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Summary The various published schemes of classification of the family Paramphistomidae Fischoeder, 1901 are reviewed. The morphological and histological characters employed in the classification of paramphistomid trematodes of ruminants are discussed and assessed. The value of histological details (Näsmark's system) and of tegumental papillae as specific characters is recognized. Different types (some new) of acetabulum, pharynx and terminal genitalium (newly defined) in median sagittal section are defined and illustrated and a key to their separation is provided. Various types of lining and muscular development of the oesophagus are illustrated and scanning electron photomicrographs of the different types of tegumental papillae observed on the anterior region of some species are provided.Part of a thesis approved by the University of London for the award of the Ph.D. degree.Formerly Commonwealth Institute of Helminthology.  相似文献   

Summary The genus Paramphistomum Fischoeder, 1901 is redefined and restricted and only the following species are retained and considered valid: P. cervi (Zeder, 1790) (type species); P. liorchis Fischoeder, 1901; P. gracile Fischoeder, 1901 P. epiclitum Fischoeder, 1904; P. gotoi Fukui, 1922, P. ichikawai Fukui, 1922; P. leydeni Näsmark, 1937 and P. hiberniae Willmott, 1950. These are redescribed and illustrated. A new species, Paramphistomum cephalophi is described and illustrated from the black-fronted duiker (Cephalophus nigrifrons) in Rwanda. It differs from the rest of the species in the genus by the presence of an anterior sphincter in the pharynx and the characteristic posterior notch of the acetabular rim. Scanning electron photomicrographs of the tegumental surfaces of the species in the genus are provided. Cotylophoron indicum Stiles & Goldberger, 1910 (=Paramphistomum thapari Price & McIntosh, 1953), C. madrasense Gupta, 1958, C. chauhani Gupta & Gupta, 1972, Paramphistomum indicum Stiles & Goldberger, 1910 (in part), P. malayi Lee & Lowe, 1971 and Srivastavaia indica Singh, 1970 are considered synonyms of Paramphistomum epiclitum Fischoeder, 1904. Paramphistomum indicum Stiles & Goldberger, 1910 (in part) and P. bombayiensis Gupta & Verma in Gupta & Nakhasi, 1977 are regarded as synonyms of Paramphistomum gracile Fischoeder, 1901. P. scotiae Willmott, 1950, P. julimarinorum Velázquez-Maldonado, 1976, P. nicabrasilorum Velázquez- Maldonado, 1976, P. procapri Wang, 1979 and Cotylophoron skrjabini Mitskevich, 1958 are considered synonyms of Paramphistomum leydeni Näsmark, 1937. Cotylophoron vigisi Davydova, 1963 is considered synonymous with Paramphistomum ichikawai Fukui, 1922. Paramphistomum birmense Railliet, 1924, P. microon Railliet, 1924, P. chinensis Hsu, 1935 and P. pseudocuonum Wang, 1979 are regarded as species inquirendae.The genera Liorchis Velichko, 1966 and Srivastavaia Singh, 1970 are synonymized with Paramphistomum Fischoeder, 1901.A key to the species of the genus is provided.Part of a thesis approved by the University of London for the award of the Ph.D. degree.Part of a thesis approved by the University of London for the award of the Ph.D. degree.  相似文献   

Summary Only seven species of the genus Cotylophoron Stiles & Goldberger, 1910 are considered valid, namely C. cotylophorum (Fischoeder, 1901) Stiles & Goldberger, 1910 (type species); C. jacksoni N?smark, 1937; C. fuelleborni N?smark, 1937; C. panamensis Price and McIntosh, 1953; C. bareilliensis Mukherjee & Chauhan, 1965; C. macrosphinctris Sey & Graber, 1979 and C. xiangjiangense Wang, 1979. These are redescribed and illustrated. Scanning electron photomicrographs of the tegumental surfaces of some species are provided. C. guangdongense Wang, 1979 is considered a synonym of C. cotylophorum (Fischoeder, 1901) Stiles & Goldberger 1910, and C. indicum of N?smark, 1937 (not of Stiles & Goldberger, 1910) and C. noveboracensis Price & McIntosh, 1953 are considered synonyms of C. fuelleborni N?smark, 1937. C. ottoi Gupta & Bakhshi in Gupta & Nakhasi, 1977 is regarded as a species inquirenda. A key to the species of the genus is given. Part of a thesis approved by the University of London for the award of the Ph.D degree.  相似文献   

Taxonomy is a traditional subject, but it still receives attention and has become a topic of much discussion in recent years. Many of these discussions have raised concerns about the future of taxonomy, especially with regard to the workforce responsible for the discovery of new species in the context of declining biodiversity. Previous discussions were based on the taxonomic data of plants and animals, but the status of fungal taxonomy has not been mentioned. Fungi have one of the highest levels of biodiversity among all living organisms, second only to insects. The discussion of the future of taxonomy without the inclusion of fungal data is incomplete. Here, we present the results of analyses based on all new fungal taxa published since 1753. Fungal taxonomy is an ever‐growing area of study with increasing numbers of new taxa being described and growing numbers of fungal taxonomists. Compared with plants and most animal groups, there has been a much sharper increase in the rate at which new fungal taxa are being described. Furthermore, the number of taxonomists studying fungi has increased at a faster speed than those studying plants or animals. This indicates that fungal taxonomy is a prosperous subject and a dynamic area for scientific studies, and that it deserves much more attention and support. The study of fungal taxonomy will deepen our understanding of the biodiversity of our planet.  相似文献   

An important element of the biogeography of species is the geographic aspects of speciation. The geography of species has a role in the processes of speciation which have a reciprocal role in species geography. The homosporous ferns provide an especially favorable group for biogeographic studies because nearly all species have an equivalent capacity for dispersal and migration. Species ranges are based on the ecology of the environment, rather than on animal vectors of dispersal or pollination. However, with allowance for these differences, the processes of geographic speciation are basically the same in ferns and other vascular plants, although often on a broader geographic scale in the ferns. Speciation most frequently produces a new species with a small range, which can rapidly expand to occupy the geography of the environment to which the species is adapted. The members of a closely related speciesgroup retain their morphological and geographic relations for a relatively short time. With speciation, changes in distribution, and extinction, the original relations of the species and the biogeographical history of the group will be lost. High regional species diversity occurs in the wet mountainous regions of the tropics, where there is greatest ecological diversity and maximal opportunities for speciation and persistence.  相似文献   

A. Hore 《Genetica》1981,56(3):205-211
Cytotypes within the genera Seseli L. and Oenanthe L. show variation in chromosome number in pollen mother cells. A correlation of low chiasma frequency with meiotic irregularities and pollen sterility was noted. In addition to the meiotic irregularities in the two genera occurrence of polyspory and triple pollen formation during meiosis have been observed in Seseli diffusum (Roxb.) Sant. Wagh. The presence of different chromosome numbers in different populations of the same species and karyological investigation in 4 species of Oenanthe L. suggests that structural changes of chromosomes associated with numerical differences have possibly played a role in their evolution. Diminution in chromosome size and complete absence of metacentric chromosomes in Oenanthe lachenalli Gmel. suggest that probably this species is more evolved than 3 species of Oenanthe (i.e., O. benghalensis Benth., O. pimpinelloides L. and O. thomsoni Clarke). The interrelationships of the two genera are discussed.  相似文献   

The laxative property in the juice of aloe leaves has been recognized since ancient times. The Union of South Africa is the principal producer today, but 90% of American imports come from the Dutch West Indies— Aruba and Bonaire.  相似文献   

The anatomy and functional morphology of the large hermaphroditic duct of three species of gastropod mollusc (Aplysia californica, A. dactylomela, and A. brasiliana) were examined. Each duct is composed of two parallel compartments, the red hemiduct (RHD) and the white hemiduct (WHD), which are distinguishable from the outside of the duct. Four secretory regions, all exocrine in morphology, are recognizable: the RHD secretory epithelium, the atrial gland (or atrial gland-like epithelium), the WHD secretory epithelium, and the accessory gland of the copulatory duct (AGCD). Of these regions, only the atrial gland (or atrial gland-like epithelium) contains egglaying activity and only the atrial gland (or atrial gland-like epithelium) is immunocytochemically labeled by serum antibodies generated against low molecular weight A. californica atrial gland peptides. The RHD is the functional oviduct: the egg cordon passes through a channel lined by the RHD secretory epithelium and bordered by the atrial gland (or atrial gland-like epithelium); the eggs are separated from both the WHD secretory epithelium and the AGCD by internal folds of the duct. The WHD is the functional copulatory duct: the penis, exogenous sperm, and endogenous sperm pass directly by the AGCD and in close proximity to the WHD secretory epithelium; they are separated from both the RHD secretory epithelium and the atrial gland (or atrial gland-like epithelium) by internal folds. The atrial gland (or atrial gland-like epithelium) is thus not likely to have a prostatic function or to be directly stimulated by the penis during copulation; it may play a role in oviductal function.  相似文献   

All genera ofAnnonaceae endemic in Australia (Ancana, Fitzalania, Haplostichanthus) show almost exactly the same type of disulcate (disulculate) pollen with intact exine extending over the sulci. Tetrad stages inHaplostichanthus andAncana reveal a latudinal subequatiorial orientation of the two sulci at the proximal hemisphere. Sometimes they fuse into a ±zonosulcate aperture.Fissistigma pollen grains are ±globose and have a flattened pole with a central elevation and a concentric groove, covered by a somewhat reduced exine. This palynological characters give further support for separating the generaAncana andFissistigma. Germination was observed inHaplostichanthus where the pollen tube emerges at one of the two sulci and inFissistigma where the flattened part breaks up during germination. The aperture types described here are obviously transitional stages between aperturate and inaperturate pollen grains and are discussed in regard to pollen evolution.  相似文献   

A flattened discoid flagellate collected from the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, has been examined by light and electron microscopy. This alga agrees well withClisthodiscus luteus Carter. It has two heterodynamic flagella emerging from a furrow on the upward side of the cell that contains six to 13 yellow-green parietal chloroplasts. It does not rotate but smoothly glide while swimming. The cell has a thin periplast lying between the plasmalemma and chloroplasts. Neither lipid bodies nor mucocysts are seen in the periplast. The pyrenoid matrix being free from thylakoids is penetrated by several cytoplasmic canals from various directions. There are no vesicles of periplastidal network in the narrow space between chloroplast envelope and chloroplast ER. The ultrastructural features ofO. luteus are unique, sharing certain characters with the raphidophycean algae but others withPseudopedinella pyriformis, a unique member of the Chrysophyceae.  相似文献   

This short review reports the latest insights into the structural organization of the enteric nervous system, with special emphasis on the intrinsic innervation of the intestinal tract of large omnivorous mammals such as the pig. Using various techniques, including lesion experiments, morphological and neurochemical features of distinct neuronal populations as well as the direction of the axonal processes within the different nerve networks could be revealed. Special attention was paid to the considerable species differences in this respect between large omnivorous animals and humans on the one hand and small laboratory animals on the other hand.  相似文献   

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