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Diploid a/alpha Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells cease mitotic growth and enter meiosis in response to starvation. Expression of meiotic genes depends on the IME1 gene product, which accumulates only in meiotic cells. We report here an analysis of the regulatory region of IME2, an IME1-dependent meiotic gene. Deletion and substitution studies identified a 48-bp IME1-dependent upstream activation sequence (UAS). Activity of the UAS also requires the RIM11, RIM15, and RIM16 gene products, which are required for expression of the chromosomal IME2 promoter and for meiosis. Through a selection for suppressors that permit UAS activity in an ime1 deletion mutant, we identified recessive mutations in three genes, SIN3 (also called RPD1, UME4, and SDI1), RPD3, and UME6 (also called CAR80), that were previously known as negative regulators of other early meiotic genes. Mutational analysis of the IME2 UAS reveals two critical sequence elements: a G+C-rich sequence (called URS1), previously identified at many meiotic genes, and a newly described element, the T4C site, that we found at a subset of meiotic genes. In agreement with prior studies, URS1 mutations lead to elevated IME2 UAS activity in the absence of IME1. However, the URS1 mutations prevent any further stimulation of UAS activity by IME1. Repression through URS1 has been shown to require the UME6 gene product. We find that activation of the IME2 UAS by IME1 also requires the UME6 gene product. Thus, UME6 and the URS1 site both have dual negative and positive roles at the IME2 UAS. We propose that IME1 modifies UME6 to convert it from a negulator to a positive Regulor.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of the nuclearly coded cytochrome c oxidase subunit VI was determined for a genetically defined haploid strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The subunit contains 108 amino acids, has Mr = 12,627, is acidic (net charge of -9.7 at pH 7) and is quite polar (polarity index, 50.9%). Distribution of charges within the polypeptide chain is highly non-random. The NH2- and COOH-terminal regions are predominantly acidic whereas an apolar and a basic region are found in the interior, Subunit VI shows between 28 and 40% sequence homology (depending on the method of alignment) with subunit V of bovine cytochrome c oxidase; since the yeast subunit VI lacks methionine and contains only a single histidine residue very close to the NH2 terminus, it is unlikely that either of the two subunits carries heme alpha in the native enzyme.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the transport systems and enzymes mediating uptake and catabolism of nitrogenous compounds is sensitive to nitrogen catabolite repression. In spite of the widespread occurrence of the control process, little is known about its mechanism. We have previously demonstrated that growth of cells on repressive nitrogen sources results in a dramatic decrease in the steady-state levels of mRNA encoded by the allantoin and arginine catabolic pathway genes and of the transport systems associated with allantoin metabolism. The present study identified the upstream activation sequences in the 5'-flanking regions of the allantoin system genes as the cis-acting sites through which nitrogen catabolite repression is exerted.  相似文献   

Maltose fermentation in Saccharomyces species requires the presence of at least one of five unlinked MAL loci: MAL1, MAL2, MAL3, MAL4, and MAL6. Each of these loci consists of a complex of genes involved in maltose metabolism; the complex includes maltase, a maltose permease, and an activator of these genes. At the MAL6 locus, the activator is encoded by the MAL63 gene. While the MAL6 locus has been the subject of numerous studies, the binding sites of the MAL63 activator have not been determined. In this study, we used Escherichia coli extracts containing the MAL63 protein to define the binding sites of the MAL63 protein in the divergently transcribed MAL61-62 promotor. When a DNA fragment containing these sites was placed upstream of a CYC1-lacZ gene, maltose induced beta-galactosidase. These sites therefore constitute an upstream activating sequence for the MAL genes.  相似文献   

Using synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleic acid probes we have identified and isolated COX6, the structural gene for subunit VI of cytochrome c oxidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The nucleotide sequence of COX6 predicts an amino acid sequence, for the mature subunit VI polypeptide, which is in perfect agreement with that determined previously. The nucleotide sequence of COX6 also predicts that subunit VI is derived from a precursor with a highly basic 40-amino acid NH2-terminal presequence. This precursor has been observed after in vitro translations programmed by yeast poly(A+)RNA. Northern blot analysis of poly(A+) RNA from strain D273-10B reveals that COX6 is homologous to three RNAs of 1800, 900, and 700 bases in length. By means of Southern blot analysis, the cloned gene was shown to be co-linear with yeast chromosomal DNA and to exist in a single copy in the yeast genome. An additional open reading frame, consisting of 82 codons, terminates 22 codons upstream from COX6. It is "in frame" with the COX6 coding region.  相似文献   

Modeling studies suggest that electrons are transferred from cytochrome c to cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) with cytochrome c predominantly bound at a site facing the gamma-meso edge of the CcP prosthetic heme group (Poulos, T.L., and Kraut, J. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 10322-10330). As shown here, guaiacol and ferrocyanide are oxidized at a different site of CcP. Thus, the oxidations of cytochrome c and guaiacol are differentially inactivated by phenylhydrazine and sodium azide. The loss of guaiacol oxidation activity correlates with covalent binding of 1 equivalent of [14C]phenylhydrazine to the protein, whereas the slower loss of cytochrome c activity correlates with the appearance of a 428-nm absorbance maximum attributed to the formation of a sigma-phenyl-iron heme complex. The delta-meso-phenyl and 8-hydroxymethyl derivatives of heme are formed as minor products. Catalytic oxidation of azide to the azidyl radical results in inactivation of CcP and formation of delta-meso-azidoheme. Reconstitution of apo-CcP with delta-meso-azido-, -ethyl-, and -(2-phenylethyl)heme yields holoproteins that give compound I species with H2O2 and exhibit 80, 59, and 31%, respectively, of the control kcat value for cytochrome c oxidation but little or no guaiacol or ferrocyanide oxidizing activity. Conversely, CcP reconstituted with gamma-meso-ethylheme is fully active in the oxidation of guaiacol and ferrocyanide but only retains 27% of the cytochrome c oxidizing activity. These results indicate that guaiacol and ferrocyanide are primarily oxidized near the delta-meso-heme edge rather than, like cytochrome c, at a surface site facing the gamma-meso edge.  相似文献   

Heme is covalently attached to cytochrome c by the enzyme cytochrome c heme lyase. To test whether heme attachment is required for import of cytochrome c into mitochondria in vivo, antibodies to cytochrome c have been used to assay the distributions of apo- and holocytochromes c in the cytoplasm and mitochondria from various strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Strains lacking heme lyase accumulate apocytochrome c in the cytoplasm. Similar cytoplasmic accumulation is observed for an altered apocytochrome c in which serine residues were substituted for the two cysteine residues that normally serve as sites of heme attachment, even in the presence of normal levels of heme lyase. However, detectable amounts of this altered apocytochrome c are also found inside mitochondria. The level of internalized altered apocytochrome c is decreased in a strain that completely lacks heme lyase and is greatly increased in a strain that overexpresses heme lyase. Antibodies recognizing heme lyase were used to demonstrate that the enzyme is found on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane and is not enriched at sites of contact between the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. These results suggest that apocytochrome c is transported across the outer mitochondrial membrane by a freely reversible process, binds to heme lyase in the intermembrane space, and is then trapped inside mitochondria by an irreversible conversion to holocytochrome c accompanied by folding to the native conformation. Altered apocytochrome c lacking the ability to have heme covalently attached accumulates in mitochondria only to the extent that it remains bound to heme lyase.  相似文献   

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