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One of the most common agricultural wastes generated in rice producing countries, rice hull (RH) is considered an environmental problem due to increased rice production and RH accumulation, especially because natural degradation in the environment is very difficult and time-consuming. Currently, RH is mostly used as bed for broiler chickens or burned for energy generation, two processes that prevent environmental accumulation in a sustainable way, without adding value to the RH. To diversificate its use and effectively add some value to the RH, a pretreatment is frequently needed, allowing the application of several biotechnological approaches. In this review, we gather information about biotechnological uses of crude and processed RH, including their use as fertilizers, filler material in natural rubber and incorporation in cement for civil construction purposes, along with their use in processes as silica extraction and adsorption/removal of environmental contaminants as heavy metals and dyes. Finally, we critically evaluate the data published in the literature, and based on our own findings, we point future directions related to RH biodegradation and further methane production.  相似文献   

Ethylene is a key gaseous hormone that controls various physiological processes in plants including growth, senescence, fruit ripening, and responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. In spite of some of these positive effects, the gas usually inhibits plant growth. While chemical fertilizers help plants grow better by providing soil-limited nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphate, over-usage often results in growth inhibition by soil contamination and subsequent stress responses in plants. Therefore, controlling ethylene production in plants becomes one of the attractive challenges to increase crop yields. Some soil bacteria among plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs) can stimulate plant growth even under stressful conditions by reducing ethylene levels in plants, hence the term “stress controllers” for these bacteria. Thus, manipulation of relevant genes or gene products might not only help clear polluted soil of contaminants but contribute to elevating the crop productivity. In this article, the beneficial soil bacteria and the mechanisms of reduced ethylene production in plants by stress controllers are discussed.  相似文献   


In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including plants, phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient that is involved in various biochemical processes, such as lipid metabolism and the biosynthesis of nucleic acids and cell membranes. P also contributes to cellular signaling cascades by function as mediators of signal transduction and it also serves as a vital energy source for a wide range of biological functions. Due to its intensive use in agriculture, P resources have become limited. Therefore, it is critically important in the future to develop scientific strategies that aim to increase P use efficiency and P recycling. In addition, the biologically available soluble form of P for uptake (phosphate; Pi) is readily washed out of topsoil layers, resulting in serious environmental pollution. In addition to this environmental concern, the wash out of Pi from topsoil necessitates a continuous Pi supply to maintain adequate levels of fertilization, making the situation worse. As a coping mechanism to P stress, plants are known to undergo drastic cellular changes in metabolism, physiology, hormonal balance and gene expression. Understanding these molecular, physiological and biochemical responses developed by plants will play a vital role in improving agronomic practices, resource conservation and environmental protection as well as serving as a foundation for the development of biotechnological strategies, which aim to improve P use efficiency in crops. In this review, we will discuss a variety of plant responses to low P conditions and various molecular mechanisms that regulate these responses. In addition, we also discuss the implication of this knowledge for the development of plant biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Some of the factors interfering with the specific response of young common bean plants to two rhizosphere fluorescent pseudomonads were studied. These two bacterial strains produced symptoms in foliar plant parts and reduced yield in beans and several other plant species when inoculated on roots. Sensitivity in the plants subjected to bacterial application was highest at early growth stages (up to ten days old plants) giving typical symptoms for each strain in first expanding leaves and typically stunted plant growth. Symptoms to some extent also appeared on plants treated at the age of 2–3 weeks and the fresh shoot weight was affected also in such plants. Deleterious effects of the tested bacteria were found to be related to the level of inoculum (cfu/ml) used and presence or absence of certain nutrients in the bacterial suspensions used for inoculation. The two tested strains differed in nutritional requirements for affecting plant growth. One strain needed sucrose only. The other tested strain required peptone or yeast extract in addition to sucrose to induce typical symptoms and significant yield reductions. Supply of peptone as the only nutrient source to the bacterial suspensions eliminated the deleterious effects of both bacterial strains as tested on beans under nonsterile conditions. The two strains are assumed to affect test plants by different modes of action.  相似文献   

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The study demonstrated possible design of a medicinal formulation in the form of suppositories comprising human recombinant interferon-alpha2 and dry aloe extract. The approaches to the development of the suppositories were technology-derived. No interaction between the active and auxiliary components was proved by solid state 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The specific activity of the drug was investigated.  相似文献   

Natural products isolated from sponges are an important source of new biologically active compounds. However, the development of these compounds into drugs has been held back by the difficulties in achieving a sustainable supply of these often-complex molecules for pre-clinical and clinical development. Increasing evidence implicates microbial symbionts as the source of many of these biologically active compounds, but the vast majority of the sponge microbial community remain uncultured. Metagenomics offers a biotechnological solution to this supply problem. Metagenomes of sponge microbial communities have been shown to contain genes and gene clusters typical for the biosynthesis of biologically active natural products. Heterologous expression approaches have also led to the isolation of secondary metabolism gene clusters from uncultured microbial symbionts of marine invertebrates and from soil metagenomic libraries. Combining a metagenomic approach with heterologous expression holds much promise for the sustainable exploitation of the chemical diversity present in the sponge microbial community.  相似文献   

Applications of free living plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Free-living plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can be used in a variety of ways when plant growth enhancements are required. The most intensively researched use of PGPR has been in agriculture and horticulture. Several PGPR formulations are currently available as commercial products for agricultural production. Recently developing areas of PGPR usage include forest regeneration and phytoremediation of contaminated soils. As the mechanisms of plant growth promotion by these bacteria are unravelled, the possibility of more efficient plant-bacteria pairings for novel and practical uses will follow. The progress to date in using PGPR in a variety of applications with different plants is summarized and discussed here.  相似文献   

Many plant‐derived agents are being used to treat cancer, including taxol, vinblastine, vincristine, or camptothecin and podophyllotoxin derivatives, among others. Plant biotechnology can provide a new tool for the production of anticancer agents but in spite of considerable efforts to produce vinblastine and vincristine in cell cultures and knowledge of the biosynthetic pathway of Catharanthus roseus alkaloids, the biotechnological production of taxol has only been achieved at an industrial level by companies such as Phyton Biotech and Cytoclonal Pharmaceutics. Podophyllotoxin was isolated as the active antitumor agent from the roots of Podophyllum species and more recently from the genus Linum and others. Etoposide, teniposide, and etophos are semi‐synthetic derivatives of podophyllotoxin and are used in the treatment of cancer. Biotechnological approaches, including the use of cell cultures, biotransformation, or metabolic engineering techniques to manipulate the biosynthetic pathway, represent an alternative for the production of podophyllotoxin and are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Plant growth results from interaction of roots and shoots with the environment. The environment for roots is the soil or planting medium which provide structural support as well as water and nutrients to the plant. Roots also support the growth and functions of a complex of microorganisms that can have a profound effect on the growth anti survival of plants. These microorganisms constitute rhizosphere microflora and can be categorized as deleterious, beneficial, or neutral with respect to root/plant health. Beneficial interactions between roots and microbes do occur in rhizosphere and can be enhanced. Increased plant growth and crop yield can be obtained upon inoculating seeds or roots with certain specific root-colonizing bacteria- 'plant growth promoting rhizobacteria'. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms by which plant growth promoting rhizobacteria may stimulate plant growth.  相似文献   

植物根际促生菌的筛选及鉴定   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
【目的】植物根际促生菌(PGPR)和植物的互作关系往往不稳定,PGPR菌群有可能提高菌株对野外环境的适应性。为此,本文根据PGPR促生机制的多样性,从不同植物根际土壤进行了PGPR的筛选及鉴定。【方法】首先,按照固氮、解磷、解钾、拮抗6种常见病原真菌,同时能在植物根际定殖为基本初筛标准,然后在实验室条件下测定初筛菌株的多项促生能力(PGP),最后通过生理生化试验和16SrRNA基因序列分析对所筛菌株进行鉴定。【结果】从江苏扬州、盐城等地土壤样品筛选出14株PGPR,具有体外抑菌、产NH3、产IAA、产HCN、产嗜铁素、解磷、溶钾、固氮以及产抗生素等促生能力。分类鉴定结果显示:7株属于假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、3株属于类芽孢杆菌属(Paenibacillus)、2株为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、1株为布克霍尔德氏菌属(Burkholderia)、1株为欧文氏菌属(Erwinia)。【结论】所筛细菌具有多种促生能力,且能在根际定殖,为进一步构建多功能PGPR广适菌群提供菌株资源。  相似文献   

Structurally composed of the glucose homopolymers amylose and amylopectin, starch is the main storage carbohydrate in vascular plants, and is synthesized in the plastids of both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic cells. Its abundance as a naturally occurring organic compound is surpassed only by cellulose, and represents both a cornerstone for human and animal nutrition and a feedstock for many non-food industrial applications including production of adhesives, biodegradable materials, and first-generation bioethanol. This review provides an update on the different proposed pathways of starch biosynthesis occurring in both autotrophic and heterotrophic organs, and provides emerging information about the networks regulating them and their interactions with the environment. Special emphasis is given to recent findings showing that volatile compounds emitted by microorganisms promote both growth and the accumulation of exceptionally high levels of starch in mono- and dicotyledonous plants. We also review how plant biotechnologists have attempted to use basic knowledge on starch metabolism for the rational design of genetic engineering traits aimed at increasing starch in annual crop species. Finally we present some potential biotechnological strategies for enhancing starch content.  相似文献   

Biological control of insect, plant pathogens and weeds is the only major alternative to the use of pesticides in agriculture and forestry. A double-layer technique was used for isolation of antagonistic bacteria from rhizosphere against plant pathogenic fungi. Four potential rhizobacteria was selected in dual culture plate method based on their antifungal activity against several soil-borne fungal plant pathogens. The selected rhizobacteria, identified based on their morphological, biochemical and molecular traits, belong to the species of fluorescentPseudomonas (SAB8, GM4) andBacillus (A555, GF23). The active antifungal metabolites produced by these strains in culture filtrates were tested for the growth inhibition ofFusarium semitectum used as test fungus. The active fraction of antifungal metabolite/(s) from fluorescentPseudomonas (SAB8, GM4) and their effects on hyphal growth were observed under microscope. Two kinds of alterations were detected: inhibition of hyphal tip elongation and an extensive branching of hyphae with closer septa.  相似文献   

根际微生物组是决定农作物健康状况的关键因素之一,也是调节农作物与生物和非生物环境相互作用的重要因素。植物根际促生菌(plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, PGPR)为农作物宿主提供了多种有益作用,通过化学交流以复杂的方式与农作物、土壤相互作用,进而促进农作物生长。本文综述了PGPR对农作物的促生机制、PGPR与农作物的互作及其在农业实践中的应用,并展望了PGPR在农业实践中应用的发展趋势,以期为今后PGPR的应用和研究提供新的思路和理论支撑。  相似文献   

Conventional and biotechnological approaches for control of parasitic weeds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On a worldwide basis, parasitic weeds represent one of the most destructive and intractable problems to agricultural production in both developed and developing countries. About 20 families (3,000–5,000 species) of higher plants are parasitic on the plant kingdom and may cause production losses of 30–80% in staple food and industrial crops on every continent. Compared with the other weeds, parasitic weeds are difficult to control by conventional means because of their life style: Parasites are intimately involved with the host and have so much metabolic overlap with the host that differential treatments are very difficult to develop. In some cases, the parasites are closely associated to the host root, concealed underground, and undiagnosed until they irreversible damage the crop. Several different approaches (cultural, mechanical, chemical, use of resistant varieties, and biological) to control parasitic weeds are currently in use, but are only partially successful. Recent reviews have covered the physiology and interactions between parasitic plants and their hosts, taxonomy, and the biology and classical control of parasitic weeds. The current review will discuss why alternative methods are needed to control parasitic weeds and will summarize conventional and new biotechnology-based control measures against the major world pests Striga, Orobanche, Cuscuta, and mistletoes (Phoradendron and Viscum genera). Effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages, environment safety, and simplicity of these new biotechnological methods will be reviewed.  相似文献   

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