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Bartonella henselae is a slow growing, fastidious and facultative intracellular pathogen causing cat scratch disease and vasculoproliferative disorders. To date, knowledge about the pathogenicity of this human pathogenic bacterium is limited and, additionally, serodiagnosis still needs further improvement. Here, we investigated the proteome of B. henselae using 2‐D SDS‐PAGE and MALDI‐TOF‐MS. We provide a comprehensive 2‐D proteome reference map of the whole cell lysate of B. henselae with 431 identified protein spots representing 191 different proteins of which 16 were formerly assigned as hypothetical proteins. To unravel immunoreactive antigens, we applied 2‐D SDS‐PAGE and subsequent immunoblotting using 33 sera of patients suffering from B. henselae infections. The analysis revealed 79 immunoreactive proteins of which 71 were identified. Setting a threshold of 20% seroreactivity, 11 proteins turned out to be immunodominant antigens potentially useful for an improved Bartonella‐specific serodiagnosis. Therefore, we provide for the first time (i) a comprehensive 2‐D proteome map of B. henselae for further proteome‐based studies focussed on the pathogenicity of B. henselae and (ii) an integrated view into the humoral immune responses targeted against this newly emerged human pathogenic bacterium.  相似文献   

Variation in relative fitness of competing recently formed species across heterogeneous environments promotes coexistence. However, the physiological traits mediating such variation in relative fitness have rarely been identified. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) is tightly associated with life history strategies, thermoregulation, diet use, and inhabited latitude and could therefore moderate differences in fitness responses to fluctuations in local environments, particularly when species have adapted to different climates in allopatry. We work in a long‐term study of collared (Ficedula albicollis) and pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a recent hybrid zone located on the Swedish island of Öland in the Baltic Sea. Here, we explore whether differences in RMR match changes in relative performance of growing flycatcher nestlings across environmental conditions using an experimental approach. The fitness of pied flycatchers has previously been shown to be less sensitive to the mismatch between the peak in food abundance and nestling growth among late breeders. Here, we find that pied flycatcher nestlings have lower RMR in response to higher ambient temperatures (associated with low food availability). We also find that experimentally relaxed nestling competition is associated with an increased RMR in this species. In contrast, collared flycatcher nestlings did not vary their RMR in response to these environmental factors. Our results suggest that a more flexible nestling RMR in pied flycatchers is responsible for the better adaptation of pied flycatchers to the typical seasonal changes in food availability experienced in this hybrid zone. Generally, subtle physiological differences that have evolved when species were in allopatry may play an important role to patterns of competition, coexistence, or displacements between closely related species in secondary contact.  相似文献   

Xing X  Lai M  Gartner W  Xu E  Huang Q  Li H  Chen G 《Proteomics》2006,6(9):2916-2923
To identify proteins with colorectal cancer-specific regulation, comparative 2-DE of individual-matched normal and neoplastic colorectal tissue specimens was performed. We found 15 protein spots with concordantly increased and 20 protein spots with concordantly decreased intensity in tumor tissue (expression regulation more than fivefold). Nine of these proteins were identified by MS/MS. Interestingly, one of the proteins, which exhibited a marked down-regulation in colorectal cancer tissues, was the recently identified endocrine cell-expressed protein secretagogin. The reduction of the secretagogin content in colorectal cancer tissues was confirmed by comparative immunoblotting (n = 17) and RT-PCR (n = 22) as well as by immunohistochemistry (n = 45) of individual-matched neoplastic and normal colorectal tissue specimens. Immunohistochemistry revealed absence of secretagogin-expressing cells in most of the colorectal cancer tissue specimens. However, some colorectal cancers were characterized by secretagogin-expressing cells. In normal mucosa, positively stained cells exhibited a neuroendocrine cell-characteristic morphology and mucosal location. In colorectal cancer tissues, secretagogin-expressing cells were characterized by a malignant morphology. Our findings might represent the basis for the clinical application of secretagogin as a biomarker for a distinct subgroup of colorectal cancers.  相似文献   

Four external skeletal and three feather dimensions were measured on adult collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) and their adult offspring. By using mid-offspring-midparent regressions, all traits were found to be heritable with an arithmetic mean heritability of 0.46. Heritability estimates from full-sib analyses were about 1.5 times higher (mean 0.67), indicating that variation in traits was affected by shared nest environment among full-sibs. The overall body size as measured by principal component one (PC1) was found to be heritable (h2 = 0.40). However, this multivariate measure of heritability was not significant in offspring-father comparison, while highly so in offspring-mother comparison (h2 = 0.60). Low offspring-father resemblance was evident also in univariate estimates of heritability. Possible causes of this (extra-pair copulations, maternal effects, sex-linked variance) are discussed. Genetic correlations among seven traits were estimated to be low (mean 0.22), and of similar magnitude or higher than phenotypic correlations (mean 0.18). All genetic correlations were positive. Genetic and phenotypic correlations as well as covariances were fairly similar to each other (r = 0.85 and r = 0.87, respectively). Environmental correlations did not follow the pattern of genetic correlations (r = 0.11), but were more similar to phenotypic correlations (r = 0.60). Given the low genetic correlations and moderate heritabilities, the overall conclusion is that the external morphology of collared flycatchers is largely under additive genetic control and that there is a strong potential for evolutionary change in morphology even under complex multivariate selection.  相似文献   

Tarsus length has previously been shown to have an additive genetic component in some pied flycatcher populations. In addition to estimation of additive genetic variation by means of repeatability analyses at various ontogenetic stages and degrees of genetic resemblance, we explore in this paper variation among parent-offspring regressions between sexes and years, as well as the influence of hatching date, ectoparasite abundance, egg volume, and male and female condition on the tarsus length of their offspring. Mother-offspring regressions gave heritability estimates consistently higher than father-offspring regressions, although variation among years was large and both types of estimates yielded lower heritability values than those estimated by means of full-sib resemblance. This indicates that common environmental effects were inflating heritability estimates. There existed maternal effects via egg size, larger eggs fledging chicks with larger tarsi. Mean tarsus length of broods decreased with hatching date and, independently, with high loads of ectoparasitic, blood-feeding mites (Acari). The maternal effect via egg size persisted into the adulthood, and confounded the interpretation of differences between heritability slopes. We address the method of examining differences in parent-offspring regressions as a shorthand for estimating extra-pair copulation (EPC) rates. In our population, this method would give an EPC rate of 0–59%, depending on whether the analysis is performed with fledglings recruited to the breeding population or with offspring at the nest.  相似文献   

Peripheral neuropathies are characterized by asymmetrical slowly progressive weakness with no upper motor neuron signs, and can occur either with or without pain. Due to poor knowledge of the disease mechanisms, available pain treatment is very limited. Because of the difficulties and invasiveness involved when performing direct analysis on peripheral and CNS, pathological markers can be searched for in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as an alternative. To investigate pain mechanisms in peripheral neuropathy and find diagnostic markers, CSF samples were analyzed by a differential expression proteomic approach. We studied CSF from: neuropathic patients with pain (PN), without pain (NPN) and healthy controls (CN). 2-DE analysis showed ten protein spots differentially expressed, and six of these were identified by MS. In NPN patients we found an expression level decrease of three pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) protein isoforms. Immunoblot with a specific antibody revealed the presence of additional PEDF isoforms not highlighted by differential expression analysis. Fucose residues on the oligosaccharide chain were found only in the isoforms down regulated in NPN patients. Considered as PEDF has important neurobiological effects, it might be considered an interesting pathology marker.  相似文献   

Mitochondria fulfill many tissue‐specific functions in cell metabolism. We set out to identify differences in the protein composition of mitochondria from five tissues frequently affected by mitochondrial disorders. The proteome of highly purified mitochondria from five mouse organs was separated by high‐resolution 2DE. Tissue‐specific spots were identified through nano‐LC/ESI‐MS/MS and quantified by densitometry in ten biological replicates. We identified 87 consistently deviating spots representing 48 proteins. The percentage of variant spots ranged between 4.2% and 6.0%; 21 proteins having tissue‐specific isospots. Consistent tissue‐specific processing/regulation was seen for carbamoyl‐phosphate‐synthase, aldehyde‐dehydrogenase 2, ATP‐synthase α‐chain, and isocitrate‐dehydrogenase α‐subunit. Thirty tissue‐specific proteins were associated with mitochondrial disorders in humans. We further identified alcohol‐dehydrogenase, catalase, quinone‐oxidoreductase, cyclophilin‐A, and Upf0317, a potential biotin‐carboxyl‐carrier protein, which had not been annotated as “mitochondrial” in Gene Ontology or MitoCarta databases. Their targeting to the mitochondria was verified by transfection of full‐length GFP‐tagged plasmids. Given the high evolutionary conservation of mitochondrial metabolic pathways, these data further annotate the mitochondrial proteome and advance our understanding of the pathophysiology and tissue‐specificity of symptoms seen in patients with mitochondrial disorders. The generation of 2D electrophoretic maps of the mitochondrial proteome using tissue specimens in the milligram range facilitates this technique for clinical applications and biomarker research.  相似文献   

Recent advances in genomics and proteomics have provided an excellent opportunity to understand complex biological processes such as wood formation at the gene and protein levels. The aim of this work was to describe the proteins participating in the processes involved in juvenile wood formation by isolating proteins from the cambial region of Eucalyptus grandis, at three ages of growth (6-month-old seedlings, 3- and 6-year-old trees), and also to identify proteins differentially expressed. Using a 2-D-LC-MS/MS strategy we identified a total of 240 proteins, with 54 corresponding spots being present in at least two ages. Overall, nine proteins classified into the functional categories of metabolism, cellular processes, and macromolecular metabolism showed significant changes in expression. Proteins were classified into seven main functional categories, with metabolism representing 35.2% of the total proteins identified. The comparison of the reference maps showed not only differences in the expression pattern of individual proteins at each age, but also among isoforms. The results described in this paper provide a dynamic view of the proteins involved in the formation of juvenile wood in E. grandis.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin and persistence of phenotypic variation within and among populations is a major goal in evolutionary biology. However, the eagerness to find unadulterated explanatory models in combination with difficulties in publishing replicated studies may lead to severe underestimations of the complexity of selection patterns acting in nature. One striking example is variation in plumage coloration in birds, where the default adaptive explanation often is that brightly colored individuals signal superior quality across environmental conditions and therefore always should be favored by directional mate choice. Here, we review studies on the proximate determination and adaptive function of coloration traits in male pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca). From numerous studies, we can conclude that the dark male color phenotype is adapted to a typical northern climate and functions as a dominance signal in male–male competition over nesting sites, and that the browner phenotypes are favored by relaxed intraspecific competition with more dominant male collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) in areas where the two species co‐occur. However, the role of avoidance of hybridization in driving character displacement in plumage between these two species may not be as important as initially thought. The direction of female choice on male coloration in pied flycatchers is not simply as opposite in direction in sympatry and allopatry as traditionally expected, but varies also in relation to additional contexts such as climate variation. While some of the heterogeneity in the observed relationships between coloration and fitness probably indicate type 1 errors, we strongly argue that environmental heterogeneity and context‐dependent selection play important roles in explaining plumage color variation in this species, which probably also is the case in many other species studied in less detail.  相似文献   

McManus CA  English JA 《Proteomics》2008,8(20):4160-4162
The workshop assembled an excellent collection of speakers from across Ireland and beyond who presented many interesting and diverse topical issues. Various proteomic applications were discussed throughout the day ranging from 2-DE and 2-D DIGE, to GeLC-MS/MS, high density Protein and Antibody Arrays, with a particular focus on the importance of quantitative mass spectrometry in proteomics.  相似文献   

Aims Insular Southeast Asia and adjacent regions are geographically complex, and were dramatically affected by both Pliocene and Pleistocene changes in climate, sea level and geology. These circumstances allow the testing of several biogeographical hypotheses regarding species distribution patterns and phylogeny. Avian species in this area present a challenge to biogeographers, as many are less hindered by barriers that may block the movements of other species. Widely distributed Southeast Asian avian lineages, of which there are many, have been generally neglected. Ficedula flycatchers are distributed across Eurasia, but are most diverse within southern Asia and Southeast Asian and Indo‐Australian islands. We tested the roles of vicariance, dispersal and the evolution of migratory behaviours as mechanisms of speciation within the Ficedula flycatchers, with a focus on species distributed in insular Southeast Asia. Methods Using a published molecular phylogeny of Ficedula flycatchers, we reconstructed ancestral geographical areas using dispersal vicariance analysis, weighted ancestral area analysis, and a maximum likelihood method. We evaluated the evolution of migratory behaviours using maximum likelihood ancestral character state reconstruction. Speciation timing estimates were calculated via local molecular clock methods. Results Ficedula originated in southern mainland Asia, c. 6.5 Ma. Our analyses indicate that two lineages within Ficedula independently and contemporaneously colonized insular Southeast Asia and Indo‐Australia, c. 5 Ma. The potential impact of vicariance due to rising sea levels is difficult to assess in these early colonization events because the ancestral areas to these clades are reconstructed as oceanic islands. Within each of these clades, inter‐island dispersal was critical to species’ diversification across oceanic and continental islands. Furthermore, Pliocene and Pleistocene climatic change may have caused the disjunct island distributions between several pairs of sister taxa. Both vicariance and dispersal shaped the distributions of continental species. Main conclusions This study presents the first evaluation, for Ficedula, of the importance of vicariance and dispersal in shaping distributions, particularly across insular Southeast Asia and Indo‐Australia. Although vicariant speciation may have initially separated the island clades from mainland ancestors, speciation within these clades was driven primarily by dispersal. Our results contribute to the emerging body of literature concluding that dynamic geological processes and climatic change throughout the Pliocene and Pleistocene have been important factors in faunal diversification across continental and oceanic islands.  相似文献   

Mo B  Callegari E  Telefont M  Renner KJ 《Proteomics》2006,6(22):6066-6074
The use of proteomics to study changes in the expression of CNS proteins, which may underlie the regulation of physiological and/or behavioral responses, represents an emerging application of this technology. In the current study, the Palkovits' microdissection method was evaluated as a means of obtaining proteomic data from discrete brain nuclei. The pars lateralis of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN) was chosen for the initial studies because of its established role in the expression of gonadal hormone dependent female sexual behavior. The VMN from ovariectomized rats was microdissected from 300 microm frozen brain sections using a 500 microm punch. Total proteins were separated using 2-DE. A group consensus of 432 protein spots, visualized by SYPRO Ruby stain, was obtained from gels from four independent VMN samples. A low mean CV and high gel-to-gel correlation coefficients indicate that reproducible 2-DE gels can be generated from microdissected tissue samples. Proteins from the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) were also separated on 2-DE gels. Evaluation of the 2-DE maps from the VMN and the MBH revealed different protein profiles, and indicates that microdissection improves the detection of low-abundance proteins, and reduces the relative occurrence of abundant proteins on 2-DE maps.  相似文献   

An automated method for searching for differentially expressed proteins (DEP) in proteomic articles has been developed and tested. Full-text proteomics-related articles were selected using an electronic version of the journal Proteomics and PubMedCentral. The list of proteins most frequently mentioned in the articles shares 86% identity with the list of human frequently identified DEPs published recently (Petrak et al., Proteomics (2008) 8, 1744). Regardless of the goal or design or methods identification of DEP delivers annexins and peroxiredoxins, as well as alpha-enolase, triosephosphate isomerase, and heat-shock protein HSP60. Among the most often mentioned proteins were also serum albumin, cathepsin D and vimentin. In regard to protein function the most often mentioned proteins were involved in inflammation and the immune response. According to GenRIF and UniProtKB annotations, most of these proteins are linked to the pathogenesis of tumor diseases, or diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.  相似文献   

Various functional genomics platforms are required to define the phenotype associated with a mutant. Global protein analyses may be included in any study. We describe here a rapid method of protein sample preparation and analysis, suitable for all laboratories and using Arabidopsis plantlets as the starting material. This reliable and reproducible method for high yield protein extraction from small amounts of material can be used on even the most recalcitrant tissues. The proteins extracted are suitable for many types of protein analysis, including nondenaturing investigations. This method was validated by a rigorous 2-DE approach, coupled with unambiguous LC-MS/MS identifications featuring strong sequence coverage (average of 26% with eight different peptides/spot protein). The reproducibility of the method was demonstrated by multiple protein identifications from identical series of spots. An interactive map (http://www.isv.cnrsgif.fr/gel2d/), including 435 protein variants showed that (i) 38% of the proteins were yet unreported, (ii) reduced subfractionation, (iii) had frequent protein modifications (average of two spots/protein entry), and (iv) underwent no major proteolytic events other than leader peptide cleavage. Finally, a simple mobility shift method for the large subunit of RuBisCo (LS) in the first dimension made it possible to characterize previously masked protein spots.  相似文献   

This report reviews the 7th Siena Meeting 'From Genome to Proteome: Back to the Future' which took place in Italy from 3-7 September, 2006. There was a significant rise in the number of delegates attending compared with previous Siena meetings. A diversity of speakers and presentations addressed the theme of the meeting in moving proteomics forward to integrate with biology as a whole entity rather than in isolated fractions. In addition, technological advancements in sample preparation and separation as well as identification were discussed.  相似文献   

Severe Clonorchis sinensis infection is a significant risk factor for malignant changes in bile ducts and surrounding liver tissues occurring as a result of direct contact with C. sinensis worms and their excretory–secretory products (ESP). However, the intrinsic molecular mechanisms involved in these processes remain obscure. To determine the effects of C. sinensis infection on protein expression in host bile duct epithelium, we examined proteomic profile changes in the human cholangiocarcinoma cell line (HuCCT1) treated with ESP at 24 h. Using a combination of 2‐DE, quantitative image and MALDI‐TOF MS analysis, we identified 83 proteins that were translationally modulated in response to ESP, among which 49 were up‐regulated and 34 down‐regulated. These proteins were classified under various biological categories, including metabolism, cell structure and architecture, proteolysis, protein modification, transport, signal transduction, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) detoxification. In particular, ESP induced the expression of redox‐regulating proteins, including peroxiredoxins (Prdx 2, 3, and 6) and thioredoxin 1 (Trx 1), possibly via intracellular ROS generation. Application of the proteomic approach to identify ESP response proteins should be a prerequisite before further investigation to clarify the molecular pathways and mechanisms involved in C. sinensis infection of host cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 1376–1388, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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