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A lack of comparative studies limits our understanding of interspecific variation in parasite life histories, especially for species that incorporate asexual and resting stages into their life cycles. Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus and Posthodiplostomum minimum are sympatric diplostomid trematodes that share the same first (pond snail, Physa gyrina) and second (fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas) intermediate hosts within lakes in Alberta, Canada. Interspecific differences in the body sizes of adults, cercariae, and metacercariae were evaluated from parasites recovered from laboratory-raised chickens, snails, and minnows, respectively. Differences in adult worm fecundity and cercariae production were estimated from chickens and snails exposed to known numbers of parasite larvae. Posthodiplostomum minimum adults, metacercariae, and eggs were 97, 86, and 5% larger than those of 0. ptychocheilus, respectively. The average numbers of eggs produced per day by P. minimum was 3 times higher than for O. ptychocheilus, and P. minimum produced approximately twice as many cercariae per day. Although the larger of the 2 species had higher egg and cercariae production, conclusions regarding covariation between adult worm size and the reproductive rates of other life cycle stages require further studies on related species.  相似文献   

The toxicity of cadmium and zinc at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10000 microg/l was investigated with cercariae of Diplostomum spathaceum at three temperatures (12, 20, 25 degrees C) and three levels of water hardness (distilled water, soft water, hard water). Under most environmental conditions survival of cercariae was reduced by increasing metal concentration. Increasing water hardness and decreasing water temperature caused an increase in the survival of both control and metal exposed cercariae. However, with decreasing temperature increased survival of metal-exposed cercariae above the control occurred at a number of low metal concentrations. Differences in the relative toxicity of cadmium and zinc to cercariae was dependent on the environmental conditions of exposure. The two heavy metals demonstrated little toxicity to cercariae during the period of maximum cercarial infectivity (0-5 h).The mechanisms of metal toxicity and their effects on cercarial survival are discussed.  相似文献   

During a parasitological survey of nonnative fish species—rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus—in the Rybinsk Reservoir, the metacercariae Ornithodiplostomum scardinii were found in its brain. This is the first find of this helminth in the Upper Volga basin. The rudd was infected with the prevalence 31.3%, with an intensity of 1–12 parasites per fish. Data on the current distribution of the trematode O. scardinii in the Volga River basin are provided.  相似文献   

We examined tegumental development of the diplostomulum of Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus, with respect to structural transformations that have functional relevance to the invasion, migration, and site establishment processes in the brain of the fish second-intermediate host, Pimephales promelas. Using a combination of brightfield, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and confocal microscopy (CM), we demonstrated that the diplostomula become established in the outer region of the optic lobes within 24-48 hr of penetration and continue to grow and transform over a period of 4-14 days. During this period, the J-shaped body consists of 2 distinct regions: (1) a highly motile prosoma with distinctive tegumental spines and (2) an opisthosoma, the tegument of which is elaborated into a dense uniform layer of long, thin microvilli. The prosoma is alternately invaginated into and everted from the opisthosoma, thus constituting a protrusible proboscis. By day 14 postinfection (PI), the body has lost this bipartite structure and has taken on the uniformly flattened form characteristic of metacercariae. The transitory complex structure of the diplostomula appears to be well suited to burrowing through host tissues (primarily by action of the prosoma), followed by rapid dissociation of host tissue and nutrient accumulation (primarily by action of the opisthosoma) in preparation for metacercaria encystment.  相似文献   

A systematic analysis of the genera in the Diplostomidae and Strigeidae was made using the Proterodiplostomidae as the outgroup. The Proterodiplostomidae was the family with the greatest preponderance of primitive characters and its monophyly was supported by the unique paraprostate gland. However, no character state supported the monophyly of the Diplostomidae sensu Dubois, 1970. That paraphyletic taxon was composed of 3 monophyletic groups: the pseudosuckerless Neodiplostomidae n. fam. had the most primitive character states of the 3 and its monophyly was based on characters in the neascus/neodiplostomulum metacercariae; the Bolbophoridae n. fam., with pseudosuckers, had its monophyly supported by characters present in the newly named prodiplostomulum metacercaria; and the emended Diplostomidae, also with pseudosuckers, had the most derived states and its monophyly was supported by characters present in the diplostomulum. The presence of pseudosuckers united the Bolbophoridae n. fam., the emended Diplostomidae, and the Strigeidae as a monophyletic assemblage. The Strigeidae had the most derived characters of these 3 taxa and its monophyly was supported by characters in the tetracotyle and the cup-shaped forebody and bilobed tribocytic organ of the adult. In general, the adult stages of these strigeoid families showed very conserved morphology and it was the metacercariae that possessed the innovations. The conserved adult morphology was typical of what one might expect if the intramolluscan stages were analyzed. Thus, the data were concordant with the view that the mollusc and vertebrate definitive host were the original hosts to the Digenea and that the second intermediate host and metacercaria were more recently intercalated. More specifically, the phylogeny of these groups suggested that ancestral bisegmented strigeoids originally infected reptiles, they subsequently radiated into birds with which they coevolved extensively, and on 5 separate occasions they radiated into mammals. The radiations into mammals were, by all available evidence, preceded by second intermediate host shifts from fish to amphibians.  相似文献   

Intensity-dependent development of Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus metacercariae was studied in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) exposed to 0, 20, or 120 cercariae. Subsamples of hosts were necropsied at 2-wk intervals to monitor parasite recruitment, growth, and time to encystment. The complex development of metacercariae within the cranium of minnows involved growth, encystment, and consolidation phases, each of which were affected by intensity. At the end of the growth phase, metacercariae from low-dose fish were 20% longer than those from high-dose fish and the latter took 2-4 wk longer to encyst. At the end of the postencystment consolidation phase (6-8 wk postinfection), the size of metacercariae decreased by approximately 50%. The rate of consolidation was slower in high-dose fish. Our results show that time, intensity, and temperature affect development of O. ptychocheilus. Because metacercariae development and differentiation are linked to infectivity, events occurring in intermediate hosts can potentially impact the structure and size of trematode suprapopulations.  相似文献   

The chaetotaxy of Codonocephalus urniger (Rudolphi, 1819) cercariae recovered from Lymnaea palustris in a brackish water lake in Bulgaria is described and figured. Comparisons with Diplostomum spathaceum (Rudolphi, 1819) and D. pseudospathaceum Niewiadomska, 1984 cercariae indicate a similar general pattern in the distribution of sensilla but with marked differences in their number and arrangement on the ventral sucker, tail stem and furcae. Data on the chaetotaxy of other diplostomid species are used to reveal the similarities and variations in some complexes within the members of Diplostomidae with known cercarial chaetotaxy.  相似文献   

Malformations and increased mortality due to infection by the digenetic trematode, Riberioa ondatrae have been reported for many species of amphibians. Severe malformations have also been reported in the Common Hourglass Tree Frog, Polypedates cruciger induced by pleurolophocercous cercariae in Sri Lanka in addition to the changes in the behaviour, development and survival of the host. We exposed pre-limb bud stage tadpoles (Gosner stages 25–26) of the Asian Common Toad, Duttaphrynus melanostictus to the same pleurolophocercous type cercariae under laboratory conditions. Molecular and morphological identification showed that these cercariae belonged Acanthostomum burminis infecting freshwater snakes as definitive hosts. These cercariae induced malformations (27.8%) and reduced survival to metamorphosis (53.8%). The magnitude of the effects increased with the dose of cercariae. Types of malformations were mainly axial, such as scoliosis and kyphosis. Severe limb malformations such as extra or missing limbs as reported for amphibians exposed to R. ondatrae were not observed in the D. melanostictus. Same authors reported a higher percentage of malformations previously when P. cruciger was exposed to the cercariae A. burminis compared to D. melanostictus. However, tadpoles of D. melanostictus, which are smaller compared to those of P. cruciger, experienced higher mortality than P. cruciger tadpoles. Trematode induced malformations and mortality in amphibians are highly variable and depend on multiple factors such as host species differences such as resistance to infection and tolerance, life-history characteristics such as size at metamorphosis and length of the metamorphosis period, and other factors such as size of the amphibian at the time of trematode exposure.  相似文献   

Annual, seasonal, and interlake variation in prevalence and intensity of Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus (Faust) metacercariae was assessed in populations of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) collected from 4 lakes in north-central Alberta. Mean metacercariae intensity in young-of-the-year minnows varied extensively (5-123 metacercariae/host) among year, month, and lakes. In 2 of the lakes, prevalence always reached 100%, and mean intensity always peaked in September or October. The high spatial and annual variation in metacercarial recruitment was partly attributable to variation in host size. but variation in water depth, temperature, snail densities, and bird visitation likely also played a role. A laboratory experiment demonstrated that host and metacercariae survival was intensity-independent during a period of simulated winter. Thus, metacercariae recruited in the fall survive until the following spring.  相似文献   

The body-wall musculature of invasive cercariae and metacercariae of Diplostomum chromatophorum at different intervals after the penetration into the experimental intermediate host Cyprinus carpio (1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 20, 34, 40 days) has been investigated with the help of TEM technique. During the first 10 days after the invasion (in conditions of our experiment), the cercarial subtegumental muscle fibres degenerate. These muscles are replaced by newly formed ones. Mass differentiation of myoblasts beneath the tegument was observed in 7-10-day-old metacercariae. Obtained data indicate the metamorphosis of body-wall musculature during the morphogenesis in Diplostomum chromatophorum metacercariae.  相似文献   

Migration of cercariae of the diplostomatid trematode, Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus, to the brain of the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, takes place via directed, nonrandom movement. Penetration of the fish epidermis is rapid and is essentially complete by 2 hr postinfection. Migration to the central nervous system occurs almost exclusively via the general body musculature and connective tissue, although a few cercariae gain direct access to the nervous system via the eyes. Cercariae enter either the neural canal and spinal cord, or the brain via the spinal or cranial nerves and their associated foramina, although cercariae appear to remain in (on) these peripheral nerves for only a short time. Cercariae associated with cranial nerves continue to the brain. Those becoming associated with spinal nerves travel up the neural canal and (or) spinal cord to the brain. Data suggest that most arrive at the brain via the neural canal and spinal cord. Within the brain, most developing metacercariae (neascus-type) occur in the optic lobes and cerebellum. Whether this is “selective localization” or merely the result of the larger space afforded by these brain regions could not be determined.  相似文献   

Laboratory-reared planarians, Dugesia tigrina, were exposed to cercariae of Echinostoma trivolvis or Echinostoma caproni. Of 100 D. tigrina exposed to 2,750 cercariae of E. trivolvis, 29 were infected with a total of 85 encysted metacercariae 24 hr postinfection (PI). None of 40 D. tigrina exposed to 1,100 cercariae of E. caproni was infected with metacercariae 24 hr PI. Cyst structure of E. trivolvis from the parenchyma of D. tigrina varied from normal to abnormal. Metacercariae removed from planarians could be excysted in an alkaline trypsin-bile salts medium. Cercariae of E. trivolvis were not attracted to dialysate material from D. tigrina. Cercariae of E. trivolvis that penetrated, but did not encyst in planarians, voided the contents of their paraesophageal glands. Cercariae of E. caproni lack paraesophageal glands. Secretions of those glands probably are involved in tissue penetration of D. tigrina by E. trivolvis cercariae.  相似文献   

Melanoides tuberculata , naturally infected by gymnocephalous cercariae, were found in aquatic collections from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. After morphological characterization, larvae were used for experimental infection of Poecilia reticulata. Metacercariae were obtained from the liver of these fish, which were also found to be naturally infected in the same locality. The morphology and biology of the developmental stages of trematodes we obtained were characteristic of Renicola sp. This is the first record of renicolid cercariae and metacercariae in Brazil.  相似文献   

The swimming behavior of the cercaria of the digenetic trematode Proterometra macrostoma changes in response to light. However, this cercaria does not possess obvious eyes or eyespots. Using behavioral assays, we were able to show that both intact and distome-removed cercariae swim significantly greater vertical distances under dim, red light than under brighter, white light. Electrophysiological experiments confirmed this result and further showed that the transverse band of the tail, known to control cercariae swimming behavior, was necessary and sufficient for the display of the light-dependent swimming behavior. Together, these data show that the distome is not required for light-dependent swimming behavior in P. macrostoma cercariae and indirectly demonstrates the presence of photoreceptors in the transverse band of the cercaria tail.  相似文献   

The cercaria of Isthmiophora melis is relatively specific to suitable intermediate hosts, amphibia and fish, as early as the stage of attachment. Attachment responses are maximally stimulated by intact amphibia, whereas isolated frog tissues have a reduced efficiency. Human urine contains attachment triggering substances. Its effectiveness is reduced, when carbonate systems are removed, and may be restored by addition of carbonate. Aqueous solution systems of dissolved CO2 and H2CO3/HCO-3 stimulate attachment responses, especially at pH 6.0-7.5. The attachment response to frog skin surface seems to be triggered by the buffering system, which uses carbonate solution equilibria as important components.  相似文献   

Argentophilic papillae of cercariae of Schistosomatium douthitti were studied by light microscopy. The basic number of body papillae was 56, excluding 20 at the anterior tip. The average number of tail papillae was 18. Average locations and spatial ranges of body papillae indicate a rather constant pattern. Tail papillae showed greater variability in location. Twenty papillae (10 on each side) at the anterior tip of cercariae were associated with gland duct openings. Two types of papillae were recognized with light microscopy--uniciliated bulbs and pits. The papilla pattern of S. douthitti differs from those of other species of schistosomes derived to date, and its constancy supports the usefulness of papillae in systematic studies.  相似文献   

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