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Summary During the austral summer of 1987/1988, three 24 h in situ primary productivity measurements were made at a nearshore sublittoral site on the east coast of Signy Island, Antarctica. The first experiment in December, coincided with the peak of the benthic algal bloom as shown by benthic chlorophyll measurements and a primary productivity rate of 700.9 mg carbon m–2 day–1. In January, the experiment was undertaken during the peak of the phytoplankton bloom when light intensities reaching the benthos were greatly reduced. A rate of 313.4 mg carbon m–2 day–1 was measured, half that of the previous month. In March the phytoplankton bloom had died off, benthic light intensities had increased and production was 391.8 mg m–2 day–1. The experiments indicate changes in benthic microalgal activity during the summer, linked to changes in the benthic light climate. Compared with previous measurements of phytoplanktonic activity at Signy, the microphytobenthos seems to be an important source of primary production. A production estimate of 100.9 mg carbon m–2, for the ice-free summer period, lies within the range of values of results from other polar studies.  相似文献   

Summary The mineral nitrogen (NH4-N + NO3-N) in precipitation occurring at continental and maritime Antarctic sites has been determined. Precipitation at sites remote from animal activity contained much less mineral N than that occurring at sites influenced by such activity. Estimates for nitrogen input at two contrasting fellfield sites, one at continental Cape Bird (dry site), the other at maritime Signy Island (wet site) are presented. At both sites precipitation N represented the major N input to fellfield biota than did wind blown particulate matter containing organic nitrogen or ammonia volatilized from adjacent guano soils and becoming absorbed by moist artificial soils traps.  相似文献   

Sixty specimens of the giant marine isopod Glyptonotus antarcticus Eights, collected from Borge Bay, Signy Island, Antarctica were examined for epizoans. Ten species of cheilostomatid bryozoans were found on the isopods. The purpose of the study was to quantify the prevalence, intensity, abundance, and spatial distribution of the bryozoans on the isopods. The proportion of isopods colonized was 42%. The larger isopods had both significantly more epizoic bryozoan colonies and species. The greatest density of bryozoans was on the fused pleon and telson. There was no significant difference between the dorsal and ventral abundance of bryozoan colonies. The diversity of epizoic bryozoans on the isopods is higher than on other host organisms from more stable environments. This may be because of active selection by settling larvae. The frequency of local substrata being scoured by ice is high around Signy Island, so there may be a selective advantage in colonizing a motile host. Accepted: 20 June 1998  相似文献   

Filamentous green algae in freshwater streams on Signy Island,Antarctica   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Ian Hawes 《Hydrobiologia》1989,172(1):1-18
The streams of Signy Island are varied and extremely seasonal environments. Water flows from November/December to March/April; streams are frozen for the rest of the year. Streams usually flow through small, barren catchments and are nutrient poor, though they may be enriched by dense summer populations of seabirds and seals. Temperatures are consistently low. Stream depth is maximal during the spring melt period, declining over the course of the summer. Vegetation is exclusively algal, and filamentous chlorophytes from a particularly conspicuous component. Small numbers of vegetative cells survive the long frozen period in situ. A steady increase in standing crop results in a maximum 2 to 3 months after flow begins. Sloughing is the major loss mechanism and grazers are effectively absent. Three taxa of filamentous algae are common in Signy streams, species of Zygnema, Mougeotia and Klebsormidium. The distributions of these algae are described and related to physical and chemical features of their environment.  相似文献   

Shell growth in Yoldia eightsi was measured over an austral summer and winter in 1992. In specimens < 12 mm length, growth was not significantly different between summer and winter periods, and the fastest recorded rate, 6.3 μm day−1 was for 5-mm individuals during the winter. In summer, specimens of all lengths grew significantly, but in winter bivalves > 27 mm length did not increase in length. Tissue dry and ash-free dry mass (AFDM) cycles were assessed at monthly intervals between December 1988 and January 1991. ANCOVA indicated significant interannual and seasonal effects on this cycle. Tissue mass increased in the summer, coinciding with the phytoplankton bloom and the period of maximum sedimentation of organic material from the water column. A standard 20-mm-length animal reached a maximum AFDM of 114 mg in February 1990. The minimum value (68 mg AFDM) throughout the 2 years of measurements was in early December 1988, at the end of the austral winter. Periods of tissue mass increase were, therefore, decoupled from shell growth, at least in juveniles. Tissue mass was significantly higher in 1990 than 1989, which was mainly due to high organic contents in the summer (January to May). This was not consistent with the pattern of organic content in the sediments at the study site, but was in phase with the cycle in sediment chlorophyll a content. Tissue mass increase depended on major resource input during the summer, but Y. eightsi was capable of maintaining winter condition from stocks of benthic microalgae in years of poor ice cover. Tissue mass declined between April and July each year. This was accompanied by large falls in tissue ash content, and coincided with the spawning period in early June. These are the first monthly tissue mass data collected over a 2-year period for an Antarctic mollusc. They are the first such data indicating seasonal variation in tissue mass and showing a decoupling of shell and tissue growth in a polar bivalve. The P/B ratio calculated from these data was 0.106, which is slightly lower than previous values found for this species, but is in line with general values for Antarctic marine benthos. Accepted: 6 December 1999  相似文献   

Antarctic anemones of the genus Halcampoides inhabit low intertidal and shallow subtidal zones. They readily burrow into soft sediments following disturbance. The process of re-burying was recorded using time-lapse video in the aquarium of the British Antarctic Survey with specimens of a species collected from the shallow sublittoral (<1 m depth) at Signy Island. Penetration of the sediment takes place by a similar mechanism to that employed by burrowing anemones such as Peachia hastata from lower latitudes. Penetration initially is brought about by peristaltic contractions that involve only the modified base, or physa. Later, as the column becomes buried, the peristaltic contractions start in the upper part of the scapus and pass down the column before extending the physa. At this stage penetration is aided by contractions of the longitudinal muscles that draw the column down into the sediment. At 0 degrees C the frequency of initiation of peristaltic contractions down the column, and of contractions of the longitudinal muscles are on average >1.6 and >4.0 times slower, respectively, compared with those of Peachia hastata from Scotland, recorded at approximately 11-14 degrees C. Q(10) values calculated from these data are in the range 1.4-3.0, and thus provide little evidence supporting any evolutionary acclimation of the processes involved in burrowing has occurred in Halcampoides from the Antarctic, although the data are limited.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in composition and density of the benthic macrofauna at two stations (12 and 25 m depth) were studied in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica. Samples where carried out using an van Veen sampler between March and December 1999 (winter) and December 2000 and March 2001 (summer), comprising a discontinuous annual cycle. Sediment organic matter showed a marked seasonal cycle, with lowest values at middle winter. Communities showed little variations in density and composition. Temporal variations were not detected at 25 m depth. Variations at 12 m were related to one iceberg impact and to wind generated hydrodinamism, as a function of wind direction, intensity and fetch. As winter scarcity of primary production did not seem to affect macrofaunal community densities, nutrient availability for the benthos in winter can be related to the remineralization of sediment organic matter by bacterial activity.
C. A. EcheverríaEmail:

Monthly plankton sampling was carried out at three stationson the west coast of Inhaca Island, southern Mozambique, fromAugust 1994 to August 1995. Sampling included water mass physicalparameters, nutrients, chlorophyll and zooplankton with netsof 125 and 330 µm pore aperture. Nutrient concentrationhas shown maxima during the summer months, where rain providesthe maximum outflow of rivers discharging into Maputo Bay. Followingthe nutrient peak, chlorophyll a has shown maxima around themonth of April, with another minor peak in September, when temperaturebegins to increase. Zooplankton densities followed closely thephytoplankton peaks, especially small herbivorous taxa and larvalstages, such as gastropod and bivalve larvae.  相似文献   

Particulate material recovered over an 18-month period from sediment traps deployed at a shallow-water nearshore Antarctic site was analysed for photosynthetic pigments, aliphatic hydrocarbons and fatty acids. All components showed a distinct seasonal variation, with high recovery rates during the summer open-water phytoplankton bloom and low rates under winter fast ice. The amount of trapped material differed between the two summers, indicating inter-annual variability of vertical flux associated with differences in the intensity of the summer phytoplankton bloom. Particulate material trapped in summer was dominated by that which originated in diatoms. High recoveries of chlorophyll a, fucoxanthin, n-C21:6 hydrocarbon, 20:5(n-3) fatty acid and shorter chain (C15–C24) aliphatic hydrocarbons all pointed to a significant summer flux of ungrazed diatoms. There were, however, also signals of zooplankton grazing activity (notably pyrophaeophorbide a), and the presence of C18:4(n-3) and C22:6(n-3) fatty acids suggested a small flux of material from flagellates and other sources. Longer chain n-alkanes (C25–C34) indicative of nanoplankton were detected all year, but there was no significant deposition of zooplankton material in any sample. The major recovery rate of photosynthetic pigments was in late summer (February to April), and the major grazing signal occurred after the peak of the summer diatom bloom. Most of the diatom bloom appeared to settle out from the water column without being grazed. The major seasonal contrast in the biochemistry of the trapped material was the dominance of the diatom signature in summer, and in winter the predominance (but at much lower recovery rates) of material from nanoplankton. Received: 2 March 1998 / Accepted: 12 June 1998  相似文献   

The Antarctic Peninsula has experienced a rapid increase in atmospheric temperature over the last 50 years. Whether or not marine organisms thriving in this cold stenothermal environment are able to cope with warming is of concern. Here, we present changes to the growth and shell characteristics of the ecologically important, small and short lived brooding bivalve Lissarca miliaris from Signy Island, Antarctica. Using material collected from the 1970''s to the present day, we show an increase in growth rate and adult shell deterioration accompanied by a decrease in offspring size, associated with an increase in annual average temperatures. Critical changes to the bivalve''s ecology seen today evidence the problem of a shift in baseline since the onset of warming recorded in Antarctica. These small bivalves are demonstrating ecophysiological responses to subtle warming that, provided warming continues, could soon surpass a physiological tipping point, adding to warming associated threats such as increased predatory pressure and ocean acidification.  相似文献   

Sediment traps were deployed in an oligotrophic, seasonally anoxic maritime Antarctic lake for 15 months. Immediately after the onset of the inflow in spring many iron oxyhydroxide aggregates were collected in the traps. Image analysis, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis were used to examine the aggregates.The aggregates consisted of primary particles that persisted in the aggregates. The mean diameter of the aggregates was constant with depth. The aggregates consisted predominantly of iron, phosphorus and oxygen but calcium was also an important constituent. Significant concentrations of manganese and sodium were also detected. The molar ratio Fe:P remained constant at 4:1 as did the ratio Fe:Ca at 52:1. The concentration of iron, phosphorus and calcium in the aggregates increased with depth, whilst the concentration of manganese decreased with depth in parallel with a gradient of increasing anoxia.The stable water column formed under ice cover and the temporal and spatial data provide evidence that the Fe:P and Fe:Ca ratios are constant and characteristic of the aggregates, whilst the overall composition of the aggregates is more dynamic and dependant on redox conditions and water chemistry.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The lakes of Signy Island (60° 43'S, 45° 38'W), South Orkney Islands, Antarctica, provide a unique laboratory for the study of many processes including natural eutrophication. Current relationships between the lakes have been examined by principal components analysis of environmental data from a long-term monitoring programme. The results from the analysis have been combined with some biological data to provide a classification scheme for the lakes. The study has produced a valuable baseline for use in future research.  相似文献   

Water samples from a range of fresh-water Antarctic lakes on Signy Island (South Orkney Islands: 60°45′S, 45 °38′W) were examined for the presence of virus-like particles (VLPs) during the 1998/1999 field season. It was discovered that VLPs were ubiquitous, morphologically diverse and abundant, with high concentrations ranging from 4.9 × 106 ml−1 to 3.1 × 107 ml−1. Likely hosts include bacteria, cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae. In addition, an unusually large virus morphotype was observed with a head diameter 370 × 330 nm and a tail 1.3 μm long. Accepted: 15 May 2000  相似文献   

Timing and duration of the breeding cycle of the Cape petrel Daption capense were studied during two breeding seasons (1990/1991 and 1991/1992) at Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. In 1991/1992 the copulatory period extended over 53 days, with median date and a peak about 28 and 19 days respectively, before the median date of laying. Laying began 85 days after arrival, with mean (= median) date on 2 December (SD = 2.5 days). The distributions of laying, hatching and fledging dates showed a similar degree of synchrony and did not differ between years. Incubation and chick period were equally long (46 days), the former being less variable (coefficient of variation = 2.8% and 4.6%, respectively). Mean completed nesting cycle (92 days) was about 2 days shorter at Nelson Island than elsewhere and tended to shorten as the breeding season progressed. Its mean length represented 86% of the whole nesting period (107 days), which in turn represented 56% of the period of continuous colony attendance. Timing and duration of nesting stages did not differ between colonies or sets of nests subjected to various levels of disturbance. Received: 8 July 1996 / Accepted: 11 November 1996  相似文献   

Antarctic notothenioid fishes show wide adaptive morphological radiation, linked to habitat preferences and food composition. However, direct comparisons of phenotypic variability and feeding habits are still lacking, particularly in stages inhabiting nearshore areas. To assess these relationships, we collected juveniles and adults of the most common benthic species inhabiting shallow waters off the South Shetland Islands within a similar size range, the plunderfish Harpagifer antarcticus, the black rockcod Notothenia coriiceps, and the marbled rockcod Notothenia rossii. Individual size ranges varied from 44.0 to 98.9 mm standard length (LS) (H. antarcticus), from 95.8 to 109.3 mm LS (N. coriiceps), and from 63.0 to 113.0 mm LS (N. rossii). Notothenioid fish showed different morphospace variability, being larger for H. antarcticus than the other Notothenia species and associated with the position of the posterior end of the operculum, along with the location and relative size of the eye. The evolutionary allometry was low, but the static allometry was much higher, especially for H. antarcticus and N. rossii. The diet was mainly carnivorous, consisting of amphipods and euphausiids. Macroalgae were scarce or totally absent in the gut contents of all species. Only H. antarcticus showed an increase in the prey number and ingested prey volume with fish size. Finally, there was a significant covariation between shape changes and LS in all species (allometric effects), however, not with prey composition, probably due to the small size range or ontogenetic stage and the relative similarity (or lack of contrast) in the benthic environment that they utilized.  相似文献   

We investigated the abundance and biomass of planktonic ciliates in the sea area around Zhangzi Island, Northern Yellow Sea, from July 2009 to June 2010. Ciliates were sampled monthly from surface to bottom with a 10 m depth interval at 13 sample stations along three transects. A 1 L sample of water from each depth was collected with a 2.5 L Niskin water sampler and fixed in 1% acid Lugol’s iodine solution. Water samples were pre-concentrated using the Utermöhl method and observed using an Olympus IX51 inverted microscope at 100× or 200x. The dimensions of the ciliates were measured and the cell volume of each species was estimated using appropriate geometric shapes. The carbon:volume ratio used to calculate biomass was 0.19 pg C/μm3. Abundance and biomass of the ciliate in water column were calculated as the integral of the abundance and biomass from bottom to surface, respectively. The classification of tintinnids was based on taxonomic literature. The average abundance of non-loricate ciliates was 3066 ± 2805 ind/L, ranging from 165 ind/L (50 m depth of St. B6 in July) to 26,595 ind/L (surface of St. C1 in September). The average biomass of non-loricate ciliates was 2.88 ± 2.68 μg C/L, ranging from 0.05 μg C/L (10 m depth of St. A6 in July) to 20.51 μg C/L (surface of St. A5 in August). The average tintinnid abundance was 142 ± 273 ind/L, ranging from 0 ind/L (monthly) to 2756 ind/L (surface of St. A1 in July). The average tintinnid biomass was 0.84 ± 2.19 μg C/L, ranging from 0.00 μg C/L (every month) to 37.64 μg C/L (20 m depth of St. C5 in July). The results showed that the average abundance of total ciliates was 3208 ± 2828 ind/L, ranging from 166 ind/L (10 m depth of St. A6 in July) to 26,625 ind/L (surface of St. C1 in September); the average biomass of total ciliates was 3.73 ± 3.55 μg C/L, ranging from 0.05 μg C/L (10 m depth of St. A6 in July) to 38.29 μg C/L (20 m depth of St. C5 in July). Abundance and biomass were vertically homogeneous in February, November and December, but decreased dramatically from the surface down to the bottom in other months. 23 tintinnid species were identified, 12 of which were in genus Tintinnopsis. Tintinnid species were more abundant in February, July and August. Tintinnids occupied 6.6 ± 10.2% and 19.7 ± 23.3% of the total ciliate abundance and biomass, respectively, which increased during the warm season and at coastal stations, and decreased during the cold season and at offshore stations. Large non-loricate ciliate species were prevalent in spring, while smaller species dominated in summer and autumn. The average abundance of total ciliates in water column was 132 ± 72 × 106 ind/m2, with increases during spring and autumn. The average biomass of total ciliates in water column was 152.57 ± 93.10 mg C/m2, with increases during spring and summer. The average abundance and biomass of total ciliates in water column were greater at offshore stations than at coastal stations during spring and autumn, and were lower during summer and winter. Non-loricate ciliates, tintinnids and total ciliates showed significant positive correlation with temperature and significant negative correlation with salinity (p < 0.01). Non-loricate ciliates and total ciliates showed significant positive correlation with Chl a concentration (p < 0.01); however, relationship between Chl a concentration and tintinnids was not significant.  相似文献   

Synopsis The objective of this study was to describe the diet of age-0 Pacific halibut,Hippoglossus stenolepis, for the inshore waters of Kodiak Island, Alaska during August 1991. Stomach contents were identified from 170 age-0 halibut captured inshore of the eastern and southern coasts of Kodiak Island, and were analyzed in relation to halibut size, location, depth and substrate of capture. One hundred sixty-eight of 170 fish had eaten crustaceans, of which the predominant prey taxa were Mysidacea (34.3%), Cumacea (33.1%), Gammaridea (26.6%) and Caridea (3.9%). In five of six capture locations, mysids and amphipods were predominant prey. In the remaining area, Sitkinak Strait, cumaceans were the primary food source. At depths less than 10 m, mysids were the predominant prey taxa. Gammarid amphipods were of primary importance at depths of 10–30 m. Halibut captured from 30–70 m fed mainly on cumaceans. Cumaceans and gammarid amphipods were consumed by halibut caught on gravel substrate. Fish caught on substrates of sand and mud fed mainly on mysids and amphipods. Cumaceans were also consumed on sandy substrates. Fish 45 mm fed on cumaceans. An ontogenetically related shift in diet occurred at 46–55 mm TL, at which size the halibut's primary prey began to shift from cumaceans to mysids. Fish of 46–75 mm consumed increasingly greater proportions of mysids, amphipods and shrimps. The diet of age-0 Pacific halibut along the Kodiak coast during August was related to predator size, and location, depth, and substrate type of capture.  相似文献   

The copepod Pseudoboeckella poppei (Daday) (Calanoida, Centropagidae) was sampled from Sombre and Heywood Lakes on Signy Island, Antarctica (60° S, 45° W) between January 1984 and March 1985. Sombre Lake is clear and oligotrophic with little phytoplankton and a bottom sediment low in organic content. By contrast Heywood Lake is turbid and mesotrophic; a substantial phytoplankton develops in summer and the bottom sediments are comparatively rich in organics. Both lakes freeze over for much of the year, forcing the copepods to adopt a benthic feeding strategy over winter. Adult Pseudoboeckella feed on phytoplankton when this is available, but also on detritus, diatoms and short algal filaments stirred up from the sediment. In Heywood Lake, male copepods show a smooth seasonal trend in lipid content with lipid being synthesised in early summer and utilised in late summer and winter. The summer increase in lipid content is associated with an increase in dry weight. Female lipid contents show evidence of two peaks of egg production. In Sombre Lake both male and female copepods increase in size during summer and show a wider range of lipid contents than in Heywood Lake; it is likely that this is due to the poorer winter feeding conditions which necessitate the synthesis of a much larger store of reserves during the summer. In contrast to marine calanoid copepods, lipid stores are exclusively triacylglycerol with no trace of wax ester.  相似文献   

M. DE L. BROOKE 《Ibis》1985,127(1):7-15
The Seychelles Fody or Toc-toc shows a fairly well-defined annual cycle. A full pre-nuptial moult, lasting 90–100 days, occurs from February to May at the end of the wet season. During this period males enter eclipse plumage and there is little breeding. In most years there is a peak of breeding during the dry southeast monsoon from May to September. The subsequent period of post-fledging parental care is lengthy, up to four months. I suggest that this cycle, which minimizes variation in adult energy requirements through the year, may be particularly advantageous to a generalist feeder like the Toc-toc.
Annual adult mortality is not higher than 17–21%, a figure which agrees reasonably with observed juvenile recruitment of 15–16%. The Cousin population of this globally scarce species is estimated at 1300.  相似文献   

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