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In the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis, mutations affecting mitochondrial functions are often highly unstable. In order to understand the basis of this genetic instability, we examined the case of an oligomycin resistant mutant. When the mutant was grown in the absence of the drug, the resistance was rapidly lost. This character showed a typical cytoplasmic inheritance. The unstable resistance was found to be associated with the presence of a repetitive DNA in which the repeating unit was a specific segment of the mitochondrial DNA. The amplified molecules were co-replicating with the wild type genome in the mutant cells. The spontaneous loss of the drug resistance was accompanied by the disappearance of the amplified DNA. The repetitive sequence came from a 405 base-pair segment immediately downstream of a cluster of two transfer RNA genes (threonyl 2 and glutamyl). Modified processing of these tRNAs was detected in the mutant. A possible mechanism by which these events could lead to drug resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

Ovarian teratomas are tumors that arise from female germ cells and are often a mixture of immature embryonal carcinoma cells and mature embryonic cells. Tissues derived from all three primary embryonic lineages (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) are typically found in the mature elements of a teratoma. In the case of the transgenic mouse line TG.KD, created with an imprinted transgene construct, malignant ovarian teratomas of a mixed germ cell tumor morphology occur in 15–20% of hemizygous female carriers of the transgene. The tumors frequently metastasize and can result in death of the mouse. Genetic analysis indicates that the tumors are associated with the transgene's integration site. Inbred FVB/N and female mice of other transgenic lines, also created in the inbred FVB/N strain with the same DNA construct as TG.KD, do not develop teratomas. In addition to teratomas, the integration of the transgene on Chromosome (Chr) 8 is associated with a perinatal lethality in homozygous transgenic carriers. The hemizygous genotypes of the teratomas suggest that they arise from early germ cells, prior to the completion of meiosis I. Received: 31 August 1995 / Accepted: 3 November 1995  相似文献   

Abstract: The heat shock response is an inducible protective system of all living cells. It simultaneously induces both heat shock proteins and an increased capacity for the cell to wisthstand potentially lethal temperatures (an increased thermotolerance). This has lead to the suspicion that these two phenomena must be inexorably linked. However, analysis of heat shock protein function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by molecular genetic techniques has revealed only a minority of the heat shock proteins of this organism having appreciable influences on thermotolerance. Instead, physiological perturbations and the accumulation of trehalose with heat stress may be more important in the development of thermotolerance during a preconditioning heat shock. Vegetative S. cerevisiae also acquires thermotolerance through osmotic dehydration, through treatment with certain chemical agents and when, due to nutrient limitation, it arrests growth in the GI phase of the cell cycle. There is evidence for the activities of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and plasma membrane ATPase being very important in thermotolerance determination. Also, intracellular water activity and trehalose probably exert a strong influence over thermotolerance through their effects on stabilisation of membranes and intracellular assemblies. Future investigations should address the unresolved issue of whether the different routes to thermotolerance induction cause a common change to the physical state of the intracellular environment, a change that may result in an increased stabilisation of cellular structures through more stable hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   



Molecular mechanisms associated with frequent relapse of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) are poorly defined. It is especially unclear how primary tumor clonal heterogeneity contributes to relapse. Here, we explore unique features of B-cell lymphomas - VDJ recombination and somatic hypermutation - to address this question.


We performed high-throughput sequencing of rearranged VDJ junctions in 14 pairs of matched diagnosis-relapse tumors, among which 7 pairs were further characterized by exome sequencing. We identify two distinctive modes of clonal evolution of DLBCL relapse: an early-divergent mode in which clonally related diagnosis and relapse tumors diverged early and developed in parallel; and a late-divergent mode in which relapse tumors developed directly from diagnosis tumors with minor divergence. By examining mutation patterns in the context of phylogenetic information provided by VDJ junctions, we identified mutations in epigenetic modifiers such as KMT2D as potential early driving events in lymphomagenesis and immune escape alterations as relapse-associated events.


Altogether, our study for the first time provides important evidence that DLBCL relapse may result from multiple, distinct tumor evolutionary mechanisms, providing rationale for therapies for each mechanism. Moreover, this study highlights the urgent need to understand the driving roles of epigenetic modifier mutations in lymphomagenesis, and immune surveillance factor genetic lesions in relapse.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0432-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The rump-white (Rw) mutation in the mouse was previously mapped as part of a cluster of spotting genes on Chromosome (Chr) 5 that includes the dominant spotting (W) and patch (Ph) loci. Recent studies have shown that the W locus encodes the KIT tyrosine kinase cell surface receptor and that Ph is a deletional mutation encompassing the platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha subunit (Pdgfra) gene. However, the molecular basis of the Rw mutation remains to be established. We have analyzed an interspecific Mus spretus backcross segregating Rw and several loci proximal and distal to the W/Ph/Rw region to study the basis of this mutation. These studies indicated that loci within the En2 to Kit region of the chromosome do not recombine with one another even though they have been separated in other mapping studies presented here and elsewhere. We conducted a series of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) studies with genomic probes to En2, Msx1, D5Buc1, and Kit to compare the physical order of these loci on the Rw and wild-type chromosomes. The Kit locus mapped to approximately the same region on both chromosomes of the Rw heterozygotes, while the positions of En2, Msx1, and D5Buc1 were reversed on the two chromosomes. Taken together, both the genetic and physical mapping data establish that the Rw mutation is associated with an inversion involving loci in the proximal region of Chromosome 5.  相似文献   

The mutation e1662 is an allele of the Caenorhabditis elegans unc-54 gene induced with the difunctional alkylating agent 1,2,7,8-diepoxyoctane. unc-54 encodes the major myosin heavy chain isozyme of body wall muscle cells. Filter-transfer hybridization and DNA sequence analysis show that e1662 is an insertion of 288 base pairs of DNA within unc-54. The inserted DNA is identical to a 288-base pair region of unc-54 located ca. 600 base pairs from the insertion site. Thus, e1662 is a displaced duplication. A 14-base pair sequence located at one end of the duplicated segment is found adjacent to the site of insertion. These homologous sequences are juxtaposed head-to-tail by the insertion event. e1662 thus contains a tandem direct repeat extending across one of its junctions.  相似文献   

R K Mortimer 《Genetics》1969,61(1):Suppl:329-Suppl:334

The conversion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO to the mucoid phenotype has been reported for a chronic pulmonary infection model in rats (D. E. Woods, P. A. Sokol, L. E. Bryan, D. G. Storey, S. J. Mattingly, H. J. Vogel, and H. Ceri, J. Infect. Dis. 163:143-149, 1991). This conversion was associated with a genetic rearrangement upstream of the exotoxin A gene. To characterize the genetic rearrangement, the region upstream of the toxA gene was cloned from PAO, PAO-muc (a mucoid strain), and PAO-rev (a nonmucoid revertant strain). The nucleotide sequence of a 4.8-kb fragment from PAO-muc was determined. A+T-rich regions of approximately 2 kb (IS-PA-4) and 0.4 kb (IS-PA-5) were identified in this fragment. DNA probes constructed internal to these regions hybridized to PAO-muc but not to PAO or PAO-rev, suggesting that PAO-muc contains an insertion element. Sequence analysis of the nonmucoid clones indicated that a 2,561-bp fragment corresponding to IS-PA-4 and a 992-bp fragment corresponding to IS-PA-5 were not present in PAO or PAO-rev. Both nonmucoid clones, however, contained in the same location as IS-PA-4, a 1,313-bp region which was not present in PAO-muc. DNA probes complementary to this sequence, designated IS-PA-6, did not hybridize with PAO-muc, indicating that this sequence had been replaced upon conversion to the mucoid phenotype. Between IS-PA-4 and IS-PA-5 there was a 500-bp sequence which was 94% identical to the 500-bp sequence downstream of IS-PA-6. These insertion elements had some DNA sequence similarity to plasmid and transposon sequences, suggesting that they may be of plasmid origin. IS-PA-4 and IS-PA-5 were shown also to be present in two mucoid isolates from cystic fibrosis patients. The insertions occurred in the same location upstream of the toxA gene, suggesting that this type of genetic recombination may also be associated with mucoid conversion in some P. aeruginosa clinical isolates.  相似文献   

Chaperones are known to play an important role in complexation of cyclin-dependent kinases with cyclins. In yeast cells growing in the presence of phosphate, cyclin-dependent kinase Pho85p and cyclin Pho80p form a complex and phosphorylate activator Pho4p. As a result, Pho4p is exported from the nucleus, and the PHO5 gene is not transcribed. The mutations suppressing the pho85 mutation were analyzed in order to identify genes which code for chaperones involved in the formation of the Pho80p-Pho85p complex in the presence of environmental phosphate. Dominant mutations DSP1, DSP2, and DSP4-6 were found. It is shown that the DSP1 gene is 2.1 cM away from the PHO85 gene on chromosome XVI and probably coincides with the EGD1 gene coding for a chaperone.  相似文献   

The SSR16 gene of Arabidopsis has been identified as a gene encoding a ribosomal protein S16 homolog through analysis of a transposon insertion mutation. The insertion mutation is lethal, arresting embryonic development at approximately the transition from the globular to the heart stage of embryonic development. Co-segregation of the mutant phenotype with the transposon-borne drug-resistance marker and loss of the inserted transposon concomitant with phenotypic reversion provided evidence that the transposon had caused the mutation. Sequences flanking the insertion site were amplified from DNA of viable heterozygotes by thermal asymmetric interlaced (TAIL) PCR. The amplified fragment flanking the 3' end of the inserted element was sequenced and found to be identical to an Arabidopsis expressed sequence tag (EST). The EST, in turn, contained a coding sequence homologous to the ribosomal protein S16 (RPS16) of bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Salmonella typhimurium , as well as Neurospora crassa mitochondria and higher plant plastids. Thus the gene identified by the embryo-defective lethal insertion mutation encodes an RPS16 homolog and has been designated the SSR16 gene.  相似文献   

The region of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome III centromere-distal to the PGK gene is the site of frequent chromosome polymorphisms. We have sequenced this region from fragments of chromosome III isolated from three different yeast strains, GRF88, CN31C and CF4-16B. The sequence analysis demonstrates that these polymorphisms are associated with the presence of Ty and delta elements and defines a region of the chromosome which is a hot-spot for transposition events (the RAHS). The three strains can be arranged into a logical evolutionary series in which successive transposition and recombination events insert Ty elements and fuse them with consequent deletions of chromosome and of transposon sequences. The influence of such events on yeast genome evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Streptomycetes are common soil inhabitants, yet few described species are plant pathogens. While the pathogenicity mechanisms remain unclear, previous work identified a gene, nec1, which encodes a putative pathogenicity or virulence factor. nec1 and a neighboring transposase pseudogene, ORFtnp, are conserved among unrelated plant pathogens and absent from nonpathogens. The atypical GC content of nec1 suggests that it was acquired through horizontal transfer events. Our investigation of the genetic organization of regions adjacent to the 3' end of nec1 in Streptomyces scabies 84.34 identified a new insertion sequence (IS) element, IS1629, with homology to other IS elements from prokaryotic animal pathogens. IS1629 is 1,462 bp with 26-bp terminal inverted repeats and encodes a putative 431-amino-acid (aa) transposase. Transposition of IS1629 generates a 10-bp target site duplication. A 77-nucleotide (nt) sequence encompassing the start codon and upstream region of the transposase was identified which could function in the posttranscritpional regulation of transposase synthesis. A functional copy of IS1629 from S. turgidiscabies 94.09 (Hi-C-13) was selected in the transposon trap pCZA126, through its insertion into the lambda cI857 repressor. IS1629 is present in multiple copies in some S. scabies strains and is present in all S. acidiscabies and S. turgidiscabies strains examined. A second copy of IS1629 was identified between ORFtnp and nec1 in S. acidiscabies strains. The diversity of IS1629 hybridization profiles was greatest within S. scabies. IS1629 was absent from the 27 nonpathogenic Streptomyces strains tested. The genetic organization and nucleotide sequence of the nec1-IS1629 region was conserved and identical among representatives of S. acidiscabies and S. turgidiscabies. These findings support our current model for the unidirectional transfer of the ORFtnp-nec1-IS1629 locus from IS1629-containing S. scabies (type II) to S. acidiscabies and S. turgidiscabies.  相似文献   

Base selectivity, proofreading, and postreplication mismatch repair are important for replication fidelity. Because proofreading plays an important role in error correction, we have investigated factors that influence its impact in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have utilized a sensitive mutation detection system based on homonucleotide runs of 4 to 14 bases to examine the impact of DNA polymerase delta proofreading on mutation avoidance. The contribution of DNA polymerase delta proofreading on error avoidance was found to be similar to that of DNA polymerase epsilon proofreading in short homonucleotide runs (A4 and A5) but much greater than the contribution of DNA polymerase epsilon proofreading in longer runs. We have identified an intraprotein interaction affecting mutation prevention that results from mutations in the replication and the proofreading regions, resulting in an antimutator phenotype relative to a proofreading defect. Finally, a diploid strain with a defect in DNA polymerase delta proofreading exhibits a higher mutation rate than a haploid strain. We suggest that in the diploid population of proofreading defective cells there exists a transiently hypermutable fraction that would be inviable if cells were haploids.  相似文献   

Transient deafness associated with an increase in core body temperature is a rare and puzzling disorder. Temperature-dependent deafness has been previously observed in patients suffering from auditory neuropathy. Auditory neuropathy is a clinical entity of sensorineural deafness characterized by absent auditory brainstem response and normal otoacoustic emissions. Mutations in OTOF, which encodes otoferlin, have been previously reported to cause DFNB9, a non-syndromic form of deafness characterized by severe to profound prelingual hearing impairment and auditory neuropathy.Here we report a novel mutation in OTOF gene in a large family affected by temperature-dependent auditory neuropathy. Three siblings aged 10, 9 and 7 years from a consanguineous family were found to be affected by severe or profound hearing impairment that was only present when they were febrile. The non-febrile patients had only mild if any hearing impairment. Electrophysiological tests revealed auditory neuropathy. Mapping with microsatellite markers revealed a compatible linkage in the DFNB9/OTOF region in the family, prompting us to run a molecular analysis of the 48 exons and of the OTOF intron-exon boundaries. This study revealed a novel mutation p.Glu1804del in exon 44 of OTOF. The mutation was found to be homozygous in the three patients and segregated with the hearing impairment within the family. The deletion affects an amino acid that is conserved in mammalian otoferlin sequences and located in the calcium-binding domain C2F of the protein.  相似文献   

Abstract High-level resistance to glycopeptides in Enterococcus faecium is associated with an inducible 39-kDa cytoplasmic membrane protein. The present paper shows that such glycopeptide-resistant E. faecium strains can not only be isolated in a definite clinical setting but also from waste water of sewage treatment plants. Nearer characterization of these and of clinical isolates by resistance pattern, biotyping, and genotyping (DNA-fingerprinting with pulsed-field get electrophoresis) has shown that different glycopeptide-resistant E. faecium strains have been isolated from clinical sources and from waste water.  相似文献   

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