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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of prostaglandin (PG) on proliferation of granulosa cells from prehierarchical small yellow follicles (SYF) of buff laying hens. The granulosa layers were separated by mechanic method and dispersed into single cells. After 16 h pre-incubation in 0.5% FCS medium, the medium was replaced with serum-free medium, which was supplemented with 10 microg/ml insulin, 5 microg/ml transferrin and 3 x 10(-8)M selenite. Cells were challenged with PGE1 and FSH for 24 h and then assessed for proliferation. The results showed that PGE(1) (0.1-10 ng/ml) had a similar proliferating effect as FSH on granulosa cells, and these stimulating effects were restrained by the PGE receptor antagonist SC19220 at 10(-7) to 10(-5)M. Prostaglandin synthase antagonist indomethacin (10(-7) to 10(-5)M) suppressed FSH-induced increase in the number of granulosa cells in a dose-dependent manner. Downstream activation of protein kinase A by forskolin-activated adenylate cyclase resulted in elevated proliferation of granulosa cells, an effect unobserved by phorbol-12-myristrate-13-acetate-activated protein kinase C. In addition, PGE1-stimulated proliferation of granulosa cells was hindered by H89 (PKA inhibitor) but not by H7 (PKC inhibitor). Furthermore, the proliferating cell nuclear antigen labeling index (PCNA-LI) of granulosa cells displayed similar changes with the number of cells. These results indicated that PGE1 promoted the proliferation of granulosa cells from SYF and was also involved in mediating FSH-stimulated intracellular PKA signal transduction.  相似文献   

The effects of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) on epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor content and EGF action were studied in cultured granulosa cells from immature diethylstilbestrol-implanted rats. During follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)-induced differentiation in vitro, EGF receptors increased by 20-fold as measured by the binding of 125I-EGF to the intact cells. Addition of TGF-beta during the 48-h culture period amplified the stimulatory effects of FSH on EGF receptors up to 2-fold, with ED50 and maximal concentrations of 2.5 and 8 pM, respectively. Also TGF-beta alone in amounts from 1.6 to 16 pM increased EGF receptor content 4-fold. The stimulatory effects of TGF-beta were due to increased numbers of EGF receptors/cell, since the growth factor had no effect on the Kd (3-5 X 10(-11) M) of the high-affinity EGF binding site. TGF-beta action was observed within 20 h of granulosa cell culture and was maximal by 48 h of a 96-h culture. The stimulatory actions of TGF-beta in gonadotropin-induced cells were exerted through the cAMP effector system of the granulosa cell, since the growth factor also amplified the induction of EGF receptors by cholera toxin, forskolin, and 8-bromo-cAMP. The augmentation of EGF receptors by TGF-beta resulted in a parallel 2-fold increase in the inhibitory effects of EGF on FSH-induced cAMP production and luteinizing hormone receptor expression during granulosa cell development. TGF-beta did not increase granulosa cell numbers during culture although it elevated [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA by 2-fold over that of FSH-treated cells. These results indicate that TGF-beta regulates the effects of both FSH and EGF during granulosa cell differentiation and provides evidence that ovarian function may be controlled by the combined actions of gonadotropins and multiple growth factors.  相似文献   

EGF or TGFB1 alone stimulates but together attenuate granulosa cell DNA synthesis. Intact preantral follicles from hamsters were cultured with TGFB1, EGF, or both to reveal the mechanisms of such unique regulation. Follicular CCND2 (also known as cyclin D2), CDKN1B (also known as p27(kip1)), and the involvement of appropriate signaling intermediaries and kinases were examined. TGFB1, acting via SMAD2 and SMAD3, antagonized the degradation of CCND2 protein by blocking its phosphorylation. In contrast, TGFB1 supported CDKN1B degradation by involving MAPK14 (also known as p38 Map Kinase) and PKC, resulting in CDK4 activation and DNA synthesis. EGF via MAPK3/1 maintained functional levels of CCND2 through CCND2 synthesis as well as degradation. EGF and TGFB1 together inhibited CDK4 activation and DNA synthesis. EGF attenuated TGFB1 stimulated phosphorylation of SMAD3, TGFB1-induced activation of MAPK14 and PKC, and TGFB1 suppression of CCND2 degradation. In contrast, TGFB1 suppressed EGF-induced increase in CCND2 mRNA levels. The final outcome was CCND2 degradation without replenishment and decreased activities of MAPK14 and PKC leading to suppression of CDK4 activation. The results indicate that each growth factor involves a separate mechanism to maintain an effective level of CCND2 in granulosa cells for the activation of CDK4 and induction of DNA synthesis. However, their simultaneous action is inhibitory to follicular DNA synthesis because they counteract each other's activity by interfering at specific sites. Because both EGF and TGFB1 are present in granulosa cells, this mechanism may explain how their effects are temporally modulated for granulosa cell proliferation and folliculogenesis.  相似文献   

Evidence is now emerging that the oocyte plays a role in the development and function of granulosa cells. This study focuses on the role of the oocyte in the proliferation of (1) undifferentiated granulosa cells from preantral follicles and (2) more differentiated mural granulosa cells and cumulus granulosa cells from antral follicles. Preantral follicles were isolated from 12-day-old mice, and mural granulosa cells and oocyte-cumulus complexes were obtained from gonadotropin-primed 22-day-old mice. Cell proliferation was quantified by autoradiographic determination of the 3H-thymidine labeling index. To determine the role of the oocyte in granulosa cell proliferation, oocyte-cumulus cell complexes and preantral follicles were oocytectomized (OOX), oocytectomy being a microsurgical procedure that removes the oocyte while retaining the three-dimensional structure of the complex or follicle. Mural granulosa cells as well as intact and OOX complexes and follicles were cultured with or without FSH in unconditioned medium or oocyte-conditioned medium (1 oocyte/microliter of medium). Preantral follicles were cultured for 4 days, after which 3H-thymidine was added to each group for a further 24 h. Mural granulosa cells were cultured as monolayers for an equilibration period of 24 h and then treated for a 48-h period, with 3H-thymidine added for the last 24 h. Oocyte-cumulus cell complexes were incubated for 4 h and then 3H-thymidine was added to each group for an additional 3-h period. FSH and/or oocyte-conditioned medium caused an increase in the labeling index of mural granulosa cells in monolayer culture; however, no differences were found among treatment groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cells were obtained from patients undergoing in vitro fertilization. They were cultured and those producing vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF) were detected by flow cytometry; relative amounts of mRNA were detected by RT-PCR and measured by PCR Elisa after RT-PCR products were biotinylated. Most of the granulosa cells produced VEGF. This production was maintained over 5 days in culture without adding hCG. The two diffusible forms, VEGF 121 and 165, were the most abundant. VEGF 145, which is specific to the reproductive system, was less abundant. VEGF 189, which is not freely secreted, was not produced by granulosa cells; small amounts were only detected in preparations containing leukocytes. TNF-alpha decreased VEGF production; the effect of TNF-alpha was neutralized by 10 nM staurosporine. Thus, the VEGF in human preovulatory follicles is mostly in the granulosa cells. These cells are therefore a major source of VEGF at ovulation and may play a key role in physiological and pathological processes which involve changes in vascular permeability and/or angiogenesis. The data also suggest that TNF-alpha via protein kinase C modulates the production of VEGF.  相似文献   

Receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGF) have been localized on the surface of ovarian granulosa cells using a colloidal gold avidin complex in conjunction with biotinylated EGF. On cells incubated at low temperature the receptors are predominantly monodisperse and have a random distribution. When cells are warmed to 37 degrees C the receptors aggregate into clusters.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) at nanomolar concentrations stimulated DNA synthesis in confluent, serum-starved cultures of calf aorta and human uterine smooth muscle cells. Stimulation of DNA synthesis in lens epithelial cells was studied for comparison. L and D-ascorbic acid potentiated the effect of serum and EGF on DNA synthesis in calf aorta cells. In contrast L-ascorbic acid had minimal potentiating effect with serum and no effect with EGF present along with serum on DNA synthesis in human uterine smooth muscle and rabbit lens epithelial cells. EGF and ascorbic acid increased cell number when added to stationary phase cultures. Specific binding of 125I-labelled EGF to smooth muscle cells was demonstrated. Receptor concentration in calf-aorta smooth muscle cells was higher in dense cultures compared to sparse cultures. The time course of binding and dissociation of 125I-labelled EGF was similar in "dense" and "sparse" cultures. Human uterine smooth muscle cells in culture exhibited a finite lifespan. There was no stimulation of DNA synthesis in response to serum and EGF in cells of high population doubling level (PDL); although 125I-labeled EGF binding was higher in old cells (high PDL) compared to young cells (low PDL). This increase in binding was shown to be due to changes in the concentration of receptors without changes in their affinity for EGF.  相似文献   

Role of the epidermal growth factor network in ovarian follicles   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The LH surge causes major remodeling of the ovarian follicle in preparation for the ovulatory process. These changes include reprogramming of granulosa cells to differentiate into luteal cells, changes in cumulus cell secretory properties, and oocyte maturation. This review summarizes published data in support of the concept that LH stimulation of ovarian follicles involves activation of a local epidermal growth factor (EGF) network. A model describing this property of LH signaling and its branching to other signaling modules is discussed. According to this model, LH activation of mural granulosa cells stimulates cAMP signaling, which, in turn, induces the expression of the EGF-like growth factors epiregulin, amphiregulin, and betacellulin. These growth factors function by activating EGF receptors in either an autocrine/juxtacrine fashion within the mural layer, or they diffuse to act on cumulus cells. Activation of EGF receptor signaling in cumulus cells, together with cAMP priming, triggers oocyte nuclear maturation and acquisition of developmental competence as well as cumulus expansion. This model has important implications for ovarian physiology and for the development of new strategies for the pharmacological control of ovulation and for gamete maturation in vitro.  相似文献   

Regulation of cell proliferation by epidermal growth factor   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) is a 6045 dalton polypeptide which stimulates the proliferation of various cell types in vitro and in vivo. EGF binds to diffusely distributed membrane receptors which rapidly cluster primarily on coated pits areas on the plasma membrane. Subsequently, the EGF-receptor complexes are endocytosed and degraded by lysosomal enzymes. The lateral diffusion coefficient (D) of EGF-receptor complexes on cultured cells increases gradually from D = 2.8 X 10(-10) cm2/sec at 5 degrees C to 8.5 X 10(-10) cm2/sec at 37 degrees C. In the same range of temperature the rotational correlation times change from 25 to 50 microseconds to approximately 350 microseconds. Hence, at 4 degrees C, the occupied EGF receptors translate and rotate rapidly in the plane of the membrane. At 37 degrees C, EGF receptors form microclusters composed of 10 to 50 molecules. Moreover, it is concluded that both at 4 degrees C and 37 degrees C lateral diffusion of the occupied receptors is not the rate determining step for either receptor clustering or internalization. EGF receptor is a 150,000 to 170,000 dalton glycoprotein. The receptor is in close proximity to an EGF-sensitive, cAMP-independent, tyrosine-specific protein kinase which also phosphorylates the receptor molecules itself. The EGF sensitive kinase is similar to the kinase activity which is associated with certain RNA tumor viruses. The fact that the non-mitogenic cyanogen-bromide cleaved EGF is as potent as native EGF in stimulating phosphorylation suggests that EGF-induced, protein phosphorylation is a necessary but insufficient signal for the induction of DNA synthesis by EGF. EGF receptor serves also as the binding site for Transforming Growth Factors (TGF) which compete with EGF and induce anchorage-independent growth of normal cells in soft agar. Tumor promoters such as phorbol ester effect the binding of EGF to its membrane receptors and its ability to stimulate DNA synthesis. EGF itself has also some tumor promoting activity. Hence, the membrane receptor for EGF seems to participate in the regulation of normal and neoplastic growth. Monoclonal antibodies against EGF receptor (IgM) induce various early and delayed effects of EGF, while their monovalent Fab' fragments are devoid of biological activity. These observations support the notions that EGF receptor rather than EGF itself is the active moiety and that the role of the hormone is to perturb the receptor in the appropriate way, probably by inducing the microaggregation of EGF receptors.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor, a potent mitrogen for granulosa cells produced a three-fold stimulation of ornithine decarboxylase activity in porcine granulose cells in vitro. Fibroblast growth factor, another compound with mitogenic activity for granulose cells, did not stimulate ornithine decarboxylase. Maximally effective concentrations of a commercial preparation of bovine serum albumin equalled the maximal effect of epidermal growth factor on this enzyme activity. The dominant stimulator(s) in the albumin preparation eluted after bovine serum albumin in gel filtration. At maximally effective concentrations, luteinizing hormone produced substantially greater stimulation than either epidermal growth factor or the bovine albumin preparation. Combinations of saturating doses of any two of these stimulators produced additive effects on enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, prostaglandin E1, and prostaglandin E2 stimulated the proliferation of mammary epithelial cells in serum-free primary cultures only in the presence of epidermal growth factor. Linoleate-stimulated growth was manifest later in culture when proliferation, initiated by epidermal growth factor only, reached a plateau while linoleate-supplemented epidermal growth factor cultures continued to proliferate. The cultures in the plateau phase of growth could be restimulated to grow by adding either linoleic acid or prostaglandin E2 to the media. While the linoleate response could be abolished by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin, prostaglandin E2-stimulated growth remained unaffected. Linoleic acid was metabolized to arachidonic acid and prostaglandin E2, both in the growing and resting cultures. Proliferating cells metabolized linoleate and prostaglandin E2 extensively so that neither the fatty acid nor prostaglandin E2 accumulated in large quantities in the proliferating cultures. The concentrations of prostaglandin E2 in growing cultures supplemented with linoleic acid were much higher than in cultures without it. These results suggest that the metabolism of linoleic acid leading to prostaglandin production, not its contribution to membrane polyunsaturation, is necessary for sustained growth of mammary epithelial cells in the presence of epidermal growth factor.  相似文献   

The dependence of somatotropin-binding activity of theca and granulosa tissues of hen preovulatory follicles on pH of incubation buffer was studied. A rise of [125I] somatotropin specific binding to theca tissue with decrease of pH from 6.3 to 5.0 was found to be due predominantly to an increase of the number of somatotropin-binding sites rather than to their affinity. At the same time, the character of change of the level of the hormone specific binding to granulosa cells (at pH 6.0) and to theca crude membrane fraction (at pH 6.7) in the process of development of preovulatory follicles was similar with that revealed at determination of concentration of somatotropin receptors in these tissues at pH 5.0. The obtained data indicate that the majority of somatotropic receptors in hen follicular tissues is latent, at least for in vitro binding, and can be detected at low pH. Nonetheless, the relative changes of somatotropin-binding activity of granulosa and theca tissues in dynamics of folliculogenesis do not depend on pH of incubation medium.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) increased the phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor and inhibited the growth of A431 cells. Incubation with TGF-beta induced maximal EGF receptor phosphorylation to levels 1.5-fold higher than controls. Phosphorylation increased more prominently (4-5-fold) on tyrosine residues as determined by phosphoamino acid analysis and antiphosphotyrosine antibody immunoblotting. The kinase activity of EGF receptor was also elevated 2.5-fold when cells were cultured in the presence of TGF-beta. The antiproliferative effect of TGF-beta on A431 cells was accompanied by prolongation of G0-G1 phase and by morphological changes. TGF-beta augmented the growth inhibition of A431 cells which could be induced by EGF. In parallel, the specific EGF-induced increase in total phosphorylation of the EGF receptor was also augmented in the presence of TGF-beta. In cells cultured with TGF-beta, the phosphorylation of EGF receptor tyrosines induced by 20-min exposure to EGF was further increased 2-3-fold, suggesting additive effects upon receptor phosphorylation. EGF receptor activation by TGF-beta is characterized by kinetics quite distinct from that induced by EGF and therefore appears to take place through an independent mechanism. The TGF-beta-induced elevation in the phosphorylation of the EGF receptor may have a role in the augmented growth inhibition of A431 cells observed in the presence of EGF and TGF-beta.  相似文献   

For thyroid cells in culture DNA fragmentation and morphological changes related to apoptosis were first described in dog thyroid cells after deprivation of serum, epidermal growth factor or thyrotropin. With intact porcine thyroid follicles in three-dimensional culture, the effect of deprivation of growth factors and of incubation with transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1), epidermal growth factor (EGF), thyrotropin (TSH) or insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) on the incidence of apoptosis was studied. Thyroid follicles were embedded in growth factor-depleted Matrigel and cultured in serum-free medium with or without growth factors for 7 days followed by incubation for 4, 24 and 72 h with TGF-beta1 (2 or 5 ng/mL). The percentage of apoptotic cells was determined by direct counting in electron-microscopy. Approximately 1% of apoptotic bodies could be detected in unstimulated follicles. This was unchanged in the presence of TSH (1 mU/mL) or IGF (10 ng/mL) but significantly increased up to 3.99 +/- 1.24% with 2 ng/mL of EGF. After incubation with TGF-beta apoptosis increased dose-dependently to 4.05 +/- 0.67% with 2 ng/mL TGF-beta1 and 5.16 +/- 1.75% with 5 ng/mL TGF-beta1. The incidence of necrotic cells remained constant at about 1 to 2%. Preincubation of follicles with 2 ng/mL of EGF followed by incubation with 5 ng/mL TGF-beta1 increased the rate of apoptic bodies up to 13.19 +/- 1.9%. We conclude that growth factor depletion in thyroid follicles in three-dimensional culture does not lead to apoptosis. TGF-beta1, however, induces apoptosis even in quiescent thyroid follicular cells and is significantly more pronounced in growing thyroid cells. EGF, which is a dedifferentiating growth factor for thyroid cells, also induces apoptosis. As EGF enhances TGF-beta1 mRNA and protein in thyroid follicular cells, the induction of apoptosis by EGF might also be due to TGF-beta1.  相似文献   

Human adenovirus (Ad) is extensively used for a variety of gene therapy applications. However, the utility of Ad vectors is limited due to the low efficiency of Ad-mediated gene transfer to target cells expressing marginal levels of the Ad fiber receptor. Therefore, the present generation of Ad vectors could potentially be improved by modification of Ad tropism to target the virus to specific organs and tissues. The fact that coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR) does not play any role in virus internalization, but functions merely as the virus attachment site, suggests that the extracellular part of CAR might be utilized to block the receptor recognition site on the Ad fiber knob domain. We proposed to design bispecific fusion proteins formed by a recombinant soluble form of truncated CAR (sCAR) and a targeting ligand. In this study, we derived sCAR genetically fused with human epidermal growth factor (EGF) and investigated its ability to target Ad infection to the EGF receptor (EGFR) overexpressed on cancer cell lines. We have demonstrated that sCAR-EGF protein is capable of binding to Ad virions and directing them to EGFR, thereby achieving targeted delivery of reporter gene. These results show that sCAR-EGF protein possesses the ability to effectively retarget Ad via a non-CAR pathway, with enhancement of gene transfer efficiency.  相似文献   

Human, rat and mouse epidermal growth factors (EGF) bind to the same receptor on human placenta, but the binding characteristics differ. The apparent affinity constant (KA) for human EGF is higher (15 X 10(9) l/mol) than KA for rat EGF (10 X 10(9) l/mol). Mouse EGF binds with the lowest KA (5 X 10(9) l/mol). The pH optimum differs so that human and rat EGF bind with a pH optimum of 8.0, whereas mouse EGF binds with an optimum of pH 7.4. Half maximal dissociation is 130, 50 and 25 min for human, rat and mouse EGF, respectively. The structures of human, rat and mouse EGF differ somewhat. At least 11 of the first 24 residues differ. The N-terminal sequence of rat EGF is: Ala/Ser-Gly-X-Pro-Pro-Ser-Tyr-Asp-Gly-Tyr-X-Lys-Asp-Gly-Gly-Val-X-Met-Ty r-Val -Glu.  相似文献   

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