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Selection to avoid inbreeding is predicted to vary across species due to differences in population structure and reproductive biology. Over the past decade, there have been numerous investigations of postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance, a phenomenon that first requires discrimination of mate (or sperm) relatedness and then requires mechanisms of male ejaculate tailoring and/or cryptic female choice to avoid kin. The number of studies that have found a negative association between male-female genetic relatedness and competitive fertilization success is roughly equal to the number of studies that have not found such a relationship. In the former case, the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. The present study was undertaken to verify and expand upon a previous report of postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance in D. melanogaster, as well as to resolve underlying mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance using transgenic flies that express a sperm head-specific fluorescent tag. However, siblings did not have a lower fertilization success as compared to unrelated males in either the first (P(1) ) or second (P(2) ) mate role in sperm competition with a standard unrelated competitor male in our study population of D. melanogaster. Analyses of mating latency, copulation duration, egg production rate, and remating interval further revealed no evidence for inbreeding avoidance.  相似文献   

The prevalence and evolutionary consequences of cryptic female choice (CFC) remain highly controversial, not least because the processes underlying its expression are often concealed within the female reproductive tract. However, even when female discrimination is relatively easy to observe, as in numerous insect species with externally attached spermatophores, it is often difficult to demonstrate directional CFC for certain male phenotypes over others. Using a biological assay to separate male crickets into attractive or unattractive categories, we demonstrate that females strongly discriminate against unattractive males by removing their spermatophores before insemination can be completed. This results in significantly more sperm being transferred by attractive males than unattractive males. Males respond to CFC by mate guarding females after copulation, which increases the spermatophore retention of both attractive and unattractive males. Interestingly, unattractive males who suffered earlier interruption of sperm transfer benefited more from mate guarding, and they guarded females more vigilantly than attractive males. Our results suggest that postcopulatory mate guarding has evolved via sexual conflict over insemination times rather than through genetic benefits of biasing paternity toward vigorous males, as has been previously suggested.  相似文献   

Male field crickets produce two acoustic signals for mating: advertisement calls and courtship calls. While the importance of advertisement calling in mate attraction is well understood, the function of courtship calling is less clear. Here, we tested if the courtship call of male crickets Teleogryllus commodus signals aspects of male quality by comparing the calls of inbred and outbred males. We examined the effect of one generation of full sibling mating on fine‐scale call structure, along with several life history traits. Inbreeding reduced nymph survival but had no significant effect on weight or development time. Inbreeding resulted in a small but significant change in two of the six call parameters measured. We then tested if inbreeding affects call trait combinations that are important to females by using the results of a previous selection analysis to compare the multivariate attractiveness of the calls of inbred and outbred males. There was no difference. We conclude that the courtship call of T. commodus is not a reliable signal of aspects of male quality that are affected by inbreeding (which generally reduces fitness‐enhancing traits). It might, however, signal components of male fitness that are not affected by changes in heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Multiple mating is thought to provide an opportunity for females to avoid the costs of genetic incompatibility by postcopulatory selection of compatible sperm haplotypes. Few studies have tested the genetic incompatibility hypothesis directly. Here we experimentally manipulated the compatibility of females with their mates using the gryllid cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. We recorded the hatching success of eggs laid by females mated with two nonsibling males, two siblings, or one nonsibling male and one sibling. In contrast with two previous studies on crickets that have adopted this approach, the hatching success of eggs did not differ between females mated with two full siblings and females mated with two unrelated males, indicating that embryo viability was not a cost of inbreeding in this species. We assigned paternity to offspring produced by females mated to both a sibling and a nonsibling male using microsatellite markers. As in previous studies of this species, we were unable to detect any difference in the proportion of offspring sired by the 1st and the 2nd male to mate with a female when females were unrelated to their mates. However, in our experimental matings the proportion of offspring sired by the nonsibling male depended on his sequence position. Paternity was biased toward the nonsibling male when he mated first. Our data show that molecular analyses of paternity are essential to detect subtle mechanisms of postcopulatory sexual selection.  相似文献   

If male sexual signalling is honest because it captures genetic variation in condition then traits that are important mate choice cues should be disproportionately affected by inbreeding relative to other traits. To test this, we investigated the effect of brother-sister mating on advertisement calling by male field crickets Teleogryllus commodus. We quantified the effect of one generation of inbreeding on nightly calling effort and five finer-scale aspects of call structure that have been shown to influence attractiveness. We also quantified inbreeding depression on six life history traits and one morphological trait. Inbreeding significantly reduced hatching success, nymph survival and adult lifespan but had no detectable effect on hatching rate, developmental rate or adult body mass. The effect of inbreeding on sexually selected traits was equivocal. There was no decline in calling effort (seconds of sound production/night) by inbred males, but there were highly significant changes in three of five finer-scale call parameters. Sexually selected traits clearly vary in their susceptibility to inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Polyandry facilitates postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance in house mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The avoidance of genetic incompatibilities between parental genotypes has been proposed to account for the evolution of polyandry. An extension of this hypothesis suggests polyandry may provide an opportunity for females to avoid the cost of inbreeding by exploiting postcopulatory mechanisms that bias paternity toward unrelated male genotypes. Here we test the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis in house mice by experimentally manipulating genetic compatibility via matings between siblings and nonsiblings. We observed little difference in reproductive success between females mated to two siblings or females mated to two nonsiblings. Females mated to both a sibling and a nonsibling tended to have a lower litter survival, but only when the first male to mate was a sibling. Microsatellite data revealed that paternity was biased toward nonsiblings when a female mated with both a sibling and a nonsibling. Unlike previous studies of invertebrates, paternity bias toward the sibling male was independent of mating sequence. We provide one of the first empirical demonstrations that polyandry facilitates postcopulatory sexual selection in a vertebrate. We discuss this result in relation to the possibility of selective fertilization of ova based on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haploid expression of sperm.  相似文献   

Dispersal by young mammals away from their natal site is generallythought to reduce inbreeding, with its attendant negative fitnessconsequences. Genetic data from the dwarf mongoose, a pack-livingcarnivore common in African savannas, indicate that there areexceptions to this generalization. In dwarf mongoose populationsin the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, breeding pairs arecommonly related, and close inbreeding has no measurable effecton offspring production or adult survival. Inbreeding occursbecause average relatedness among potential mates within a packis high, because mating patterns within the pack are randomwith respect to the relatedness of mates, and because dispersaldoes little to decrease the relatedness among mates. Young femalesare more likely to leave a pack when the dominant male is aclose relative but are relatively infrequent dispersers. Youngmales emigrate at random with respect to the relatedness ofthe dominant female and tend to disperse to packs that containgenetically similar individuals.[Behav Ecol 7: 480–489(1996)]  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is thought to result from directional sexual selection acting on male signal traits, with female signal traits given little, if any, attention. Here, we examine male mating preferences in the Australian field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Using a multivariate selection analysis approach, we found that male preferences have the potential to exert selection on female cuticular hydrocarbons, chemical compounds widely used as sexual signals in insects. In addition to finding both stabilizing and disruptive preference gradients, we also found weak negative directional preference for female cuticular hydrocarbons. We contrast our results with a recent study examining sexual selection via female choice on male T. oceanicus cuticular hydrocarbons and suggest that differences in the form and intensity of sexual selection between the genders may provide part of the net selection differential necessary for the evolution of sexual dimorphism in this species.  相似文献   

The outcome of mate choice depends on complex interactions between males and females both before and after copulation. Although the competition between males for access to mates and premating choice by females are relatively well understood, the nature of interactions between cryptic female choice and male sperm competition within the female reproductive tract is less clear. Understanding the complexity of postcopulatory sexual selection requires an understanding of how anatomy, physiology and behaviour mediate sperm transfer and storage within multiply mated females. Here we use a newly developed molecular technique to directly quantify mixed sperm stores in multiple mating females of the black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus. In this species, female postcopulatory choice is easily observed and manipulated as females delay the removal of the spermatophore in favour of preferred males. Using twice‐mated females, we find that the proportion of sperm in the spermatheca attributed to the second male to mate with a female (S2) increases linearly with the time of spermatophore attachment. Moreover, we show that the insemination success of a male increases with its attractiveness and decreases with the size of the female. The effect of male attractiveness in this context suggests a previously unknown episode of mate choice in this species that reinforces the sexual selection imposed by premating choice and conflicts with the outcome of postmating male harassment. Our results provide some of the clearest evidence yet for how sperm transfer and displacement in multiply mated females can lead directly to cryptic female choice, and that three distinct periods of sexual selection operate in black field crickets.  相似文献   

In many species, the negative fitness effects of inbreeding have facilitated the evolution of a wide range of inbreeding avoidance mechanisms. Although avoidance mechanisms operating prior to mating are well documented, evidence for postcopulatory mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance remain scarce. Here, we examine the potential for paternity biases to favour unrelated males when their sperm compete for fertilizations though postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance mechanisms in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata. To test this possibility, we used a series of artificial inseminations to deliver an equal number of sperm from a related (either full sibling or half sibling) and unrelated male to a female while statistically controlling for differences in sperm quality between rival ejaculates. In this way, we were able to focus exclusively on postcopulatory mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance and account for differences in sperm competitiveness between rival males. Under these carefully controlled conditions, we report a significant bias in paternity towards unrelated males, although this effect was only apparent when the related male was a full sibling. We also show that sperm competition generally favours males with highly viable sperm and thus that some variance in sperm competitiveness can be attributed to difference in sperm quality. Our findings for postcopulatory inbreeding avoidance are consistent with prior work on guppies, revealing that sperm competition success declines linearly with the level of relatedness, but also that such effects are only apparent at relatedness levels of full siblings or higher. These findings reveal that postcopulatory processes alone can facilitate inbreeding avoidance.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory suggests that choice for partners carrying dissimilar genes at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) may play a role in maintaining genetic variation in animal populations by limiting inbreeding or improving the immunity of future offspring. However, it is often difficult to establish whether the observed MHC dissimilarity among mates drives mate choice or represents a by‐product of inbreeding avoidance based on MHC‐independent cues. Here, we used 454‐sequencing and a 10‐year study of wild grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus), small, solitary primates from western Madagascar, to compare the relative importance on the mate choice of two MHC class II genes, DRB and DQB, that are equally variable but display contrasting patterns of selection at the molecular level, with DRB under stronger diversifying selection. We further assessed the effect of the genetic relatedness and of the spatial distance among candidate mates on the detection of MHC‐dependent mate choice. Our results reveal inbreeding avoidance, along with disassortative mate choice at DRB, but not at DQB. DRB‐disassortative mate choice remains detectable after excluding all related dyads (characterized by a relatedness coefficient r > 0), but varies slightly with the spatial distance among candidate mates. These findings suggest that the observed deviations from random mate choice at MHC are driven by functionally important MHC genes (like DRB) rather than passively resulting from inbreeding avoidance and further emphasize the need for taking into account the spatial and genetic structure of the population in correlative tests of MHC‐dependent mate choice.  相似文献   

We propose a novel theory for the evolution of polyandry driven by genetic benefits to females whose offspring interbreed. In species with an ecology characterized by frequent colonization of new habitat patches, consanguineous matings may be common during the early stages of colonization, but genetic diversity may grow as new colonizers arrive. We show that with levels of inbreeding depression similar to those found in predominantly inbreeding populations, a polyandrous female can benefit her descendants since matings among her brood are mainly between half siblings rather than full siblings. We examine the invasion by a polyandrous phenotype using explicit genetic models in which costs of inbreeding are themselves subject to selection. In common with other models of inbreeding, we find that underlying high levels of inbreeding tend to purge deleterious recessive alleles, and hence these are unlikely to maintain sufficient inbreeding depression to favour polyandry. However, if costs of inbreeding are due to overdominance, biologically realistic levels of inbreeding depression result in genetic benefits large enough to favour polyandry provided it is not too costly. The potential significance of polyandry as a mechanism to reduce inbreeding in grandchildren will depend upon the genetic basis of inbreeding depression in natural, inbreeding populations.  相似文献   

Recent studies in a variety of species have shown that polyandrous females are somehow able to bias paternity against their relatives postcopulation, although how they do so remains unknown. Field crickets readily mate with their siblings, but when also mated to an unrelated male, they produce disproportionately fewer inbred offspring. We use a new competitive microsatellite polymerase chain reaction technique to determine the contribution of males to stored sperm and subsequent paternity of offspring. Paternity is almost completely predicted by how much sperm from a particular male is stored, and unrelated males contribute more sperm to storage and have a corresponding higher paternity success.  相似文献   

There has been recent interest in the role genetic incompatibility may play in mate or sperm choice. One source of incompatibility may be too similar or disparate genomes. An isolated population of the ornate dragon lizard, Ctenophorus ornatus, was followed over a breeding season and parentage assigned to the offspring using microsatellites. It was found that the adults in the population had an eight per cent chance of mating with a relative. I examined whether C. ornatus mate (or fertilize their eggs) with respect to genetic similarity. There was no difference in a female's relatedness to the male in whose territory she resided and her average relatedness to all other males. Neither was there a difference in the relatedness of the male that sired a female's offspring and the female's average relatedness to all other males. There was no evidence of a cost to mating with a more genetically similar mate, because offspring survival was not influenced by degree of inbreeding or outbreeding. However, females that were more outbred had fewer offspring survive. In this small population there are two possible explanations for the decreased fitness associated with outbreeding. First, the species may have an evolutionary history of inbreeding and thus may be susceptible to outbreeding depression. Second. as fitter individuals produce more offspring, these offspring have an increased probability of breeding with relatives, leading to an indirect relationship between fitness and outbreeding.  相似文献   

Why do females mate multiply? A review of the genetic benefits   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The aim of this review is to consider the potential benefits that females may gain from mating more than once in a single reproductive cycle. The relationship between non-genetic and genetic benefits is briefly explored. We suggest that multiple mating for purely non-genetic benefits is unlikely as it invariably leads to the possibility of genetic benefits as well. We begin by briefly reviewing the main models for genetic benefits to mate choice, and the supporting evidence that choice can increase offspring performance and the sexual attractiveness of sons. We then explain how multiple mating can elevate offspring fitness by increasing the number of potential sires that compete, when this occurs in conjunction with mechanisms of paternity biasing that function in copula or post-copulation. We begin by identifying cases where females use pre-copulatory cues to identify mates prior to remating. In the simplest case, females remate because they identify a superior mate and 'trade up' genetically. The main evidence for this process comes from extra-pair copulation in birds. Second, we note other cases where pre-copulatory cues may be less reliable and females mate with several males to promote post-copulatory mechanisms that bias paternity. Although a distinction is drawn between sperm competition and cryptic female choice, we point out that the genetic benefits to polyandry in terms of producing more viable or sexually attractive offspring do not depend on the exact mechanism that leads to biased paternity. Post-copulatory mechanisms of paternity biasing may: (1) reduce genetic incompatibility between male and female genetic contributions to offspring; (2) increase offspring viability if there is a positive correlation between traits favoured post-copulation and those that improve performance under natural selection; (3) increase the ability of sons to gain paternity when they mate with polyandrous females. A third possibility is that genetic diversity among offspring is directly favoured. This can be due to bet-hedging (due to mate assessment errors or temporal fluctuations in the environment), beneficial interactions between less related siblings or the opportunity to preferentially fertilise eggs with sperm of a specific genotype drawn from a range of stored sperm depending on prevailing environmental conditions. We use case studies from the social insects to provide some concrete examples of the role of genetic diversity among progeny in elevating fitness. We conclude that post-copulatory mechanisms provide a more reliable way of selecting a genetically compatible mate than pre-copulatory mate choice. Some of the best evidence for cryptic female choice by sperm selection is due to selection of more compatible sperm. Two future areas of research seem likely to be profitable. First, more experimental evidence is needed demonstrating that multiple mating increases offspring fitness via genetic gains. Second, the role of multiple mating in promoting assortative fertilization and increasing reproductive isolation between populations may help us to understand sympatric speciation.  相似文献   

In polygamous systems, male fitness is determined not only by mating success but also by fertilization success. Despite the growing interest over the past several decades in postcopulatory sexual selection, its relative importance compared to precopulatory sexual selection remains a subject of debate. Here, we use extensive behavioral observations of a seminatural population of Hawaiian swordtail crickets, Laupala cerasina, and molecular paternity assignment to measure the opportunities for pre‐ and postcopulatory selection. Because postcopulatory selection has the potential to operate at multiple stages, we also separately attribute its effects to factors specific to mating events versus factors specific to males. We find that variance in postcopulatory success is over four times as great as variance in precopulatory success, with most of it unexplained by male mating order or the number of nuptial gifts given. Surprisingly, we also find that male singing effort is under postcopulatory selection, suggesting that males who sing more frequently also have more competitive ejaculates. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that high polyandry levels promote greater relative postcopulatory selection. They also highlight the need for detailed behavioral observations under conditions as natural as possible when measuring mating and reproductive success.  相似文献   

Phenotypic integration and plasticity are central to our understanding of how complex phenotypic traits evolve. Evolutionary change in complex quantitative traits can be predicted using the multivariate breeders’ equation, but such predictions are only accurate if the matrices involved are stable over evolutionary time. Recent study, however, suggests that these matrices are temporally plastic, spatially variable and themselves evolvable. The data available on phenotypic variance‐covariance matrix ( P ) stability are sparse, and largely focused on morphological traits. Here, we compared P for the structure of the complex sexual advertisement call of six divergent allopatric populations of the Australian black field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus. We measured a subset of calls from wild‐caught crickets from each of the populations and then a second subset after rearing crickets under common‐garden conditions for three generations. In a second experiment, crickets from each population were reared in the laboratory on high‐ and low‐nutrient diets and their calls recorded. In both experiments, we estimated P for call traits and used multiple methods to compare them statistically (Flury hierarchy, geometric subspace comparisons and random skewers). Despite considerable variation in means and variances of individual call traits, the structure of P was largely conserved among populations, across generations and between our rearing diets. Our finding that P remains largely stable, among populations and between environmental conditions, suggests that selection has preserved the structure of call traits in order that they can function as an integrated unit.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, mate choice is an integrated part of sexual selection. However, whether mate choice occurs independently of the genetic relatedness among mating pairs has received little attention, although inbreeding may have fitness consequences. We studied whether genetic relatedness influenced females' choice of partner in a highly polygynous ungulate--the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)--in an experimental herd during two consecutive rutting seasons; the herd consisting of 75 females in 1999 and 74 females in 2000 was exposed to three 4.5-year-old adults and three 1.5-year-old young males, respectively. The females' distribution during peak rut was not influenced by their genetic relatedness with the dominant males of the mating groups. Further, genetic relatedness did not influence the actual choice of mating partner. We conclude that inbreeding avoidance through mating group choice as well as choice of mating partner, two interconnected processes of female mate choice operating at two different scales in space and time, in such a highly female-biased reindeer populations with low level of inbreeding may not occur.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Females, by mating with more than one male in their lifetime, may reduce their risk of receiving sperm from genetically incompatible sires or increase their prospects of obtaining sperm from genetically superior sires. Although there is evidence of both kinds of genetic benefits in crickets, their relative importance remains unclear, and the extent to which experimentally manipulated levels of polyandry in the laboratory correspond to those that occur in nature remain unknown. We measured lifetime polyandry of free-living female decorated crickets, Gryllodes sigillatus , and conducted an experiment to determine whether polyandry leads to an increase in offspring viability. We experimentally manipulated both the levels of polyandry and opportunities for females to select among males, randomly allocating the offspring of experimental females to high-food-stress or low-food-stress regimes to complete their development. Females exhibited a high degree of polyandry, mating on average with more than seven different males during their lifetime and up to as many as 15. Polyandry had no effect on either the developmental time or survival of offspring. However, polyandrous females produced significantly heavier sons than those of monandrous females, although there was no difference in the adult mass of daughters. There was no significant interaction between mating treatment and offspring nutritional regimen in their effects on offspring mass, suggesting that benefits accruing to female polyandry are independent of the environment in which offspring develop. The sex difference in the extent to which male and female offspring benefit via their mother's polyandry may reflect possible differences in the fitness returns from sons and daughters. The larger mass gain shown by sons of polyandrous females probably leads to their increased reproductive success, either because of their increased success in sperm competition or because of their increased life span.  相似文献   

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