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Learning and perception of visual stimuli by free-flying honeybees has been shown to vary dramatically depending on the way insects are trained. Fine color discrimination is achieved when both a target and a distractor are present during training (differential conditioning), whilst if the same target is learnt in isolation (absolute conditioning), discrimination is coarse and limited to perceptually dissimilar alternatives. Another way to potentially enhance discrimination is to increase the penalty associated with the distractor. Here we studied whether coupling the distractor with a highly concentrated quinine solution improves color discrimination of both similar and dissimilar colors by free-flying honeybees. As we assumed that quinine acts as an aversive stimulus, we analyzed whether aversion, if any, is based on an aversive sensory input at the gustatory level or on a post-ingestional malaise following quinine feeding.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We show that the presence of a highly concentrated quinine solution (60 mM) acts as an aversive reinforcer promoting rejection of the target associated with it, and improving discrimination of perceptually similar stimuli but not of dissimilar stimuli. Free-flying bees did not use remote cues to detect the presence of quinine solution; the aversive effect exerted by this substance was mediated via a gustatory input, i.e. via a distasteful sensory experience, rather than via a post-ingestional malaise.


The present study supports the hypothesis that aversion conditioning is important for understanding how and what animals perceive and learn. By using this form of conditioning coupled with appetitive conditioning in the framework of a differential conditioning procedure, it is possible to uncover discrimination capabilities that may remain otherwise unsuspected. We show, therefore, that visual discrimination is not an absolute phenomenon but can be modulated by experience.  相似文献   

Seitz AR  Kim R  Shams L 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(14):1422-1427
Numerous studies show that practice can result in performance improvements on low-level visual perceptual tasks [1-5]. However, such learning is characteristically difficult and slow, requiring many days of training [6-8]. Here, we show that a multisensory audiovisual training procedure facilitates visual learning and results in significantly faster learning than unisensory visual training. We trained one group of subjects with an audiovisual motion-detection task and a second group with a visual motion-detection task, and compared performance on trials containing only visual signals across ten days of training. Whereas observers in both groups showed improvements of visual sensitivity with training, subjects trained with multisensory stimuli showed significantly more learning both within and across training sessions. These benefits of multisensory training are particularly surprising given that the learning of visual motion stimuli is generally thought to be mediated by low-level visual brain areas [6, 9, 10]. Although crossmodal interactions are ubiquitous in human perceptual processing [11-13], the contribution of crossmodal information to perceptual learning has not been studied previously. Our results show that multisensory interactions can be exploited to yield more efficient learning of sensory information and suggest that multisensory training programs would be most effective for the acquisition of new skills.  相似文献   

Functional cerebral asymmetries, once thought to be exclusively human, are now accepted to be a widespread principle of brain organization in vertebrates [1]. The prevalence of lateralization makes it likely that it has some major advantage. Until now, however, conclusive evidence has been lacking. To analyze the relation between the extent of cerebral asymmetry and the degree of performance in visual foraging, we studied grain-grit discrimination success in pigeons, a species with a left hemisphere dominance for visual object processing [2,3]. The birds performed the task under left-eye, right-eye or binocular seeing conditions. In most animals, right-eye seeing was superior to left-eye seeing performance, and binocular performance was higher than each monocular level. The absolute difference between left- and right-eye levels was defined as a measure for the degree of visual asymmetry. Animals with higher asymmetries were more successful in discriminating grain from grit under binocular conditions. This shows that an increase in visual asymmetry enhances success in visually guided foraging. Possibly, asymmetries of the pigeon's visual system increase the computational speed of object recognition processes by concentrating them into one hemisphere while preventing the other side of the brain from initiating conflicting search sequences of its own.  相似文献   

Summary To examine how goldfish process and store information on compound visual stimuli, goldfish were trained with visual discriminative stimuli composed of varied colors and patterns using a Y-maze instrumental conditioning technique. The fish showed some very different types of information processing patterns depending upon the degree of discrimination difficulty of each constituent aspect (color and pattern). Those trained with compound stimuli with both a more easily discriminated aspect and a more difficult aspect learned the former selectively but did not learn the latter at all in spite of a high rate of training. Contrary to this, the fish trained with compound stimuli composed of two aspects with similar degrees of discrimination difficulty learned both aspects. In this case, only when fish were trained with compound stimuli composed of relatively more difficult aspects did they learn to discriminate between the stimuli more rapidly than the fish in each group trained with the constituent colored or patterned stimuli. These results were discussed in relation to visual processing patterns reported in other species and the mechanism of aspect selection.Abbreviations CP compound stimuli composed of VR and HB (7-mm ISBBs) - Cp compound stimuli composed of VR and HB (14-mm ISBBs) - cP compound stimuli composed of VG and HB (7-mm ISBBs) - cp compound stimuli composed of VG and HB (14-mm ISBBs) - HB horizontal patterns on blue background - HGra horizontal patterns on gray background - ISBBs interval spaces between bars - VG vertical patterns on green background - VGra vertical patterns on gray background - VR vertical patterns on red background  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the visual acuity of sheep. Three ewes were trained to discriminate between a Landolt ring and an ordinary ring of equal size associated with feed. The left and right positions of the 2 targets were shifted according to the Gellermann series. After the ewes were fully trained, their visual acuity was determined by changing the size of the rings or the distance from the target. The ewes were subjected daily to 1 or 2 sessions which consisted of 30 trials each. The criterion of successful discrimination was 2 (Exp. I) or 3 (Exp. II) consecutive sessions with more than 21 correct choices (P<0.05, Chi-square test). The best scores of visual acuity in the 3 ewes were 0.085, 0.095 and 0.19, respectively.  相似文献   

Electrodes were implanted into cranium above the primary visual cortex of four rabbits (Orictolagus cuniculus). At the first stage, visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were recorded in response to substitution of threshold visual stimuli (0.28 and 0.31 cd/m2). Then the sound (2000 Hz, 84 dB, duration 40 ms) was added simultaneously to every visual stimulus. Single sounds (without visual stimuli) did not produce a VEP-response. It was found that the amplitude ofVEP component N1 (85-110 ms) in response to complex stimuli (visual and sound) increased 1.6 times as compared to "simple" visual stimulation. At the second stage, paired substitutions of 8 different visual stimuli (range 0.38-20.2 cd/m2) by each other were performed. Sensory spaces of intensity were reconstructed on the basis of factor analysis. Sensory spaces of complexes were reconstructed in a similar way for simultaneous visual and sound stimulation. Comparison of vectors representing the stimuli in the spaces showed that the addition of a sound led to a 1.4-fold expansion of the space occupied by smaller intensities (0.28; 1.02; 3.05; 6.35 cd/m2). Also, the addition of the sound led to an arrangement of intensities in an ascending order. At the same time, the sound 1.33-times narrowed the space of larger intensities (8.48; 13.7; 16.8; 20.2 cd/m2). It is suggested that the addition of a sound improves a distinction of smaller intensities and impairs a dis- tinction of larger intensities. Sensory spaces revealed by complex stimuli were two-dimensional. This fact can be a consequence of integration of sound and light in a unified complex at simultaneous stimulation.  相似文献   

While there is a strong focus on the negative consequences of maternal immune activation (MIA) on developing brains, very little attention is directed towards potential advantages of early life challenges. In this study, we utilized a polyinosine-polycytidylic acid (poly(I:C)) MIA model to test visual pairwise discrimination (PD) and reversal learning (RL) in mice using touchscreen technology. Significant sex differences emerged in that MIA reduced the latency for males to make a correct choice in the PD task while females reached criterion sooner, made fewer errors, and utilized fewer correction trials in RL compared to saline controls. These surprising improvements were accompanied by the sex-specific upregulation of several genes critical to cognitive functioning, indicative of compensatory plasticity in response to MIA. In contrast, when exposed to a 'two-hit' stress model (MIA + loss of the social component of environmental enrichment [EE]), mice did not display anhedonia but required an increased number of PD and RL correction trials. These animals also had significant reductions of CamK2a mRNA in the prefrontal cortex. Appropriate functioning of synaptic plasticity, via mediators such as this protein kinase and others, are critical for behavioral flexibility. Although EE has been implicated in, delaying the appearance of symptoms associated with certain brain disorders, these findings are in line with evidence that it also makes individuals more vulnerable to its loss. Overall, with the right 'dose', early life stress exposure can confer at least some functional advantages, which are lost when the number or magnitude of these exposures become too great.  相似文献   

Recent results have shown that texture discrimination is an asymmetrical process; texture A within texture B may be much easier to detect than texture B within texture A. Two questions regarding discrimination asymmetries are addressed: (i) what sorts of textural properties are associated with discrimination asymmetries; and (ii) what sort of architecture would yield asymmetries. Two experiments show that discrimination asymmetries obtain when textures comprise circles of different sizes (large circles are easier to detect in small than vice versa) and when circles differ only in the regularity of their placement (irregularly placed circles are easier to detect in a background of regularly placed circles than vice versa). A plausible account of texture discrimination would involve the decomposition of images via a set orientation and scale selective filters followed by a second layer of filtering to detect energy differences between adjacent regions in the original convolutions. Discrimination asymmetries provide prima facie evidence against such a model because it involves only local measurements and comparisons. We propose that discrimination asymmetries are elegantly explained if it is assumed that the responses of the orientation and scale selective filters are normalized by the degree to which similarly tuned operators are responding elsewhere in the image; viz., global normalization of filter responses. However, there are cases where such global normalization is not required to explain asymmetrical discrimination.  相似文献   

Warning coloration is a widespread strategy to alert predators about prey unprofitability. The success of this strategy partly depends on predators being able to learn and recognize certain signals as indicators of toxicity, and theory predicts that this is easier if signals converge on similar colours. However, the diversity in warning signal form is astonishing, contradicting predictions. Here, we quantified ladybird signal diversity with respect to avian vision, measuring how unique and discernible each signal is from one another. In addition, we measured signal conspicuousness against a series of backgrounds, namely an average green, average brown, and where we collected each species, to determine whether signals are more contrasting against the ladybirds’ local substrates than compared to average ones. This allowed us to establish whether there are local adaptations in conspicuousness that promote signal diversity. We found that while ladybird signals are unique and recognizable, specialist species are more contrasting against the background they are most commonly found on. However, overall our study suggests that warning signals have evolved to be effective against a wide range of natural backgrounds, partly explaining the success of this strategy in nature.  相似文献   

Predation exerts strong selection on mimetic butterfly wing color patterns, which also serve other functions such as sexual selection. Therefore, specific selection pressures may affect the sexes and signal components differentially. We tested three predictions about the evolution of mimetic resemblance by comparing wing coloration of aposematic butterflies and their Batesian mimics: (a) females gain greater mimetic advantage than males and therefore are better mimics, (b) due to intersexual genetic correlations, sexually monomorphic mimics are better mimics than female‐limited mimics, and (c) mimetic resemblance is better on the dorsal wing surface that is visible to predators in flight. Using a physiological model of avian color vision, we quantified mimetic resemblance from predators’ perspective, which showed that female butterflies were better mimics than males. Mimetic resemblance in female‐limited mimics was comparable to that in sexually monomorphic mimics, suggesting that intersexual genetic correlations did not constrain adaptive response to selection for female‐limited mimicry. Mimetic resemblance on the ventral wing surface was better than that on the dorsal wing surface, implying stronger natural and sexual selection on ventral and dorsal surfaces, respectively. These results suggest that mimetic resemblance in butterfly mimicry rings has evolved under various selective pressures acting in a sex‐ and wing surface‐specific manner.  相似文献   

The ability of prey to observe and learn to recognize potential predators from the behaviour of nearby individuals can dramatically increase survival and, not surprisingly, is widespread across animal taxa. A range of sensory modalities are available for this learning, with visual and chemical cues being well-established modes of transmission in aquatic systems. The use of other sensory cues in mediating social learning in fishes, including mechano-sensory cues, remains unexplored. Here, we examine the role of different sensory cues in social learning of predator recognition, using juvenile damselfish (Amphiprion percula). Specifically, we show that a predator-naive observer can socially learn to recognize a novel predator when paired with a predator-experienced conspecific in total darkness. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that when threatened, individuals release chemical cues (known as disturbance cues) into the water. These cues induce an anti-predator response in nearby individuals; however, they do not facilitate learnt recognition of the predator. As such, another sensory modality, probably mechano-sensory in origin, is responsible for information transfer in the dark. This study highlights the diversity of sensory cues used by coral reef fishes in a social learning context.  相似文献   

Many food webs are affected by bottom‐up nutrient addition, as additional biomass or productivity at a given trophic level can support more consumers. In turn, when prey are abundant, predators may converge on the same diets rather than partitioning food resources. Here, we examine the diets and habitat use of predatory and omnivorous birds in response to biosolids amendment of northern grasslands used as grazing range for cattle in British Columbia, Canada. From an ecosystem management perspective, we test whether dietary convergence occurred and whether birds preferentially used the pastures with biosolids. Biosolids treatments increased Orthoptera densities and our work occurred during a vole (Microtus spp.) population peak, so both types of prey were abundant. American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) consumed both small mammals and Orthoptera. Short‐eared Owls (Asio flammeus) and Long‐eared owls (Asio otus) primarily ate voles (>97% of biomass consumed) as did Northern Harriers (Circus hudsonius, 88% vole biomass). Despite high dietary overlap, these species had minimal spatial overlap, and Short‐eared Owls strongly preferred pastures amended with biosolids. Common Ravens (Corvus corax), Black‐billed Magpies (Pica hudsonia), and American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) consumed Orthoptera, Coleoptera, vegetation, and only a few small mammals; crows avoided pastures with biosolids. Thus, when both insect and mammalian prey were abundant, corvids maintained omnivorous diets, whereas owls and Harriers specialized on voles. Spatial patterns were more complex, as birds were likely responding to prey abundance, vegetation structure, and other birds in this consumer guild.  相似文献   

We have adapted to mice a holeboard-learning task, which allows simultaneous assessment of spatial working and reference-memory performance. The holeboard apparatus consists of an open-field chamber with a 16-hole floor insert. Across trials, animals have to learn that the same four holes of 16 are always baited. Here, we show that C57BL/6 mice readily acquire this task within 4 days when submitted to six trials per day or within 8 days when submitted to only four trials per day. We also show that C57BL/6, Swiss-Webster, CD-1 and DBA/2 mice acquire this task similarly, despite the fact that some differences could be observed in measures of exploratory activity during habituation and training. Moreover, the muscarinic antagonist scopolamine disrupts learning at doses of 0.1 and 1.0 mg/kg, although the highest dose appeared to have side-effects. Lastly, we found that amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice have a selective disruption in their working-memory performance only during reversal training (i.e. after a change in the configuration of the baited holes). Overall, our data indicate that this spatial learning task is well adapted to mice and will be useful to characterize spatial memory in various genetic or pharmacological mouse models.  相似文献   

Errorless learning is a technique developed by Terrace [Terrace, H.S., 1963a. Discrimination training with and without “errors”. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 6, 1-27] to train stimulus discriminations with few or no errors. In the first replication of the original findings, errorless learning was also shown to transfer successfully between two visual discriminations without errors [Terrace, H.S., 1963b. Errorless transfer of a discrimination across two continua. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 6, 223-232]. In the present experiment, we extended the errorless learning procedure to an intermodal transfer, from a discrimination between red and green colors to a discrimination between high and low tones. The pigeons were divided into two groups: an Experimental Group, which learned both discriminations through errorless learning, and a Control Group, which learned them through trial-and-error. Results showed that pigeons from the Experimental Group learned the red-green discrimination with significantly fewer errors than the Control Group and that errorless learning is effective in transferring from a visual to an auditory discrimination.  相似文献   

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