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西藏高原草地生态系统丛枝菌根真菌的地理分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡晓布  彭岳林 《生态学报》2016,36(10):2807-2818
西藏高原是地球上极具特色的地理单元,对生物物种的形成与演化具有重要影响。基于孢子形态学鉴定,对从藏东南到藏西北(海拔高差3500 m,年均温、年均降水量差异分别20℃、800 mm)高原热带、亚热带、温带、亚寒带和寒带环境下发育而成的热性草丛、暖性草丛、温性草原、温性荒漠、高寒草甸草原、高寒草原、高寒荒漠和高寒荒漠草原中的AM真菌群落进行研究,结果表明,不同类型草地间AM真菌的群落相似度普遍较低,环境对AM真菌群落具有重要影响。从藏东南到藏西北,不同类型草地间AM真菌的群落相似度呈下降趋势(Jaccard相似性系数从0.52降至0.20),AM真菌群落组成及结构变化渐趋加大,不同草地中的同种植物(包括广谱种、青藏高原特有种)AM真菌群落相似度亦不同。沿藏东南到藏西北环境梯度,随草地寒旱程度的逐步加剧,AM真菌种的丰度,特别是种数、Shannon-Weiner指数在总体上趋于显著(P0.05)下降,孢子密度则在总体上趋于显著提高,优势种比例、Shannon-Weiner指数亦表现出增加的趋势,表明AM真菌物种多样性虽趋于下降,但生存及对环境的适应能力趋于提高。海拔、土壤p H、有效磷和有机碳含量对AM真菌群落组成均具显著影响,但海拔对水热环境的影响决定着土壤环境的变化。因此,海拔和寒旱程度不断上升所导致的p H显著提高、土壤有机碳和有效磷含量显著下降的综合作用影响并决定着AM真菌的群落组成。研究结果对进一步理解西藏高原生物多样性的产生和维持机制等具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌群落沿高寒草原海拔梯度的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭岳林  蔡晓布 《生态学报》2015,35(22):7475-7484
基于丛枝菌根(Arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌孢子形态学的鉴定,对沿不同海拔(4584、4628、4744、4880、4956 m)梯度采集的高寒草原建群植物根际土壤样品进行了分析。结果表明,高寒草原AM真菌属、种构成均较简单,Acaulospora、Claroideoglomus、Funneliformis、Glomus属见于各海拔梯度,海拔4744 m地带未见Pacispora属,海拔4744、4956 m地带无Scutellospora属分布,Rhizophagus属仅见于海拔4584 m地带。随海拔上升,AM真菌种数、物种丰度均呈显著下降;海拔4584—4880 m范围Shannon-Weiner指数(H)无显著差异,但在最高海拔时显著下降;优势种种数及所占比例与海拔梯度则呈显著正相关(Funneliformis geosporum、Claroideoglomus claroideum为不同海拔梯度优势种);沿海拔梯度,孢子密度基本呈单峰分布格局,峰值出现在海拔4744 m地带;海拔梯度对菌根侵染效应影响显著,菌根侵染率、侵染强度和丛枝丰度随海拔上升均呈显著下降趋势;不同海拔梯度高寒草原AM真菌群落相似度(Sorensen相似性系数0.821—0.969)较高,并在总体上表现出随海拔梯度增大而降低的趋势。土壤pH值、有效磷、有机碳、海拔对AM真菌的群落分布均产生显著影响,尤以海拔的影响最为显著。研究结果对预测高寒草原微生物的作用与影响,以及高寒草原环境对全球变化的响应等提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

温杨雪  赵博  罗巧玉  贾云龙  冯涛  王强 《菌物学报》2021,40(10):2562-2578
超载过牧以及全球气候变化等导致大部分青藏高原高寒草地呈现持续退化态势。青藏高原高寒草地退化致使地上植物群落逐渐发生更替,地下土壤微生物群落多样性和丰富度发生改变。本文旨在探析青藏高原高寒草地丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌的分布特征、对近自然恢复的生理生态效应及其作用机制。青藏高原高寒草地中已报道4目14属61种AM真菌,约占已知AM真菌物种的20%。高寒草地禾本科植物根围AM真菌物种丰度最高,而莎草科植物根围AM真菌孢子密度最高。3种高寒草地植被类型中,高寒草原AM真菌丰度最高(33种),山地灌丛草原次之(32种),高寒草甸最低(22种)。高寒草原以光壁无梗囊霉Acaulospora laevis和闪亮和平囊霉Pacispora scintillans为优势种,山地灌丛草原以摩西斗管囊霉Funneliformis mosseae为优势种,高寒草甸以光壁无梗囊霉A. laevis、近明球囊霉Claroideoglomus claroideum和闪亮和平囊霉P. scintillans为优势种。高寒草地土著AM真菌与植物构建的菌根网络可以通过调节营养元素吸收、分配,促进植物建植和生长;但是毒杂草入侵可以改变土著AM真菌物种多样性和菌根网络,限制本地植被的实际生态位扩张。退化高寒草地中,AM真菌群落具有高的环境适应性和恢复力,其不仅调控地上植物群落建植和多样性,同时AM真菌建植也增加了代谢产物-球囊霉素相关土壤蛋白产生,进而协同改善地下土壤微生态系统,为退化高寒草地早期植被恢复塑造土壤生境。因此,AM真菌在退化高寒草地近自然恢复中具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Yang  Haishui  Koide  Roger T.  Zhang  Qian 《Plant and Soil》2016,399(1-2):373-387
Plant and Soil - Our aim was to investigate the effects of short-term waterlogging in shaping communities of the obligately aerobic AMF in roots of Populus deltoides. AMF community in populus roots...  相似文献   

不同海拔的三种杓兰属植物与菌根真菌群落组成相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采集了四川黄龙沟沿海拔梯度3 170-3 400m上4个不同杓兰居群中3种杓兰植物根,利用克隆文库方法获得菌根真菌ITS序列,研究同一栖息地(黄龙沟)不同海拔梯度和不同杓兰对菌根真菌多样性和群落结构的影响。共得到18个可操作分类单元(OTU),其中14个OTU隶属胶膜菌科Tulasnellaceae,为优势类群(99.6%);2个OTU隶属腊壳菌科Sebacinaceae,2个OTU隶属亡革菌科Thelephoraceae。随着海拔升高,西藏杓兰菌根真菌多样性减少,而黄花杓兰和无苞杓兰没有明显变化;海拔对3种杓兰菌根真菌群落结构均无显著影响。3种杓兰之间菌根真菌群落结构差异显著且指示物种互不相同,说明在同一栖息地,杓兰对菌根真菌的偏好性显著影响其菌根真菌群落结构。这些研究结果利于了解环境变化对杓兰属植物菌根真菌区系组成的影响,为进一步探索菌根真菌与杓兰属植物的互作机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

Plant roots can establish associations with neutral, beneficial and pathogenic groups of soil organisms. Although it has been recognized from the study of individual isolates that these associations are individually important for plant growth, little is known about interactions of whole assemblages of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms associating with plants.We investigated the influence of an interaction between local arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal and pathogenic/saprobic microbial assemblages on the growth of two different plant species from semi-arid grasslands in NE Germany (Mallnow near Berlin). In a greenhouse experiment each plant species was grown for six months in either sterile soil or in sterile soil with one of three different treatments: 1) an AM fungal spore fraction isolated from field soil from Mallnow; 2) a soil pathogen/saprobe fraction consisting of a microbial community prepared with field soil from Mallnow and; 3) the combined AM fungal and pathogen/saprobe fractions. While both plant species grew significantly larger in the presence of AM fungi, they responded negatively to the pathogen/saprobe treatment. For both plant species, we found evidence of pathogen protection effects provided by the AM fungal assemblages. These results indicate that interactions between assemblages of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms can influence the growth of host plants, but that the magnitude of these effects is plant species-specific.  相似文献   

Zhang  Qian  Koide  Roger T.  Liu  Junxiang  Li  Zhenjian  Sun  Zhenyuan  Sun  Qixiang  Yang  Haishui 《Plant and Soil》2022,470(1-2):141-152
Plant and Soil - It is well established that mycorrhizal symbiosis can affect plant-plant interactions. On the other hand, how intraspecific plant interactions influence communities of arbuscular...  相似文献   

Symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have been shown to influence both the diversity and productivity of grassland plant communities. These effects have been postulated to depend on the differential effects of individual mycorrhizal taxa on different plant species; however, so far there are few detailed studies of the dynamics of AMF colonization of different plant species. In this study, we characterized the communities of AMF colonizing the roots of two plant species, Prunella vulgaris and Antennaria dioica, in a Swedish seminatural grassland at different times of the year. The AMF small subunit rRNA genes were subjected to PCR, cloning, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis. Nineteen discrete sequence types belonging to Glomus groups A and B and to the genus Acaulospora were distinguished. No significant seasonal changes in the species compositions of the AMF communities as a whole were observed. However, the two plant species hosted significantly different AMF communities. P. vulgaris hosted a rich AMF community throughout the entire growing season. The presence of AMF in A. dioica decreased dramatically in autumn, while an increased presence of Ascomycetes species was detected.  相似文献   

为了进一步了解丛枝菌根(AM)真菌群落对不同海拔环境的响应,基于孢子形态学鉴定,研究了西藏高原不同海拔区域主要草本植物AM真菌的群落特征、菌根侵染及其变化.结果表明: 藏东南低海拔区(2200~3400 m)、藏中中海拔区(3400~3900 m)和藏北高海拔区(4300~5300 m)的AM真菌分别为11属31种、11属20种和6属14种.随着海拔上升,孢子密度(r=0.978,P<0.01)、物种丰度(r=0.462,P>0.05)均趋提高,优势种、特有种比例大幅增加,Shannon指数(r=-0.945,P<0.01)极显著下降.不同海拔区之间AM真菌群落Sorensen相似性系数(0.526~0.592)较为接近,仅在总体上随海拔差异扩大略趋下降;藏东南低海拔区、藏北高海拔区菌根侵染率无显著差异,但均显著低于藏中中海拔区.各海拔区内,不同海拔梯度对AM真菌群落、根系侵染亦具显著影响,但影响程度、影响趋势因整体海拔环境不同而异.说明西藏高原AM真菌群落趋于生境选择,受控于海拔所主导的水热环境及土壤环境.  相似文献   

All orchids and pyroloids are mycoheterotrophic at least in the early stage. Many species are predisposed to mycoheterotrophic nutrition even in the adult  相似文献   

为弄清丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza, AM)真菌群落随宿主植物演化的变异规律,通过对MaarjAM数据库进行数据挖掘, 根据每个分子虚拟种(virtual taxa, VT)包含的DNA序列不少于5条的标准, 筛选出188种菌根植物。通过分析植物与其根内AM真菌的关系发现: AM真菌的物种丰富度随着寄主植物的分化而增加; 在不同的植物系统类群中, AM真菌的物种丰富度显著不同; 在起源时间较晚的被子植物和裸子植物中, AM真菌的物种丰富度显著高于起源较早的苔类、角苔类和蕨类植物类群, 而与寄生植物共生的AM真菌物种丰富度与早期植物无显著差异; 不同寄主植物进化类群间AM真菌组成差异显著。以上结果表明: AM真菌群落随着寄主植物进化而发生变化。在进化过程中, 寄主植物倾向于选择保留共生效率较高的AM真菌。  相似文献   

 为弄清丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhiza, AM)真菌群落随宿主植物演化的变异规律,通过对MaarjAM数据库进行数据挖掘, 根据每个分子虚拟种(virtual taxa, VT)包含的DNA序列不少于5条的标准, 筛选出188种菌根植物。通过分析植物与其根内AM真菌的关系发现: AM真菌的物种丰富度随着寄主植物的分化而增加; 在不同的植物系统类群中, AM真菌的物种丰富度显著不同; 在起源时间较晚的被子植物和裸子植物中, AM真菌的物种丰富度显著高于起源较早的苔类、角苔类和蕨类植物类群, 而与寄生植物共生的AM真菌物种丰富度与早期植物无显著差异; 不同寄主植物进化类群间AM真菌组成差异显著。以上结果表明: AM真菌群落随着寄主植物进化而发生变化。在进化过程中, 寄主植物倾向于选择保留共生效率较高的AM真菌。  相似文献   

The diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in sedges on the Tibetan Plateau remains largely unexplored, and their contribution to soil aggregation can be important in understanding the ecological function of AMF in alpine ecosystems. Roots of Kobresia pygmaea C.B. Clarke and Carex pseudofoetida Kük. in alpine Kobresia pastures along an elevational transect (4149–5033 m) on Mount Mila were analysed for AMF diversity. A structural equation model was built to explore the contribution of biotic factors to soil aggregation. Sedges harboured abundant AMF communities covering seven families and some operational taxonomic units are habitat specific. The two plant species hosted similar AMF communities at most altitudes. The relative abundance of the two sedges contributed largely to soil macroaggregates, followed by extraradical mycorrhizal hyphae (EMH) and total glomalin‐related soil protein (T‐GRSP). The influence of plant richness was mainly due to its indirect influence on T‐GRSP and EMH. There was a strong positive correlation between GRSP and soil total carbon and nitrogen. Our results indicate that mycorrhization might not be a major trait leading to niche differentiation of the two co‐occurring sedge species. However, AMF contribute to soil aggregation and thus may have the potential to greatly influence C and N cycling in alpine grasslands.  相似文献   

While the effect of disturbance on overall abundance and community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi has been researched in agricultural fields, less is known about the impact in semi-natural grasslands. We sampled two AM plant species, Festuca brevipila and Plantago lanceolata, from an ongoing grassland restoration experiment that contained replicated plowed and control plots. The AM fungal community in roots was determined using nested PCR and LSU rDNA primers. We identified 38 phylotypes within the Glomeromycota, of which 29 belonged to Glomus A, six to Glomus B, and three to Diversisporaceae. Only three phylotypes were closely related to known morphospecies. Soil disturbance significantly reduced phylotype richness and changed the AM fungal community composition. Most phylotypes, even closely related ones, showed little or no overlap in their distribution and occurred in either the control or disturbed plots. We found no evidence of host preference in this system, except for one phylotype that preferentially seemed to colonize Festuca. Our results show that disturbance imposed a stronger structuring force for AM fungal communities than did host plants in this semi-natural grassland.  相似文献   

土庄绣线菊Spiraea pubescens是内蒙古大青山干旱地区重要的护土灌木,以水磨村垂直分布(海拔1 515m,1 410m,1 305m)的土庄绣线菊根围土壤和根系为研究对象,分析丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi,AMF)菌根侵染率、孢子密度、多样性及群落组成。结果表明,孢子密度和菌根侵染率在海拔1 515m处显著高于海拔1 410m和1 305m处,丛枝丰度在3个海拔间无显著差异。Illumina MiSeq测序共得到71个AMF OTUs(operational taxonomic units)。不同海拔优势属均为Glomus,且AMF群落组成存在显著差异。Margalef丰富度指数、Chao 1丰富度指数和Shannon‐Wiener多样性指数均随海拔升高而升高,海拔1 515m处显著高于海拔1 410m和1 305m处,Simpson多样性指数在不同海拔间无显著差异。土壤有机质和植被盖度与孢子密度呈显著负相关;速效磷、含水量和植被盖度与菌根侵染率呈显著负相关;海拔与Shannon‐Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数、Chao 1丰富度指数和Margalef丰富度指数呈显著正相关,而速效磷和植被盖度与其呈显著负相关。研究结果为进一步探索AMF对土庄绣线菊在干旱环境中生存发挥的作用奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

Although it has become increasingly clear that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play important roles in population, community, and ecosystem ecology, there is limited information on the spatial structure of the community composition of AMF in the field. We assessed small-scale spatial variation in the abundance and molecular diversity of AMF in a calcareous fen, where strong underlying environmental gradients such as depth to water table may influence AMF. Throughout an intensively sampled 2 × 2 m plot, we assessed AMF inoculum potential at a depth of 0–6 and 6–12 cm and molecular diversity of the AMF community using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism of 18S rDNA. Inoculum potential was only significantly spatially autocorrelated at a depth of 6–12 cm and was significantly positively correlated with depth to water table at both depths. Molecular diversity of the AMF community was highly variable within the plot, ranging from 2–14 terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) per core, but the number of T-RFs did not relate to water table or plant species richness. Plant community composition was spatially autocorrelated at small scales, but AMF community composition showed no significant spatial autocorrelation. Saturated soils of calcareous fens contain many infective AMF propagules and the abundance and diversity of AMF inoculum is patchy over small spatial scales. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Symbiotic associations between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are ubiquitous in many herbaceous plant communities and can have large effects on these communities and ecosystem processes. The extent of species-specificity between these plant and fungal symbionts in nature is poorly known, yet reciprocal effects of the composition of plant and soil microbe communities is an important assumption of recent theoretical models of plant community structure. In grassland ecosystems, host plant species may have an important role in determining development and sporulation of AM fungi and patterns of fungal species composition and diversity. In this study, the effects of five different host plant species [Poa pratensis L., Sporobolus heterolepis (A. Gray) A. Gray, Panicum virgatum L., Baptisia bracteata Muhl. ex Ell., Solidago missouriensis Nutt.] on spore communities of AM fungi in tallgrass prairie were examined. Spore abundances and species composition of fungal communities of soil samples collected from patches within tallgrass prairie were significantly influenced by the host plant species that dominated the patch. The AM fungal spore community associated with B. bracteata showed the highest species diversity and the fungi associated with Pa. virgatum showed the lowest diversity. Results from sorghum trap cultures using soil collected from under different host plant species showed differential sporulations of AM fungal species. In addition, a greenhouse study was conducted in which different host plant species were grown in similar tallgrass prairie soil. After 4 months of growth, AM fungal species composition was significantly different beneath each host species. These results strongly suggest that AM fungi show some degree of host-specificity and are not randomly distributed in tallgrass prairie. The demonstration that host plant species composition influences AM fungal species composition provides support for current feedback models predicting strong regulatory effects of soil communities on plant community structure. Differential responses of AM fungi to host plant species may also play an important role in the regulation of species composition and diversity in AM fungal communities. Received: 29 January 1999 / Accepted: 20 October 1999  相似文献   


Background and aims

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) appear differentially represented among propagule forms [intraradical mycelium (IRM) in colonized roots, spores and extraradical mycelium (ERM)]. However, spring to autumn changes in the AMF communities harboured in the different propagule forms has not been studied, being this the aim of the present study.


A terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism approach was used to monitor, in spring and autumn, the AMF community composition present in the three propagule types associated to five shrub species in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment.


The AMF community composition in roots was significantly different between spring and autumn; however, no significant differences were detected in soil propagules (spores and ERM). Different trends were identified according to the preferential biomass allocation patterns of AMF phylotypes, suggesting different life strategies: those allocating mainly into IRM (belonging to the Glomeraceae), ERM (Diversisporaceae and Gigasporaceae) or spores (Pacisporaceae and Paraglomeraceae).


Differences of AMF taxa in the biomass allocation patterns among propagules are maintained throughout the year. Progress in the knowledge of functional features of AMF communities and their responses to seasonal variations are important for the AMF application in Mediterranean ecosystems.

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