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14 cases of unilateral and 5 cases of bilateral thalamotomy for parkinsonism were reviewed, with 32-144 months' (mean 67.8) and 54-212 months' (mean 110) follow-up, respectively, after the initial operation. Rigidity and tremor disappeared in approximately 80% of cases and was reduced in the remaining 20%. 68% improved by one or two grades in the Hoehn-Yahr scale after operation. Thalamotomy abolished dyskinesias and on-off phenomena on the operated sides. 36% of cases discontinued levodopa therapy after operation. CT study of the lesions suggested that destruction of a large part of basal Vop was most important to obtain the best results.  相似文献   

目的观察高频刺激丘脑底核对帕金森病(PD)大鼠纹状体中NOS阳性神经元的影响,以探求其作用机制。方法应用6OHDA制备偏侧PD大鼠模型,丘脑底核区埋入刺激电极进行电刺激,采用组织化学方法观察纹状体中NOS阳性神经元的变化。结果PD大鼠纹状体中NOS阳性神经元数与正常大鼠相比明显增加(P<0.01),经电刺激后PD大鼠纹状体NOS阳性神经元数量明显减少,且与正常大鼠相比无显著性差异。结论高频电刺激丘脑底核治疗PD的机制之一可能是与其抑制纹状体NO的过度释放有关。  相似文献   

A microelectrode investigation was made of responses of 72 physiologically identified neurons of the ventral posterior (VP) and 116 neurons of the ventral lateral (VL) thalamic nuclei to electrical stimulation of the reticular (R) thalamic nucleus. Mainly those neurons of VP and VL (73.7 and 86.2% respectively) which responded to stimulation of the first motor area and nucleus interpositus of the cerebellum responded to stimulation of R; 19.8% of VL neurons tested responded to stimulation of R by an antidromic action potential with latent period of 0.5–2.0 msec and 46.6% of neurons responded by orthodromic excitation; 23% of orthodromic responses had a latent period of 0.9–3.5 msec and 77% a latent period of 4.0–21.0 msec; 19.8% of VL neurons tested were inhibited. Among IPSPs recorded only one was monosynaptic (1.0 msec) and the rest polysynaptic. It is postulated that both R neurons are excitatory and that the inhibition which develops in VL neurons during stimulation of R are connected mainly with activation of inhibitory interneurons outside the reticular nucleus.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 477–485, September–October, 1977.  相似文献   

Responses of 137 neurons of the rostral pole of the reticular and anterior ventral thalamic nuclei to electrical stimulation of the ventrolateral nucleus and motor cortex were studied in 17 cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine. The number of neurons responding antidromically to stimulation of the ventrolateral nucleus was 10.5% of all cells tested (latent period of response 0.7–3.0 msec), whereas to stimulation of the motor cortex it was 11.0% (latent period of response 0.4–4.0 msec). Neurons with a dividing axon, one branch of which terminated in the thalamic ventrolateral nuclei, the other in the motor cortex, were found. Orthodromic excitation was observed in 78.9% of neurons tested during stimulation of the ventrolateral nucleus and in 52.5% of neurons during stimulation of the motor cortex. Altogether 55.6% of cells responded to stimulation of the ventrolateral nucleus with a discharge of 3 to 20 action potentials with a frequency of 130–350 Hz. Similar discharges in response to stimulation of the motor cortex were observed in 30.5% of neurons tested. An inhibitory response was recorded in only 6.8% of cells. Convergence of influences from the thalamic ventrolateral nucleus and motor cortex was observed in 55.7% of neurons. The corticofugal influence of the motor cortex on responses arising in these cells to testing stimulation of the ventrolateral nucleus could be either inhibitory or facilitatory.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 460–468, September–October, 1978.  相似文献   

目的:观察高频刺激丘脑底核(STN)对帕金森病(PD)大鼠模型纹状体 (STR)神经元自发放电的影响.方法:应用6-羟基多巴胺(6-OHDA)制备偏侧PD大鼠模型,丘脑底核区插入刺激电极进行高频刺激,采用细胞外单位记录的方法观察STR神经元自发放电频率的改变.结果:正常大鼠刺激后STR神经元反应主要以兴奋型反应为主, PD大鼠STR神经元反应主要以兴奋抑制型为主,且随着刺激时间的延长,抑制持续时间逐渐增加,持续时间与刺激时间密切相关(r=0.94).结论:刺激STN可使PD大鼠纹状体的异常放电得到改善,提示高频电刺激STN可作为一种有效的治疗PD的方法.  相似文献   

This report summarizes our clinical experience in which the effects of both thalamic sensory relay nucleus (TSRN) and periaqueductal gray (PAG) stimulation were tested in the same series of patients with various forms of pain. The clinical data indicated that neurogenic pain due to deafferentation at the level of the peripheral nerves or the spinal cord was often controlled by TSRN stimulation but not by PAG stimulation. We also review the results of our experimental investigations in cats which were undertaken in an attempt to clarify the neurophysiologic basis of such differential clinical effects of TSRN and PAG stimulation. It appeared that abnormal hyperactivity within the trigeminal medullary dorsal horn following retrogasserian rhizotomy was far more frequently inhibited by TSRN stimulation than by PAG stimulation.  相似文献   

Single unit responses of the first (SI) and second (SII) somatosensory areas to stimulation of the ventroposterior thalamic nucleus (VP) were investigated in cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine. In response to VP stimulation 12.0% of reacting SI neurons and 9.5% of SII neurons generated an antidromic spike. In most antidromic responses of both SI and SII neurons the latent period did not exceed 1.0 msec. The minimal latent period of spike potentials during orthodromic excitation was 1.5 msec in SI and 1.7 msec in SII. Neurons with an orthodromic spike latency of not more than 3.0 msec were more numerous in SI than those with a latency of 3.1–4.5 msec. The ratio between the numbers of neurons of these two groups in SII was the opposite. In SII there were many more neurons with a latency of 5.6–8.0 msec than in SI. EPSPs appeared after a latent period of 1.1–9.0 msec in SI and of 1.4–6.6 msec in SII. The latent period of IPSPs was 1.5–6.8 msec in SI and 2.2–9.4 msec in SII. The relative importance of different pathways for excitatory and inhibitory influences of VP on SI and SII neurons is discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 115–121, March–April, 1976.  相似文献   

The effects of stimulation of the thalamic sensory relay nucleus (TSRN, nucleus ventralis posteromedialis) on the jaw-opening reflex (JOR) in response to tooth pulp stimulation were compared with the effects of stimulation of the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) in the cat. After stimulation of the TSRN, PAG and NRM, the JOR was inhibited. However, while the inhibitory effects of PAG and NRM stimulation lasted for more than 500 ms and were antagonized by the opiate antagonist, naloxone, the inhibitory effects of TSRN stimulation lasted for approximately 100 ms and were resistant to naloxone. These findings suggest that although TSRN stimulation exerts descending inhibitory effects on segmental nociceptive activity, similarly to PAG or NRM stimulation, the descending inhibitory pathways mediating the effect of TSRN stimulation may be largely distinct physiologically as well as pharmacologically from those mediating the effect of PAG and NRM stimulation.  相似文献   

Li Y  Yuan B  Tang JS 《生理学报》2007,59(6):777-783
本文旨在研究丘脑中央下核(thalamic nucleus submedius,Sm)是否参与持续伤害感受性调制。以自动运动检测系统记录大鼠一侧后爪皮下注射福尔马林诱发的伤害性行为(烦乱反应)为指标,观察电刺激和电解损毁Sm对烦乱反应的效应。结果显示,电刺激(100μA,5min)同侧或对侧Sm明显抑制福尔马林诱发的第二时相的烦乱反应,而刺激Sm外邻近结构(超过0.5mm)对烦乱反应无明显效应。电解损毁双侧Sm对第一或第二时相的烦乱反应均无影响。结果提示,Sm不仅参与急性时相性伤害感受性调制,也参与持续性伤害感受性调制。本研究为Sm参与下行痛调制提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

Liu H  Lin YH  Cheng JH  Cai Y  Yu JW  Ma J  Gao DM 《生理学报》2011,63(4):311-318
本文旨在观察低频电刺激脚桥核(pedunculopontine nucleus,PPN)对帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)模型大鼠丘脑腹外侧核(ventrolateral thalamic nucleus,VL)神经元自发放电活动的影响,以探讨低频电刺激PPN改善PD症状的作用机制。通过纹状体内注射6-羟多巴胺制备PD大鼠模型。采用在体细胞外记录、电刺激及微电泳方法,观察低频电刺激PPN、微电泳乙酰胆碱(acetylcholine,ACh)及其M型受体阻断剂阿托品(atropine,ATR)、γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)及其A型受体阻断剂荷包牡丹碱(bicuculline,BIC)对大鼠VL神经元放电频率的影响。结果显示,低频电刺激PPN可使正常大鼠和PD大鼠VL神经元自发放电频率增加。微电泳ACh对VL神经元具有兴奋和抑制两种作用,而微电泳ATR则主要抑制VL神经元,即使对被ACh抑制的神经元也产生抑制作用。微电泳GABA抑制VL神经元,而微电泳BIC则兴奋VL神经元。另外,在微电泳ACh的过程中微电泳GABA,被ACh兴奋或抑制的VL神经元放电频...  相似文献   

The influence of preliminary subthreshold activation of thalamic intralaminary nuclei on achievement of instrumental reflex and on inhibitory effects, caused by stimulation of the caudate nucleus head, were studied in chronic experiments on 5 dogs with a model of instrumental defensive conditioned reflexes, providing for maintainance of a given posture. It was shown that the preceding high-frequency electrostimulation of intralaminary nuclei activates motor components of the instrumental response (shortened latency, EMG and mechanogram of the response, increased amplitude of instrumental response) and significantly lowers threshold strength of the current, necessary for obtaining "caudate pause". The greatest increase in inhibitory influences, caused by stimulation of the caudate nucleus head, was observed when thalamic stimulation preceded stimulations, localized in the dorsolateral segment of the caudate nucleus head. The obtained data are discussed in aspect of Buchwald et al. hypothesis on the existence of "caudate loop".  相似文献   

Unit responses in the primary somatosensory projection cortex to stimulation of the ventro-posterolateral thalamic nucleus were investigated by extra- and intracellular recording in chronic experiments on cats. Short-latency spike responses of 71.3% of recorded neurons appeared after not more than 4 msec. It is concluded that activation of neurons in this area of the cortex is chiefly monosynaptic and disynaptic. Besides participating in the initial response to the stimulus, one-quarter of the neurons generated after-discharges 120–314 msec later. These after-discharges are based on rebound after IPSPs and additional synaptic activation. Initial inhibition may appear 1.5 msec after stimulation of the ventro-posterolateral nucleus, evidence against the participation of recurrent collaterals in the formation of these IPSPs.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 348–354, July–August, 1973.  相似文献   

During heteromodal extraneous stimulation (ES), a large part of responding neurons of the thalamic reticular nucleus (RN) exhibit selectivity by responding with excitation to the stimulation of only one type of sensory input. To visual ES, 12 of 32 tested neurons responded; and 4 of 21 tested neurons responded to auditory ES. Response of neurons to ES diminished during the process of habituation to these stimuli; and after habituation was completed, the number of neurons responsive to the ES also diminished. Use of ES led to disappearance of high-frequency, grouped discharges in the responses of the RN neurons. Initial responses to ES and to the following conditioning stimulus (CS) appeared during external inhibition of the conditioned reflex (CR), but the later components of impulse responses that ordinarily accompany realized CR were suppressed in nearly one half of the studied neurons. We reach the conclusion that RN neurons participate in external inhibition of CR and in habituation to ES.A. A. Bogomolets Physiology Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 189–199, March–April, 1991.  相似文献   

Responses of caudate neurons to stimulation of the anterior sigmoid and various parts of the suprasylvian gyrus were studied in acute experiments on cats. The experiments consisted of two series: on animals with an intact thalamus and on animals after preliminary destruction of the nonspecific thalamic nuclei. Stimulation of all cortical areas tested in intact animals evoked complex multicomponent responses in caudate neurons with (or without) initial excitation, followed by a phase of inhibition and late activation. The latent periods of the initial responses to stimulation of all parts of the cortex were long and averaged 14.5–25.5 msec. Quantitative and qualitative differences were established in responses of the caudate neurons to stimulation of different parts of the cortex. Considerable convergence of cortical influences on neurons of the caudate nucleus was found. After destruction of the nonspecific thalamic nuclei all components of the complex response of the caudate neurons to cortical stimulation were preserved, and only the time course of late activation was modified.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 464–471, September–October, 1980.  相似文献   

Hanamori T 《Chemical senses》2003,28(8):717-728
Extracellular neuronal responses were recorded from the posterior insular cortex following electrical and chemical stimulation of the thalamic reticular nucleus (Rt) regions. In the present study, most neurons (29/32) were first characterized for their responses to electrical stimulation of the superior laryngeal (SL) nerve or glossopharyngeal (IXth) nerve. In the first experiment, 15 neurons in the posterior insular cortex were examined for their responses to electrical stimulation of the Rt regions. It was found that effective stimulation sites to evoke action potentials in the posterior insular cortex were the ventromedial portion of the Rt and its adjacent regions. In the second experiment, 17 neurons in the posterior insular cortex were examined for their responses by pressure injection of glutamate (Glu) into the Rt regions. Of the 17 neurons, 13 were inhibited in the spontaneous discharge rate following injection of Glu into the Rt, and the remaining four were unaffected. Histologically, it was demonstrated that Glu injection sites for the case of inhibition were located near or within the Rt. On the other hand, the injection sites for all four non-responsive neurons were located outside of the Rt. These data suggest that excitation of the Rt (GABAergic neurons) causes depression of the neuronal activity in the thalamic relay nucleus and then this may in turn induce depressed neuronal activity in the posterior insular cortex. The results here indicate that neuronal activity in the posterior insular cortex is controlled by the Rt, which has been reported in other sensory systems.  相似文献   

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