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Rosette strain gage, electromyography (EMG), and cineradiographic techniques were used to analyze loading patterns and jaw movements during mastication in Macaca fascicularis. The cineradiographic data indicate that macaques generally swallow frequently throughout a chewing sequence, and these swallows are intercalated into a chewing cycle towards the end of a power stroke. The bone strain and jaw movement data indicate that during vigorous mastication the transition between fast close and the power stroke is correlated with a sharp increase in masticatory force, and they also show that in most instances the jaws of macaques are maximally loaded prior to maximum intercuspation, i.e. during phase I (buccal phase) occlusal movements. Moreover, these data indicate that loads during phase II (lingual phase) occlusal movements are ordinarily relatively small. The bone strain data also suggest that the duration of unloading of the jaw during the power stroke of mastication is largely a function of the relaxation time of the jaw adductors. This interpretation is based on the finding that the duration from 100% peak strain to 50% peak strain during unloading closely approximates the half-relaxation time of whole adductor jaw muscles of macaques. The EMG data of the masseter and medial pterygoid muscles have important implications for understanding both the biomechanics of the power stroke and the external forces responsible for the "wishboning" effect that takes place along the mandibular symphysis and corpus during the power stroke of mastication. Although both medial pterygoid muscles reach maximum EMG activity during the power stroke, the activity of the working-side medial pterygoid peaks after the balancing-side medial pterygoid. Associated with the simultaneous increase of force of the working-side medial pterygoid and the decrease of force of the balancing-side medial pterygoid is the persistently high level of EMG activity of the balancing-side deep masseter (posterior portion). This pattern is of considerable significance because the direction of force of both the working-side medial pterygoid and the balancing-side deep masseter are well aligned to aid in driving the working-side lower molars across the upper molars in the medial direction during unilateral mastication.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Biologists that study mammals continue to discuss the evolutionof and functional variation in jaw-muscle activity during chewing.A major barrier to addressing these issues is collecting sufficientin vivo data to adequately capture neuromuscular variation ina clade. We combine data on jaw-muscle electromyography (EMG)collected during mastication from 14 species of primates andone of treeshrews to assess patterns of neuromuscular variationin primates. All data were collected and analyzed using thesame methods. We examine the variance components for EMG parametersusing a nested ANOVA design across successive hierarchical factorsfrom chewing cycle through species for eight locations in themasseter and temporalis muscles. Variation in jaw-muscle EMGswas not distributed equally across hierarchical levels. Thetiming of peak EMG activity showed the largest variance componentsamong chewing cycles. Relative levels of recruitment of jawmuscles showed the largest variance components among chewingsequences and cycles. We attribute variation among chewing cyclesto (1) changes in food properties throughout the chewing sequence,(2) variation in bite location, and (3) the multiple ways jawmuscles can produce submaximal bite forces. We hypothesize thatvariation among chewing sequences is primarily related to variationin properties of food. The significant proportion of variationin EMGs potentially linked to food properties suggests thatexperimental biologists must pay close attention to foods givento research subjects in laboratory-based studies of feeding.The jaw muscles exhibit markedly different variance componentsamong species suggesting that primate jaw muscles have evolvedas distinct functional units. The balancing-side deep masseter(BDM) exhibits the most variation among species. This observationsupports previous hypotheses linking variation in the timingand activation of the BDM to symphyseal fusion in anthropoidprimates and in strepsirrhines with robust symphyses. The working-sideanterior temporalis shows a contrasting pattern with littlevariation in timing and relative activation across primates.The consistent recruitment of this muscle suggests that primateshave maintained their ability to produce vertical jaw movementsand force in contrast to the evolutionary changes in transverseocclusal forces driven by the varying patterns of activationin the BDM.  相似文献   

The biomechanical determinants of the scaling of chew cycle duration are important components of models of primate feeding systems at all levels, from the neuromechanical to the ecological. Chew cycle durations were estimated in 35 species of primates and analyzed in conjunction with data on morphological variables of the feeding system estimating moment of inertia of the mandible and force production capacity of the chewing muscles. Data on scaling of primate chew cycle duration were compared with the predictions of simple pendulum and forced mass-spring system models of the feeding system. The gravity-driven pendulum model best predicts the observed cycle duration scaling but is rejected as biomechanically unrealistic. The forced mass-spring model predicts larger increases in chew cycle duration with size than observed, but provides reasonable predictions of cycle duration scaling. We hypothesize that intrinsic properties of the muscles predict spring-like behavior of the jaw elevator muscles during opening and fast close phases of the jaw cycle and that modulation of stiffness by the central nervous system leads to spring-like properties during the slow close/power stroke phase. Strepsirrhines show no predictable relationship between chew cycle duration and jaw length. Anthropoids have longer chew cycle durations than nonprimate mammals with similar mandible lengths, possibly due to their enlarged symphyses, which increase the moment of inertia of the mandible. Deviations from general scaling trends suggest that both scaling of the jaw muscles and the inertial properties of the mandible are important in determining the scaling of chew cycle duration in primates.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effects of age and dental status on chewing performance in humans. Design: Electromyography recordings (EMG) were made during chewing of six foods (rice, beef, cheese, crispy bread, apple, and peanuts) to compare the masticatory patterns of four subject groups with different ages and dental status. Subjects: Nineteen elders (mean age 67.2 years) classified into three categories according to their number of opposing post‐canine teeth pairs (i.e. functional units) and a control group of 10 young adults (mean age 26.5 years) with a high number of functional units. Main outcome measures: Number of chewing cycles, chewing time, total muscle activity and muscle activity per chew, burst and inter‐burst durations, maximum and mean voltages from EMG recordings. Results: Time‐related EMG parameters increased from young subjects to elderly subjects with high, middle and low dental status. Parameters related to EMG voltages per chew decreased in the same order among the different groups of subjects. These tendencies were observed for all the studied products. Subjects with weak muscle contraction may compensate for their poor chewing performance by lengthening both chewing cycle and sequence duration. Additional alterations in the chewing patterns were observed when age effect was associated with a dental status degradation in terms of number of functional units. Conclusion: Impairment in mastication for the elderly is due to both ageing and decreasing number of functional pairs of post‐canine teeth.  相似文献   

The mammalian masticatory apparatus is distinguished from theintra-oral processing systems of other amniotes by a numberof morphological and functional features, including transversemovements of the teeth during the power stroke, precise occlusion,suspension of the teeth in the socket by a periodontal ligament,diphyodonty (reduction to two generations of teeth), a hardpalate, and the presence of a single bone (the dentary) in thelower jaw which articulates with the skull at the temporomandibularjaw joint. The evolution of these features is commonly arguedto have improved the efficiency of food processing in the oralcavity. The present aricle highlights the existence in mammalsof the fusimotor system and afferent fibers from the periodontalligament through which the CNS modulates the responses by themuscle spindles. Published data suggest that the fusimotor systemand the periodontal afferents are important components in feed-forward(or anticipatory) control of chewing behavior. We hypothesizethat this feed-forward control is used to maintain relativelyconstant cycle lengths in mammals in the face of intra-sequenceand inter-sequence variation in material properties of the food,and that this enables them to maintain a higher average chewingfrequency than that of lizards. These predictions were evaluatedusing data on mean cycle length and its variance from the literatureand from our own files. On average, mammals have less variablecycle lengths than do lizards and shorter cycle lengths thando lizards of similar size. We hypothesize that by decreasingvariance in cycle length, presumably close to the natural frequencyof their feeding systems, mammals minimize energy expenditureduring chewing, allowing them to chew for longer, thereby maintainingthe high rates of food intake required for their high metabolicrates.  相似文献   

Attempts to establish relationships between mandibular morphology and either traditional dietary categories or geometric and material properties of primate diets have not been particularly successful. Using our conceptual framework of the feeding factors impacting mandibular morphology, we argue that this is because dietary categories and food geometric and material properties affect mandibular morphology only through intervening variables that are currently poorly understood, i.e., feeding behavior, mandibular loading, and stress and strain regimes. Our studies of 3-dimensional jaw kinematics in macaques and capuchins show that, although jaw movement profiles during chewing are affected by food material properties and species-level effects, patterns of jaw movements in these two species are broadly similar. However, because mandibular loading, stress, and strain regimes are determined by interactions between feeding behavior (such as jaw kinematics) and mandibular morphology, it is difficult to say whether these similarities in chewing kinematics also mean similarities in loading, stress, and strain. Comparative analyses of the scaling of daily feeding time and chew cycle duration reveal only weak support for the hypothesis that larger primates chew more than smaller primates. Consideration of these results suggests that better data are needed on the relationship between dietary categories, food material and geometric properties, the amount of time/cycles associated with different feeding behaviors (ingestion, premolar biting, mastication), and mandible stress and strain patterns if we are to understand fully relationships between mandibular morphology and diet in primates.  相似文献   

For a sample of 26 extant mammalian species, a significant relationship between body mass and chewing frequency was found, in which chewing frequency is proportional to body mass to the -0·128 power. This relationship is similar to previously published data relating stride frequency and body mass in quadrupedal mammals. It was also found that jaw length is proportional to body mass to the 0·312 power, which is consistent with geometric scaling of jaw length. The period of the chewing cycle was found to be proportional to jaw length to the 0·383 power. These results demonstrate that chewing frequency does not scale as metabolic rate, and support the suggestion that the natural frequency of the chewing rhythm may be derived from masses and lengths of the components of the masticatory apparatus alone.  相似文献   

The oral apparatus of neonatal and juvenile golden hamsters was investigated by clearing and staining of whole crania, videotaping of behavior, and electromyography of several jaw muscles. Chewing developed during the first postnatal week and matured in the second; however, suckling was still the primary mode of feeding. Micromovements of the jaws occurred early when the osseous skeleton and joints developed. Macromovements correlated well with EMG records and were limited to jaw opening at birth. Muscles of the oral floor generated large bursts of activity during jaw opening and tongue protrusion from 0 days postnatal (dpn), when simple and stereotyped gaping was induced, until 14 dpn, when movements were spontaneous and not stereotyped nor inducible. However, adductor muscle activity was brief, low in amplitude, and primarily involved with jaw stabilization until 4 dpn, when these muscles became active during closing the jaws; closing activity increased in frequency and amplitude until the end of the second week. Development of frequent, coordinated macromovements of chewing was associated with the refinement of joint structure and dental occlusion and with the growth of the craniofacial skeleton. Jaw movements and associated EMG's correlated better with available data on development of neural circuitry than with that for musculoskeletal development.  相似文献   

Although chewing has been suggested to be a basal gnathostome trait retained in most major vertebrate lineages, it has not been studied broadly and comparatively across vertebrates. To redress this imbalance, we recorded EMG from muscles powering anteroposterior movement of the hyoid, and dorsoventral movement of the mandibular jaw during chewing. We compared muscle activity patterns (MAP) during chewing in jawed vertebrate taxa belonging to unrelated groups of basal bony fishes and artiodactyl mammals. Our aim was to outline the evolution of coordination in MAP. Comparisons of activity in muscles of the jaw and hyoid that power chewing in closely related artiodactyls using cross-correlation analyses identified reorganizations of jaw and hyoid MAP between herbivores and omnivores. EMG data from basal bony fishes revealed a tighter coordination of jaw and hyoid MAP during chewing than seen in artiodactyls. Across this broad phylogenetic range, there have been major structural reorganizations, including a reduction of the bony hyoid suspension, which is robust in fishes, to the acquisition in a mammalian ancestor of a muscle sling suspending the hyoid. These changes appear to be reflected in a shift in chewing MAP that occurred in an unidentified anamniote stem-lineage. This shift matches observations that, when compared with fishes, the pattern of hyoid motion in tetrapods is reversed and also time-shifted relative to the pattern of jaw movement.  相似文献   

Muscle contraction patterns and mandibular movements of infant rabbits during suckling and chewing were compared. Oral muscle activity was recorded by fine-wire electromyography, while jaw movements and milk bottle pressure were registered. Suckling and mastication have a comparable cycle duration and share a common pattern of oral muscle activity which consists of a succession of a jaw closer burst, during which the jaw closes and undergoes a power stroke (in mastication), a suprahyoid burst with a stationary or slightly opening jaw and a digastric burst with fast jaw opening (the power stroke of suckling). Compared to suckling, mastication shows decreased jaw opener activity, increased jaw closer activity, development of jaw closing activity in the lateral pterygoid, and increased asymmetry in the masseter by development of a new differentiated motor pattern on the working side. The study shows that the suckling motor pattern enables the infant rabbits to change to chewing with just a few modifications.  相似文献   

A novel surface electromyographic (EMG) technique was recently described for the detection of deep cervical flexor muscle activity. Further investigation of this technique is warranted to ensure EMG activity from neighbouring muscles is not markedly influencing the signals recorded. This study compared deep cervical flexor (DCF) muscle activity with the activity of surrounding neck and jaw muscles during various anatomical movements of the neck and jaw in 10 volunteer subjects. DCF EMG activity was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalene, masseter and suprahyoid muscles. Positioned in supine, subjects performed isometric cranio-cervical flexion, cervical flexion, right and left cervical rotation, jaw clench and resisted jaw opening. Across all movements examined, EMG amplitude of the DCF muscles was greatest during neck movements that would require activity of the DCF muscles, particularly during cranio-cervical flexion, their primary anatomical action. The actions of jaw clench and resisted jaw opening demonstrated significantly less DCF EMG activity than the cranio-cervical flexion action (p < 0.05). Across all other movements, the neighbouring neck and jaw muscles demonstrated greatest EMG amplitude during their respective primary anatomical actions, which occurred in the absence of increased EMG amplitude recorded from the DCF muscles. The finding of substantial EMG activity of the DCF muscles only during neck actions that would require their activity, particularly cranio-cervical flexion, and not during actions involving the jaw, provide further assurance that the majority of myoelectric signals detected from the nasopharyngeal electrode are from the DCF muscles.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were: (1) to develop and assess reproducibility of a new method for measuring masticatory force in the intercuspal position; (2) to test the reproducibility of surface EMG signal amplitude and spectral variables in constant force contractions of jaw elevator muscles and its dependency on inter-electrode distance. The study was performed on the masseter and temporalis anterior muscles of both sides of nine healthy volunteers. An intraoral compressive-force sensor was used to measure maximal voluntary contraction forces in the intercuspal position and to provide a visual feedback on sub-maximal forces to the subject. Three experimental sessions were performed in three days. In each session, three isometric contractions at 80% of the maximal force were sustained by the subjects for 30s. The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) of the maximal force measure was 71.9%. ICC of average rectified value and mean power spectral frequency of the EMG signal increased with inter-electrode distance, with values larger than 70% with 30 mm inter-electrode distance. It was concluded that surface EMG variables measured in isometric contractions of the jaw elevator muscles with the proposed force recording system show good reproducibility for clinical applications when a 30 mm inter-electrode distance is considered.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to find evidence of how different types of food consistency affect chewing motions, especially the forward, downward and sidewise extents of motion of the lower jaw. Nineteen individuals with intact tooth sequence, aged from 20 to 37 years, were asked to chew three types of food of different consistency (banana, bread, carrot). The motions of the lower jaw were recorded by ELITE system, i.e. the measurement instrument that by stereo-photo-grametric procedures calculates space co-ordinates of markers on faces of the study subjects. The system enables continuous recording of lower jaw motions in three dimensions, without any possibility of the study subjects' influencing the operation of the instrument, which significantly decreases the possibility of error. Study results have shown that in all 19 subjects a greater food consistency increases the extent of chewing motion. In each individual study subject different average values were found for equal shifts of lower jaw when chewing the same type of food. Although varying from subject to subject, the chewing cycle depends to a great extent on food consistency. By increasing the consistency of a bite, the extent of lower jaw motion has increased in every single study subject.  相似文献   

Frontal plane mandibular movements during mastication and the associated electromyographic (EMG) activity for left and right superficial masseter, posterior temporalis, anterior temporalis, and anterior belly of the digastric (ABD) were studied for two adult male Macaca mulatta by the new technique of “contour” analysis. Contour analysis allowed graphic and quantitative portrayal of multiple chew cycle patterns of mandibular movement and EMG activity during active mastication. A series of computer programs (ATS, ATSED, ATSXYZ) facilitated the collection, editing and definition, and finally processing of these masticatory data into contour plots. These preliminary data indicated the essential symmetry of mandibular movement patterns, high chew cycle variability inferior to occlusion, multiple centers of intense EMG activity for balancing-side superficial masseter, and no difference between working-side anterior and posterior temporalis EMG patterns. Maximum EMG amplitude was found in the area of buccal phase power stroke (BPS). Maximum EMG amplitude for ABD was located medial and inferior to occlusion; all other muscle maximum amplitudes were buccal and inferior to occlusion. The location of maximum EMG amplitudes for superficial masseter and ABD were closer to occlusion (more superior) during mastication of carrot than were maximum amplitudes during biscuit mastication. The absence of any detectable shift of EMG maximum amplitude location between biscuit and carrot for posterior and anterior temporalis suggested, along with the continuous EMG activity of working-side posterior temporalis, a secondary role for the temporalis (compensation for superficial masseter activity) during active mastication.  相似文献   

Background: Complex procedures involving a facebow transfer and the use of lingualised teeth are deemed to have a positive influence on the chewing ability with complete dentures. Objectives: To determine if patients’ ratings of their ability to chew depend on the method of complete denture fabrication. Methods: Edentulous patients (n = 20) participated in a within‐subject crossover trial. Each patient received two sets of new complete dentures. One pair was manufactured based on intraoral tracing of centric relation and facebow transfer; semi‐anatomical teeth with lingualised occlusion denture (LOD) were chosen. The second pair was made using a simplified procedure without facebow transfer; jaw relations were recorded with wax occlusion rims, and anatomical teeth with a first premolar/canine‐guidance (CGD) were selected. The dentures were delivered in randomised order, and each was worn for 3 months. Three months after delivery, patients’ ratings of each new prosthesis were recorded on visual analogue scales for their ability to chew seven index foods. Repeated measurements analysis of variance was performed to investigate possible carry‐over effects accounting for confounding by treatment period. Results: When comparing the two treatments, participants rated their ability to chew in general, to masticate carrots, hard sausage, steak and raw apple in particular, was significantly better with the CGD (anatomical teeth) than with the LOD (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Comprehensive methods for the fabrication of complete dentures including semi‐anatomical lingualised teeth and a full registration do not seem to influence the perceived chewing ability, when compared with more simple procedures. Chewing ability for tough foods appears to benefit from the use of anatomical teeth.  相似文献   

A synchronized system of EMG and jaw motion tracking device was used to observe some chewing parameters of jaw elevator muscles in 15 patients with temporomandibular joint and muscle pain dysfunction syndrome (TMJ) and 15 normal subjects. Duration of tooth contact (DTC), duration of muscle contraction before tooth contact (DMC), total duration of muscle contraction (DTM) and velocity of jaw movement during peanut chewing were observed. Symptoms of the TMJ patients included pain and tenderness at joints and muscles, and limitation and clicking at joints during jaw movements. It was found that the TMJ patients needed more numerous breaking off strokes before trituration at the occlusal level. There was a longer DMC in the earlier trituration period and TMJ patients had longer DMC than in normals. No difference was found between right and left side chewing or between temporalis and masseter muscles. DTM in the TMJ group was only slightly longer than in normals and the difference between early and late chewing periods was statistically not significant. DTC was only slightly shorter in the TMJ group while the difference between early and late chewing periods in both groups was significant. The average and maximum closing velocities were significantly lower in the TMJ group in both right and left chewing. The difference in the opening phase was not as significant. It was concluded that DMC and jaw closing velocity are more sensitive parameters than DTM and DTC on the diagnosis of TMJ dysfunction with or without occlusal interference. DTM and DTC are parameters more closely related to the influence of occlusal factors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Previously, we have used bivariate correlations of maximum and minimum displacement, velocity and acceleration variables to compare masticatory chin and jaw movements (J. Prosthet. Dent. 81 (1999) 179). This previous study represented a first step in exploring the hypothesis that the chin contained useful information regarding jaw kinematics. The current study extends our understanding of the relationship between masticatory chin and jaw movements by: (1) reconstructing and evaluating a more continuous trajectory of chin and jaw movements, and (2) performing multivariate correlations comparing chin and jaw movements at discrete points along the trajectory in order to gain insight into the coupling of chin and jaw movements during a chewing cycle. Results indicated that chin and jaw movement trajectories were visually similar in the lateral, vertical, and anteroposterior axes. The adjusted R(2) results in the lateral, vertical, and anteroposterior dimensions averaged 0.74, 0.78, and 0.89, respectively. Within chewing cycles, the lowest correlations between chin and jaw movements in the lateral and vertical dimensions occurred when the jaw was relatively closed, whereas the lowest correlations between chin and jaw movements in the anteroposterior dimension occurred while the jaw was opening from a closed position. The results indicated that jaw and chin movements were qualitatively similar and that at least 74% of the variation in jaw movements could be accounted for by multivariate linear models of chin movement.  相似文献   

The chewing of areca nut is associated with the development of oral submucous fibrosis (OSF), a condition predominantly encountered in Asians indulging in the habit. The pathogenesis of this condition is however, unclear, though several mechanisms have been proposed. Copper has previously been implicated as a possible aetiological factor. In this study, total copper concentration was measured via atomic absorption spectrophotometry in whole mouth saliva of 15 volunteers who were regular chewers, before and after their habitual chew. An aliquot of the latter was also analysed for copper. Six non-chewing volunteers acted as controls. Salivary copper concentrations were corrected for protein content. Over 50% of the subjects had basal salivary copper concentration higher than the range seen in normal controls. All but two subjects demonstrated an increase in the salivary [Cu] following their habitual chew. Marked changes were seen in those with low basal salivary concentrations. These data indicate that soluble copper found in areca nut is released into the oral environment of habitual chewers. Its buccal absorption may contribute to the oral fibrosis in Asians who regularly chew this nut.  相似文献   

The surface electromyogram (EMG) from the vastus lateralis muscle and the metabolic and respiratory parameters were studied simultaneously during an incremental exercise in order to identify EMG signal modifications during the aerobic-anaerobic transition. Subjects performed an incremental test on the bicycle ergometer from an initial work load of 175 W to exhaustion by steps of 25 W. Ventilatory flow (VE), oxygen uptake (VO2) and carbon dioxide flow (VCO2) were recorded continuously. For lactate concentration determination, venous blood samples were collected during the final 30 s of each step. EMG signals were stored on magnetic tape. They were then converted into successive spectra to allow the study of EMG total power (PEMG) and mean power frequency (MPF) evolutions. A non linear increase in blood lactate reflected by a breaking point at 250 W was observed. A change in VE/VO2 ratio occurred at 275 W. PEMG value showed a non linear increase reflected by a breaking point at 275 W. MPF value increased from the first to the seventh step with a tendency to decrease at the last step. A great interindividual variance of EMG data was observed indicating the difficulty of correlating mean values of EMG parameters with mean values of blood lactate in order to explain sudden lactate increase by fast twitch fibre recruitment. However, comparison of individual EMG data suggests a progressive recruitment of fast twitch fibres as work load increases.  相似文献   

We examined masseter and temporalis recruitment and firing patterns during chewing in five male Belanger's treeshrews (Tupaia belangeri), using electromyography (EMG). During chewing, the working-side masseters tend to show almost three times more scaled EMG activity than the balancing-side masseters. Similarly, the working-side temporalis muscles have more than twice the scaled EMG activity of the balancing-side temporalis. The relatively higher activity in the working-side muscles suggests that treeshrews recruit less force from their balancing-side muscles during chewing. Most of the jaw-closing muscles in treeshrews can be sorted into an early-firing or late-firing group, based on occurrence of peak activity during the chewing cycle. Specifically, the first group of jaw-closing muscles to reach peak activity consists of the working-side anterior and posterior temporalis and the balancing-side superficial masseter. The balancing-side anterior and posterior temporalis and the working-side superficial masseter peak later in the power stroke. The working-side deep masseter peaks, on average, slightly before the working-side superficial masseter. The balancing-side deep masseter typically peaks early, at about the same time as the balancing-side superficial masseter. Thus, treeshrews are unlike nonhuman anthropoids that peak their working-side deep masseters early and their balancing-side deep masseters late in the power stroke. Because in anthropoids the late firing of the balancing-side deep masseter contributes to wishboning of the symphysis, the treeshrew EMG data suggest that treeshrews do not routinely wishbone their symphyses during chewing. Based on the treeshrew EMG data, we speculate that during chewing, primitive euprimates 1) recruited more force from the working-side jaw-closing muscles as compared to the balancing-side muscles, 2) fired an early group of jaw-closing muscles followed by a second group of muscles that peaked later in the power stroke, 3) did not fire their working-side deep masseter significantly earlier than their working-side superficial masseter, and 4) did not routinely fire their balancing-side deep masseter after the working-side superficial masseter.  相似文献   

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