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We examined three ecological factors potentially causing premating reproductive isolation to determine whether divergent selection as a result of coevolution between South Hills crossbills (Loxia curvirostra complex) and Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta latifolia) promotes ecological speciation. One factor was habitat isolation arising because of enhanced seed defenses of lodgepole pine in the South Hills. This caused the crossbill call types (morphologically and vocally differentiated forms) adapted to alternative resources to be rare. Another occurred when crossbills of other call types moved into the South Hills late in the breeding season and feeding conditions were deteriorating so that relatively few non-South Hills crossbills bred ("immigrant infecundity"). Finally, among those crossbills that bred, pairing was strongly assortative by call type (behavioral isolation). Total reproductive isolation between South Hills crossbills and the two other crossbills most common in the South Hills (call types 2 and 5) summed to .9975 and .9998, respectively, on a scale of 0 (no reproductive isolation) to 1 (complete reproductive isolation). These extremely high levels of reproductive isolation indicate that the divergent selection resulting from the coevolutionary arms race between crossbills and lodgepole pine is causing the South Hills crossbill to speciate. 相似文献
Modelling the arms race in avian brood parasitism 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
In brood parasitism, interactions between a parasite and its host lead to a co-evolutionary process called an arms race, in which evolutionary progress on one side provokes a further response on the other side. The host evolves defensive means to reduce the impact of parasitism, while the parasite evolves means to counter the host's defence. To gain insights into the co-evolutionary process of the arms race, a model is developed and analysed, in which the host's defence and the parasite's counterdefence are assumed to be genetically determined. First, the effect of parasite counterdefence on host defence is analysed. I show that parasite counterdefence can critically affect the establishment of host defence, giving rise to three situations in the equilibrium state: The host shows (1) no defence, (2) an intermediate level of defence or (3) perfect defence. Based on these results, the evolution of parasite counterdefence is considered in connection with host defence. It is suggested that the parasite can evolve counterdefence to a certain degree, but once it has established counterdefence beyond this, the host gives up its defence against parasitism provided the defence entails some cost to perform. Dynamic aspects of selection pressure are crucial for these results. Based on these results, I propose a hypothetical evolutionary sequence in the arms race, along which interactions between the host and parasite proceed. 相似文献
Chatterjee C Mukhopadhyay C 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2002,292(2):579-585
We report here the interaction of melittin with ganglioside GM1 by steady-state fluorescence, one-dimensional (1)H NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling. In the presence of GM1 the emission maximum of melittin is blue shifted and fluorescence quenching efficiencies of iodide and acrylamide are substantially reduced, indicating a shielding of tryptophan of melittin from aqueous environment. Significant line broadening of NMR resonances of melittin, suggestive of motional restriction, is observed. Molecular modeling indicates a melittin-GM1 complex with N-terminal hydrophobic stretch of melittin associating with the ceramide tail and C-terminal hydrophilic end of melittin having favorable electrostatic interaction with the carbohydrate head group of GM1. 相似文献
The interaction of a protease with two fluorescent inhibitors has been studied using intact fixed leukaemia cells as the source of the membrane bound enzyme. Fresh rat leukaemia cells were disrupted and the cytosol collected; this extract was known to contain a protein inhibitor of guanidinobenzoatase (GB) associated with leukaemia cells. All the cytosolic proteins were derivatised with Texas red acid chloride. Leukaemia cells with latent GB failed to bind the Texas red inhibitor protein but did so after activation of GB. Competition experiments with 9-amino acridine (a fluorescent marker for the active site of GB) demonstrated that the Texas red-inhibitor protein could only bind to intact leukaemia cells when the active centre of GB was not already occupied by 9-amino acridine. This competition between these two fluorescent inhibitors demonstrated their specificity for GB. The use of intact leukaemia cells and the high molecular weight of the inhibitor protein precludes the possibility of any interaction between GB and inhibitor within the cells. It is concluded that GB and the GB-inhibitor complex of latent GB are located on the external surface of intact leukaemia cells. 相似文献
Adaptive molecular evolution for 13,000 phage generations: a possible arms race 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3

Bacteriophage phiX174 was evolved on a continuous supply of sensitive hosts for 180 days ( approximately 13,000 phage generations). The average rate of nucleotide substitution was nearly 0.2% (11 substitutions)/20 days, and, surprisingly, substitutions accumulated in a clock-like manner throughout the study, except for a low rate during the first 20 days. Rates of silent and missense substitutions varied over time and among genes. Approximately 40% of the 71 missense changes and 25% of the 58 silent changes have been observed in previous adaptations; the rate of parallel substitution was highest in the early phase of the evolution, but 7% of the later changes had evolved in previous studies of much shorter duration. Several lines of evidence suggest that most of the changes were adaptive, even many of the silent substitutions. The sustained, high rate of adaptive evolution for 180 days defies a model of adaptation to a constant environment. We instead suggest that continuing molecular evolution reflects a potentially indefinite arms race, stemming from high levels of co-infection and the resulting conflict among genomes competing within the same cell. 相似文献
Recent experimental findings suggest that the assumption of a homogeneous recombination rate along the human genome is too naive. These findings point to block-structured recombination rates; certain regions (called hotspots) are more prone than other regions to recombination. In this report a coalescent model incorporating hotspot or block-structured recombination is developed and investigated analytically as well as by simulation. Our main results can be summarized as follows: (1) The expected number of recombination events is much lower in a model with pure hotspot recombination than in a model with pure homogeneous recombination, (2) hotspots give rise to large variation in recombination rates along the genome as well as in the number of historical recombination events, and (3) the size of a (nonrecombining) block in the hotspot model is likely to be overestimated grossly when estimated from SNP data. The results are discussed with reference to the current debate about block-structured recombination and, in addition, the results are compared to genome-wide variation in recombination rates. A number of new analytical results about the model are derived. 相似文献
M T Ivery 《Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry》1999,7(7):1389-1402
Cyclosporin A (CsA) and FK506 are potent natural product immunosuppressants that induce their biological effects by forming an initial complex with cytosolic proteins termed immunophilins. These drug immunophilin complexes then bind to and inhibit the serine/threonine protein phosphatase calcineurin (CN). Two classes of immunophilin have been identified with cyclophilins (CyP's) being proteins specifically binding CsA and FKBPs specifically binding FK506. Solution and crystal structures of various CsA-CyP and FK506-FKBP complexes have been determined and show no apparent structural similarity between the two classes of drug protein complexes. These findings raise the question as to how, given their structural differences, these two complexes can both inhibit CN. While the crystal structure of the FK506-FKBP12-CN complex has been reported, no structure for a CsA-CyP CN complex has been determined. Here are reported studies that use various modelling strategies to construct a model for the interaction of the cyclosporin A- cyclophilin A complex with calcineurin. The first stage of constructing this model consisted of using conformational comparison of CsA and FK506, GRID and GROUP analysis and restrained molecular dynamics to dock CsA into the FK506 binding site of the FK506-FKBP12-CN structure. An initial model for the CsA-CyPA-CN complex was then constructed by superimposing the structure of the CsA-CyPA complex onto the docked CsA molecule. This model was then optimised with molecular dynamics simulations run on sterically clashing regions. The validity of the model for the CsA-CyPA-CN complex was then examined with respect to the effect of chemical modifications to CsA and amino acid substitutions within CyPA on the ability of the drug-immunophilin complex to inhibit calcineurin. 相似文献
Desai K Brott D Hu X Christianson A 《Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology》2011,9(5):647-662
Drug-induced neutropenia can be fatal when severe and therefore requires an improved understanding of its mechanism(s) of toxicity. Systems biology provides an opportunity to understand adverse events after drug administration using analysis of biomolecular networks. In this study, a human protein interaction network was analyzed to identify proteins that are most central to topological paths connecting a drug's target proteins to hematopoiesis-related proteins. For a set of non-immune neutropenia inducing drugs, 9 proteins were found to be common to putative signaling paths across all drugs evaluated. All 9 proteins showed relevance to neutrophil biology. Geneset enrichment analysis showed that proteins associated with cancer-related processes such as apoptosis provide topological linkages between drug targets and proteins involved in neutrophil production. The algorithm can be applied towards analysis of any toxicity where the drugs and the physiological processes involved in the toxic mechanism are known. 相似文献
A model of the C5a receptor was built based on the assumption that the seven membrane-spanning helices of known inward/outward direction are in an arrangement roughly similar to that in bacteriorhodopsin. Guidelines for the positioning of the helices were cysteine pairing, 'ridges into grooves' interdigitation of side chains and aromatic cluster formation. The chain segments protruding from the membrane are too short for folding into an independent ectodomain. The only longer segment (179-202) is tied down in its centre onto the membrane by a disulphide bridge and, thereby, made into two short loops as well. Ideas of the interaction of the C5a receptor with its ligand were derived mainly from the search for accommodation of the functionally essential arginine residues 40 and 74 of C5a. Asp82 is the only charged residue in a pocket approximately 20 A below the receptor surface and is conserved in the rhodopsin superfamily. It commends itself for binding Arg74 which is the tip of the flexible C-terminal chain of C5a, and rules out Arg40 in the structurally well-defined part of the molecule. The latter may bind to Glu180 at the bottom of a more shallow pocket which happens to resemble the substrate-binding site of trypsin. 相似文献
Hyperparasites can play a crucial role in the control of a host-parasite interaction if they are successfully established in the community. We investigated the specific traits of the hyperparasite and those of the release event which allow a successful regulation of primary parasite populations. This study has been motivated by the case study of chestnut-Cryphonectria parasitica-Cryphonectria Hypovirus interaction. We use a model of SIR/SIS type which assumes a limited diffusion of the parasite. Our model emphasizes the thresholds for invasion linked to the ecological specificities of both the pathogen and the hyperparasite (transmission rates and virulence) and to the initial conditions of the system (population sizes of the different categories). The predictions are consistent with data on the observed spread of the virus. "Mild" strains of the hyperparasite, characterized by a high vertical transmission rate and low virulence, are more prone to establish than "severe" strains. It also demonstrates that the horizontal transmission of the virus, which is controlled by a vegetative incompatibility system in the fungus, is not the unique constraint for the virus establishment. This study may contribute to theoretical and practical aspects of the biological control of plant diseases with a hyperparasite and to the ecology of biological invasions. 相似文献
Here we investigate the coevolutionary interactions between the slavemaking ant Protomognathus americanus and its Temnothorax hosts on a chemical level. We show that, although this social parasite is principally well-adapted to its hosts' cuticular hydrocarbon profile, there are pronounced differences in the fine-tuning of this adaptation. Between populations, chemical adaptation varies with host community composition, as the parasite faces a trade-off when confronted with more than one host species. In addition to adaptation of its own chemical signature, the slavemaker causes a reciprocal adjustment in its slaves' cuticular profile, the degree of which depends on the slave species. On the host side, successful parasite defence requires efficient enemy recognition, and in behavioural aggression trials, host colonies could indeed discriminate between invading slaves, which commonly accompany slavemakers on raids, and free-living conspecifics. Furthermore, hosts shifted their acceptance threshold over the seasons, presumably to reduce the costs of defence. 相似文献
Generating muscle-driven forward dynamics simulations of human movement using detailed musculoskeletal models can be computationally expensive. This is due in part to the time required to calculate musculotendon geometry (e.g., musculotendon lengths and moment arms), which is necessary to determine and apply individual musculotendon forces during the simulation. Modeling upper-extremity musculotendon geometry can be especially challenging due to the large number of multi-articular muscles and complex muscle paths. To accurately represent this geometry, wrapping surface algorithms and/or other computationally expensive techniques (e.g., phantom segments) are used. This paper provides a set of computationally efficient polynomial regression equations that estimate musculotendon length and moment arms for thirty-two (32) upper-extremity musculotendon actuators representing the major muscles crossing the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Equations were developed using a least squares fitting technique based on geometry values obtained from a validated public-domain upper-extremity musculoskeletal model that used wrapping surface elements (Holzbaur et al., 2005). In general, the regression equations fit well the original model values, with an average root mean square difference for all musculotendon actuators over the represented joint space of 0.39 mm (1.1% of peak value). In addition, the equations reduced the computational time required to simulate a representative upper-extremity movement (i.e., wheelchair propulsion) by more than two orders of magnitude (315 versus 2.3 s). Thus, these equations can assist in generating computationally efficient forward dynamics simulations of a wide range of upper-extremity movements. 相似文献
Schneider U Blechschmidt K Schwemmle M Staeheli P 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2004,279(53):55290-55296
The active polymerase complex of Borna disease virus is composed of the viral proteins N, P, and L. The viral X (negative regulatory factor) protein acts as a regulator of polymerase activity. Interactions of P with N and X were previously studied, but interactions with L were poorly defined. Using a mammalian two-hybrid system, we observed that L specifically interacts with P but not with N, X, or itself. Mapping of the L-binding domain in the P molecule revealed that it overlaps with two adjacent domains required for multimerization and interaction with N. Competition experiments showed that the interaction between L and P was inefficient when N was present, indicating that L may preferentially interact with free P in infected cells. Interestingly, a multimerization-defective P mutant maintained the ability to interact with L, N, and X but failed to support reporter gene expression from an artificial Borna disease virus minigenome. Furthermore, dominant negative effects on minigenome activity were only observed when P mutants with an intact multimerization domain were used, suggesting that P multimers, rather than monomers, exhibit biological activity. P mutants lacking functional interaction domains for L or N still formed complexes with these viral proteins when wild-type P was available as a bridging molecule, indicating that P multimers have the potential to act as scaffolds on which the RNA polymerase complex is assembled. 相似文献
Coevolution of exaggerated morphologies between insects and plants is a well-known but poorly understood phenomenon in evolutionary biology. In the antagonistic interaction between a seed-predatory insect, the camellia weevil (Curculio camelliae), and its host plant, Japanese camellia (Camellia japonica), we examined the evolutionary trajectory of an exaggerated offensive trait of the weevil (rostrum length) in terms of scaling relationship. Sampling throughout Japan revealed that the ratio of the rostrum length to overall body size was correlated with the ratio of the pericarp thickness to overall fruit size across the localities. We found a geographical interpopulation divergence in a parameter pertaining to the allometric equation of rostrum length (the coefficient a in y=axb, where y and x denote rostrum and body lengths, respectively), and the pattern of geographical differentiation in the allometric coefficient was closely correlated with the variation in the pericarp thickness of Japanese camellia. Our results provide a novel example of a geographically diverged scaling relationship in an insect morphology resulting from a coevolutionary arms race with its host plant. 相似文献
Guannan He Yanchun Liang Yan Chen William Yang Jun S. Liu Mary Qu Yang Renchu Guan 《BMC systems biology》2018,12(7):116