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For the development of optimal perfusion processes the effect of the feed and bleed rate on cell growth in a perfusion bioreactor was studied. The viable-cell density, viability, growth, death, and lysis rate and cell-cycle distribution of a hybridoma cell line producing an IgG1 were studied over a range of specific feed and bleed rates. It was found that the feed and bleed rates applied in the different cultures could be divided into two regions based on the viable-cell density and cell-cycle distribution. The cultures in the first region, low feed rates (0.5 and 1.0 d(-1)) combined with low bleed rates (0.05 and 0.10 d(-1)), were nutrient-limited, as an increase in the feed rate resulted in an increase in the viable-cell density. The cultures in the second region, high feed and bleed rates, were nonnutrient-limited. In this region the viable-cell density decreased more or less linearly with an increase in the bleed rate and was independent of the feed rate. This suggests that the cells were limited by a cell-related factor. Comparison of Trypan-blue dye-exclusion measurements and lactate-dehydrogenase activity measurements revealed that cell lysis was not negligible in this bioreactor set-up. Therefore, lactate-dehydrogenase activity measurements were essential to measure the death rate accurately. The specific growth rate was nearly constant for all tested conditions. The viability increased with an increase of the bleed rate and was independent of the feed rate. Furthermore, the specific productivity of monoclonal antibody was constant under all tested conditions. For the optimal design of a perfusion process it should first be established whether viability is an important parameter. If not, a bleed rate as low as possible should be chosen. If low viabilities are to be avoided, the bleed rate chosen should be higher, with the value depending on the desired viability. Next, the feed rate should be set at such a rate that the cells are just in the nonnutrient-limited region.  相似文献   

Automated monitoring of cell concentration in perfusion bioprocesses facilitates the maintenance of constant cell specific perfusion rates. However, most on-line measuring devices are relatively complex and foul as the culture progresses. A simple external optical sensor was developed using the transparent glass walls of acoustic separators for automated optical analysis of their contents. For each measurement, the separator was filled by an automated pumping system with triplicate representative bioreactor samples that were optically analyzed and the device returned to perfusion operation within approximately 1 or 2 min. Chinese hamster ovary cell concentrations, ranging from 5 x 10(5) to 2 x 10(7) cells/mL, were highly correlated (R(2) = 0.99) with the 90 degrees scattered light response. Since the device was operated externally, it did not complicate bioreactor sterilization or cleaning. Viability was not optically analyzed, but this information was not required between manual samples of a properly operated perfusion process. Using single-point recalibration based on routine off-line samples, this external optical system remained effective during a 4-month perfusion run, thus providing a non-invasive and easily maintained on-line cell concentration monitoring system to improve the control of perfusion bioreactors.  相似文献   

Murine hybridoma cells were grown in a bubble column that was inclined up to 45 degrees from vertical. Inclining the column by a few degrees separated the rising bubbles against the upper surface, leaving the bulk of the liquid bubble free. The liquid was circulated well by the rising bubbles, but collection of cells by rising bubbles and exposure of cells to bursting bubbles were minimized. Maximum viable cell count and exponential growth of the cells were not affected by inclination, but an inclination of 30 degrees gave an antibody titer of 42 mg/L, which more than doubled the yield of 17 mg/L in the vertical position. By comparison, the culture gave yields of 30 mg/L when grown in spinner flasks. The enhanced antibody production in the inclined bioreactor corresponded to a prolonged stationary phase of 45 h. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Batch and fed-batch cultures of a murine hybridomacell line (AFP-27) were performed in a stirred tankreactor to estimate the effect of feed rate on growthrate, macromolecular metabolism and antibodyproduction. Macromolecular composition was foundto change dynamically during batch culture ofhybridoma cells possibly due to active production ofDNA, RNA and protein during the exponential phase.Antibody synthesis is expected to compete with theproduction of cellular proteins from the amino acidpool. Therefore, it is necessary to examine therelationship between cell growth in terms of cellularmacromolecules and antibody production. In this study,we searched for an optimum feeding strategy bychanging the target specific growth rate in fed-batchculture to give higher antibody productivity whileexamining the macromolecular composition. Concentratedglucose (60 mM) and glutamine (20 mM) in DR medium(1:1 mixture of DMEM and RPMI) with additional aminoacids were fed continuously to the culture and thefeed rate was updated after every sampling to ensureexponential feeding (or approximately constantspecific growth rate). Specific antibody productionrate was found to be significantly increased in thefed-batch cultures at the near-zero specific growthrate in which the productions of cellular DNA, RNA,protein and polysaccharide were strictly limited byslow feeding of glucose, glutamine and other nutrients. Possible implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Perfusion systems have the possibility to be operated continuously for several months. It is important that the performance of the cell retention device does not limit the operation time of a perfusion process used in the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the reliability and long-term stability of an acoustic perfusion process using the 200 L/d BioSep. As the BioSep is an external device, it is possible that dependent on the recirculation rate nutrient gradients occur in the external loop, which could affect the cell metabolism. Therefore, the effect of possible nutrient gradients on cell metabolism, viability and productivity was studied by varying the recirculation rate. In this study, it is shown that a perfusion process using a pilot-scale acoustic cell-retention device (200 L/d) is reliable and simple to operate, resulting in a stable 75-day cultivation of a hybridoma cell line producing a monoclonal antibody. The recirculation rate had a significant effect on the oxygen concentration in the external loop, with oxygen being depleted within the cell-retention device at recirculation rates below 6 m3/m(reactor)3.d (=600 L/d). The oxygen depletion at low circulation rates correlated with a slightly increased lactate production rate. For all other parameters no effect of the recirculation rate was observed, including cell death measured through the release of lactate dehydrogenase and specific productivity. A maximum specific productivity of 12 pg/cell.d was reached.  相似文献   

Effects of long-term hydrodynamic shear on hybridoma cells were investigated in a 250-ml continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR). Cells grown at steady state were subjected to step changes in agitation rates. Cell viability, glucose consumption, and monoclonal antibody (MAb) production were determined at high agitation rates and compared with the control (100 rev min-1). Impeller tip speeds higher than 40 cm s-1 caused a significant drop in cell concentration and respiration activity, and increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release to the culture medium. Also, high agitation speeds caused a decrease in MAb concentration and an increase in specific glucose consumption rate. The effects of dilution rate and serum concentration on the sensitivity of hybridoma cells to hydrodynamic shear were determined. Serum was found to protect the cells against shear damage and had a significant positive effect on hybridoma growth and MAb production. Shear damage on cells in CSTR was approximated to first-order kinetics. The death rate constant increased sharply at impeller tip speeds above 40 cm s-1.  相似文献   

In the present study, the optimal medium perfusion rate to be used for the continuous culture of a recombinant CHO cell line in a packed-bed bioreactor made of Fibra-Cel® disk carriers was determined. A first-generation process had originally been designed with a high perfusion rate, in order to rapidly produce material for pre-clinical and early clinical trials. It was originally operated with a perfusion of 2.6 vvd during production phase in order to supply the high cell density (2.5×107 cell ml−1 of packed-bed) with sufficient fresh medium. In order to improve the economics of this process, a reduction of the medium perfusion rate by −25% and −50% was investigated at small-scale. The best option was then implemented at pilot scale in order to further produce material for clinical trials with an improved second-generation process. With a −25% reduction of the perfusion rate, the volumetric productivity was maintained compared to the first-generation process, but a −30% loss of productivity was obtained when the medium perfusion rate was further reduced to −50% of its original level. The protein quality under reduced perfusion rate conditions was analyzed for purity, N-glycan sialylation level, abundance of dimers or aggregates, and showed that the quality of the final drug substance was comparable to that obtained in reference conditions. Finally, a reduction of −25% medium perfusion was implemented at pilot scale in the second-generation process, which enabled to maintain the same productivity and the same quality of the molecule, while reducing costs of media, material and manpower of the production process. For industrial applications, it is recommended to test whether and how far the perfusion rate can be decreased during the production phase – provided that the product is not sensitive to residence time – with the benefits of reduced cost of goods and to simplify manufacturing operations.  相似文献   

Hybridoma cells (S3H5/2bA2) are found to grow either in suspension or as attached to the surface of cell culture T flask. Cell growth rates and monoclonal antibody (MAB) production rates of both suspended and attached cells were examined. Although the percentage of viable cells was higher for the attached cells, cells growing in suspension showed almost the same charateristics as cells attached to the flasks with respect to cell growth and MAB production rate. Cell attachment increased with increasing serum concentrations up to 5% and remained essentially constant at cell densities of about 2·105/cm2.No differences in cell growth rate and MAB production could be attributed to anchorage dependent growth.  相似文献   

A trickle-bed system employing inert matrices of vermiculite or polyurethane foam packed in the downcomer section of a split-flow air-lift reactor has been developed for hybridoma culture to enhance antibody productivity. This quiescent condition favoured occlusion and allowed the cells to achieve densities twelve fold greater (12.8×106 cells/ml reactor for polyurethane foam) than in free cell suspension. The reactor was operated in a cyclic batch mode whereby defined volumes of medium were periodically withdrawn and replaced with equal volumes of fresh medium. The pH of the medium was used as the indicator of the feeding schedule. Glucose, lactate and ammonia concentrations reached a stationary value after 5 days. With vermiculite packing, a monoclonal antibody (MAb) concentration of 2.4 mg/l was achieved after 12 days. The MAb concentration declined then increased to a value of 1.8 mg/l. In the polyurethane foam average monoclonal antibody (MAb) concentrations reached a stationary value of 1.1 mg/l in the first 20 days and increased to a new stationary state value of 2.1 mg/l for the remainder of the production. MAb productivity in the trickle-bed reactor was 0.3 mg/l·d (polyurethane foam) and 0.18 mg/l.d (vermiculite) in comparison to 0.12 mg/l·d for free cell suspension. This trickle-bed system seems to be an attractive way of increasing MAb productivity in culture.  相似文献   

Suspension cells of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer were cultivated in 3-L balloon-type bubble bioreactors and the bioreactor with the angle of 90° at the bottom side was optimized. The gaseous composition in plant cell and tissue cultures is regarded as an important factor affecting the plant growth. Gas hold-up was remarkably higher in the bioreactor with an angle of 90° than the other ones. Aeration rates impacted on the growth ratio, the specific O2 uptake rate (SOUR) of ginseng cells were investigated. 0.4 vvm was selected as the optimal aeration rate with a dry weight of 6.45 g L?1. The specific O2 uptake rate in the culture time was detected and reached the top value at the maximum growth ratio.  相似文献   

Recombinant retroviruses are now an established tool for gene delivery. Presently they are mainly produced using adherent cells. However, due to the restrictive nature of adherent cell culture, this mode of production is hampered by low cell-specific productivity and small production units. The large-scale production of retroviral vectors could benefit from the adaptation of retrovirus packaging cell lines to suspension culture. Here, we describe the ability of a 293 packaging cell line to produce retroviral vectors in suspension culture at high titer. Adherent 293GPG cells, producing a Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (MoMLV) retrovirus vector pseudotyped with the vesicular stomatitis virus G (VSVG) envelope protein and expressing a TK-GFP fusion protein, were adapted to suspension culture in calcium-free DMEM. At a cell density similar to adherent cell culture, the suspension culture produced retroviral vector consistently in the range of 1 x 10(7) infectious viral particles/mL (IVP/mL), with a specific productivity threefold higher than adherent culture. Furthermore, at the same medium replacement frequency, the suspension producer cells could be cultured at higher density than their adherent counterparts, which resulted in virus titer of 3-4 x 10(7) IVP/mL at 11.0 x 10(6) cells/mL. This corresponds to a 10-fold increase in viral concentration compared to adherent cells. The capacity to up scale the retroviral vector production was also demonstrated by performing a 2 VVD perfusion culture for 9 days in a 3L Chemap bioreactor. The combination of suspension and perfusion led to a 20-fold increase in maximum virus productivity compared to the adherent culture.  相似文献   

The effect of shear rate on cell growth and monoclonal antibody production of hybridoma cells was studied. The dependence of agitation rate on antibody production is discussed by measuring the amount of monoclonal antibody in cells cultured by a spinner vessel. The effect of shear rate is also studied by exposing a homogeneous shear flow to hybridoma cells in a cone-and-plate viscometer. The dependence of shear rate on hybridoma cells was observed and the increase of antibody production was arised from the increase of secretion from cells.  相似文献   

Summary Hybridoma cells were cultured for two months in the dual hollow fiber bioreactor (DHFBR) which had been successfully used for high cell density cultures of various microbial cells. In batch suspension culture the concentration of monoclonal antibody (Mab) against human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) and the cell density of Alps 25-3 hybridoma cells were obtained in 30 μg/mL and 2.35×106 cells/mL, respectively. The continuous culture with DHFBR produced Mab of 100–130 μg/mL for 30 days and the estimated cell density in the extracapillary space of DHFBR was 1.87×108 cells/mL based on the antibody production rate. The productivity of Mab was 205 mg/day per litre of the total reactor volume while that of the batch suspension culture was only 10 mg/L day.  相似文献   

Summary The possibility of damage to suspended cells arising from the introduction of a spin-filter rotating at high speed is examined experimentally and theoretically. Far from increasing damage, it is shown that a spin-filter, even when rotating at high speed, can markedly improve the survival of cells in a stirred unbuffled bioreactor. Analysis of the shear stress generated at the filter surface shows values that are orders of magnitude below those shown elsewhere to be damaging to cells. The improvement in survival seen in addition of a spin-filter to an impeller-agitated bioreactor are explained in terms of the events associated with the suppression of vortices, and bubble entrainment and disengagement.  相似文献   

Summary The performance of an external loop air-lift bioreactor was investigated by assessing the inter-relationships between various hydrodynamic properties and mass transfer. The feasibility of using this bioreactor for the production of monoclonal antibodies by mouse hybridoma cells immobilized in calcium alginate gel beads and alginate/poly-l-lysine microcapsules was also examined. When the superficial gas velocity, V g , in the 300 ml reactor was varied from 2 to 36 cm/min, the average liquid velocity increased from 3 to 14 cm/sec, the gas hold-up rose from 0.2 to 3.0%, and the oxygen mass transfer coefficient, k L a, increased from 2.5 to 18.1 h-1. A minimum liquid velocity of 4 cm/s was required to maintain alginate gel beads (1000 m diameter, occupying 3% of reactor volume) in suspension. Batch culture of hybridoma cells immobilized in alginate beads followed logarithmic growth, reaching a concentration of 4×107 cells/ml beads after 11 days. Significant antibody production did not occur until day 9 into the culture, reaching a value of 100 g/ml of medium at day 11. On the other hand, bioreactor studies with encapsulated hybridoma cells gave monoclonal antibody concentrations of up to 800 g/ml capsules (the antibody being retained within the semipermeable capsule) and maximum cell densities of 2×108 cells/ml capsule at day 11. The volumetric productivities of the alginate gel immobilized cell system and the encapsulated cell system were 9 and 3 g antibody per ml of reactor volume per day, respectively. The main advantage of the bioreactor system is its simple design, since no mechanical input is required to vary the hydrodynamic properties.  相似文献   

The influence of centrifugal force on the growth of cells was examined by exposing the cells of the mouse-human hybridoma X87 line to centrifugal force (100–500 G) for ten minutes twice a day and comparing the static culture with that of unexposed cells. In this experiment, both cell proliferation and specific antibody productivity were independent of the centrifugal effect, and gave the same results as in the case of no exposure to centrifugal force. High density cultivation of the mouse-human hybridoma X87 line was obtained by a perfusion system where the cells were separated from the culture medium by continuous centrifugation. In the serum-free culture, the maximum viable cell density exceeded 107 cells/ml, and monoclonal antibody was stably produced for 37 days. The results in this culture were equivalent to those obtained by intermittent centrifugal cell separation from the culture medium, and separation by gravitational settlement.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the cell lines used for production of biopharmaceuticals are highly susceptible to apoptosis, and that over-expression of the bcl-2 oncogene can protect cells from death. Stress associated with the deprivation of nutrients has been shown to be the main cause of apoptosis in culture. We have extended these studies by investigating the mechanism of cell death under conditions of sub-optimal pH, shear stress and hyperosmolarity, and the protective action of bcl-2 over-expression. At pH 6, there was no clear evidence of protection from cell death. However, at pH 8, the viability of the bcl-2 transfected cells was about 20% higher relative to the control cells. Cultivation of control cells in a flat bottomed bioreactor with a magnetic stirrer bar without a pivot ring resulted in exposure of the cells to a high attrition effect. As a result, cell growth was retarded and a high level of cell death by apoptosis was observed. Under the same conditions, the bcl-2 transfected cell line exhibited a nearly five fold increase in viable cell number. This finding indicates that under apoptosis-suppressed conditions, shear stress can stimulate cell growth. Batch cultivation of both control and bcl-2 transfected cells in 350 and 400 mOsm media resulted in suppression of cell growth, athough the effect was most marked in the control cell line. Adaptation of control cells to 400 mOsm proved to be impossible to achieve. However, the bcl-2 transfected cells exhibited resistance to the osmotic stress resulting in long term adaptation to a high salt environment. Specific productivity of bcl-2 transfected cells grown in high osmolarity medium was 100% higher than that produced by non- adapted bcl-2 transfected cells grown in normal osmolarity medium. These results demonstrate that bcl-2 has a beneficial effect on hybridoma cultivation under a wide range of culture stresses. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The present work describes the genetic modification of a hybridoma cell line with the aim to change its metabolic behaviour, particularly reducing the amounts of ammonia and lactate produced by the cells. The cellular excretion of ammonia was eliminated by transfection of a cloned glutamine synthetase gene. The metabolic characterisation of the transformed cell line includes the analysis of the changes introduced in its intracellular metabolic fluxes by means of a stoichiometric model. Furthermore, the reduction of lactate accumulation was attempted through an antisense mRNA approach, aiming to generate a rate limiting step in the glycolytic pathway, thus lowering the glucose consumption rate. The physiological results obtained with the transformed cells are discussed. A maximum reduction of about 47% in the glucose consumption rate was obtained for one of the transformations. However a main drawback was the lack of stability of the transformed cells This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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