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京郊密云县农业生态系统氮互循环的数量特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

植物蛋白是人类生存最基本的蛋白源,其生产力水平一定程度上制约着系统蛋白生产的规模。能量投入(尤其是化石能)是影响植物蛋白生产的重要因素。  相似文献   

农业生态系统蛋白人口承载力不仅是农业生态学系统生产力研究的重要方面,而且是制定我国人口政策和食物战略的重要依据。中央曾指出:要把我国人民的膳物结构问题作为战略问题来考虑。分析我国的膳食特点可概括为“一够两缺”(即热量够,蛋白质和脂肪缺)温饱型营养水平。食物蛋白质的改善是我国膳食结  相似文献   

蛋白质是人类最基本最重要的营养需求,研究蛋白质生产效率可为制定食物发展战略,建立合理的膳食结构提供参数与依据。食物蛋白质生产效率在国外研究较多,在国内报道还不多。作者从密云县整体系统水平对动植物蛋白生产力和蛋白质生产的能量、氮素效率进行了研究,并深入探讨了不同膳食结构的蛋白人口承载力。  相似文献   

现代化农田生态系统氮素来源和去向的数量特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农业生态系统按其对外部能源的依赖程度可分为工业化前、半工业化和完全工业化的系统(Bayliss-Smith T.P.,1982)。半工业化和工业化的农业生态系统的性质由于大量能量和物质的投入而发生了深刻变化,氮素循环亦与自然的或工业化前的生态系统有明显不同。其基本特征是人工输入的和通过各途径输出到系统之外的氮素数量和规模很大,而氮素在系统内部的再循环作用微弱。从世界规模看,氮  相似文献   

高寒草甸生态系统氮素循环   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
张金霞  曹广民 《生态学报》1999,19(4):509-513
应用分室模型,研究了高寒草甸(矮嵩草草甸)生态系统中氮素的分布与循环。结果表明:系统中,土壤库氮素总储量为 1063t/hm 2,主要以有机态存在,土壤氮素全量养分丰富,而有效养分贫乏,仅能满足较低水平生产的供求关系;植物氮素主要储存于植物活根中,根系氮素储量为 19011±4962kg/hm 2·a,活根内氮素占 7926% 。通过对该系统氮素收支平衡计算结果表明,氮素输出为 15935kg/hm 2·a,大于系统的输入 8473kg/hm 2·a,系统中氮素亏缺,成为限制草场生产力提高的限制因子。  相似文献   

用聚类分析划分京郊农业生态系统类型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
顾武 《生态学报》1989,9(3):253-258
本文从农业生态系统原理出发选择57个适合于北京郊区农业生态系统分类的特征指标,以村作为类型分类的基本单元,对北京郊区有关县区的77个大队进行不重叠的、内在的等级聚合分类(系统聚类),采用了五种聚类分析方法。结果表明,离差平方和法分类效果较好。除最短距离方法外其它方法均可明显分出低集约化山区、中集约化平原、高度集约化近郊和特殊类型四大类型,阈值更小的划分出现相应的一些亚类型。研究农业生态系统类型将为不同类型的农业生态系统采取相应的控制和管理措施提供依据,从而达到扬长避短,因地制宜地分类指导生产,使农业生态系统获得较高的生态经济效益。  相似文献   

农业生态系统养分循环研究概况   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
营养物质循环作为农业生态系统的主要过程及基本功能,是系统生产力及持久性的决定因素,也对生物圈化学环境有重大影响。早在本世纪初,人们就从植物营养生理的角度开始了营养物质循环平衡的研究[1]。1955年Alison将系统和整体的观点引入生态系统物质循环的...  相似文献   

微生物驱动的氮循环过程在红树林生态系统物质循环、净化外来污染物、维持生态系统平衡等方面起重要作用。相较于其他自然生态系统,因红树林处于沿海陆地交界地带,其氮循环过程及其相关微生物的种类丰富,受交错复杂的环境因素影响与调控。本文梳理了红树林土壤性质及特性,综述了红树林生态系统中由微生物驱动的固氮、氮素矿化、硝化、厌氧氨氧化、反硝化、异化硝酸盐还原为铵等主要的氮循环过程,并讨论了氮循环与其他循环的耦合过程。最后讨论pH、盐度、季节、螃蟹活动、红树林树种等环境因素对氮循环过程及其相关微生物丰度、多样性的影响。本综述以期为红树林湿地生态系统的保护和修复提供理论参考。  相似文献   

农业生态系统物质循环的系统分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
一、试验区基本情况下丁家位于乾县北部属渭北高原台塬沟壑区,耕地面积77.9ha,荒坡地46.9ha。本地土层深厚,耕性良好,有效土层一般在100cm 以上,利于蓄水保墒,但水土流失严重。土壤有机质含量为0.7885%,全N0.0634%,属偏低类型。年降雨量590.2mm,分布不均。产量水平1985年为1710kg·ha~(-1),物质循环强度低而  相似文献   

Rapid Cycling of Organic Nitrogen in Taiga Forest Ecosystems   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
ABSTRACT We examined the dynamics of organic nitrogen (N) turnover in situ across a primary successional sequence in interior Alaska, USA, in an attempt to understand the magnitude of these fluxes in cold, seasonally frozen soils. Through a combination of soil extraction procedures and measurements of 13C-enriched CO2 efflux from soils amended in the field with 13C-labeled amino acids, we were able to trace the fate of this N form. Amino acid turnover in situ at soil temperatures of 10°C or below show that amino acids represent a highly dynamic soil N pool with turnover times of approximately 3–6 h. The rapid turnover of free amino acids is associated with high soil proteolytic activity, which in turn is tightly correlated with soil protein concentration. Moreover, these estimates of soil amino acid turnover in the field correspond well with measurements of amino acid turnover under equivalent temperatures in the laboratory. The gross flux of amino acid-N over the growing season greatly exceeded the annual vegetation N requirement, suggesting that microbial biomass represent a significant sink for this organic N. Depending on the strength of this sink, N flow via free soil amino acids can potentially account for the entire N demand of vegetation in the absence of net N mineralization. These relationships underscore the important biogeochemical role of labile DON fractions in high-latitude forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

兴安落叶松人工林生态系统营养元素生物地球化学循环特征   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
生态系统营养元素的生物地球化学循环是生态系统重要功能过程之一。营养元素循环和动态平衡过程直接影响生产力水平,并直接关系到生态系统的连续与稳定。因此,营养循环  相似文献   

桤柏混交林的氮素积累与生物循环   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石培礼  钟章成 《生态学杂志》1997,16(5):14-18,37
桤柏混交林的氮素积累与生物循环石培礼杨修(中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会,北京100101)钟章成(西南师范大学生命科学系,重庆630715)TheAccumulationandBiologicalCyclingofNitrogenintheAld...  相似文献   

对密云水库北京集水区板栗林主要养分元素循环进行了研究。结果表明,22年生板栗林的生物量为38638kg·hm-2;板栗林5种主要养分元素N、P、K、Ca、Mg贮存量为315.38kg·hm-2,各器官中5种元素贮存量大小排序是干>枝>根>叶>花>果苞>果。板栗林生态系统乔木层每年从土壤中吸收的5种养分元素量为79.17kg·hm-2,吸收量占0~30cm土层5种养分元素总量的0.15%,占0~30cm土层中5种元素有效养分量的1.95%。年吸收量中存留量为11.25kg·hm-2,枯落物归还量为58.08kg·hm-2。雨水及雨水淋溶输入到板栗林生态系统的养分元素量为38.63kg·hm-2,果实输出量为9.84kg·hm-2。雨水和雨水淋溶量与枯落物归还量之和大于吸收量,表明研究期间板栗林生态系统养分元素的收入略大于支出,5种元素的吸收系数排序为N>P>K>Ca>Mg,利用系数排序为K>N>Mg>P>Ca。循环系数排序为K>N>P>Mg>Ca。周转期排序是Ca>P>Mg>N>K。  相似文献   

Numerous pollen records provide evidence for the widespread range expansion of Alnus throughout Alaska and adjacent Canada during the middle Holocene. Because Alnus can fix atmospheric N2, this vegetational change probably had a profound effect on N availability and cycling. To assess this effect, we analyzed a sediment core from Grandfather Lake in southwestern Alaska for a suite of geochemical indicators, including elemental composition, biogenic silica (BSi) content, and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotopes of organic matter. These data, in conjunction with a pollen record from the same site, are used to infer biogeochemical processes associated with the mid-Holocene Alnus expansion. The increase in Alnus pollen percentages from 10% to 70% circa 8000-7000 BP (14C years before present) suggests the rapid spread of Alnus shrub thickets on mountain slopes and riparian zones in the Grandfather Lake region. Coincident with this vegetational change, the mean value of the sediment BSi content increases from 20.4 to 106.2 mg/g, reflecting increased diatom productivity within the lake as a result of Alnus N2 fixation in the watershed soils and the associated N flux to the lake. Elevated aquatic productivity at this time is also supported by increased percentages of organic C and N, decreased C:N ratios, and decreased values of δ 13C. Furthermore, the δ 15N values of sediments increase substantially with the establishment of Alnus shrub thickets, suggesting enhanced N availability and accelerated N cycling within the lake and its watershed. Superimposed on a general trend of soil acidification throughout the postglacial period, soil acidity probably increased as a result of the Alnus expansion, as can be inferred from decreasing ratios of authigenic base cations to allogenic silica (Si) and increasing ratios of authigenic aluminum (Al) to allogenic Si. The ultimate cause of these mid-Holocene ecosystem changes was an increase in effective moisture in the region. Received 21 July 2000; accepted 3 January 2001.  相似文献   

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