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Electron transfer across membranes and energy coupling   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Summary Electron microscopic localization of acid phosphatase (AcPase) was carried out on posterior pituitary glands from rats. An estimated 5% of the neurosecretory nerve terminals contained structures which showed reaction product. Most of the lysosomes were small dense bodies, often with a membranous substructure. Other lysosomes were larger in size or were found within vacuoles. AcPase was also localized to lysosomes and the Golgi apparatus of pituicytes. Evidence is presented which would associate the large lipid droplets characteristic of pituicytes with AcPase-positive dense bodies. The present study indicates that hydrolytic activity by lysosomes occurs within the terminals of neurosecretory cells, and adds further support to the concept that this process represents a normal phenomenon of cells and their extensions in general.Supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada.Medical Research Associate of the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary The electric properties of the bilayer lecithin membranes have been studied in the presence of the antibiotic nigericin. When the antibiotic concentration is about 10–6 m the conductivity of the BLM is increased up to 10–7 ohm–1 cm–2. The potassium ion concentration gradient gives rise to a transmembrane potential of the order of 40 mV per 10-fold concentration gradient with the side of the higher potassium concentration negative. The transmembrane potential produced by the hydrogen ion concentration gradient is a function of the potassium ion concentration which is equal on both sides of the membrane. For low potassium ion concentrations the hydrogen potential has the expected polarity with the solution having higher concentration of protons negative. For potassium ion concentrations exceeding 0.03m the hydrogen potential has the reverse polarity. This unexpected result cannot be accounted for in terms of the available simple hypotheses about the charge transport mechanism for nigericin in BLM. In order to account for the experimental results obtained, a theoretical approach has been developed based on the assumption that charge is transported across the membrane by nigericin dimers. The theoretical predictions are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental results. The model also yields some predictions which may be verified in future experiments.  相似文献   

A new method for measuring the rates of proton transfer through bilayer phospholipid membranes using pH-sensitive nitroxyl radicals is suggested. The pH-sensitive alkylating radical was covalently bound to glutathione. This modified glutathione is pH sensitive at pH 1.5-4.5 and does not penetrate across phospholipid membranes. Using ESR this probe was applied to register the kinetics of pH variations inside large unilamellar phospholipid vesicles after creation of a transmembrane proton gradient. In the acidic region (pH approximately 3) the main mechanism of transmembrane proton transfer is that via transport of a proton in the form of an undissociated acid. The membrane permeability coefficients have been determined for a series of acids (HCl, HClO4, HNO3, upper estimate for H2SO4). Taking into account that imidazoline and imidazolidine nitroxyl radicals can be used as pH probes in a wide range of pH, the present method can be developed for measuring the rates of transmembrane proton transfer in neutral and alkaline media.  相似文献   

Summary Neurosecretory granules (NSG) of rat posterior pituitary glands were prepared by differential centrifugation techniques mainly according to the procedure as described by Barer, Heller and Lederis (1963). As revealed by electron microscopy, the recovery of neurophysin and the contents of enzymes, purified NSG were obtained in a pellet at 30 000 g/60 min (0.44 M sucrose). Eighteen h after injection of (35S) cysteine into the supraoptic nucleus 60% of the recovered radioactivity in the neural lobe was found in the NSG, whereas 20% was found in the final supernatant (100 000 g/120 min). Sixteen days after injection the NSG and the final supernatant fraction contained fairly equal amount of (35S) cysteine (approximately 40%). It is suggested that after a period of intragranular maturation neurophysin is extruded into an extragranular pool of neurosecretory material.With the use of conventional polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis it was shown that the predominating proportion of radioactivity in the NSG after a hypothalamic injection of (35S) cysteine was located within the neurophysin fraction A and in fraction B. Fraction B is suggested to be partly bound to the NSG membranes. When the NSG soluble and NSG insoluble proteins, obtained after lysis of NSG, were separated on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate, the highly radioactive soluble protein was shown to consist of two components with average molecular weights of 12 300 and 14 600. Most of the proteins in the lysate were found in the NSG membranes, though less radioactive. A component with a mol.wt. of 37 000 was enriched in the membrane fraction. At longer times after isotope injection the high mol.wt. proteins, particularly those of the NSG membranes, contained increased amounts of radioactivity.Abbreviations NSG neurosecretory granule - NSM neurosecretory material - SON supraoptic nucleus The present investigation was supported by grants from Svenska Livförsäkringsbolags nämnd för medicinsk forskning from Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk forskning, from the Medical Faculty, University of Göteborg, and from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B 72-12X-2543-04A).We are indebted to Mrs. Marie-Louise Eskilsson, Mrs. Wally Holmberg and Mrs. Ulla Svedin for technical assistance, and to Miss Gull Grönstedt for careful secreterial work.  相似文献   

Summary The microtubules in the neurosecretory neurones of the posterior pituitary were studied using different electron microscopical techniques. Tannic acid staining indicated that the microtubules had a 13 protofilament substructure similar to that described for microtubules from other tissues and organisms; the dimensions of the microtubules were also similar to that previously reported. Albumen pretreatment clearly showed the microtubules running across axonal swellings, but not continuing across the nerve endings. The only organelles showing possible association with the microtubules were small vesicles and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, no association between hormone granules and microtubules could be seen. Acknowledgement: The author is grateful to P. Wilks for skilled technical assistance.  相似文献   

The electric properties of the bilayer lecithin membranes have been studied in the presence of the antibiotic nigericin. When the antibiotic concentration is about 10(-7) ohm-1 cm-2. The potassium ion concentration gradient gives rise to a transmembrane potential of the order of 40 mV per 10-fold concentration gradient with the side of the higher potassium concentration negative. The transmembrane potential produced by the hydrogen ion concentration gradient is a function of the potassium ion concentration which is equal on both sides of the membrane. For low potassium ion concentrations the hydrogen potential has the expected polarity with the solution having higher concentration of protons negative. For potassium ion concentrations exceeding 0.03 M the hydrogen potential has the reverse polarity. This unexpected result cannot be accounted for in terms of the available simple hypotheses about the charge transport mechanism for nigericin in BLM. In order to account for the experimental results obtained, a theoretical approach has been developed based on the assumption that charge is transported across the membrane by nigericin dimers. The theoretical predicitons are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental results. The model also yields some predictions which may be verified in future experiments.  相似文献   

Some types of secretory vesicles, such as the chromaffin vesicles of the adrenal medulla, have cytochrome b561 which is believed to mediate the transfer of electrons across the vesicle membrane. To characterize the kinetics of this process, we have examined the rate of electron transfer from ascorbate trapped within chromaffin vesicle ghosts to external ferricyanide. The rate of ferricyanide reduction saturates at high ferricyanide concentrations. The reciprocal of the rate is linearly related to the reciprocal of the ferricyanide concentration. The internal ascorbate concentration affects the y intercept of this double-reciprocal plot but not the slope. These observations and theoretical considerations indicate that the slope is associated with a rate constant k1 for the oxidation of cytochrome b561 by ferricyanide. The intercept is associated with a rate constant k0 for the reduction of cytochrome b561 by internal ascorbate. From k0 and standard reduction potentials, the rate constant k-0 for the reduction of internal semidehydroascorbate by cytochrome b561 can be calculated. Under conditions prevailing in vivo, this rate of semidehydroascorbate reduction appears to be much faster than the expected rate of semidehydroascorbate disproportionation. This supports the hypothesis that cytochrome b561 functions in vivo to reduce intravesicular semidehydroascorbate thereby maintaining intravesicular ascorbic acid.  相似文献   

Electron transfer across the chromaffin granule membrane   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Membrane vesicles (ghosts) containing ascorbic acid were prepared from bovine chromaffin granules. When ferricyanide or ferricytochrome c were added to the external medium, a membrane potential (interior positive) developed across the ghost membrane. This membrane potential could not be elicited from ascorbate-free ghosts or by ferrocyanide added instead of ferricyanide. These results indicate that the chromaffin-granule membrane has a transmembrane electron carrier with a midpoint potential between that of ascorbate (+85 mV) and that of cytochrome c (+255 mV). The most likely candidate is cytochrome b-561 (+140 mV).  相似文献   

Summary A convenient catecholamine transport assay has been developed which permits continuous, instantaneous monitoring of transmembrane flux. Epinephrine transport has been examined by spectrophotometrically monitoring adrenochrome formation resulting from the passive diffusion of catecholamine into unilamellar phospholipid vesicles containing entrapped potassium ferricyanide. Ferricyanide oxidation of epinephrine under the conditions employed is fast compared to membrane transport, which obviates the need for intravesicular concentration or volume determinations. Epinephrine transport data over a pH 6 to 7 range have been fitted to an integrated rate equation from which a permeability coefficient for neutral epinephrine of 2.7±1.5×10–6 cm/sec has been obtained.  相似文献   

We analyze an increasingly popular NMR method analogous to the black lipid membrane (BLM) isotopic tracer experiment for the study of mediated cation transport but involving the preparation of vesicles with an environment asymmetric in that paramagnetic metal ions are present only outside the vesicles. This asymmetry is manifest in the NMR spectrum as two distinct resonances for magnetic nuclei in outside and inside lipid headgroups. As mediated transport begins and for the paramagnetic metal ions enter the vesicles, the inner headgroup resonance line shifts and changes shape with a time course containing much information on the actual ion transport mechanism. Processes by which the ions enter the vesicles one or a few at a time (such as via a diffusive carrier) are easily distinguishable from those by which the ions enter in large bursts (such as by pore activation). The limiting case where intervesicular mediator exchange is slow relative to cation transport (the situation for integral membrane proteins) is treated analytically. Computer simulated curves indicate conditions necessary for certain changes in the line shape which are analogous to the "current jumps" observed in BLM conductance studies. The theory derived allows estimates of the average number of ions entering the first few bursts, how often the bursts occur, and how they depend on the concentration of the mediating species in the vesicular membrane. Preliminary experimental spectra illustrating some of the various possible line shape behaviors are presented.  相似文献   

Retinol transfer across and between phospholipid bilayer membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transfer of retinol across and between bilayer membranes was studied in vitro using unilamellar liposomes and erythrocytes. Transmembrane movement of retinol in phospholipid bilayer membranes was a spontaneous and rapid process with a halflife of less than 30 s. Retinol transfer between liposomes and between liposomes and erythrocytes was also a spontaneous and rapid process with a halflife of less than 10 min. The results suggest that retinol transport in the cell might not need the participation of specific transfer proteins.  相似文献   

A lipid transfer protein, purified from bovine brain (23.7 kDa, 208 amino acids) and specific for glycolipids, has been used to develop a fluorescence resonance energy transfer assay (anthrylvinyl-labeled lipids; energy donors and perylenoyl-labeled lipids; energy acceptors) for monitoring the transfer of lipids between membranes. Small unilamellar vesicles composed of 1 mol% anthrylvinyl-galactosylceramide, 1.5 mol% perylenoyl-triglyceride, and 97.5% 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC) served as donor membranes. Acceptor membranes were 100% POPC vesicles. Addition of glycolipid transfer protein to mixtures of donor and acceptor vesicles resulted in increasing emission intensity of anthrylvinyl-galactosylceramide and decreasing emission intensity of the nontransferable perylenoyl-triglyceride as a function of time. The behavior was consistent with anthrylvinyl-galactosylceramide being transferred from donor to acceptor vesicles. The anthrylvinyl and perylenoyl energy transfer pair offers advantages over frequently used energy transfer pairs such as NBD and rhodamine. The anthrylvinyl emission overlaps effectively the perylenoyl excitation spectrum and the fluorescence parameters of the anthrylvinyl fluorophore are nearly independent of the medium polarity. The nonpolar fluorophores are localized in the hydrophobic region of the bilayer thus producing minimal disturbance of the bilayer polar region. Our results indicate that this method is suitable for assay of lipid transfer proteins including mechanistic studies of transfer protein function.  相似文献   

Proton NMR spectroscopy was used to demonstrate that transmembrane pH gradients across single-bilayer vesicle membranes effect the transport and concentration of carboxylic acids. The results obtained indicate that this transport occurs via selective permeation of the membrane by the protonated (uncharged) form of the acid.  相似文献   

Effect of PCMBS on water transfer across biological membranes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
P-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate, PCMBS, and 5, 5′ dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid), DTNB at a concentration of 1 mM are found to inhibit the rate of water transport across human red cell membrane. In addition PCMBS inhibits the rates of transport of small hydrophilic but not hydrophobic nonelectrolytes. Other sulfhydryl reagents such as N-ethylmaleimide and iodoacetamide have no significant effect on the rate of water transfer in these cells. The results suggest that there are at least two populations of membrane bound SH-groups which differ in their topical location which participate in the control of water transfer. One is located closer to the outer surface of the membrane, and thus is readily accessible to PCMBS while the other component is probably located in the membrane interior. These two populations can be dissociated by pH. The effect of PCMBS on water transfer can be greatly influenced by pH and temperature. The main effect of temperature and pH is on the permeability of the membrane to the drug. The same concentration of PCMBS is also found to inhibit to a lesser degree water transfer across other biological membranes.  相似文献   

Summary Magnitude and characteristics of phosphate transfer through the erythrocyte membranes of ten mammalian species were measured using tracer exchange techniques. Remarkable quantitative species differences could be demonstrated, permeabilities (at an extracellular phosphate concentration of 10mM) increasing from 0.2×10–8 cm/sec (sheep) to 2.2×10–8 cm/sec (rabbit) in the sequence sheep 相似文献   

Summary The effect of colchicine on the release of neurosecretory material from the posterior pituitary gland was investigated in the rat in vivo and in vitro. Colchicine was administered subarachnoidally when neurophysin, radiolabelled by injection of (35S) cysteine into the supraoptic nucleus, had accumulated in the neural lobe. Dehydration for 3 days of non-colchicine-treated rats was followed by a 100% reduction of neurophysin-bound radioactivity. When colchicine was given prior to dehydration, the reduction of radioactive neurophysin was less marked. Colchicine treatment alone was likewise followed by a lowering of protein-bound radioactivity in the neural lobe, which may indicate that colchicine, in addition to blocking the rapid axonal transport of neurosecretory material, also impedes the slow transport.The release of radioactive neurophysin in response to depolarizing concentration of potassium in vitro was diminished in the presence of colchicine, the reduction being most pronounced after colchicine treatment in vivo. The biochemical data prove the view that colchicine inhibits the release of neurosecretory material from the neural lobe. The ultrastructural findings support the biochemical data. Thus, colchicine treatment alone or followed by dehydration induced a marked increase in the number of organelles, especially of mitochondria and dense bodies. There was a marked increase in the number of enlarged axons filled with dammed organelles in the infundibulum and neurohypophysis. There was an accumulation of dense core vesicles and microvesicles in the axonal terminals in the neurohypophysis after treatment with either colchicine or colchicine followed by dehydration, which indicates an impediment of the release process. Dehydration alone induced a depletion of the dense core vesicles in the terminals. Out from the combined biochemical and ultrastructural findings possible mechanisms for the action of colchicine are discussed.The present study was supported by grants from Svenska livförsäkringsbolags fond för medicinsk forskning, The Swedish Medical Research Council (No. B73-12X-2543-05B), Magnus Bergvalls stiftelse and from the Medical Faculty, University of Göteborg.Miss Gull Grönstedt is thanked for careful secretarial work and the technical assistance by Mrs. Wally Holmberg, Mrs. Elisabeth Norström and Mrs. Ulla Svedin is gratefully acknowledged. Abbreviations used: NSG = neurosecretory granules; NSN = neurosecretory material; SON = supraoptic nucleus.  相似文献   

Woodruff EA  Broadie K  Honegger HW 《Peptides》2008,29(12):2276-2280
Numerous neurosecretory cells are known to secrete more than one peptide, in both vertebrates and invertebrates. These co-expressed neuropeptides often originate from differential cleavage of a single large precursor, and are then usually sorted in the regulated pathway into different secretory vesicle classes to allow separable release dynamics. Here, we use immuno-gold electron microscopy to show that two very different neuropeptides (the nonapeptide crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) and the 30 kDa heterodimeric bursicon) are co-packaged within the same dense core vesicles in neurosecretory neurons in the abdominal ganglia of Periplaneta americana. We suggest that this co-packaging serves a physiological function in which CCAP accelerates the distribution of bursicon to the epidermis after ecdysis to regulate sclerotization of the newly formed cuticle.  相似文献   

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