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Identification of puberty-accelerating pheromones in male mouse urine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was employed to identify the two volatile amines in male mouse urine. These amines were much less concentrated in urine of castrated males. The identified amines, isobutylamine and isoamylamine, were assayed for the potential of puberty acceleration in postweaning female mice. A total of 105 young female mice were exposed to one of the following five odors: distilled water (control), 0.1 M isobutylamine, 0.1 M isoamylamine, a mixture of 0.05 M isobutylamine and 0.05 M isoamylamine, or fresh male mouse urine. The mixture of these amines accelerated the vaginal opening of young females. Except for the control, all experimental odors accelerated the first vaginal estrus in ICR strain mice.  相似文献   

Insect pheromones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evidence for intraspecies chemical communication in insects is reviewed, with emphasis on those studies where known organic compounds have been implicated. These signal-carrying chemicals are known as pheromones. There are two distinct types of pheromones, releasers and primers. Releaser pheromones initiate immediate behavioral responses in insects upon reception, while primer pheromones cause physiological changes in an animal that ultimately result in a behavior response. Chemically identified releaser pheromones are of three basic types: those which cause sexual attraction, alarm behavior, and recruitment. Sex pheromones release the entire repertoire of sexual behavior. Thus a male insect may be attracted to and attempt to copulate with an inanimate object that has sex pheromone on it. It appears that most insects are rather sensitive and selective for the sex pheromone of their species. Insects show far less sensitivity and chemospecificity for alarm pheromones. Alarm selectivity is based more on volatility than on unique structural features. Recruiting pheromones are used primarily in marking trails to food sources. Terrestrial insects lay continuous odor trails, whereas bees and other airborne insects apply the substances at discrete intervals. It appears that a complex pheromone system is used by the queen bee in the control of worker behavior. One well-established component of this system is a fatty acid, 9-ketodecenoic acid, produced by the queen and distributed among the workers. This compound prevents the development of ovaries in the workers and inhibits their queen-rearing activities. In addition, the same compound is used by virgin queen bees as a sex attractant.  相似文献   

Rodent pheromones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

We examined the behavioral responses of peripubertal femalemice to puberty-accelerating urine from male mice and to puberty-delayingurine from females living in groups. Marked attraction was showntowards both chemical signals when they were tested individually.These attraction levels were of comparable size for both urinesources and were little influenced by the age of the subjectsand their hormonal or nutritional status. When both chemicalsignals were presented, grouped-female urine was preferred tomale urine by prepubertal, food-deprived postpubertal and ovanectorruzedfemales. Free-feeding, postpubertal and ovariectomizcd femalesreceiving estrogen replacement failed to show significant preferencesbut did spend more time investigating male chemical signalson average. The effect of prior housing condition (with motherand littermates or isolated) on the subjects' attraction toand preference for these accelerating and delaying chemicalsignals was not pronounced. The magnitude of attraction to maleurine was significantly larger in isolated females comparedto females remaining with their litters. However, the attractionto groupedfemale urine and the preference for it over male urinewere not significantly influenced by housing condition. Whendirect contact with male and grouped-female chemical signalswas prevented, significant attraction and preference were nolonger evident, suggesting that urinary components with lowvolatility may mediate ‘attraction’. These resultsare discussed in terms of the ecology and physiology of thepheromone cueing system of the mouse.  相似文献   

Flanagan KA  Webb W  Stowers L 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e16660
Male odors can influence a female's reproductive physiology. In the mouse, the odor of male urine results in an early onset of female puberty. Several volatile and protein pheromones have previously been reported to each account for this bioactivity. Here we bioassay inbred BALB/cJ females to study pheromone-accelerated uterine growth, a developmental hallmark of puberty. We evaluate the response of wild-type and mutant mice lacking a specialized sensory transduction channel, TrpC2, and find TrpC2 function to be necessary for pheromone-mediated uterine growth. We analyze the relative effectiveness of pheromones previously identified to accelerate puberty through direct bioassay and find none to significantly accelerate uterine growth in BALB/cJ females. Complementary to this analysis, we have devised a strategy of partial purification of the uterine growth bioactivity from male urine and applied it to purify bioactivity from three different laboratory strains. The biochemical characteristics of the active fraction of all three strains are inconsistent with that of previously known pheromones. When directly analyzed, we are unable to detect previously known pheromones in urine fractions that generate uterine growth. Our analysis indicates that pheromones emitted by males to advance female puberty remain to be identified.  相似文献   

Sexual pheromones and mating responses in fungi.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
M Blker  R Kahmann 《The Plant cell》1993,5(10):1461-1469

Research on lepidopteran sex pheromone component biosynthetic pathways has revealed general systems that may have significance in understanding the evolution of these moth mating communication signals. Studies with the redbanded leafroller moth, cabbage looper moth, and the domestic silkworm showed that they all possess a unique delta-11 unsaturated acid precursor. Radiolabeled precursor acids were used to show that various combinations of limited beta-oxidation chain-shortening or chain-elongation steps with the desaturase enzyme could produce most of the pheromone components identified for noctuid, pyralid, and tortricid moths. Evolution of the delta-11 desaturase enzyme from the ubiquitous delta-9 desaturase enzyme was suggested by finding primitive species that use the intermediate delta-10 desaturase enzyme. It is suggested that pheromone components of other primitive species are produced by using only the chain-shortening steps on available oleate, linoleate, and linolenate. Pheromone componets of some more advanced species appear to be produced by chain elongation of these available acids, with subsequent reductive decarboxylation to hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

Abstract The study of trail laying, recruitment of workers and trail‐following by worker ants comprises a co‐operative study of entomologists and chemists that has resulted in the identification of the chemical nature of such pheromones in many species of five subfamilies of ants. These pheromones may comprise a single compound or, in one exceptional case, a blend of as many as 14 compounds, they may come from a single gland, or in some cases, a combination of two glands. They may be peculiar to a single species or may be shared by a number of species. They exist in the glandular secretion in nanogram to picogram quantities and are detected by workers in minute amounts on a trail. The present state of knowledge of these pheromones and their chemical structures is reviewed. Suitable bioassays and odour perception are discussed and the stereobiology of a few examples is considered.  相似文献   

蛾类性信息素生物合成途径及其调控   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王博  林欣大  杜永均 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):3235-3250
蛾类通过产生和识别物种特异性性信息素来引发后续交配行为,因此它在两性交配行为中至关重要.它们具有不同碳链长度、末端官能团、不同双键位置和构型等化学结构特征,本文详细讨论了不同蛾类性信息素的合成途径以及催化每一步反应的相关酶系,列举了15种夜蛾科不同亚科常见物种的性信息素组分及其比例,总结了产生特定比例性信息素的可能原因,查阅了夜蛾科不同物种已经鉴别的性信息素,并按照不同亚科、不同官能团和碳链长度对其进行分类,归纳了同一物种及其亲缘物种性信息素组分和比例的变异,总结了产生变异的分子机理,讨论了性信息素变异和物种进化的关系.最后以生物合成激活神经肽(PBAN)为主, 介绍了其调控途径和机制.本文旨在以不同的蛾类性信息素合成途径为线索,从共有合成途径出发深入了解其规律和共性,从特异合成途径出发探究物种间的进化和变异,展望未来的研究方向及其应用.  相似文献   

This article deals with general concepts concerning bacterial pheromones, including sex pheromones. The data on the structure and mode of action of competence pheromones in streptococci and bacilli are discussed, raising the question of the selective value of the process of genetic transformation of bacterial life activities and evolution.  相似文献   

昆虫寄主标记信息素   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
陈华才  程家安 《生态学报》2005,25(2):346-350
综述了昆虫寄主标记信息素的研究进展。昆虫寄主标记信息素是指由昆虫产生的用来标记寄主上有同种个体存在的化学物质。昆虫寄主标记信息素的主要生态学功能是调节昆虫的产卵行为,通过阻止自身或同种其它个体对已标记寄主的产卵选择,或减少产卵量来减少后代之间对寄主资源的竞争。寄主标记信息素也会给释放着带来不利的影响,如信息盗用和盗寄生现象等。昆虫寄主标记信息素也调节昆虫近缘种之间对共同寄主资源的竞争。近缘种昆虫对相互寄主标记信息素识别能力的差异反映了不同昆虫对同一寄主资源竞争能力的强弱。寄主标记信息素产生和贮存的部位一般与外分泌腺、消化系统或生殖系统相联系,杜氏腺、毒腺、前胸腺、腹腺、下唇腺、后产卵管、卵巢、中肠和后肠等是产生或贮存寄主标记信息素的常见部位。产生的寄主标记信息素一般在成虫产卵时由产卵器、口器或排泄口释放到寄主体内或体表。卵寄生蜂的寄主标记信息素一般标记在寄主的体表,雌成蜂用触角检测;其它寄生蜂的寄主标记信息素常产在寄主体内,用产卵器检测;植食性昆虫的寄主标记信息素只产在寄主表面,用触角或产卵器检测。昆虫的产卵器、口器、触角或跗节上着生有感受寄主标记信息素的化感器,可以检测到标记在寄主体内或体表的寄主标记信息素。昆虫寄主标记信息素的完全定性涉及活性化合物的分离、鉴定、合成以及行为测定等,已有几种昆虫的寄主标记信息素成分得到了分离鉴定。  相似文献   

The existence of aggregation pheromones is demonstrated in the Collembola Orchesella cincta, Orchesella villosa, and Tomocerus minor. Places conditioned by these animals can be considered as pheromone-sources, causing aggregation. Although for Tomocerus minor perception is not strictly species specific, all species investigated appear to be more responsive to their own pheromone than to those produced by other species. Both males and females appear to produce and perceive the aggregation pheromone. The distant action of the pheromone points to an olfactorially acting pheromone, in the perception of which the antennae play an important rôle. The behavioural reaction of the perceiving animals is orthokinetic.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current state of understanding of reproductive pheromones in amphibians, focusing mainly on the purification and characterization of peptide pheromones in newts of the genus Cynops, molecular cloning of cDNAs encoding the pheromone molecules, and hormonal control of secretion of these pheromones. Pheromones that attract sexually developed female Cynops pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda newts were isolated from the male abdominal glands. The C. pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda pheromones are peptides, designated sodefrin and silefrin, with the amino acid sequences SIPSKDALLK and SILSKDAQLK, respectively. Each pheromone attracts only conspecific females. Molecular cloning of cDNAs encoding sodefrin and silefrin revealed the presence of precursor proteins that are considered to generate these pheromone peptides. Pheromone precursor mRNA levels and radioimmunoassayable pheromone concentrations in the abdominal glands were elevated by prolactin and androgen. Sexual dimorphism and hormone dependency of the responsiveness of vomeronasal epithelium to sodefrin were noted. Significance of pheromones in the form of peptide for those performing reproductive behavior in an aquatic environment was also discussed.  相似文献   

白蚁信息素研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程冬保 《昆虫学报》2013,56(4):419-426
白蚁是最古老的社会性昆虫, 其社会性的维持需要信息素的相互作用。本文回顾了近年来国内外白蚁信息素研究的最新进展, 内容涉及白蚁踪迹信息素、 性信息素、 告警信息素和促食信息素的功能、 化学成分及产生信息素的外分泌腺。白蚁分泌信息素的腺体主要有背板腺、 腹板腺、 后腹板腺、 额腺和唾腺。绝大多数白蚁信息素是挥发性物质。白蚁在化学通讯上存在节俭策略, 即同一种化合物由不同的白蚁种类的不同外分泌腺分泌, 可具有不同的功能。总结了各类信息素在白蚁物种间、 同一物种的品级间和性别间的异同和作用方式, 强调了白蚁信息素的反应阈值、 最佳浓度、 有效期和物种特异性对其功能的影响。目前对白蚁信息素的研究尚处于起步阶段, 其研究成果对等翅目系统发育研究和白蚁防治具有重要的意义。文章最后展望了白蚁信息素在白蚁防治上的应用前景。  相似文献   

Sex pheromones provide an important means of communication to unite individuals for successful reproduction. Although sex pheromones are highly diverse across animals, these signals fulfil common fundamental roles in enabling identification of a mating partner of the opposite sex, the appropriate species and of optimal fecundity. In this review, we synthesize both classic and recent investigations on sex pheromones in a range of species, spanning nematode worms, insects and mammals. These studies reveal comparable strategies in how these chemical signals are produced, detected and processed in the brain to regulate sexual behaviours. Elucidation of sex pheromone communication mechanisms both defines outstanding models to understand the molecular and neuronal basis of chemosensory behaviours, and reveals how similar evolutionary selection pressures yield convergent solutions in distinct animal nervous systems.EMBO reports advance online publication 13 September 2013; doi:10.1038/embor.2013.140  相似文献   

李嘉  张龙 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):1046-1051
飞蝗和沙漠蝗自古以来就是重要的农业害虫,这与其生物学特性是密不可分的.信息素对飞蝗和沙漠蝗生物学特征的调节起到了非常重要的作用.到目前为止,沙漠蝗Schistocerca gregaria和飞蝗Locusta migratoria 的研究较为深入,本文对其主要成果进行了综述,以此作为以后飞蝗和沙漠蝗信息素进一步研究的参...  相似文献   

昆虫聚集信息素   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
姜勇  雷朝亮  张钟宁 《昆虫学报》2002,45(6):822-832
昆虫聚集信息素是昆虫重要的信息化学物质之一,对昆虫的聚集行为有重要意义。近三十年来,国外鉴定了多种昆虫聚集信息素,主要成分为一些烃、醇、醛、酮、酯、酸、酸酐、胺以及腈类化合物,但其在有害生物可持续治理中的应用潜能尚未充分利用;昆虫聚集信息素的来源多样,除蛹外,多个虫态均有聚集信息素释放,有些学者甚至把一些寄主释放的挥发物作为聚集信息素的组分;同种昆虫,不同生理状态,其聚集信息素可以完全不同或同一信息化学物质的功能不同;但是,并非所有昆虫的聚集行为均为聚集信息素调节,利他素、性信息素以及报警信息素等其它信息化学物质均能导致一些昆虫的聚集。本文综述了5目17科55种昆虫的聚集信息素。  相似文献   

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