergoes a phosphorylation-dependent gel mobility shift during progesteroneinduced oocyte meiotic maturation, we explored potential regulation of Xp95/Alix by protein phosphorylation in hormone-induced cell cycle re-entry or M-phase induction. By MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization-time-of-flight) MS analyses and gel mobility-shift assays, Xp95 is phosphorylated at multiple sites within the N-terminal half of the PRD during Xenopus oocyte maturation, and a similar region in Alix is phosphorylated in mitotically arrested but not serum-stimulated mammalian cells. By tandem MS, Thr745 within this region, which localizes in a conserved binding site to the adaptor protein SETA [SH3 (Src homology 3) domain-containing, expressed in tumorigenic astrocytes] CIN85 (a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamate)/SH3KBP1 (SH3-domain kinase-binding protein 1), is one of the phosphorylation sites in Xp95. Results from GST (glutathione S-transferase)-pull down and peptide binding/competition assays further demonstrate that the Thr745 phosphorylation inhibits Xp95 interaction with the second SH3 domain of SETA. However, immunoprecipitates of Xp95 from extracts of M-phase-arrested mature oocytes contained additional partner proteins as compared with immunoprecipitates from extracts of G2-arrested immature oocytes. The deubiquitinase AMSH (associated molecule with the SH3 domain of signal transducing adaptor molecule) specifically interacts with phosphorylated Xp95 in M-phase cell lysates. These findings establish that Xp95/Alix is phosphorylated within the PRD during M-phase induction, and indicate that the phosphorylation may both positively and negatively modulate their interaction with partner proteins.  相似文献   

The exocyst is a multisubunit complex that has been implicated in the transport of vesicles from the Golgi complex to the plasma membrane, possibly acting as a vesicle tether and contributing to the specificity of membrane fusion. Here we characterize a novel interaction between the Exo70 subunit of the exocyst and Snapin, a ubiquitous protein known to associate with at least two t-SNAREs, SNAP23 and SNAP25. The interaction between Exo70 and Snapin is mediated via an N-terminal coil-coil domain in Exo70 and a C-terminal helical region in Snapin. Exo70 competes with SNAP23 for Snapin binding, suggesting that Snapin does not provide a direct link between the exocyst and the SNARE complex but, rather, mediates cross-talk between the two complexes by sequential interactions. The insulin-regulated trafficking of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane serves to facilitate glucose uptake in adipocytes, and both SNAP23 and the exocyst have been implicated in this process. In this study, depletion of Snapin in adipocytes using RNA interference inhibits insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. Thus, Snapin interacts with the exocyst and plays a modulatory role in GLUT4 vesicle trafficking.  相似文献   

Communication between nerve cells in the brain occurs primarily through specialized junctions called synapses. Recently, many details of synaptic transmission have emerged. The identities of specific proteins important for synaptic vesicle release have now been established. We have investigated three synaptic proteins, VAMP (vesicle associated membrane protein; also called synaptobrevin), syntaxin, and SNAP25 (synaptosomal associated protein of 25kDa) as possible targets in the dopamine-mediated modulation of synaptic function in rat striatal slices. These three proteins form a SNARE (soluble N-ethylmalemide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) core complex that is known to be essential for synaptic transmission. Although it is envisioned that the SNAREs undergo dynamic and cyclic interactions to elicit synaptic vesicle release, their precise functions in neurotransmission remains unknown. We have examined SNARE complexes in intact rat striatal slices. Cellular proteins were solubilized, separated electrophoretically by SDS-PAGE, and then identified immunologically. Application of dopamine to striatal slices results in SNAREs favoring the SNARE core complex, a complex which forms spontaneously in the absence of crosslinking agents, rather than the monomer form. In addition, rapid crosslinking of dopamine-treated striatal slices demonstrates that the SNARE complex is increased 4 fold in dopamine treated striatal slices compared with control slices. Haloperidol blocked the dopamine-induced change in the core complex. These results suggest that changes in the activities of SNAREs may be involved in the underlying cellular mechanisms(s) of dopamine-regulated synaptic plasticity of the striatum.  相似文献   

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