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B型烟粉虱对寄主转换的适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周福才  李传明  顾爱祥  王萍  任佳 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6505-6512
将B型烟粉虱分别从嗜性较强的番茄上转移到嗜性相对较弱的国抗22棉花、泗棉3号棉花和辣椒上, 以及从嗜性较弱的辣椒上转移到嗜性相对较强的番茄、国抗22棉花和泗棉3号棉花上, 观察寄主转移后的F1代、F2代、F3代烟粉虱产卵效应和寄主适应度的变化;将F4代烟粉虱再转移到原寄主, 观察烟粉虱产卵效应和寄主适应度的恢复情况。结果表明, 烟粉虱在不同嗜性寄主上的产卵效应存在明显的差异。在不同嗜性的寄主之间转移, 烟粉虱的寄主适应度变化趋势不同, 从嗜性较强的寄主转移到嗜好性相对较弱的寄主上, 烟粉虱的寄主适应度迅速下降;从嗜性较弱的寄主向嗜性较强的寄主转移后, 烟粉虱的适应度则会迅速提高。烟粉虱对新寄主的适应速度与其对原寄主和新寄主之间的嗜性差异程度有关, 但一般经过1-2个世代后, 产卵效应会逐渐恢复到烟粉虱在该寄主上的正常水平。从过渡寄主转移到原寄主, 烟粉虱的寄主适应度变化符合一般的寄主转移规律, 但嗜性相对较强的过渡寄主可以刺激烟粉虱提高寄主适应性。  相似文献   

【目的】分析烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)或温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)为害番茄后对后续温室白粉虱和烟粉虱生长、发育、成虫寿命和繁殖等产生的促进或抑制作用,可为明确寄主植物番茄介导的温室白粉虱-烟粉虱的种间互作,开展粉虱的科学防控提供科学依据。【方法】通过在寄主植物番茄叶片上先将B型烟粉虱或温室白粉虱按不同的顺序、时间间隔分开接种,再系统观察后续接上的两种粉虱生长、发育、繁殖等种群参数的变化。【结果】(1)先期接上烟粉虱对后续温室白粉虱的发育、寿命、产卵量有明显的促进作用;这种作用需烟粉虱的持续诱导,若去掉烟粉虱,其对温室白粉虱的促进作用即消失;先期接上温室白粉虱可缩短后续烟粉虱伪蛹期,但温室白粉虱的持续存在不利于烟粉虱的产卵,且明显降低烟粉虱的内禀增长率和净增殖率。(2)先后在番茄上同时接上温室白粉虱可降低后续烟粉虱的单雌产卵量和雌、雄虫的成虫寿命;先后同时接种烟粉虱却显著地增加了温室白粉虱的单雌产卵量;烟粉虱的提前存在降低了后续烟粉虱单雌产卵量。(3)但两种粉虱之间作用存在着一定的时间滞后性。烟粉虱对温室白粉虱的发育、寿命、产卵量产生的促进作用大约在其卵期后的一段时间才能显现出来;温室白粉虱对烟粉虱伪蛹期的缩短作用也需提前诱导;而温室白粉虱对温室白粉虱的促进作用相当滞后,直到成虫期才显现出来。【结论】B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱之间可通过寄主番茄产生相互影响,前期烟粉虱为害可显著促进后续温室白粉虱卵和若虫的发育,而前期温室白粉虱为害对烟粉虱的发育不利。  相似文献   

在室内20℃、26℃和30℃三个设定温度条件下,研究了CF-965、NC-89和NC-82三个烟草品种对B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱生长发育和繁殖的影响.结果表明:26℃时两种粉虱在CF-965、NC-89和NC-82三个烟草品种上的发育历期没有明显差异,但温室白粉虱卵期和若虫期的发育历期较烟粉虱依次分别延长了1.32d、2.81d和 2.04d.在CF-965上,B型烟粉虱卵期和若虫期的总存活率和平均单雌产卵量分别为54.19%和55.17粒,温室白粉虱仅分别为31.99%和39.17粒;在NC-89上,B型烟粉虱卵期和若虫期的总存活率和平均单雌产卵量分别为23.47%和37.50粒,温室白粉虱仅分别为15.75%和17.25粒;两种粉虱在NC-82上卵期和若虫期的总存活率和平均单雌产卵量差异不大,表明B型烟粉虱对CF-965和NC-89的适应能力较温室白粉虱强.两种粉虱在20℃时的发育历期最长,32℃时最短,26℃时居中.20°C时烟粉虱卵期和若虫期的存活率20.96%为最低,26℃和32℃时分别达54.19% 和53.29%;而温室白粉虱在32℃条件下存活率11.66%为最低,20℃和 26℃时分别达31 34% 和31.99%.温室白粉虱在20℃时产卵量大于烟粉虱, 在26℃时的产卵量小于烟粉虱,30℃时则不能产卵,但烟粉虱成虫30℃时的产卵量仍可达21.06粒.由此说明烟粉虱在较高温度条件下的适应能力显著强于温室白粉虱.山东烟区烟草生长中期的田间平均温度多在22~30℃,适合B型烟粉虱的发生,应引起高度重视.  相似文献   

寄主转换对B型烟粉虱生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实验室恒温条件下,对B型烟粉虱Bemisiatabaci(Gennadius)寄主转换后的生长发育和繁殖进行初步研究。结果表明:B型烟粉虱从番茄转移到国抗22棉花上后,第1代转寄主烟粉虱的发育历期比第2代长19.2%,存活率低16.4%,第2代和第3代之间没有明显差异。受体寄主对B型烟粉虱发育速率的恢复有一定的影响。  相似文献   

寄主植物对B型烟粉虱形态学和生物学特性的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了解B型烟粉虱(Bemisiatabaci)在不同寄主植物上的生物学特性,以制定科学的综合治理措施,作者在271℃的条件下,研究测定了B型烟粉虱在棉花(Gossypiumhirsutum)、一品红(Euphorbiapulcherrima)、甘蓝(Brassicaoleraceavar.capitata)、黄瓜(Cucumissativus)、西葫芦(Cucurbitapepo)、茄子(Solanummelongena)和番茄(Lycopersiconesculentum)上各虫态大小、成活率、发育历期、成虫寿命、平均产卵量等生物学参数。结果表明:取食不同寄主植物的烟粉虱伪蛹在黄瓜和棉花上体型最大,在一品红上最小;烟粉虱从卵到成虫羽化,发育历期以在一品红上最长(22.0d),黄瓜上最短(17.3d);平均单雌产卵量以在番茄上最多(266.5粒/雌),一品红上最少(112.9粒/雌);成虫的寿命在番茄、黄瓜和茄子上显著长于在其他4种寄主植物上。烟粉虱从卵发育到成虫的存活率以在黄瓜上最高(77.8%),西葫芦上最低(55.6%),两者差异显著。综合比较7种寄主植物,黄瓜是烟粉虱种群生长发育和繁殖的最适寄主。  相似文献   

不同寄主植物对B型烟粉虱发育适合度的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明寄主植物对B型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)种群发育适合度的影响,采用室内实验比较了B型烟粉虱在番茄、棉花、菜豆和辣椒上的生存曲线、发育进度和成虫性比等生物学指标。结果表明,B型烟粉虱种群在不同寄主植物上的生存曲线差异显著,由卵发育至成虫的存活率由高到低依次为:番茄=棉花>菜豆>辣椒。B型烟粉虱在辣椒、棉花、菜豆和番茄上50%成虫羽化期依次为25.5、23.0、22.8和22.5d,在辣椒上的发育进度显著慢于其他植物。在不同寄主植物上B型烟粉虱的雌成虫比例差异显著,由高到低依次为:辣椒(63.0%)>棉花(58.3%)>菜豆(52.0%)>番茄(49.7%)。在番茄上B型烟粉虱第二代的生存率显著高于第一代,发育速率较第一代加快,雌成虫比例(63.3%)也显著高于第一代(49.7%)。在棉花上,第一代和第二代间的生存曲线、发育进度和雌成虫比例则差异不显著。可见,不同寄主植物对B型烟粉虱的发育适合度不同,在番茄上的发育适合度则以第二代较第一代显著提高。此外,B型烟粉虱在不适寄主植物辣椒上的存活率较低,但后代雌成虫比例增加,推测B型烟粉虱可通过调整后代性比增加其在不适寄主植物上的种群。  相似文献   

B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱在温度逆境下的生存特性比较   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
崔旭红  陈艳华  谢明  万方浩 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1232-1238
为了明确B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱在温度逆境下的生存特性对其种群发展的影响,通过进行高温和低温暴露试验,研究了B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱卵、伪蛹、成虫在37℃,39℃,41℃,43℃,45℃下暴露1~2 h后的存活率,以及这两种粉虱卵、2~3龄若虫、伪蛹和成虫在2℃下暴露1~12 d后的存活率。结果表明:两种粉虱的卵、伪蛹和成虫在37℃~45℃下暴露1~2 h,其存活率均随着温度的上升而降低;但在相同处理条件下B型烟粉虱3种供试虫态的存活率要高于温室白粉虱。B型烟粉虱在2℃下暴露2~12 d,各供试虫态的存活率迅速下降,卵、2~3龄若虫、伪蛹在2℃下暴露12 d后均不能存活,成虫在2℃下暴露4 d后也全部死亡;而温室白粉虱卵、伪蛹在2℃下暴露12 d后其存活率还能超过45%,成虫在2℃下暴露7 d后仍有80.9%能够存活。结果说明,B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱对温度逆境的适应性存在差异,B型烟粉虱对高温的适应性要高于温室白粉虱;温室白粉虱对高温敏感,但对低温的适应性要显著高于B型烟粉虱。据此推测,两种粉虱对温度逆境适应性的差异是导致其种群发生存在差异的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

通过连续测定饲养在6种寄主植物(黄瓜、苦瓜、水瓜、木瓜、薄荷、金银花)上的B型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci羧酸酯酶的比活力,探索其随时间变化的趋势。结果显示,测定的6种寄主植物上烟粉虱羧酸酯酶的活性数据,随着时间推移呈开口向上的抛物线倾向,且时间段内各种寄主植物上烟粉虱羧酸酯酶活性的变化节律趋于一致,此结果强烈地暗示B型烟粉虱羧酸酯酶的活性变化除寄主植物外,与时间相关,分析认为这可能是寄主植物的次生物质浓度存在季节变化的原因。  相似文献   

田玉安  梁沛  高希武 《昆虫知识》2012,49(2):390-395
采用酶标仪动力学法,比较研究了3个黄瓜品种对B型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)羧酸酯酶比活力的影响。结果表明,不同品种黄瓜对B型烟粉虱羧酸酯酶活性具有明显的影响:取食四季秋瓜和22-94RZ的B型烟粉虱羧酸酯酶活性均较高,其比活力最低值分别为对照的1.07倍和1.27倍;取食Deltastar RZ的为最低,其羧酸酯酶比活力最低值仅为对照的0.56倍。取食不同品种黄瓜不同时间,B型烟粉虱羧酸酯酶比活力动态变化趋势不同:取食四季秋瓜、22-94RZ的B型烟粉虱,其羧酸酯酶比活力始终保持被激活状态;取食Deltastar RZ后则处于被抑制状态,但72h后恢复至起始水平,说明B型烟粉虱在Deltastar RZ上具有较强的恢复能力,适应性较好。研究表明羧酸酯酶在B型烟粉虱选择适应寄主过程中应该起着重要作用。  相似文献   

烟粉虱和温室粉虱在甘蓝上的刺探取食行为比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用刺吸电波图技术研究B型、ZHJ_1型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)和温室粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)在甘蓝上的取食行为,将3种粉虱的电波图进行比较,其中,B型和ZHJ_1型烟粉虱记录到np,C,pd,E1,E2,F和G波7种波形,温室粉虱只记录到刺探波形,少有取食波形。B型的20个记录中只有1个没有持续吸食波形;ZHJ_1型的25个记录中有10个记录没有持续吸食波形;温室粉虱没有持续吸食记录。甘蓝叶片韧皮部的结构或汁液的化学成分与温室粉虱的抗性密切相关。  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) are invasive whitefly species that often co-occur on greenhouse-grown vegetables in northern China. Although B. tabaci biotype B has been present in China for a relatively short period of time, it has become dominant over T. vaporariorum. We studied the interspecific competitive interactions between the two species in single or mixed cultures at 24 ± 1 °C, 40 ± 5% RH, and L14:D10 h photoperiod. Female longevity on tomato was not significantly different between species, but B. tabaci reproduced 4.3 to 4.9 fold more progeny. The ratio of female to male progeny in both instances was greater for B. tabaci. When cultured on tomato, cotton, and tobacco, B. tabaci developed 0.8, 3.3, and 4.7 d earlier in single culture, and 1.8, 3.9, and 4.3 d earlier in mixed culture. B. tabaci displaced T. vaporariorum in four, five and six generations when the initial ratios of B. tabaci to T. vaporariorum were 15:15, 20:10, or 10:20 on tomato. Populations of B. tabaci were 2.3 fold higher than that of T. vaporariorum on tomato plants for seven consecutive generations in single culture. B. tabaci performed better in development, survival, fecundity, and female ratio. We conclude that B. tabaci could displace T. vaporariorum in as short as four generations in a controlled greenhouse environment when they start at equal proportions. Warmer greenhouse conditions and an increase in total greenhouse area could be contributing factors in the recent dominance of B. tabaci.  相似文献   

Host-handling behaviors of Eretmocerus mundus (Mercet) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) toward first to fourth instar nymphs of the Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) B and Q biotypes and of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) were compared under laboratory conditions. The host acceptance rates differed among host stages but not among host species or biotypes. In all host species and biotypes, the parasitoids stopped their host-handling behavior before oviposition more often with older hosts. The total host-handling time was longer for the fourth instars than for younger instars, mainly due to the longer oviposition times and probing times. E. mundus showed marking behavior for the B. tabaci B and Q biotypes, but not for T. vaporariorum. In conclusion, E. mundus could parasitize all whitefly biotypes and species used in this study, but both B. tabaci biotypes were more suitable hosts than T. vaporariorum. The younger instars were good oviposition targets in all hosts.  相似文献   

研究测定了棉花、一品红、茄子和番茄4个B型烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci)种群岐睳A羧酸酯酶、猹睳A羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性.结果表明:岐睳A羧酸酯酶活性与猹睳A羧酸酯酶活性比值均大于1,说明B型烟粉虱水解岐睳A的能力高于对猹睳A的水解能力;B型烟粉虱不同寄主种群岐睳A羧酸酯酶、猹睳A羧酸酯酶活性个体分布频率均存在一定差异.B型烟粉虱番茄种群羧酸酯酶活性最高(93.06 mOD/(mg protein·min)),是棉花种群的1.49倍.B型烟粉虱茄子种群乙酰胆碱酯酶活性明显高于其他寄主种群,达极显著差异水平(p<0.01);茄子种群乙酰胆碱酯酶活性分布频率在>4U/mg protein区间段的分布高达85%,与其他3个寄主种群分布明显不同.B型烟粉虱茄子种群谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性最高,与其他3个寄主种群间的差异达极显著水平(p<0.01).上述结果表明,B型烟粉虱主要解毒酶活性在不同的寄主植物上具有一定的生理可塑性.研究有利于揭示该害虫寄主范围广和寄主适应性强的生理生态学基础.  相似文献   

The development period, survival rate, longevity and fecundity of two whiteflies, Bemisia tabaci B‐biotype and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) were compared under different temperature laboratory conditions (15°C, 18°C, 21°C and 24°C). Egg development of B. tabaci B‐biotype was significantly longer compared with that of T. vaporariorum at 15°C, 18°C and 24°C. Significantly longer pseudo‐pupae development and lower survival rate were found in B. tabaci B‐biotype at 15°C compared with those at 18°C, 21°C and 24°C. Significantly higher fecundity was found in B. tabaci B‐biotype at 24°C compared with that at 15°C, 18°C and 21°C. However, the fecundity of T. vaporariorum was significantly lower at 24°C relative to that at 15°C, 18°C and 21°C. Significantly shorter 1st instar larval development was found in T. vaporariorum compared with that of B. tabaci at 15°C and 18°C. Significantly longer 2nd instar larval development was found in B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum at 15°C compared with that at 18°C, 21°C and 24°C. However, significantly shorter 3rd instar larval development was found in T. vaporariorum compared with that of B. tabaci at 15°C, 18°C and 24°C. The adaptive divergence of tolerance to relatively low temperature may be an important factor that results in the interspecific differentiation between the seasonal dynamics of these two whiteflies in China.  相似文献   

烟粉虱B型和Q型群体遗传结构的RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
近20年来,烟粉虱B型传入世界各地并暴发成灾,成为一种重要的农业入侵害虫; 烟粉虱Q型则是近几年引起人们高度重视的一种新的入侵生物型,目前已传入许多国家并造成一定危害。本文利用RAPD分子标记对烟粉虱B型和Q型不同地理种群的遗传结构进行了分析。结果表明:(1)引物H16对烟粉虱B型不同种群扩增的特异带,能有效区分烟粉虱B型和Q型、浙江非B/Q型种群;(2)烟粉虱Q型种群各项遗传多样性指数均比烟粉虱B型的要高;(3)我国烟粉虱Q型来自伊比利亚半岛的可能性比来自中东地区的可能性要大。另外,聚类分析结果提示,RAPD分子标记能有效地区分烟粉虱不同生物型,但可能不适用于生物型之间亲缘关系分析。  相似文献   

The whitefly, Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), harbors primary and secondary endosymbionts. Previous research showed that the invasive B biotype and an indigenous non‐B biotype (named non‐B ZHJ‐1 population) of B. tabaci from Zhejiang, China, harbored different endosymbionts. To investigate the function of these endosymbionts in the two biotypes of B. tabaci, we fed adult whiteflies with three antibiotics, tetracycline, ampicillin trihydrate, and rifampicin, and evaluated the fitness of their offspring on cotton plants. These three antibiotics did not remove the primary endosymbiont Portiera aleyrodidarum but were capable of eliminating the secondary endosymbionts. In the B biotype, treatments of adults with tetracycline or ampicillin trihydrate accelerated development and increased the survival of their offspring, while treatment of adults with rifampicin significantly retarded the development of their offspring but did not affect their survival. In the non‐B ZHJ‐1 population, treatments of adults with tetracycline or ampicillin trihydrate also accelerated the development of their offspring but did not significantly affect their survival, while treatment of adults with rifampicin significantly retarded development and reduced the survival of their offspring. These results suggest that removal of some secondary endosymbionts and/or reduction of the primary endosymbiont from B. tabaci may produce both favorable and unfavorable effects on the fitness of the host insects.  相似文献   

Abstract The whitefly Bemisia tabaci harbors Portiera aleyrodidarum, an obligatory symbiotic bacterium, as well as several secondary symbionts, including Rickettsia, Hamiltonella, Wolbachia, Arsenophonus, Cardinium and Fritschea, the function of which is unknown. In Israel, Rickettsia is found in both the B and Q of B. tabaci biotypes, and while all other secondary symbionts are located in the bacteriomes, Rickettsia can occupy most of the body cavity of the insect. We tested whether Rickettsia influences the biology of B. tabaci and found that exposing a Rickettsia‐containing population to increasing temperatures significantly increases its tolerance to heat shock that reached 40°C, compared to a Rickettsia‐free population. This increase in tolerance to heat shock was not associated with specific induction of heat‐shock protein gene expression; however, it was associated with reduction in Rickettsia numbers as was assessed by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses. To assess the causes for thermotolerance when Rickettsia is reduced, we tested whether its presence is associated with the induction of genes required for thermotolerance. We found that under normal 25°C rearing temperature, genes associated with response to stress such as cytoskeleton genes are induced in the Rickettsia‐containing population. Thus, the presence of Rickettsia in B. tabaci under normal conditions induces the expression of genes required for thermotolerance that under high temperatures indirectly lead to this tolerance.  相似文献   

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